#include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_STRING_H #include #else #include #endif #if HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #if HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H #include #endif #if HAVE_NETINET_IN_H #include #endif #if HAVE_DMALLOC_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SNMP_IPX_DEFAULT_PORT 36879 /* Specified in RFC 1420. */ static netsnmp_tdomain ipxDomain; /* * Return a string representing the address in data, or else the "far end" * address if data is NULL. */ static char * netsnmp_ipx_fmtaddr(netsnmp_transport *t, const void *data, int len) { const struct sockaddr_ipx *to = NULL; if (data != NULL && len == sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx)) { to = (const struct sockaddr_ipx *) data; } else if (t != NULL && t->data != NULL) { to = (const struct sockaddr_ipx *) t->data; } if (to == NULL) { return strdup("IPX: unknown"); } else { char *tmp; if (asprintf(&tmp, "IPX: %08X:%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X/%hu", ntohl(to->sipx_network), to->sipx_node[0], to->sipx_node[1], to->sipx_node[2], to->sipx_node[3], to->sipx_node[4], to->sipx_node[5], ntohs(to->sipx_port)) < 0) tmp = NULL; return tmp; } } static void netsnmp_ipx_get_taddr(struct netsnmp_transport_s *t, void **addr, size_t *addr_len) { struct sockaddr_ipx *sa = t->remote; netsnmp_assert(t->remote_length == sizeof(*sa)); *addr_len = 12; if ((*addr = malloc(*addr_len))) { unsigned char *p = *addr; memcpy(p + 0, &sa->sipx_network, 4); memcpy(p + 4, &sa->sipx_node, 6); memcpy(p + 10, &sa->sipx_port, 2); } } /* * You can write something into opaque that will subsequently get passed back * to your send function if you like. For instance, you might want to * remember where a PDU came from, so that you can send a reply there... */ static int netsnmp_ipx_recv(netsnmp_transport *t, void *buf, int size, void **opaque, int *olength) { int rc = -1; socklen_t fromlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); struct sockaddr *from; if (t != NULL && t->sock >= 0) { from = (struct sockaddr *)malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx)); if (from == NULL) { *opaque = NULL; *olength = 0; return -1; } else { memset(from, 0, fromlen); } while (rc < 0) { rc = recvfrom(t->sock, buf, size, 0, from, &fromlen); if (rc < 0 && errno != EINTR) { break; } } if (rc >= 0) { DEBUGIF("netsnmp_ipx") { char *str = netsnmp_ipx_fmtaddr(NULL, from, fromlen); DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_ipx", "recvfrom fd %d got %d bytes(from %s)\n", t->sock, rc, str)); free(str); } } else { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_ipx", "recvfrom fd %d err %d (\"%s\")\n", t->sock, errno, strerror(errno))); } *opaque = (void *) from; *olength = sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx); } return rc; } static int netsnmp_ipx_send(netsnmp_transport *t, const void *buf, int size, void **opaque, int *olength) { int rc = -1; const struct sockaddr *to = NULL; if (opaque != NULL && *opaque != NULL && *olength == sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx)) { to = (const struct sockaddr *) (*opaque); } else if (t != NULL && t->data != NULL && t->data_length == sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx)) { to = (const struct sockaddr *) (t->data); } if (to != NULL && t != NULL && t->sock >= 0) { DEBUGIF("netsnmp_ipx") { char *str = netsnmp_ipx_fmtaddr(NULL, to, sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx)); DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_ipx", "send %d bytes from %p to %s on fd %d\n", size, buf, str, t->sock)); free(str); } while (rc < 0) { rc = sendto(t->sock, buf, size, 0, to, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (rc < 0 && errno != EINTR) { break; } } } return rc; } static int netsnmp_ipx_close(netsnmp_transport *t) { int rc = -1; if (t->sock >= 0) { #ifndef HAVE_CLOSESOCKET rc = close(t->sock); #else rc = closesocket(t->sock); #endif t->sock = -1; } return rc; } /* * Open a IPX-based transport for SNMP. Local is TRUE if addr is the local * address to bind to (i.e. this is a server-type session); otherwise addr is * the remote address to send things to. */ netsnmp_transport * netsnmp_ipx_transport(const struct sockaddr_ipx *addr, int local) { netsnmp_transport *t = NULL; int rc = 0; #ifdef NETSNMP_NO_LISTEN_SUPPORT if (local) return NULL; #endif /* NETSNMP_NO_LISTEN_SUPPORT */ if (addr == NULL || addr->sipx_family != AF_IPX) { return NULL; } t = SNMP_MALLOC_TYPEDEF(netsnmp_transport); if (t == NULL) { return NULL; } DEBUGIF("netsnmp_ipx") { char *str = netsnmp_ipx_fmtaddr(NULL, addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx)); DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_ipx", "open %s %s\n", local ? "local" : "remote", str)); free(str); } t->domain = netsnmpIPXDomain; t->domain_length = netsnmpIPXDomain_len; t->sock = socket(AF_IPX, SOCK_DGRAM, AF_IPX); if (t->sock < 0) { netsnmp_transport_free(t); return NULL; } if (local) { #ifndef NETSNMP_NO_LISTEN_SUPPORT t->local_length = sizeof(*addr); t->local = netsnmp_memdup(addr, sizeof(*addr)); if (t->local == NULL) { netsnmp_transport_free(t); return NULL; } /* * This session is inteneded as a server, so we must bind on to the * given address (which may include a particular network and/or node * address, but definitely includes a port number). */ rc = bind(t->sock, addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (rc != 0) { netsnmp_ipx_close(t); netsnmp_transport_free(t); return NULL; } t->data = NULL; t->data_length = 0; #else /* NETSNMP_NO_LISTEN_SUPPORT */ return NULL; #endif /* NETSNMP_NO_LISTEN_SUPPORT */ } else { t->remote_length = sizeof(*addr); t->remote = netsnmp_memdup(addr, sizeof(*addr)); if (t->remote == NULL) { netsnmp_transport_free(t); return NULL; } /* * This is a client session. Save the address in the * transport-specific data pointer for later use by snmp_ipx_send. */ t->data = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx)); if (t->data == NULL) { netsnmp_transport_free(t); return NULL; } memcpy(t->data, addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx)); t->data_length = sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx); } /* * Maximum size of an IPX PDU is 576 bytes including a 30-byte header. * Ridiculous! */ t->msgMaxSize = 576 - 30; t->f_recv = netsnmp_ipx_recv; t->f_send = netsnmp_ipx_send; t->f_close = netsnmp_ipx_close; t->f_accept = NULL; t->f_fmtaddr = netsnmp_ipx_fmtaddr; t->f_get_taddr = netsnmp_ipx_get_taddr; return t; } /* * Attempt to parse a string of the form [%08x]:%12x[/%d] where the parts * are the network number, the node address and the port in that order. */ int netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx2(struct sockaddr_ipx *addr, const char *peername, const char *default_target) { char *input = NULL, *def = NULL; const char *network, *node, *port; char *tmp; unsigned long i; if (addr == NULL) { return 0; } memset(addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx)); DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx", "addr %p, peername \"%s\" default_target \"%s\"\n", addr, peername ? peername : "[NIL]", default_target ? default_target : "[NIL]")); addr->sipx_family = AF_IPX; addr->sipx_type = 4; /* Specified in RFC 1420. */ network = input = strdup(peername ? peername : ""); tmp = strchr(input, ':'); if (tmp != NULL) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx", "Node identified\n")); *tmp++ = '\0'; node = tmp; tmp = strchr(tmp, '/'); } else { node = NULL; tmp = strchr(input, '/'); } if (tmp != NULL) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx", "Port identified\n")); *tmp++ = '\0'; port = tmp; } else port = NULL; DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx", "Address: %s:%s/%s\n", network ? network : "[NIL]", node ? node : "[NIL]", port ? port : "[NIL]")); def = strdup(default_target ? default_target : ""); if (network == NULL || *network == '\0') network = def; tmp = strchr(def, ':'); if (tmp != NULL) { *tmp++ = '\0'; if (node == NULL || *node == '\0') node = tmp; tmp = strchr(tmp, '/'); } else tmp = strchr(def, '/'); if (tmp != NULL) { *tmp++ = '\0'; if (port == NULL || *port == '\0') port = tmp; } DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx", "Address: %s:%s/%s\n", network ? network : "[NIL]", node ? node : "[NIL]", port ? port : "[NIL]")); if (network == NULL || *network == '\0') network = "0"; if (node == NULL || *node == '\0') node = "000000000000"; if (port == NULL || *port == '\0') #define val(x) __STRING(x) port = val(SNMP_IPX_DEFAULT_PORT); #undef val DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx", "Address: %s:%s/%s\n", network ? network : "[NIL]", node ? node : "[NIL]", port ? port : "[NIL]")); if(sscanf(network, "%8lx%*c", &i) == 1) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx", "network parsed okay\n")); addr->sipx_network = htonl(i); } else { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx", "failed to parse network part of address\n")); free(def); free(input); return 0; } if(sscanf(node, "%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx%*c", &addr->sipx_node[0], &addr->sipx_node[1], &addr->sipx_node[2], &addr->sipx_node[3], &addr->sipx_node[4], &addr->sipx_node[5]) == 6) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx", "node parsed okay\n")); } else { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx", "failed to parse node part of address\n")); free(def); free(input); return 0; } if(sscanf(port, "%lu%*c", &i) == 1) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx", "port parsed okay\n")); addr->sipx_port = htons(i); } else { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx", "failed to parse port part of address\n")); free(def); free(input); return 0; } free(def); free(input); return 1; } int netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx(struct sockaddr_ipx *addr, const char *peername) { return netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx2(addr, peername, NULL); } netsnmp_transport * netsnmp_ipx_create_tstring(const char *str, int local, const char *default_target) { struct sockaddr_ipx addr; if (netsnmp_sockaddr_ipx2(&addr, str, default_target)) { return netsnmp_ipx_transport(&addr, local); } else { return NULL; } } static int netsnmp_ipx_ostring_to_sockaddr(struct sockaddr_ipx *sa, const void *o, size_t o_len) { const char *p = o; if (o_len != 12) return 0; memset(sa, 0, sizeof(*sa)); sa->sipx_family = AF_IPX; memcpy(&sa->sipx_network, p + 0, 4); memcpy(&sa->sipx_node, p + 4, 6); memcpy(&sa->sipx_port, p + 10, 2); return 1; } netsnmp_transport * netsnmp_ipx_create_ostring(const void *o, size_t o_len, int local) { struct sockaddr_ipx sa; if (netsnmp_ipx_ostring_to_sockaddr(&sa, o, o_len)) return netsnmp_ipx_transport(&sa, local); return NULL; } void netsnmp_ipx_ctor(void) { ipxDomain.name = netsnmpIPXDomain; ipxDomain.name_length = netsnmpIPXDomain_len; ipxDomain.prefix = (const char**)calloc(2, sizeof(char *)); ipxDomain.prefix[0] = "ipx"; ipxDomain.f_create_from_tstring = NULL; ipxDomain.f_create_from_tstring_new = netsnmp_ipx_create_tstring; ipxDomain.f_create_from_ostring = netsnmp_ipx_create_ostring; netsnmp_tdomain_register(&ipxDomain); }