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Make Unix man pages from Netpbm HTML user manual

GNU make version 3.81 or newer recommended.

Tested with GNU make version 3.80.

CAVEAT: USERGUIDE must be a valid directory: even for "make clean"!

MAKEFILE_DIR is the directory with this file: manpage.mk.

Should be buildtools.

Use $(realpath) and $(lastword) if available.

(both appear in GNU make v. 3.81)

ifeq ($(realpath $(CURDIR)/.),$(CURDIR)) MAKEFILE_DIR := $(dir $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) else MAKEFILE_DIR := $(dir $(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST))) endif

Program 'makeman' should be in the same directory.


Install location of manpages.

Subdirectories man{1,3,5} must exist.

MANDIR ?= /usr/share/man/

Directory with the HTML input files. It must be explicitly set and

must be a valid directory.

ifeq ($(USERGUIDE),) $(error error: Variable USERGUIDE must be explicitly set) else ifeq ($(wildcard $(USERGUIDE)/*html),) $(error error: No HTML files found in $(USERGUIDE)) endif endif

In the past, the following default value was used. It works if you've done

a Subversion checkout for source code and userguide in the same directory,

and you are working in a subdirectory of netpbm, say ./buildtools .

USERGUIDE = ../../userguide

The files that don't get converted to manual pages.

Override at the command line if necessary.

error.html: appears when problem occurs when fetching HTML files with wget.

directory.html: list of Netpbm programs.

libnetpbm_dir.html: directory to pages describing libnetpbm functions

hpcdtoppm: Not distributed via Sourceforge for copyright restrictions.

ppmsvgalib: Not used in systems with X Window System.

vidtoppm: Does not compile due to missing header files.

EXCEPTIONS = \ directory.html \ error.html \ hpcdtoppm.html \ liberror.html \ libnetpbm_dir.html \ ppmsvgalib.html \ vidtoppm.html

File lists

We do not provide a list of troff manpages to be generated.

Instead the list is generated afresh from HTML file names. Reasons:

1. Any list would have to be updated every time an HTML file is added.

2. The suffix (man section) depends on content (a "META" tag) of the

HTML file. (The makeman script is clever.)

3. In one instance the file stem name changes: index.html => netpbm.1


HTML_ALL := $(sort $(notdir $(wildcard $(USERGUIDE)/*.html))) HTMLMANUALS := $(filter-out $(EXCEPTIONS),$(HTML_ALL)) HTML_REJECT := $(filter $(EXCEPTIONS),$(HTML_ALL))

Subsets of HTMLMANUALS, by target man section

HTML3 := $(shell cd $(USERGUIDE) && \ fgrep -l -i '<META NAME="manual_section" CONTENT="3">' \ $(HTMLMANUALS)) HTML5 := $(shell cd $(USERGUIDE) && \ fgrep -l -i '<META NAME="manual_section" CONTENT="5">' \ $(HTMLMANUALS)) HTML1 := $(filter-out $(HTML3) $(HTML5),$(HTMLMANUALS))

Troff man pages, by section

MAN1 := $(patsubst index.1,netpbm.1,$(HTML1:.html=.1)) MAN3 := $(HTML3:.html=.3) MAN5 := $(HTML5:.html=.5) MANPAGES := $(MAN1) $(MAN3) $(MAN5)


XML1 := $(MAN1:.1=.xml) XML3 := $(MAN3:.3=.xml) XML5 := $(MAN5:.5=.xml) XMLPAGES = $(XML1) $(XML3) $(XML5)

.PHONY : report report: htmlcount manpagecount

.PHONY : manpagecount manpagecount: @echo Number of actual / expected troff man pages in current directory: @echo Section 1: $(words $(wildcard $(MAN1))) / $(words $(MAN1)) @echo Section 3: $(words $(wildcard $(MAN3))) / $(words $(MAN3)) @echo Section 5: $(words $(wildcard $(MAN5))) / $(words $(MAN5)) @echo total: $(words $(wildcard $(MANPAGES))) / $(words $(MANPAGES)) @echo

.PHONY : htmlcount htmlcount: @echo HTML files in USERGUIDE directory: $(USERGUIDE) @echo Total HTML files: $(words $(HTML_ALL)) @echo Rejected HTML files: $(HTML_REJECT) : $(words $(HTML_REJECT)) @echo Valid HTML files: $(words $(HTMLMANUALS)) @echo

.PHONY : reportvalid reportvalid: @echo Source HTML files in USERGUIDE directory: $(USERGUIDE) @echo $(HTMLMANUALS)

Note that this may give different results from "ls ."

.PHONY : reportman reportman: @echo $(MANPAGES)

Static rules for converting HTML to troff man -- reports bad lines

to standard error.

%.1 %.3 %.5: $(USERGUIDE)/%.html @echo Converting $< to $@ @python $(MAKEMAN) -d $(USERGUIDE) $(<F)

netpbm.1: $(USERGUIDE)/index.html @echo Converting $< to $@ @python $(MAKEMAN) -d $(USERGUIDE) index.html @mv index.1 netpbm.1

Generate man pages

.PHONY : manpages manpages: $(MANPAGES)

Static rules for converting troff man to XML.

$(XML1): %.xml: %.1 doclifter -v $< mv $<.xml $@

$(XML3): %.xml: %.3 doclifter -v $< mv $<.xml $@

$(XML5): %.xml: %.5 doclifter -v $< mv $<.xml $@

Generate XML pages.

TODO: Does not work completely. Some pages have glitches.

.PHONY : xmlpages xmlpages: manpages $(XMLPAGES)

Validate XML pages.

TODO: Not working.

.PHONY : xmlvalidate xmlvalidate: xmlpages xmllint -xinclude --postvalid $< >> /dev/null

This will install the generated man pages.

Note that lists MAN1 MAN3 MAN5 depend upon the names of HTML files

in the USERGUIDE directory, even after man page generation.

If the current directory has "pbm.1" but USERGUIDE does not have

"pbm.html", the document will not be installed.

If the USERGUIDE directory is empty, no documents will be installed.

.PHONY : installman installman: report set -x for f in $(wildcard $(MAN1)); do if [ -f $$f ]; then gzip <$$f >$(MANDIR)/man1/$$f.gz; fi; done for f in $(wildcard $(MAN3)); do if [ -f $$f ]; then gzip <$$f >$(MANDIR)/man3/$$f.gz; fi; done for f in $(wildcard $(MAN5)); do if [ -f $$f ]; then gzip <$$f >$(MANDIR)/man5/$$f.gz; fi; done

This will uninstall the man pages.

Only pages with corresponding files in USERGUIDE are deleted.

.PHONY : uninstallman uninstallman: report for f in $(MAN1); do if [ -f $(MANDIR)/man1/$$f.gz ]; then rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/$$f.gz; fi; done for f in $(MAN3); do if [ -f $(MANDIR)/man3/$$f.gz ]; then rm -f $(MANDIR)/man3/$$f.gz; fi; done for f in $(MAN5); do if [ -f $(MANDIR)/man5/$$f.gz ]; then rm -f $(MANDIR)/man5/$$f.gz; fi; done

Legacy uninstall target.


# Clean up old locations on Fedora Core 2

rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/extendedopacity.1.gz

rm -f $(MANDIR)/man3/directory.3.gz

rm -f $(MANDIR)/man3/libnetpbm_dir.3.gz

# remove pointer man pages (that say, "The man page isn't here")

# which might have been installed previously

for f in $(MAN1); do rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/$$f; done

for f in $(MAN3); do rm -f $(MANDIR)/man3/$$f; done

for f in $(MAN5); do rm -f $(MANDIR)/man5/$$f; done

.PHONY: clean clean: @rm -f *.[135] $(XML)