/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.3.2. */ /* Bison interface for Yacc-like parsers in C Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2015, 2018-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public License without this special exception. This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in version 2.2 of Bison. */ /* Undocumented macros, especially those whose name start with YY_, are private implementation details. Do not rely on them. */ #ifndef YY_NFT_PARSER_BISON_H_INCLUDED # define YY_NFT_PARSER_BISON_H_INCLUDED /* Debug traces. */ #ifndef YYDEBUG # define YYDEBUG 1 #endif #if YYDEBUG extern int nft_debug; #endif /* Token type. */ #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE # define YYTOKENTYPE enum yytokentype { TOKEN_EOF = 0, JUNK = 258, NEWLINE = 259, COLON = 260, SEMICOLON = 261, COMMA = 262, DOT = 263, EQ = 264, NEQ = 265, LT = 266, GT = 267, GTE = 268, LTE = 269, LSHIFT = 270, RSHIFT = 271, AMPERSAND = 272, CARET = 273, NOT = 274, SLASH = 275, ASTERISK = 276, DASH = 277, AT = 278, VMAP = 279, PLUS = 280, INCLUDE = 281, DEFINE = 282, REDEFINE = 283, UNDEFINE = 284, FIB = 285, SOCKET = 286, TRANSPARENT = 287, TPROXY = 288, OSF = 289, SYNPROXY = 290, MSS = 291, WSCALE = 292, SACKPERM = 293, HOOK = 294, DEVICE = 295, DEVICES = 296, TABLE = 297, TABLES = 298, CHAIN = 299, CHAINS = 300, RULE = 301, RULES = 302, SETS = 303, SET = 304, ELEMENT = 305, MAP = 306, MAPS = 307, FLOWTABLE = 308, HANDLE = 309, RULESET = 310, TRACE = 311, INET = 312, NETDEV = 313, ADD = 314, UPDATE = 315, REPLACE = 316, CREATE = 317, INSERT = 318, DELETE = 319, GET = 320, LIST = 321, RESET = 322, FLUSH = 323, RENAME = 324, DESCRIBE = 325, IMPORT = 326, EXPORT = 327, MONITOR = 328, ALL = 329, ACCEPT = 330, DROP = 331, CONTINUE = 332, JUMP = 333, GOTO = 334, RETURN = 335, TO = 336, CONSTANT = 337, INTERVAL = 338, DYNAMIC = 339, AUTOMERGE = 340, TIMEOUT = 341, GC_INTERVAL = 342, ELEMENTS = 343, EXPIRES = 344, POLICY = 345, MEMORY = 346, PERFORMANCE = 347, SIZE = 348, FLOW = 349, OFFLOAD = 350, METER = 351, METERS = 352, FLOWTABLES = 353, NUM = 354, STRING = 355, QUOTED_STRING = 356, ASTERISK_STRING = 357, LL_HDR = 358, NETWORK_HDR = 359, TRANSPORT_HDR = 360, BRIDGE = 361, ETHER = 362, SADDR = 363, DADDR = 364, TYPE = 365, VLAN = 366, ID = 367, CFI = 368, PCP = 369, ARP = 370, HTYPE = 371, PTYPE = 372, HLEN = 373, PLEN = 374, OPERATION = 375, IP = 376, HDRVERSION = 377, HDRLENGTH = 378, DSCP = 379, ECN = 380, LENGTH = 381, FRAG_OFF = 382, TTL = 383, PROTOCOL = 384, CHECKSUM = 385, PTR = 386, VALUE = 387, LSRR = 388, RR = 389, SSRR = 390, RA = 391, ICMP = 392, CODE = 393, SEQUENCE = 394, GATEWAY = 395, MTU = 396, IGMP = 397, MRT = 398, OPTIONS = 399, IP6 = 400, PRIORITY = 401, FLOWLABEL = 402, NEXTHDR = 403, HOPLIMIT = 404, ICMP6 = 405, PPTR = 406, MAXDELAY = 407, AH = 408, RESERVED = 409, SPI = 410, ESP = 411, COMP = 412, FLAGS = 413, CPI = 414, UDP = 415, SPORT = 416, DPORT = 417, UDPLITE = 418, CSUMCOV = 419, TCP = 420, ACKSEQ = 421, DOFF = 422, WINDOW = 423, URGPTR = 424, OPTION = 425, ECHO = 426, EOL = 427, MAXSEG = 428, NOOP = 429, SACK = 430, SACK0 = 431, SACK1 = 432, SACK2 = 433, SACK3 = 434, SACK_PERMITTED = 435, TIMESTAMP = 436, KIND = 437, COUNT = 438, LEFT = 439, RIGHT = 440, TSVAL = 441, TSECR = 442, DCCP = 443, SCTP = 444, VTAG = 445, RT = 446, RT0 = 447, RT2 = 448, RT4 = 449, SEG_LEFT = 450, ADDR = 451, LAST_ENT = 452, TAG = 453, SID = 454, HBH = 455, FRAG = 456, RESERVED2 = 457, MORE_FRAGMENTS = 458, DST = 459, MH = 460, META = 461, MARK = 462, IIF = 463, IIFNAME = 464, IIFTYPE = 465, OIF = 466, OIFNAME = 467, OIFTYPE = 468, SKUID = 469, SKGID = 470, NFTRACE = 471, RTCLASSID = 472, IBRIPORT = 473, OBRIPORT = 474, IBRIDGENAME = 475, OBRIDGENAME = 476, PKTTYPE = 477, CPU = 478, IIFGROUP = 479, OIFGROUP = 480, CGROUP = 481, TIME = 482, CLASSID = 483, NEXTHOP = 484, CT = 485, L3PROTOCOL = 486, PROTO_SRC = 487, PROTO_DST = 488, ZONE = 489, DIRECTION = 490, EVENT = 491, EXPECTATION = 492, EXPIRATION = 493, HELPER = 494, LABEL = 495, STATE = 496, STATUS = 497, ORIGINAL = 498, REPLY = 499, COUNTER = 500, NAME = 501, PACKETS = 502, BYTES = 503, AVGPKT = 504, COUNTERS = 505, QUOTAS = 506, LIMITS = 507, SYNPROXYS = 508, HELPERS = 509, LOG = 510, PREFIX = 511, GROUP = 512, SNAPLEN = 513, QUEUE_THRESHOLD = 514, LEVEL = 515, LIMIT = 516, RATE = 517, BURST = 518, OVER = 519, UNTIL = 520, QUOTA = 521, USED = 522, SECMARK = 523, SECMARKS = 524, NANOSECOND = 525, MICROSECOND = 526, MILLISECOND = 527, SECOND = 528, MINUTE = 529, HOUR = 530, DAY = 531, WEEK = 532, _REJECT = 533, WITH = 534, ICMPX = 535, SNAT = 536, DNAT = 537, MASQUERADE = 538, REDIRECT = 539, RANDOM = 540, FULLY_RANDOM = 541, PERSISTENT = 542, QUEUE = 543, QUEUENUM = 544, BYPASS = 545, FANOUT = 546, DUP = 547, FWD = 548, NUMGEN = 549, INC = 550, MOD = 551, OFFSET = 552, JHASH = 553, SYMHASH = 554, SEED = 555, POSITION = 556, INDEX = 557, COMMENT = 558, XML = 559, JSON = 560, VM = 561, NOTRACK = 562, EXISTS = 563, MISSING = 564, EXTHDR = 565, IPSEC = 566, MODE = 567, REQID = 568, SPNUM = 569, TRANSPORT = 570, TUNNEL = 571, IN = 572, OUT = 573 }; #endif /* Tokens. */ #define TOKEN_EOF 0 #define JUNK 258 #define NEWLINE 259 #define COLON 260 #define SEMICOLON 261 #define COMMA 262 #define DOT 263 #define EQ 264 #define NEQ 265 #define LT 266 #define GT 267 #define GTE 268 #define LTE 269 #define LSHIFT 270 #define RSHIFT 271 #define AMPERSAND 272 #define CARET 273 #define NOT 274 #define SLASH 275 #define ASTERISK 276 #define DASH 277 #define AT 278 #define VMAP 279 #define PLUS 280 #define INCLUDE 281 #define DEFINE 282 #define REDEFINE 283 #define UNDEFINE 284 #define FIB 285 #define SOCKET 286 #define TRANSPARENT 287 #define TPROXY 288 #define OSF 289 #define SYNPROXY 290 #define MSS 291 #define WSCALE 292 #define SACKPERM 293 #define HOOK 294 #define DEVICE 295 #define DEVICES 296 #define TABLE 297 #define TABLES 298 #define CHAIN 299 #define CHAINS 300 #define RULE 301 #define RULES 302 #define SETS 303 #define SET 304 #define ELEMENT 305 #define MAP 306 #define MAPS 307 #define FLOWTABLE 308 #define HANDLE 309 #define RULESET 310 #define TRACE 311 #define INET 312 #define NETDEV 313 #define ADD 314 #define UPDATE 315 #define REPLACE 316 #define CREATE 317 #define INSERT 318 #define DELETE 319 #define GET 320 #define LIST 321 #define RESET 322 #define FLUSH 323 #define RENAME 324 #define DESCRIBE 325 #define IMPORT 326 #define EXPORT 327 #define MONITOR 328 #define ALL 329 #define ACCEPT 330 #define DROP 331 #define CONTINUE 332 #define JUMP 333 #define GOTO 334 #define RETURN 335 #define TO 336 #define CONSTANT 337 #define INTERVAL 338 #define DYNAMIC 339 #define AUTOMERGE 340 #define TIMEOUT 341 #define GC_INTERVAL 342 #define ELEMENTS 343 #define EXPIRES 344 #define POLICY 345 #define MEMORY 346 #define PERFORMANCE 347 #define SIZE 348 #define FLOW 349 #define OFFLOAD 350 #define METER 351 #define METERS 352 #define FLOWTABLES 353 #define NUM 354 #define STRING 355 #define QUOTED_STRING 356 #define ASTERISK_STRING 357 #define LL_HDR 358 #define NETWORK_HDR 359 #define TRANSPORT_HDR 360 #define BRIDGE 361 #define ETHER 362 #define SADDR 363 #define DADDR 364 #define TYPE 365 #define VLAN 366 #define ID 367 #define CFI 368 #define PCP 369 #define ARP 370 #define HTYPE 371 #define PTYPE 372 #define HLEN 373 #define PLEN 374 #define OPERATION 375 #define IP 376 #define HDRVERSION 377 #define HDRLENGTH 378 #define DSCP 379 #define ECN 380 #define LENGTH 381 #define FRAG_OFF 382 #define TTL 383 #define PROTOCOL 384 #define CHECKSUM 385 #define PTR 386 #define VALUE 387 #define LSRR 388 #define RR 389 #define SSRR 390 #define RA 391 #define ICMP 392 #define CODE 393 #define SEQUENCE 394 #define GATEWAY 395 #define MTU 396 #define IGMP 397 #define MRT 398 #define OPTIONS 399 #define IP6 400 #define PRIORITY 401 #define FLOWLABEL 402 #define NEXTHDR 403 #define HOPLIMIT 404 #define ICMP6 405 #define PPTR 406 #define MAXDELAY 407 #define AH 408 #define RESERVED 409 #define SPI 410 #define ESP 411 #define COMP 412 #define FLAGS 413 #define CPI 414 #define UDP 415 #define SPORT 416 #define DPORT 417 #define UDPLITE 418 #define CSUMCOV 419 #define TCP 420 #define ACKSEQ 421 #define DOFF 422 #define WINDOW 423 #define URGPTR 424 #define OPTION 425 #define ECHO 426 #define EOL 427 #define MAXSEG 428 #define NOOP 429 #define SACK 430 #define SACK0 431 #define SACK1 432 #define SACK2 433 #define SACK3 434 #define SACK_PERMITTED 435 #define TIMESTAMP 436 #define KIND 437 #define COUNT 438 #define LEFT 439 #define RIGHT 440 #define TSVAL 441 #define TSECR 442 #define DCCP 443 #define SCTP 444 #define VTAG 445 #define RT 446 #define RT0 447 #define RT2 448 #define RT4 449 #define SEG_LEFT 450 #define ADDR 451 #define LAST_ENT 452 #define TAG 453 #define SID 454 #define HBH 455 #define FRAG 456 #define RESERVED2 457 #define MORE_FRAGMENTS 458 #define DST 459 #define MH 460 #define META 461 #define MARK 462 #define IIF 463 #define IIFNAME 464 #define IIFTYPE 465 #define OIF 466 #define OIFNAME 467 #define OIFTYPE 468 #define SKUID 469 #define SKGID 470 #define NFTRACE 471 #define RTCLASSID 472 #define IBRIPORT 473 #define OBRIPORT 474 #define IBRIDGENAME 475 #define OBRIDGENAME 476 #define PKTTYPE 477 #define CPU 478 #define IIFGROUP 479 #define OIFGROUP 480 #define CGROUP 481 #define TIME 482 #define CLASSID 483 #define NEXTHOP 484 #define CT 485 #define L3PROTOCOL 486 #define PROTO_SRC 487 #define PROTO_DST 488 #define ZONE 489 #define DIRECTION 490 #define EVENT 491 #define EXPECTATION 492 #define EXPIRATION 493 #define HELPER 494 #define LABEL 495 #define STATE 496 #define STATUS 497 #define ORIGINAL 498 #define REPLY 499 #define COUNTER 500 #define NAME 501 #define PACKETS 502 #define BYTES 503 #define AVGPKT 504 #define COUNTERS 505 #define QUOTAS 506 #define LIMITS 507 #define SYNPROXYS 508 #define HELPERS 509 #define LOG 510 #define PREFIX 511 #define GROUP 512 #define SNAPLEN 513 #define QUEUE_THRESHOLD 514 #define LEVEL 515 #define LIMIT 516 #define RATE 517 #define BURST 518 #define OVER 519 #define UNTIL 520 #define QUOTA 521 #define USED 522 #define SECMARK 523 #define SECMARKS 524 #define NANOSECOND 525 #define MICROSECOND 526 #define MILLISECOND 527 #define SECOND 528 #define MINUTE 529 #define HOUR 530 #define DAY 531 #define WEEK 532 #define _REJECT 533 #define WITH 534 #define ICMPX 535 #define SNAT 536 #define DNAT 537 #define MASQUERADE 538 #define REDIRECT 539 #define RANDOM 540 #define FULLY_RANDOM 541 #define PERSISTENT 542 #define QUEUE 543 #define QUEUENUM 544 #define BYPASS 545 #define FANOUT 546 #define DUP 547 #define FWD 548 #define NUMGEN 549 #define INC 550 #define MOD 551 #define OFFSET 552 #define JHASH 553 #define SYMHASH 554 #define SEED 555 #define POSITION 556 #define INDEX 557 #define COMMENT 558 #define XML 559 #define JSON 560 #define VM 561 #define NOTRACK 562 #define EXISTS 563 #define MISSING 564 #define EXTHDR 565 #define IPSEC 566 #define MODE 567 #define REQID 568 #define SPNUM 569 #define TRANSPORT 570 #define TUNNEL 571 #define IN 572 #define OUT 573 /* Value type. */ #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED union YYSTYPE { #line 135 "parser_bison.y" /* yacc.c:1921 */ uint64_t val; uint32_t val32; uint8_t val8; const char * string; struct list_head *list; struct cmd *cmd; struct handle handle; struct table *table; struct chain *chain; struct rule *rule; struct stmt *stmt; struct expr *expr; struct set *set; struct obj *obj; struct flowtable *flowtable; struct ct *ct; const struct datatype *datatype; struct handle_spec handle_spec; struct position_spec position_spec; struct prio_spec prio_spec; const struct exthdr_desc *exthdr_desc; #line 721 "parser_bison.h" /* yacc.c:1921 */ }; typedef union YYSTYPE YYSTYPE; # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 #endif /* Location type. */ #if ! defined YYLTYPE && ! defined YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED typedef struct YYLTYPE YYLTYPE; struct YYLTYPE { int first_line; int first_column; int last_line; int last_column; }; # define YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 # define YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 #endif int nft_parse (struct nft_ctx *nft, void *scanner, struct parser_state *state); #endif /* !YY_NFT_PARSER_BISON_H_INCLUDED */