/* * snmpdf.c - display disk space usage on a network entity via SNMP. * */ /* Portions of this file are subject to the following copyright(s). See * the Net-SNMP's COPYING file for more details and other copyrights * that may apply: */ /*********************************************************************** Copyright 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992 by Carnegie Mellon University All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of CMU not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. CMU DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL CMU BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* * Portions of this file are copyrighted by: * Copyright © 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms specified in the COPYING file * distributed with the Net-SNMP package. */ #include #if HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #if HAVE_STRING_H #include #else #include #endif #include #if HAVE_NETINET_IN_H #include #endif #include #include #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include # include #else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include # else # include # endif #endif #if HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include #endif #if HAVE_NETDB_H #include #endif #if HAVE_ARPA_INET_H #include #endif #include void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: snmpdf [-Cu] "); snmp_parse_args_usage(stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); snmp_parse_args_descriptions(stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\nsnmpdf options:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-Cu\tUse UCD-SNMP dskTable to do the calculations.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t[Normally the HOST-RESOURCES-MIB is consulted first.]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-Ch\tPrint using human readable format (MiB, GiB, TiB)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-CH\tPrint using human readable SI format (MB, GB, TB)\n"); } int ucd_mib = 0; int human_units = 0; static void optProc(int argc, char *const *argv, int opt) { switch (opt) { case 'C': while (*optarg) { switch (*optarg++) { case 'u': ucd_mib = 1; break; case 'h': human_units = 1024; break; case 'H': human_units = 1000; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown flag passed to -C: %c\n", optarg[-1]); exit(1); } } } } struct hrStorageTable { u_long hrStorageIndex; oid *hrStorageType; char *hrStorageDescr; u_long hrStorageAllocationUnits; u_long hrStorageSize; u_long hrStorageUsed; }; int add(netsnmp_pdu *pdu, const char *mibnodename, oid * index, size_t indexlen) { oid base[MAX_OID_LEN]; size_t base_length = MAX_OID_LEN; memset(base, 0, MAX_OID_LEN * sizeof(oid)); if (!snmp_parse_oid(mibnodename, base, &base_length)) { snmp_perror(mibnodename); fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find mib node %s, giving up\n", mibnodename); exit(1); } if (index && indexlen) { memcpy(&(base[base_length]), index, indexlen * sizeof(oid)); base_length += indexlen; } DEBUGMSGTL(("add", "created: ")); DEBUGMSGOID(("add", base, base_length)); DEBUGMSG(("add", "\n")); snmp_add_null_var(pdu, base, base_length); return base_length; } netsnmp_variable_list * collect(netsnmp_session * ss, netsnmp_pdu *pdu, oid * base, size_t base_length) { netsnmp_pdu *response; int running = 1; netsnmp_variable_list *saved = NULL, **vlpp = &saved; int status; while (running) { /* * gotta catch em all, gotta catch em all! */ status = snmp_synch_response(ss, pdu, &response); if (status != STAT_SUCCESS || !response) { snmp_sess_perror("snmpdf", ss); exit(1); } if (response->errstat != SNMP_ERR_NOERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "snmpdf: Error in packet: %s\n", snmp_errstring(response->errstat)); exit(1); } if (snmp_oid_compare(response->variables->name, SNMP_MIN(base_length, response->variables->name_length), base, base_length) != 0) running = 0; else if (response->variables->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE || response->variables->type == SNMP_NOSUCHOBJECT || response->variables->type == SNMP_ENDOFMIBVIEW) running = 0; else { /* * get response */ *vlpp = response->variables; (*vlpp)->next_variable = NULL; /* shouldn't be any, but just in case */ /* * create the next request */ pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GETNEXT); snmp_add_null_var(pdu, (*vlpp)->name, (*vlpp)->name_length); /* * finish loop setup */ vlpp = &((*vlpp)->next_variable); response->variables = NULL; /* ahh, forget about it */ } snmp_free_pdu(response); } return saved; } char *format_human(char *buf, size_t len, unsigned long mem, unsigned long scale) { if (mem >= scale*scale*scale*scale) snprintf(buf, len, "%4.2fP%sB", (float)mem/(scale*scale*scale*scale), scale == 1024 ? "i" : ""); else if (mem >= scale*scale*scale) snprintf(buf, len, "%4.2fT%sB", (float)mem/(scale*scale*scale), scale == 1024 ? "i" : ""); else if (mem >= scale*scale) snprintf(buf, len, "%4.2fG%sB", (float)mem/(scale*scale), scale == 1024 ? "i" : ""); else if (mem >= scale) snprintf(buf, len, "%4.2fM%sB", (float)mem/scale, scale == 1024 ? "i" : ""); else snprintf(buf, len, "%4.2fkB", (float)mem); return buf; } /* Computes value*units/divisor in an overflow-proof way. */ unsigned long convert_units(unsigned long value, size_t units, size_t divisor) { return (unsigned long)((double)value * units / (double)divisor); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { netsnmp_session session, *ss; netsnmp_pdu *pdu; netsnmp_pdu *response; int arg; oid base[MAX_OID_LEN]; size_t base_length; int status; netsnmp_variable_list *saved = NULL, *vlp = saved, *vlp2; int count = 0, exit_code = 1; SOCK_STARTUP; /* * get the common command line arguments */ switch (arg = snmp_parse_args(argc, argv, &session, "C:", optProc)) { case NETSNMP_PARSE_ARGS_ERROR: goto out; case NETSNMP_PARSE_ARGS_SUCCESS_EXIT: exit_code = 0; goto out; case NETSNMP_PARSE_ARGS_ERROR_USAGE: usage(); goto out; default: break; } if (arg != argc) { fprintf(stderr, "snmpdf: extra argument: %s\n", argv[arg]); goto out; } /* * Open an SNMP session. */ ss = snmp_open(&session); if (ss == NULL) { /* * diagnose snmp_open errors with the input netsnmp_session pointer */ snmp_sess_perror("snmpdf", &session); goto out; } if (human_units) { printf("%-18s %10s %10s %10s %5s\n", "Description", "Size", "Used", "Available", "Used%"); } else { printf("%-18s %15s %15s %15s %5s\n", "Description", "Size (kB)", "Used", "Available", "Used%"); } if (ucd_mib == 0) { /* * * Begin by finding all the storage pieces that are of * * type hrStorageFixedDisk, which is a standard disk. */ pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GETNEXT); base_length = add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrStorageIndex", NULL, 0); memcpy(base, pdu->variables->name, base_length * sizeof(oid)); vlp = collect(ss, pdu, base, base_length); while (vlp) { size_t units; unsigned long hssize, hsused; char descr[SPRINT_MAX_LEN]; int len; pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GET); add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrStorageDescr", &(vlp->name[base_length]), vlp->name_length - base_length); add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrStorageAllocationUnits", &(vlp->name[base_length]), vlp->name_length - base_length); add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrStorageSize", &(vlp->name[base_length]), vlp->name_length - base_length); add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrStorageUsed", &(vlp->name[base_length]), vlp->name_length - base_length); status = snmp_synch_response(ss, pdu, &response); if (status != STAT_SUCCESS || !response) { snmp_sess_perror("snmpdf", ss); goto close_session; } vlp2 = response->variables; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next; len = vlp2->val_len; if (len >= SPRINT_MAX_LEN) len = SPRINT_MAX_LEN-1; memcpy(descr, vlp2->val.string, len); descr[len] = '\0'; vlp2 = vlp2->next_variable; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next; units = vlp2->val.integer ? *(vlp2->val.integer) : 0; vlp2 = vlp2->next_variable; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next; hssize = vlp2->val.integer ? *(vlp2->val.integer) : 0; vlp2 = vlp2->next_variable; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next; hsused = vlp2->val.integer ? *(vlp2->val.integer) : 0; if (human_units) { char size[10], used[10], avail[10]; printf("%-18s %10s %10s %10s %4lu%%\n", descr, format_human(size, sizeof size, units ? convert_units(hssize, units, 1024) : hssize, human_units), format_human(used, sizeof used, units ? convert_units(hsused, units, 1024) : hsused, human_units), format_human(avail, sizeof avail, units ? convert_units(hssize-hsused, units, 1024) : hssize - hsused, human_units), hssize ? convert_units(hsused, 100, hssize) : hsused); } else { printf("%-18s %15lu %15lu %15lu %4lu%%\n", descr, units ? convert_units(hssize, units, 1024) : hssize, units ? convert_units(hsused, units, 1024) : hsused, units ? convert_units(hssize-hsused, units, 1024) : hssize - hsused, hssize ? convert_units(hsused, 100, hssize) : hsused); } next: vlp = vlp->next_variable; snmp_free_pdu(response); count++; } } if (count == 0) { /* * the host resources mib must not be supported. Lets try the * UCD-SNMP-MIB and its dskTable */ pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GETNEXT); base_length = add(pdu, "UCD-SNMP-MIB:dskIndex", NULL, 0); memcpy(base, pdu->variables->name, base_length * sizeof(oid)); vlp = collect(ss, pdu, base, base_length); while (vlp) { unsigned long hssize, hsused; char descr[SPRINT_MAX_LEN]; int len; pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GET); add(pdu, "UCD-SNMP-MIB:dskPath", &(vlp->name[base_length]), vlp->name_length - base_length); add(pdu, "UCD-SNMP-MIB:dskTotal", &(vlp->name[base_length]), vlp->name_length - base_length); add(pdu, "UCD-SNMP-MIB:dskUsed", &(vlp->name[base_length]), vlp->name_length - base_length); status = snmp_synch_response(ss, pdu, &response); if (status != STAT_SUCCESS || !response) { snmp_sess_perror("snmpdf", ss); goto close_session; } vlp2 = response->variables; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next2; len = vlp2->val_len; if (len >= SPRINT_MAX_LEN) len = SPRINT_MAX_LEN-1; memcpy(descr, vlp2->val.string, len); descr[len] = '\0'; vlp2 = vlp2->next_variable; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next2; hssize = *(vlp2->val.integer); vlp2 = vlp2->next_variable; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next2; hsused = *(vlp2->val.integer); if (human_units) { char size[10], used[10], avail[10]; printf("%-18s %10s %10s %10s %4lu%%\n", descr, format_human(size, sizeof size, hssize, human_units), format_human(used, sizeof used, hsused, human_units), format_human(avail, sizeof avail, hssize - hsused, human_units), hssize ? convert_units(hsused, 100, hssize) : hsused); } else { printf("%-18s %15lu %15lu %15lu %4lu%%\n", descr, hssize, hsused, hssize - hsused, hssize ? convert_units(hsused, 100, hssize) : hsused); } next2: vlp = vlp->next_variable; snmp_free_pdu(response); count++; } } if (count == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to locate any partitions.\n"); goto close_session; } exit_code = 0; close_session: snmp_close(ss); out: SOCK_CLEANUP; return exit_code; } /* end main() */