Blame test/Execute-Tests

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#! /bin/bash
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# See if PBM_TEST_PATH is set.
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# PBM_TEST_PATH is the list of directories with the Netpbm programs
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# you want to test.
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# (1) check-tree: set to a long list of directories which contain
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# the relevant executables.
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# (2) check-package: set to the [package]/bin directory.
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# (3) check-install: empty string.  Executables will be sought from
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# the default execution path ($PATH).
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# You can set it here by de-commenting and modifying the next line:
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#export PBM_TEST_PATH="/usr/local/bin/"
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case ${CHECK_TYPE} in
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Packit 78deda
    echo "Checking programs in source tree" ;;
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package)  if [ -z $PBM_TEST_PATH ]
Packit 78deda
Packit 78deda
    echo "Error: PBM_TEST_PATH is not set."
Packit 78deda
    exit 1
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  elif [ ! -d $PBM_TEST_PATH ]
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Packit 78deda
Packit 78deda
    echo "Error: No directory named $PBM_TEST_PATH."
Packit 78deda
Packit 78deda
    echo "You must run \"make package\" before this test."
Packit 78deda
Packit 78deda
    echo "If you specified the package directory for \"make package\""
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    echo "you must do the same for \"make check\"."
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  exit 1
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  fi ;;
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  echo "Programs in the default execution path:"
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  echo $PATH
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  echo "will be tested." ;;
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Packit 78deda
  echo "Invalid test type: ${CHECK_TYPE}"
Packit 78deda
  exit 1 ;;
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# Set srcdir, which is the directory which contains Execute-Tests (this
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# script), programs that run the test, including *.test and helpers that they
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# invoke, the list of tests to run ('Test-Order'), and *.ok files that
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# indicate the expected results of tests.
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srcdir=$(dirname $0)
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# Set tmpdir, which is used in some of the test scripts.  By default
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# this is created by mktemp.  The user can override and specify tmpdir,
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# but in this case it must be an existing directory and must not be
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# either $srcdir or current work.
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if [ -z $tmpdir ]
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    tmpdir_created=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/netpbm.XXXXXXXX") || exit 1;
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  export tmpdir=${tmpdir_created}
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  if [ ! -d ${tmpdir} ]
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     then echo "Specified temporary directory $tmpdir does not exist."
Packit 78deda
     exit 1;
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  elif [ ${tmpdir} -ef ${srcdir} ]
Packit 78deda
     then echo "Temporary directory must not be $srcdir."
Packit 78deda
     exit 1;
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  elif [ ${tmpdir} -ef $PWD ]
Packit 78deda
     then echo "Temporary directory must not be current directory."
Packit 78deda
     exit 1;
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# If necessary set the RGBDEF environment variable.
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#export RGBDEF=/etc/rgb.txt
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#export RGBDEF=/usr/local/netpbm/lib/rgb.txt
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#export RGBDEF=/usr/share/emacs/*/etc/rgb.txt
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# Declare arrays used to count and report test results.
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# they are reserved for future expansion.
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declare -a array=(0 0 0 0 0)
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# Older versions of bash get confused when array elements contain
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# spaces.
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status[4]="NOT TESTABLE"
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# Copy test image files to the current work directory
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if [ ! -f ./testgrid.pbm ]
Packit 78deda
  then cp -v ${srcdir}/testgrid.pbm ./testgrid.pbm
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if [ ! -f ./testimg.ppm ]
Packit 78deda
  then cp -v ${srcdir}/testimg.ppm  ./testimg.ppm 
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# The block-bin directory
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# This directory contains dummy executables with the names of the
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# Netpbm programs that are to be tested.  These dummy executables
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# exist to prevent execution of programs (typically from a previous
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# installation of Netpbm) in the default path during the tests.
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# They report error when accessed and nothing else.
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# The directory is placed in PATH between PBM_TEST_PATH and
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# default PATH.
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# Create block-bin.  If it already exists, erase and create anew.
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if [ ! -z $PBM_TEST_PATH ]
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  if [ -d  $blockbin ]
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    then rm -rf $blockbin
Packit 78deda
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  mkdir $blockbin
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  cp ${srcdir}/BLOCK $blockbin/BLOCK
Packit 78deda
  chmod +x $blockbin/BLOCK
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# Populate the block-bin directory using all-in-place.ok and
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# legacy-names.ok which together make a complete list of programs.
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  sed 's/: ok$//' \
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       ${srcdir}/all-in-place.ok ${srcdir}/legacy-names.ok | \
Packit 78deda
     tr ' ' '\n' | while read prog
Packit 78deda
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    ln -s $blockbin/BLOCK $blockbin/$prog
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# We don't need block-bin when testing after installation.
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# Execute the tests, as described in the "Test-Order" file.
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# Each test outputs a ".out" file, which is compared against a
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# corresponding ".ok" file.  For example the output from "pbmmake.test"
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# is "pbmmake.out" and when this matches "pbmmake.ok" we declare the
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# test a success.
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# In the error case the ".out" file is retained in the current work
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# directory.
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# All tests are self-contained.
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# By default the tests are executed in the order described in the
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# file Test-Order.  Copy this file from the source directory
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# to the work directory.
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# Provision for running programs under valgrind.
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# Note that valgrind tests consume time.
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# Output from valgrind must be redirected in some manner because some
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# tests examine standard error (fd2) output.  Here we use --log-file.
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# (See below)
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  then VALGRIND_TESTS="off";
Packit 78deda
elif [ $VALGRIND_TESTS = "on" ]
Packit 78deda
Packit 78deda
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  mkdir $valdir
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  vg_command_base="valgrind --trace-children=yes";
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  for i in awk cat cksum cmp cp cut date dirname egrep fgrep file grep gs \
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    head mkdir mktemp perl rm sed seq sh tee testrandom tr uniq \
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    # Tell valgrind not to probe execution of the above programs.
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    do vg_skip=$vg_skip"/*/"$i","; done;
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  vg_command_base=$vg_command_base" --trace-children-skip="$vg_skip;
Packit 78deda
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  # If using an older version of valgrind (< v.3.6) that does not
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  # support --trace-children-skip=... , comment out the above line
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  # and let valgrind probe execution of all programs listed above.
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  # This greatly increases execution time.
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# Provision for running only chosen tests.
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# The string "target" is a comma-separated list of target programs.
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# When set only tests for programs in the list will be run.
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# The --no-clobber version comes useful when the user wants a modified
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# (pared-down) version of Test-Order.
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if [ ! -z $target ]
Packit 78deda
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  echo $target | sed 's/,/\n/g' | \
Packit 78deda
                 sed -e 's/^/# This script tests: .*\\</' -e 's/$/\\>/' \
Packit 78deda
                     -e '/^$/q' | \
Packit 78deda
                 grep -f - ${srcdir}/*.test -l | \
Packit 78deda
                   while read i ; do echo ${i##*/} ; done | \
Packit 78deda
                 grep -f - ${srcdir}/Test-Order > ./Test-Order ;
Packit 78deda
  if [ ! -s ./Test-Order ]
Packit 78deda
    then echo;
Packit 78deda
         echo "Error: No testable program names in target: "$target;
Packit 78deda
         echo; exit 1
Packit 78deda
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       cp ${srcdir}/Test-Order ./Test-Order ;
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       #cp --no-clobber ${srcdir}/Test-Order ./Test-Order ;
Packit 78deda
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for tname in `grep -v "^#" ./Test-Order | fgrep ".test"`
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echo == $tname ==
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# If running tests under valgrind, complete vg_command by prepending
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# the valgrind output file, which is test-specific.
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if [ $VALGRIND_TESTS = "on" ]
Packit 78deda
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  vg_command="$vg_command_base --log-file=${valdir}/${tname%.test}.%p.vout"
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# Execute a single test and test its result.
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# But first check if the .ok file exists.  (Some .ok files are
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# dynamically created.)  Then see if target programs and requirements
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# are in place.  If either of these conditions are not met, do
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# not execute the test and report "Not Testable".
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if [ ! -s ${srcdir}/${tname%.test}.ok ]
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  let result=4;
Packit 78deda
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  ${srcdir}/Available-Testprog \
Packit 78deda
    `sed -n -e '/^# This script tests: /s/# This script tests: //p' \
Packit 78deda
            -e '/^# Also requires: /s/^# Also requires: //p' \
Packit 78deda
            -e '/^$/q' ${srcdir}/$tname | tr '\n' ' '`
Packit 78deda
  case $? in
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    PATH=${testpath} $vg_command ${srcdir}/$tname > ${tname%.test}.out;
Packit 78deda
    let retval=$?
Packit 78deda
    case $retval in
Packit 78deda
    0)   cmp -s ${tname%.test}.out ${srcdir}/${tname%.test}.ok ;
Packit 78deda
         if [ $? -eq 0 ]
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            then let result=0;  rm  ${tname%.test}.out ;
Packit 78deda
            else let result=1;
Packit 78deda
                 grep "^##" ${srcdir}/$tname  # Print failure message.
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         fi ;;
Packit 78deda
    80) let result=4 ;;
Packit 78deda
    *)  let result=1 ;;
Packit 78deda
    esac ;;
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  1)   let result=4 ;;
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  *)   let result=1 ;;
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# Report whether a single test succeeded or failed.
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# Increment counters.
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echo $tname: ${status[${result}]}; echo
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let array[${result}]=${array[${result}]}+1
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let total_scripts=${total_scripts}+1
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# Erase temporary bin directory and its contents.
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rm -rf ${srcdir}/bin
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# Erase temporary directory and its contents, if it was created.
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if [ -n $tmpdir_created ]
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    then rm -rf $tmpdir_created
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# Erase test image files in the current (work) directory.
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# (Do not erase them if we are working from the source directory.)
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if [ ! $PWD -ef ${srcdir} ]
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    then rm ./testimg.ppm ./testgrid.pbm
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# Calculate success / failure totals and print a summary report.
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# Report date and time of completion.
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echo "Test summary:"
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echo ==================
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for s in 0 1 2 3 4
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    if [[ ${array[${s}]} -gt 0 || s -eq 1 ]]
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    then echo ${status[${s}]} ${array[${s}]}
Packit 78deda
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Packit 78deda
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let total_testable=${total_scripts}-${array[4]}
Packit 78deda
echo "TOTAL TESTABLE" $total_testable
Packit 78deda
Packit 78deda
echo ==================
Packit 78deda
echo "All tests done."
Packit 78deda
date -u +"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
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# Exit with status 0 if all possible tests succeeded, 1 otherwise.
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if [[ ${array[0]} -eq ${total_testable} ]]
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then exit 0
Packit 78deda
else exit 1
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