@echo off REM REM build Net-SNMP Perl module using nmake REM REM INSTALL_BASE must point to the directory ABOVE the library files. REM Generally follows what is the install-net-snmp.bat setting. set INSTALL_BASE="c:\usr" if "%1" == "-?" goto help if "%1" == "/?" goto help if "%1" == "-h" goto help if "%1" == "/h" goto help if "%1" == "-help" goto help if "%1" == "/help" goto help goto start :help echo . echo This script will compile the Net-SNMP Perl modules. Net-SNMP must echo already be installed. echo . echo The current install base is %INSTALL_BASE%. echo This must match the directory that Net-SNMP has been installed in. echo . echo To change the installation directory, modify the INSTALL_BASE variable echo inside this script. echo . echo Run this script from the base of the source directory, NOT the win32 echo directory. echo . goto end :start echo Remember to run this script from the base of the source directory. cd perl REM choose the installed location... perl Makefile.PL CAPI=TRUE -NET-SNMP-PATH=%INSTALL_BASE% REM Or, if the libraries have been built, look back in the build directory. REM perl Makefile.PL CAPI=TRUE -NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE=TRUE echo Make the Perl SNMP modules. nmake /nologo > nmake.out echo If errors are seen stop here and review perl\nmake.out. pause echo Test the Perl SNMP modules. nmake /nologo test > nmaketest.out 2>&1 echo If no errors are seen, review test results in perl\nmaketest.out. cd .. :end