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<title>Writing Programs Using <literal remap="tt">newt</literal></title>
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<firstname>Erik Troan, <></firstname>
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<pubdate>v0.31, 2003-Jan-06</pubdate>
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The <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> windowing system is a terminal-based window and widget
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library designed for writing applications with a simple, but user-friendly,
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interface. While <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> is not intended to provide the rich feature
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set advanced applications may require, it has proven to be flexible enough
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for a wide range of applications (most notably, Red Hat's installation
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process). This tutorial explains the design philosophy behind <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> and
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how to use <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> from your programs.
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<literal remap="tt">Newt</literal> has a definite design philosophy behind it, and knowing that design
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makes it significantly easier to craft robust <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> applications. This
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tutorial documents <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> 0.30 --- older versions of <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> had
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annoying inconsistencies in it (which writing this tutorial pointed out),
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which were removed while this tutorial was written. The latest version of
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<literal remap="tt">newt</literal> is always available from Red Hat.</para>
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<literal remap="tt">Newt</literal> was originally designed for use in the install code for
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Red Hat Linux. As this install code runs in an environment with limited
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resources (most importantly limited filesystem space), <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>'s size
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was immediately an issue. To help minimize its size, the following design
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decisions were made early in its implementation:
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 <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> does not use an event-driven architecture.
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 <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> is written in C, not C++. While there has been interest
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in constructing C++ wrapper classes around the <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> API, nothing has
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yet come of those ideas.</para>
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 Windows must be created and destroyed as a stack (in other words, all
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<literal remap="tt">newt</literal> windows behave as modal dialogs). This is probably
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the greatest functionality restriction of <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>.</para>
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 The tty keyboard is the only supported input device.</para>
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 Many behaviours, such as widget traversal order, are difficult
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or impossible to change.
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While <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> provides a complete API, it does not handle the low-level
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screen drawing itself. Instead, <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> is layered on top of the screen
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management capabilities of John E. Davis's 
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<ulink url="">S-Lang</ulink> library.</para></sect2>
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<sect2><title>Designing <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> applications</title>
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As <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> is not event driven and forces modal windows (forcing window
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order to behave like a stack), newt applications tend to look quite like
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other text-mode programs. It is quite straightforward to convert a command
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line program which uses simple user prompts into a <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> application.
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Some of the programs run as part of the Red Hat installation process
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(such as <literal remap="tt">Xconfigurator</literal> and <literal remap="tt">mouseconfig</literal>) were originally written
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as simple terminal mode programs which used line-oriented menus to get
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input from the user and were later converted into <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> applications
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(through a process affectionately known as newtering). Such a conversion
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does not require changes to the control flow of most applications.
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Programming <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> is dramatically different from writing programs for
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most other windowing systems as <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>'s API is not event driven. This
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means that <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> applications look dramatically different from programs
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written for event-driven architectures such as Motif, <literal remap="tt">gtk</literal>, or even
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Borland's old TurboVision libraries.
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When you're designing your <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> program, keep this differentiation
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in mind. As long as you plan your application to call a function to
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get input and then continue (rather then having your program called
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when input is ready), programming with the newt libraries should be
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Displayable items in <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> are known as <emphasis remap="bf">components</emphasis>, which are
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analogous to the widgets provided by most Unix widget sets. There are
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two main types of components in <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>, forms and everything else.
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Forms logically group components into functional sets. When an application
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is ready to get input from a user, it ``runs a form'', which makes the
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form active and lets the user enter information into the components the
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form contains. A form may contain any other component, including other
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forms. Using subforms in this manner lets the application change the details
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of how the user tabs between components on the form, scroll regions of the
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screen, and control background colors for portions of windows.
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Every component is of type <literal remap="tt">newtComponent</literal>, which is an opaque type. It's
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guaranteed to be a pointer though, which lets applications move it through
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void pointers if the need arises. Variables of type <literal remap="tt">newtComponent</literal> should
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never be directly manipulated -- they should only be passed to <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>
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functions. As <literal remap="tt">newtComponent</literal> variables are pointers, remember that
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they are always passed by value -- if you pass a <literal remap="tt">newtComponent</literal> to
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a function which manipulates it, that component is manipulated everywhere,
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not just inside of that function (which is nearly always the behaviour
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you want).</para></sect2>
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<literal remap="tt">Newt</literal> uses a number of conventions to make it easier for programmers
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to use. 
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 All functions which manipulate data structures take the data
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structure being modified as their first parameter. For example, all
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of the functions which manipulate forms expect the <literal remap="tt">newtComponent</literal>
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for that form to be the first parameter.</para></listitem>
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 As <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> is loosely typed (forcing all of the components into
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a single variable makes coding easier, but nullifies the value of type
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checking), <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> functions include the name of the type they are
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manipulating. An example of this is <literal remap="tt">newtFormAddComponent()</literal>, which
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adds a component to a form. Note that the first parameter to this function
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is a form, as the name would suggest.</para></listitem>
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 When screen coordinates are passed into a function, the 
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x location precedes the y location. To help keep this clear,
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we'll use the words ``left'' and ``top'' to describe those indicators (with
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left corresponding to the x position).</para></listitem>
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 When box sizes are passed, the horizontal width precedes the vertical
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 When both a screen location and a box size are being passed, the
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screen location precedes the box size.</para></listitem>
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 When any component other then a form is created, the first two
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parameters are always the (left, right) location.</para></listitem>
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 Many functions take a set of flags as the final parameter. These
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flags may be logically ORed together to pass more then one flag at a time.</para></listitem>
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 <literal remap="tt">Newt</literal> uses <emphasis remap="bf">callback</emphasis> functions to convey certain events to
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the application. While callbacks differ slightly in their parameters, most
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of them allow the application to specify an arbitrary argument to be passed
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to the callback when the callback is invoked. This argument is always a 
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<literal remap="tt">void *</literal>, which allows the application great flexibility.
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<sect1><title>Basic <literal remap="tt">Newt</literal> Functions</title>
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While most <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> functions are concerned with widgets or groups
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of widgets (called grids and forms), some parts of the <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> API
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deal with more global issues, such as initializing <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> or writing
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to the root window.</para>
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<sect2><title>Starting and Ending <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> Services</title>
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There are three functions which nearly every <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> application use. The
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first two are used to initialize the system.
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int newtInit(void);
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void newtCls(void);
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<literal remap="tt">newtInit()</literal> should be the first function called by every <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>
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program. It initializes internal data structures and places the terminal
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in raw mode. Most applications invoke <literal remap="tt">newtCls()</literal> immediately after
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<literal remap="tt">newtInit()</literal>, which causes the screen to be cleared. It's not
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necessary to call <literal remap="tt">newtCls()</literal> to use any of <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>'s features, but
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doing so will normally give a much neater appearance.
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When a <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> program is ready to exit, it should call <literal remap="tt">newtFinished()</literal>.
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int newtFinished(void);
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<literal remap="tt">newtFinished()</literal> restores the terminal to its appearance when
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<literal remap="tt">newtInit()</literal> was called (if possible -- on some terminals the cursor will
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be moved to the bottom, but it won't be possible to remember the original
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terminal contents) and places the terminal in its original input state.
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If this function isn't called, the terminal will probably need to be
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reset with the <literal remap="tt">reset</literal> command before it can be used easily.</para></sect2>
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<sect2><title>Handling Keyboard Input</title>
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Normally, <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> programs don't read input directly from the
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user. Instead, they let <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> read the input and hand it to the
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program in a semi-digested form. <literal remap="tt">Newt</literal> does provide a couple of simple
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functions which give programs (a bit of) control over the terminal.
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void newtWaitForKey(void);
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void newtClearKeyBuffer(void);
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The first of these, <literal remap="tt">newtWaitForKey()</literal>, doesn't return until a key
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has been pressed. The keystroke is then ignored. If a key is already in
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the terminal's buffer, <literal remap="tt">newtWaitForKey()</literal> discards a keystroke and
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returns immediately.
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<literal remap="tt">newtClearKeyBuffer()</literal> discards the contents of the terminal's input
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buffer without waiting for additional input.</para></sect2> 
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<sect2><title>Drawing on the Root Window</title>
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The background of the terminal's display (the part without any windows 
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covering it) is known as the <emphasis remap="bf">root window</emphasis> (it's the parent of all
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windows, just like the system's root directory is the parent of all 
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subdirectories). Normally, applications don't use the root window, instead
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drawing all of their text inside of windows (<literal remap="tt">newt</literal> doesn't require
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this though -- widgets may be placed directly on the root window without
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difficulty). It is often desirable to display some text, such as a
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program's name or copyright information, on the root window, however.
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<literal remap="tt">Newt</literal> provides two ways of displaying text on the root window. These
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functions may be called at any time. They are the only <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> functions
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which are meant to write outside of the current window.
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void newtDrawRootText(int left, int top, const char * text);
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This function is straightforward. It displays the string <literal remap="tt">text</literal> at
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the position indicated. If either the <literal remap="tt">left</literal> or <literal remap="tt">top</literal> is
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negative, the position is measured from the opposite side of the
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screen. The final measurement will seem to be off by one though. For
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example, a <literal remap="tt">top</literal> of -1 indicates the last line on the screen, and
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one of -2 is the line above that.
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As it's common to use the last line on the screen to display help information,
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<literal remap="tt">newt</literal> includes special support for doing exactly that. The last
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line on the display is known as the <emphasis remap="bf">help line</emphasis>, and is treated as a
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stack. As the value of the help line normally relates to the window
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currently displayed, using the same structure for window order and the
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help line is very natural. Two functions are provided to manipulate the
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help line.
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void newtPushHelpLine(const char * text);
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void newtPopHelpLine(void);
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The first function, <literal remap="tt">newtPushHelpLine()</literal>, saves the current help line
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on a stack (which is independent of the window stack) and displays the
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new line. If <literal remap="tt">text</literal> is <literal remap="tt">NULL</literal>, <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>'s default help line is
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displayed (which provides basic instructions on using <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>). If
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<literal remap="tt">text</literal> is a string of length 0, the help line is cleared. For all
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other values of <literal remap="tt">text</literal>, the passed string is displayed at the bottom,
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left-hand corner of the display. The space between the end of the displayed
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string the the right-hand edge of the terminal is cleared.
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<literal remap="tt">newtPopHelpLine()</literal> replaces the current help line with the one it
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replaced. It's important not to call tt/newtPopHelpLine()/ more then
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<literal remap="tt">newtPushHelpLine()</literal>!
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<literal remap="tt">Suspending Newt Applications</literal>
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By default, <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> programs cannot be suspended by the user (compare
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this to most Unix programs which can be suspended by pressing the suspend
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key (normally <literal remap="tt">^Z</literal>).  Instead, programs can specify a <emphasis remap="bf">callback</emphasis>
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function which gets invoked when the user presses the suspend key. 
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typedef void (*newtSuspendCallback)(void);
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void newtSetSuspendCallback(newtSuspendCallback cb);
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The suspend function neither expects nor returns any value, and can
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do whatever it likes to when it is invoked. If no suspend callback
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is registered, the suspend keystroke is ignored.
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If the application should suspend and continue like most user applications,
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the suspend callback needs two other <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> functions.
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void newtSuspend(void);
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void newtResume(void);
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<literal remap="tt">newtSuspend()</literal> tells <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> to return the terminal to its initial
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state. Once this is done, the application can suspend itself (by
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sending itself a <literal remap="tt">SIGTSTP</literal>, fork a child program, or do whatever
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else it likes. When it wants to resume using the <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> interface,
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it must call <literal remap="tt">newtResume</literal> before doing so. 
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Note that suspend callbacks are not signal handlers. When <literal remap="tt">newtInit()</literal>
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takes over the terminal, it disables the part of the terminal interface
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which sends the suspend signal. Instead, if <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> sees the suspend
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keystroke during normal input processing, it immediately calls the suspend
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callback if one has been set. This means that suspending newt applications
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is not asynchronous.</para></sect2>
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<sect2><title>Refreshing the Screen</title>
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To increase performance, S-Lang only updates the display when it needs
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to, not when the program tells S-Lang to write to the terminal. ``When it
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needs to'' is implemented as ``right before the we wait for the user to
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press a key''. While this allows for optimized screen displays most of
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the time, this optimization makes things difficult for programs which
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want to display progress messages without forcing the user to input 
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characters. Applications can force S-Lang to immediately update modified
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portions of the screen by calling <literal remap="tt">newtRefresh</literal>.
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The program wants to display a progress message, without forcing
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for the user to enter any characters.</para></listitem>
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A misfeature of the program causes part of the screen to be
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corrupted. Ideally, the program would be fixed, but that may not 
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always be practical.
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<sect2><title>Other Miscellaneous Functions</title>
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As always, some function defy characterization. Two of <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>'s general
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function fit this oddball category.
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void newtBell(void);
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void newtGetScreenSize(int * cols, int * rows);
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The first sends a beep to the terminal. Depending on the terminal's
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settings, this been may or may not be audible. The second function,
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<literal remap="tt">newtGetScreenSize()</literal>, fills in the passed pointers with the
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current size of the terminal.</para></sect2>
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<sect2><title>Basic <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> Example</title>
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To help illustrate the functions presented in this section here is a short
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sample <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> program which uses many of them. While it doesn't do
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anything interesting, it does show the basic structure of <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> programs.
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#include <newt.h>
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#include <stdlib.h>
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int main(void) {
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    newtDrawRootText(0, 0, "Some root text");
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    newtDrawRootText(-25, -2, "Root text in the other corner");
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    newtPushHelpLine("A help line");
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While most <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> applications do use windows, <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>'s window
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support is actually extremely limited. Windows must be destroyed in the
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opposite of the order they were created, and only the topmost window may be
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active. Corollaries to this are:
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The user may not switch between windows.</para></listitem>
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Only the top window may be destroyed.
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While this is quite a severe limitation, adopting it greatly simplifies
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both writing <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> applications and developing <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> itself, as it
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separates <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> from the world of event-driven programming. However,
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this tradeoff between function and simplicity may make <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>
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unsuitable for some tasks.
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<sect2><title>Creating Windows</title>
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There are two main ways of opening <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> windows: with or without
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explicit sizings. When grids (which will be introduced later in this
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tutorial) are used, a window may be made to just fit the grid. When
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grids are not used, explicit sizing must be given.
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int newtCenteredWindow(int width, int height, const char * title);
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int newtOpenWindow(int left, int top, int width, int height, 
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		   const char * title);
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The first of these functions open a centered window of the specified
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size. The <literal remap="tt">title</literal> is optional -- if it is <literal remap="tt">NULL</literal>, then no title
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is used. <literal remap="tt">newtOpenWindow*(</literal> is similar, but it requires a specific
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location for the upper left-hand corner of the window.</para></sect2>
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<sect2><title>Destroying Windows</title>
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All windows are destroyed in the same manner, no matter how the windows
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were originally created.
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void newtPopWindow(void);
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This function removes the top window from the display, and redraws the
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display areas which the window overwrote.</para></sect2></sect1> 
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Components are the basic user interface element <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> provides. A
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single component may be (for example) a listbox, push button checkbox,
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a collection of other components. Most components are used to display
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information in a window, provide a place for the user to enter data, or a
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combination of these two functions. 
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Forms, however, are a component whose primary purpose is not noticed by
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the user at all. Forms are collections of components (a form may contain
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another form) which logically relate the components to one another. Once
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a form is created and had all of its constituent components added to it,
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applications normally then run the form.  This gives control of the
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application to the form, which then lets the user enter data onto the
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form. When the user is done (a number of different events qualify as
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``done''), the form returns control to the part of the application which
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invoked it. The application may then read the information the user provided
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and continue appropriately.
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All <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> components are stored in a common data type, a
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<literal remap="tt">newtComponent</literal> (some of the particulars of <literal remap="tt">newtComponent</literal>s have
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already been mentioned. While this makes it easy for programmers to pass
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components around, it does force them to make sure they don't pass
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entry boxes to routines expecting push buttons, as the compiler can't
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ensure that for them.
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We start off with a brief introduction to forms. While not terribly
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complete, this introduction is enough to let us illustrate the rest of
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the components with some sample code. We'll then discuss the remainder of
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the components, and end this section with a more exhaustive description of
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<sect2><title>Introduction to Forms</title>
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As we've mentioned, forms are simply collections of components. As only one
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form can be active (or running) at a time, every component which the user
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should be able to access must be on the running form (or on a subform of
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the running form). A form is itself a component, which means forms are
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stored in <literal remap="tt">newtComponent</literal> data structures.
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newtComponent newtForm(newtComponent vertBar, const char * help, int flags);
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To create a form, call <literal remap="tt">newtForm()</literal>. The first parameter is a vertical
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scrollbar which should be associated with the form. For now, that should
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always be <literal remap="tt">NULL</literal> (we'll discuss how to create scrolling forms later in
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this section). The second parameter, <literal remap="tt">help</literal>, is currently unused and
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should always be <literal remap="tt">NULL</literal>. The <literal remap="tt">flags</literal> is normally 0, and other values
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it can take will be discussed later. Now that we've waved away the
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complexity of this function, creating a form boils down to simply:
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newtComponent myForm;
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myForm = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);
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After a form is created, components need to be added to it --- after all,
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an empty form isn't terribly useful. There are two functions which add
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components to a form.
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void newtFormAddComponent(newtComponent form, newtComponent co);
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void newtFormAddComponents(newtComponent form, ...);
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The first function, <literal remap="tt">newtFormAddComponent()</literal>, adds a single component
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to the form which is passed as the first parameter. The second function
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is simply a convenience function. After passing the form to
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<literal remap="tt">newtFormAddComponents()</literal>, an arbitrary number of components is then
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passed, followed by <literal remap="tt">NULL</literal>. Every component passed is added to the form.
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Once a form has been created and components have been added to it, it's
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time to run the form.
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newtComponent newtRunForm(newtComponent form);
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This function runs the form passed to it, and returns the component which
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caused the form to stop running. For now, we'll ignore the return value
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Notice that this function doesn't fit in with <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>'s normal
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naming convention. It is an older interface which will not work for all
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forms. It was left in <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> only for legacy applications. It is a
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simpler interface than the new <literal remap="tt">newtFormRun()</literal> though, and is still used
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quite often as a result.
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When an application is done with a form, it destroys the form and
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all of the components the form contains.
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void newtFormDestroy(newtComponent form);	
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This function frees the memory resources used by the form and all of the
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components which have been added to the form (including those components
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which are on subforms). Once a form has been destroyed, none of the form's
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components can be used.</para></sect2>
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Non-form components are the most important user-interface component for
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users. They determine how users interact with <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> and how information
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is presented to them.</para></sect2>
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<sect2><title>General Component Manipulation</title>
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There are a couple of functions which work on more then one type of
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components. The description of each component indicates which (if any)
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of these functions are valid for that particular component.
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typedef void (*newtCallback)(newtComponent, void *);
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void newtComponentAddCallback(newtComponent co, newtCallback f, void * data);
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void newtComponentTakesFocus(newtComponent co, int val);
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The first registers a callback function for that component. A callback
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function is a function the application provides which <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> calls for a
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particular component. Exactly when (if ever) the callback is invoked
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depends on the type of component the callback is attached to, and will be
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discussed for the components which support callbacks.
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<literal remap="tt">newtComponentTakesFocus()</literal> works on all components. It allows the
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application to change which components the user is allowed to select as the
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current component, and hence provide input to. Components which do not
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take focus are skipped over during form traversal, but they are displayed
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on the terminal. Some components should never be set to take focus, such
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as those which display static text.</para></sect2>
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Nearly all forms contain at least one button. <literal remap="tt">Newt</literal> buttons come in two
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flavors, full buttons and compact buttons. Full buttons take up quit a bit
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of screen space, but look much better then the single-row compact buttons.
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Other then their size, both button styles behave identically. Different
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functions are used to create the two types of buttons.
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newtComponent newtButton(int left, int top, const char * text);
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newtComponent newtCompactButton(int left, int top, const char * text);
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Both functions take identical parameters. The first two parameters are the
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location of the upper left corner of the button, and the final parameter is
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the text which should be displayed in the button (such as ``Ok'' or
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<sect3><title>Button Example</title>
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Here is a simple example of both full and compact buttons. It also
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illustrates opening and closing windows, as well a simple form.
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#include <newt.h>
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#include <stdlib.h>
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void main(void) {
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    newtComponent form, b1, b2;
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    newtOpenWindow(10, 5, 40, 6, "Button Sample");
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    b1 = newtButton(10, 1, "Ok");
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    b2 = newtCompactButton(22, 2, "Cancel");
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    form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);
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    newtFormAddComponents(form, b1, b2, NULL);
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Labels are <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>'s simplest component. They display some given text and
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don't allow any user input.
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newtComponent newtLabel(int left, int top, const char * text);
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void newtLabelSetText(newtComponent co, const char * text);
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Creating a label is just like creating a button; just pass the location of
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the label and the text it should display. Unlike buttons, labels do let the
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application change the text in the label with <literal remap="tt">newtLabelSetText</literal>. When
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the label's text is changed, the label automatically redraws itself. It
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does not clear out any old text which may be leftover from the previous
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time is was displayed, however, so be sure that the new text is at least
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as long as the old text.</para></sect2>
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<sect2><title>Entry Boxes</title>
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Entry boxes allow the user to enter a text string into the form which the
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application can later retrieve.
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typedef int (*newtEntryFilter)(newtComponent entry, void * data, int ch,
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			       int cursor);
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newtComponent newtEntry(int left, int top, const char * initialValue, int width,
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			char ** resultPtr, int flags);
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void newtEntrySet(newtComponent co, const char * value, int cursorAtEnd);
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char * newtEntryGetValue(newtComponent co);
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void newtEntrySetFilter(newtComponent co, newtEntryFilter filter, void * data);
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<literal remap="tt">newtEntry()</literal> creates a new entry box. After the location of the entry
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box, the initial value for the entry box is passed, which may be <literal remap="tt">NULL</literal>
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if the box should start off empty. Next, the width of the physical box is
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given. This width may or may not limit the length of the string the user is
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allowed to enter; that depends on the <literal remap="tt">flags</literal>. The <literal remap="tt">resultPtr</literal> must
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be the address of a <literal remap="tt">char *</literal>. Until the entry box is destroyed by
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<literal remap="tt">newtFormDestroy()</literal>, that <literal remap="tt">char *</literal> will point to the current value
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of the entry box. It's important that applications make a copy of that
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value before destroying the form if they need to use it later. The
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<literal remap="tt">resultPtr</literal> may be <literal remap="tt">NULL</literal>, in which case the user must use the
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<literal remap="tt">newtEntryGetValue()</literal> function to get the value of the entry box.
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Entry boxes support a number of flags:
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<para>If this flag is not specified, the user cannot
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enter text into the entry box which is wider then the entry box itself.
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This flag removes this limitation, and lets the user enter data of an
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arbitrary length.</para></listitem>
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<para>If this flag is specified, the value of the entry box
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is not displayed. This is useful when the application needs to read a
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password, for example.</para></listitem>
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<para>When this flag is given, the entry box will cause
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the form to stop running if the user pressed return inside of the entry
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box. This can provide a nice shortcut for users.</para>
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After an entry box has been created, its contents can be set by
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<literal remap="tt">newtEntrySet()</literal>. After the entry box itself, the new string to place
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in the entry box is passed. The final parameter, <literal remap="tt">cursorAtEnd</literal>, controls
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where the cursor will appear in the entry box. If it is zero, the cursor
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remains at its present location; a nonzero value moves the cursor to the
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end of the entry box's new value.
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While the simplest way to find the value of an entry box is by using a
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<literal remap="tt">resultPtr</literal>, doing so complicates some applications.
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<literal remap="tt">newtEntryGetValue()</literal> returns a pointer to the string which the entry
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box currently contains. The returned pointer may not be valid once the
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user further modifies the entry box, and will not be valid after the 
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entry box has been destroyed, so be sure to save its value in a more
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permanent location if necessary.
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Entry boxes allow applications to filter characters as they are entered.
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This allows programs to ignore characters which are invalid (such as
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entering a ^ in the middle of a phone number) and provide intelligent aids
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to the user (such as automatically adding a '.' after the user has typed in
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the first three numbers in an IP address). 
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When a filter is registered through <literal remap="tt">newtEntrySetFilter()</literal>, both the
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filter itself and an arbitrary <literal remap="tt">void *</literal>, which passed to the filter
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whenever it is invoked, are recorded. This data pointer isn't used for any
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other purpose, and may be <literal remap="tt">NULL</literal>. Entry filters take four arguments.
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The entry box which had data entered into it</para></listitem>
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The data pointer which was registered along with the filter</para></listitem>
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The new character which <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> is considering inserting into the
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entry box</para></listitem>
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The current cursor position (0 is the leftmost position)
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The filter returns 0 if the character should be ignored, or the value of
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the character which should be inserted into the entry box. Filter functions
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which want to do complex manipulations of the string should use
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<literal remap="tt">newtEntrySet()</literal> to update the entry box and then return 0 to prevent
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the new character from being inserted.
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When a callback is attached to a entry box, the callback is invoked
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whenever the user moves off of the callback and on to another component.
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Here is a sample program which illustrates the use of both labels and
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entry boxes.
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#include <newt.h>
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#include <stdlib.h>
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#include <stdio.h>
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void main(void) {
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    newtComponent form, label, entry, button;
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    char * entryValue;
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    newtOpenWindow(10, 5, 40, 8, "Entry and Label Sample");
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    label = newtLabel(1, 1, "Enter a string");
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    entry = newtEntry(16, 1, "sample", 20, &entryValue, 
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    button = newtButton(17, 3, "Ok");
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    form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);
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    newtFormAddComponents(form, label, entry, button, NULL);
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    printf("Final string was: %s\n", entryValue);
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    /* We cannot destroy the form until after we've used the value
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       from the entry widget. */
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Most widget sets include checkboxes which toggle between two value (checked
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or not checked). <literal remap="tt">Newt</literal> checkboxes are more flexible. When the user
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presses the space bar on a checkbox, the checkbox's value changes to the
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next value in an arbitrary sequence (which wraps). Most checkboxes have
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two items in that sequence, checked or not, but <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> allows an
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arbitrary number of value. This is useful when the user must pick from a
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limited number of choices.
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Each item in the sequence is a single character, and the sequence itself is
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represented as a string. The checkbox components displays the character
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which currently represents its value the left of a text label, and returns
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the same character as its current value. The default sequence for
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checkboxes is <literal remap="tt">" *"</literal>, with <literal remap="tt">' '</literal> indicating false and <literal remap="tt">'*'</literal> true.
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newtComponent newtCheckbox(int left, int top, const char * text, char defValue,
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			   const char * seq, char * result);
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char newtCheckboxGetValue(newtComponent co);
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Like most components, the position of the checkbox is the first thing
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passed to the function that creates one. The next parameter, <literal remap="tt">text</literal>, is
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the text which is displayed to the right of the area which is checked.  The
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<literal remap="tt">defValue</literal> is the initial value for the checkbox, and <literal remap="tt">seq</literal> is the
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sequence which the checkbox should go through (<literal remap="tt">defValue</literal> must be
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in <literal remap="tt">seq</literal>. <literal remap="tt">seq</literal> may be <literal remap="tt">NULL</literal>, in which case <literal remap="tt">" *"</literal> is used.
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The final parameter, <literal remap="tt">result</literal>, should point to a character which the
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checkbox should always record its current value in. If <literal remap="tt">result</literal> is
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<literal remap="tt">NULL</literal>, <literal remap="tt">newtCheckboxGetValue()</literal> must be used to get the current
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value of the checkbox.
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<literal remap="tt">newtCheckboxGetValue()</literal> is straightforward, returning the character
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in the sequence which indicates the current value of the checkbox
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If a callback is attached to a checkbox, the callback is invoked whenever
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the checkbox responds to a user's keystroke. The entry box may respond by
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taking focus or giving up focus, as well as by changing its current value.</para></sect2>
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<sect2><title>Radio Buttons</title>
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Radio buttons look very similar to checkboxes. The key difference between
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the two is that radio buttons are grouped into sets, and exactly one radio
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button in that set may be turned on. If another radio button is selected,
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the button which was selected is automatically deselected.
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newtComponent newtRadiobutton(int left, int top, const char * text, 
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			      int isDefault, newtComponent prevButton);
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newtComponent newtRadioGetCurrent(newtComponent setMember);
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Each radio button is created by calling <literal remap="tt">newtRadiobutton()</literal>. After
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the position of the radio button, the text displayed with the button
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is passed. <literal remap="tt">isDefault</literal> should be nonzero if the radio button is to
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be turned on by default. The final parameter, <literal remap="tt">prevMember</literal> is used
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to group radio buttons into sets. If <literal remap="tt">prevMember</literal> is <literal remap="tt">NULL</literal>, the 
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radio button is assigned to a new set. If the radio button should belong
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to a preexisting set, <literal remap="tt">prevMember</literal> must be the previous radio button
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added to that set.
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Discovering which radio button in a set is currently selected necessitates
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<literal remap="tt">newtRadioGetCurrent()</literal>. It may be passed any radio button in the set
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you're interested in, and it returns the radio button component currently
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Here is an example of both checkboxes and radio buttons.
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#include <newt.h>
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#include <stdlib.h>
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#include <stdio.h>
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void main(void) {
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    newtComponent form, checkbox, rb[3], button;
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    char cbValue;
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    int i;
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    newtOpenWindow(10, 5, 40, 11, "Checkboxes and Radio buttons");
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    checkbox = newtCheckbox(1, 1, "A checkbox", ' ', " *X", &cbValue);
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    rb[0] = newtRadiobutton(1, 3, "Choice 1", 1, NULL);
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    rb[1] = newtRadiobutton(1, 4, "Choice 2", 0, rb[0]);
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    rb[2] = newtRadiobutton(1, 5, "Choice 3", 0, rb[1]);
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Packit Service 8876fe
    button = newtButton(1, 7, "Ok");
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    form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);
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    newtFormAddComponent(form, checkbox);
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    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
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	newtFormAddComponent(form, rb[i]);
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    newtFormAddComponent(form, button);
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    /* We cannot destroy the form until after we've found the current
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       radio button */
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    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
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	if (newtRadioGetCurrent(rb[0]) == rb[i])
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	    printf("radio button picked: %d\n", i);
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    /* But the checkbox's value is stored locally */
Packit Service 8876fe
    printf("checkbox value: '%c'\n", cbValue);
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It's common for programs to need to display a progress meter on the
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terminal while it performs some length operation (it behaves like an
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anesthetic). The scale component is a simple way of doing this. It
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displays a horizontal bar graph which the application can update as the
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operation continues.
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Packit Service 8876fe
newtComponent newtScale(int left, int top, int width, long long fullValue);
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void newtScaleSet(newtComponent co, unsigned long long amount);
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When the scale is created with <literal remap="tt">newtScale</literal>, it is given the width of the
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scale itself as well as the value which means that the scale should be
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drawn as full. When the position of the scale is set with
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<literal remap="tt">newtScaleSet()</literal>, the scale is told the amount of the scale which should
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be filled in relative to the <literal remap="tt">fullAmount</literal>. For example, if the
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application is copying a file, <literal remap="tt">fullValue</literal> could be the number of bytes
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in the file, and when the scale is updated <literal remap="tt">newtScaleSet()</literal> would be
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passed the number of bytes which have been copied so far.</para></sect2>
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Textboxes display a block of text on the terminal, and is appropriate for
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display large amounts of text. 
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newtComponent newtTextbox(int left, int top, int width, int height, int flags);
Packit Service 8876fe
void newtTextboxSetText(newtComponent co, const char * text);
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<literal remap="tt">newtTextbox()</literal> creates a new textbox, but does not fill it with data.
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The function is passed the location for the textbox on the screen, the
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width and height of the textbox (in characters), and zero or more of the
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following flags:
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Packit Service 8876fe
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<para>All text in the textbox should be wrapped to fit
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the width of the textbox. If this flag is not specified, each newline
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delimited line in the text is truncated if it is too long to fit.
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When <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> wraps text, it tries not to break lines on spaces or tabs.
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Literal newline characters are respected, and may be used to force line
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<para>The text box should be scrollable. When this option
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is used, the scrollbar which is added increases the width of the area used
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by the textbox by 2 characters; that is the textbox is 2 characters wider
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then the width passed to <literal remap="tt">newtTextbox()</literal>.
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After a textbox has been created, text may be added to it through
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<literal remap="tt">newtTextboxSetText()</literal>, which takes only the textbox and the new text as
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parameters. If the textbox already contained text, that text is replaced by
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the new text. The textbox makes its own copy of the passed text, so these
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is no need to keep the original around unless it's convenient.</para></listitem></varlistentry></variablelist></para>
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<sect3><title>Reflowing Text</title>
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When applications need to display large amounts of text, it's common not to
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know exactly where the linebreaks should go. While textboxes are quite
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willing to scroll the text, the programmer still must know what width the
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text will look ``best'' at (where ``best'' means most exactly rectangular;
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no lines much shorter or much longer then the rest). This common is
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especially prevalent in internationalized programs, which need to make a
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wide variety of message string look god on a screen.
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To help with this, <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> provides routines to reformat text to look
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good. It tries different widths to figure out which one will look ``best''
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to the user. As these commons are almost always used to format text for
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textbox components, <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> makes it easy to construct a textbox with
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reflowed text.
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char * newtReflowText(char * text, int width, int flexDown, int flexUp,
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		      int * actualWidth, int * actualHeight);
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newtComponent newtTextboxReflowed(int left, int top, char * text, int width,
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				  int flexDown, int flexUp, int flags);
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int newtTextboxGetNumLines(newtComponent co);
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<literal remap="tt">newtReflowText()</literal> reflows the <literal remap="tt">text</literal> to a target width of
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<literal remap="tt">width</literal>. The actual width of the longest line in the returned string is
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between <literal remap="tt">width - flexDown</literal> and <literal remap="tt">width + flexUp</literal>; the actual maximum
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line length is chosen to make the displayed check look rectangular. 
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The <literal remap="tt">int</literal>s pointed to by <literal remap="tt">actualWidth</literal> and <literal remap="tt">actualHeight</literal> are set
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to the width of the longest line and the number of lines in in the
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returned text, respectively. Either one may be <literal remap="tt">NULL</literal>. The return
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value points to the reflowed text, and is allocated through <literal remap="tt">malloc()</literal>.
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When the reflowed text is being placed in a textbox it may be easier to use
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<literal remap="tt">newtTextboxReflowed()</literal>, which creates a textbox, reflows the text, and
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places the reflowed text in the listbox. It's parameters consist of the
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position of the final textbox, the width and flex values for the text
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(which are identical to the parameters passed to <literal remap="tt">newtReflowText()</literal>,
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and the flags for the textbox (which are the same as the flags for
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<literal remap="tt">newtTextbox()</literal>. This function does not let you limit the height of the
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textbox, however, making limiting it's use to constructing textboxes which
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don't need to scroll.
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To find out how tall the textbox created by <literal remap="tt">newtTextboxReflowed()</literal> is, 
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use <literal remap="tt">newtTextboxGetNumLines()</literal>, which returns the number of lines in the
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textbox. For textboxes created by <literal remap="tt">newtTextboxReflowed()</literal>, this is
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always the same as the height of the textbox.
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Here's a simple program which uses a textbox to display a message.
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#include <newt.h>
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#include <stdlib.h>
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char message[] = "This is a pretty long message. It will be displayed "
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		 "in a newt textbox, and illustrates how to construct "
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		 "a textbox from arbitrary text which may not have "
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		 "very good line breaks.\n\n"
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		 "Notice how literal \\n characters are respected, and "
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		 "may be used to force line breaks and blank lines.";
Packit Service 8876fe
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void main(void) {
Packit Service 8876fe
    newtComponent form, text, button;
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Packit Service 8876fe
    text = newtTextboxReflowed(1, 1, message, 30, 5, 5, 0);
Packit Service 8876fe
    button = newtButton(12, newtTextboxGetNumLines(text) + 2, "Ok");
Packit Service 8876fe
Packit Service 8876fe
    newtOpenWindow(10, 5, 37,
Packit Service 8876fe
		   newtTextboxGetNumLines(text) + 7, "Textboxes");
Packit Service 8876fe
Packit Service 8876fe
    form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);
Packit Service 8876fe
    newtFormAddComponents(form, text, button, NULL);
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Scrollbars (which, currently, are always vertical in <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>), may be
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attached to forms to let them contain more data then they have space for.
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While the actual process of making scrolling forms is discussed at the end 
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of this section, we'll go ahead and introduce scrollbars now so you'll be
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newtComponent newtVerticalScrollbar(int left, int top, int height,
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				    int normalColorset, int thumbColorset);
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When a scrollbar is created, it is given a position on the screen, a
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height, and two colors. The first color is the color used for drawing the
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scrollbar, and the second color is used for drawing the thumb. This is the
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only place in newt where an application specifically sets colors for a
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component. It's done here to let the colors a scrollbar use match the
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colors of the component the scrollbar is mated too. When a scrollbar is
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being used with a form, <literal remap="tt">normalColorset</literal> is often
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<literal remap="tt">NEWT_COLORSET_WINDOW</literal> and <literal remap="tt">thumbColorset</literal>
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<literal remap="tt">NEWT_COLORSET_ACTCHECKBOX</literal>. Of course, feel free to peruse
Packit Service 8876fe
<literal remap="tt"><newt.h></literal> and pick your own colors.
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As the scrollbar is normally updated by the component it is mated with,
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there is no public interface for moving the thumb.</para></sect2>
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Listboxes are the most complicated components 
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<literal remap="tt">newt</literal> provides. They can
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allow a single selection or multiple selection, and are easy to update.
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Unfortunately, their API is also the least consistent of <literal remap="tt">newt</literal>'s
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components. Each entry in a listbox is a ordered pair of the text which should be
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displayed for that item and a <emphasis remap="bf">key</emphasis>, which is a <literal remap="tt">void *</literal> that
Packit Service 8876fe
uniquely identifies that listbox item. Many applications pass integers in
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as keys, but using arbitrary pointers makes many applications significantly
Packit Service 8876fe
easier to code.</para>
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<sect3><title>Basic Listboxes</title>
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Let's start off by looking at the most important listbox functions.
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newtComponent newtListbox(int left, int top, int height, int flags);
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int newtListboxAppendEntry(newtComponent co, const char * text, 
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			   const void * data);
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void * newtListboxGetCurrent(newtComponent co);
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void newtListboxSetWidth(newtComponent co, int width);
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void newtListboxSetCurrent(newtComponent co, int num);
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void newtListboxSetCurrentByKey(newtComponent co, void * key);
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A listbox is created at a certain position and a given height. The
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<literal remap="tt">height</literal> is used for two things. First of all, it is the minimum
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height the listbox will use. If there are less items in the listbox then
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the height, suggests the listbox will still take up that minimum amount
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of space. Secondly, if the listbox is set to be scrollable (by setting
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the <literal remap="tt">NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL flag</literal>, the <literal remap="tt">height</literal> is also the maximum height
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of the listbox. If the listbox may not scroll, it increases its height to
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display all of its items.
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The following flags may be used when creating a listbox:
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<para>The listbox should scroll to display all of the
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items it contains.</para></listitem>
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<para>When the user presses return on an item in the
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list, the form should return.</para></listitem>
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<para>A frame is drawn around the listbox, which can make
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it easier to see which listbox has the focus when a form contains multiple
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<para>By default, a listbox only lets the user select
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one item in the list at a time. When this flag is specified, they may
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select multiple items from the list.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
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Once a listbox has been created, items are added to it by invoking
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<literal remap="tt">newtListboxAppendEntry()</literal>, which adds new items to the end of the list.
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In addition to the listbox component, <literal remap="tt">newtListboxAppendEntry()</literal> needs
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both elements of the (text, key) ordered pair. 
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For lists which only allow a single selection, <literal remap="tt">newtListboxGetCurrent()</literal>
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should be used to find out which listbox item is currently selected. It
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returns the key of the currently selected item.
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Normally, a listbox is as wide as its widest element, plus space for a
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scrollbar if the listbox is supposed to have one. To make the listbox
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any larger then that, use <literal remap="tt">newtListboxSetWidth()</literal>, which overrides the
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natural list of the listbox. Once the width has been set, it's fixed. The
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listbox will no longer grow to accommodate new entries, so bad things may
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An application can change the current position of the listbox (where the
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selection bar is displayed) by calling <literal remap="tt">newtListboxSetCurrent()</literal> or
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<literal remap="tt">newtListboxSetCurrentByKey()</literal>. The first sets the current position to the
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entry number which is passed as the second argument, with 0 indicating
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the first entry. <literal remap="tt">newtListboxSetCurrentByKey()</literal> sets the current position
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to the entry whose <literal remap="tt">key</literal> is passed into the function.</para></sect3>
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<sect3><title>Manipulating Listbox Contents</title>
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While the contents of many listboxes never need to change, some applications
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need to change the contents of listboxes regularly. <literal remap="tt">Newt</literal> includes
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complete support for updating listboxes. These new functions are in
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addition to <literal remap="tt">newtListboxAppendEntry()</literal>, which was already discussed.
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void newtListboxSetEntry(newtComponent co, void * key, const char * text);
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int newtListboxInsertEntry(newtComponent co, const char * text, 
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                           const void * data, void * key);
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int newtListboxDeleteEntry(newtComponent co, void * key);
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void newtListboxClear(newtComponent co);
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The first of these, <literal remap="tt">newtListboxSetEntry()</literal>, updates the text for a
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key which is already in the listbox. The <literal remap="tt">key</literal> specifies which listbox
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entry should be modified, and <literal remap="tt">text</literal> becomes the new text for that entry
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in the listbox.
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<literal remap="tt">newtListboxInsertEntry()</literal> inserts a new listbox entry <emphasis remap="bf">after</emphasis> an
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already existing entry, which is specified by the <literal remap="tt">key</literal> parameter.
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The <literal remap="tt">text</literal> and <literal remap="tt">data</literal> parameters specify the new entry which should
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be added.
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Already-existing entries are removed from a listbox with
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<literal remap="tt">newtListboxDeleteEntry()</literal>. It removes the listbox entry with the
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specified <literal remap="tt">key</literal>. If you want to remove all of the entries from a
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listbox, use <literal remap="tt">newtListboxClear()</literal>.</para></sect3> 
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<sect3><title>Multiple Selections</title>
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When a listbox is created with <literal remap="tt">NEWT_FLAG_MULTIPLE</literal>, the user can select
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multiple items from the list. When this option is used, a different set of
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functions must be used to manipulate the listbox selection.
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void newtListboxClearSelection(newtComponent co);
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void **newtListboxGetSelection(newtComponent co, int *numitems);
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void newtListboxSelectItem(newtComponent co, const void * key,
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	                   enum newtFlagsSense sense);
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The simplest of these is <literal remap="tt">newtListboxClearSelection()</literal>, which deselects
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all of the items in the list (listboxes which allow multiple selections
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also allow zero selections). <literal remap="tt">newtListboxGetSelection()</literal> returns a
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pointer to an array which contains the keys for all of the items in the
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listbox currently selected. The <literal remap="tt">int</literal> pointed to by <literal remap="tt">numitems</literal> is
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set to the number of items currently selected (and hence the number of
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items in the returned array). The returned array is dynamically allocated,
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and must be released through <literal remap="tt">free()</literal>.
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<literal remap="tt">newtListboxSelectItem()</literal> lets the program select and deselect specific
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listbox entries. The <literal remap="tt">key</literal> of the listbox entry is being affected is
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passed, and <literal remap="tt">sense</literal> is one of <literal remap="tt">NEWT_FLAGS_RESET</literal>, which deselects
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the entry, <literal remap="tt">NEWT_FLAGS_SET</literal>, which selects the entry, or
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<literal remap="tt">NEWT_FLAGS_TOGGLE</literal>, which reverses the current selection status.</para></sect3></sect2>
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<sect2><title>Advanced Forms</title>
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Forms, which tie components together, are quite important in the world of
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<literal remap="tt">newt</literal>. While we've already discussed the basics of forms, we've omitted
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many of the details.</para>
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<sect3><title>Exiting From Forms</title>
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Forms return control to the application for a number of reasons:
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A component can force the form to exit. Buttons do this whenever they
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are pushed, and other components exit when <literal remap="tt">NEWT_FLAG_RETURNEXIT</literal> has
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been specified.</para></listitem>
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Applications can setup hot keys which cause the form to exit when
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they are pressed.</para></listitem>
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<literal remap="tt">Newt</literal> can exit when file descriptors are ready to be read or
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ready to be written to.
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By default, <literal remap="tt">newt</literal> forms exit when the F12 key is pressed (F12 is setup
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as a hot key by default). <literal remap="tt">Newt</literal> applications should treat F12 as an
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``Ok'' button. If applications don't want F12 to exit the form, they can
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specify <literal remap="tt">NEWT_FLAG_NOF12</literal> as flag when creating the form with 
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<literal remap="tt">newtForm</literal>.
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void newtFormAddHotKey(newtComponent co, int key);
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void newtFormWatchFd(newtComponent form, int fd, int fdFlags);
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void newtDrawForm(newtComponent form);
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newtComponent newtFormGetCurrent(newtComponent co);
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void newtFormSetCurrent(newtComponent co, newtComponent subco);
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void newtFormRun(newtComponent co, struct newtExitStruct * es);
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newtComponent newtForm(newtComponent vertBar, const char * help, int flags);
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void newtFormSetBackground(newtComponent co, int color);
Packit Service 8876fe
void newtFormSetHeight(newtComponent co, int height);
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void newtFormSetWidth(newtComponent co, int width);
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