Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, mib-2, zeroDotZero
Packit fcad23
        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    DateAndTime, RowStatus, StorageType, VariablePointer
Packit fcad23
        FROM SNMPv2-TC
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    LAST-UPDATED "200201070000Z"
Packit fcad23
    ORGANIZATION "IETF Distributed Management Working Group"
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "WG EMail:
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Chair:     Randy Presuhn
Packit fcad23
                    BMC Software, Inc.
Packit fcad23
         Postal:    Office 1-3141
Packit fcad23
                    2141 North First Street
Packit fcad23
                    San Jose,  California 95131
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Phone:     +1 408 546-1006
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Editor:    David B. Levi
Packit fcad23
                    Nortel Networks
Packit fcad23
         Postal:    4401 Great America Parkway
Packit fcad23
                    Santa Clara, CA 95052-8185
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Phone:     +1 865 686 0432
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Editor:    Juergen Schoenwaelder
Packit fcad23
                    TU Braunschweig
Packit fcad23
         Postal:    Bueltenweg 74/75
Packit fcad23
                    38106 Braunschweig
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Phone:     +49 531 391-3283"
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "This MIB module defines a MIB which provides mechanisms to
Packit fcad23
         schedule SNMP set operations periodically or at specific
Packit fcad23
         points in time."
Packit fcad23
    REVISION    "200201070000Z"
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "Revised version, published as RFC 3231.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         This revision introduces a new object type called
Packit fcad23
         schedTriggers.  Created new conformance and compliance
Packit fcad23
         statements that take care of the new schedTriggers object.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Several clarifications have been added to remove ambiguities
Packit fcad23
         that were discovered and reported by implementors."
Packit fcad23
    REVISION    "199811171800Z"
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "Initial version, published as RFC 2591."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { mib-2 63 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
-- The various groups defined within this MIB definition:
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schedMIB 1 }
Packit fcad23
schedNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schedMIB 2 }
Packit fcad23
schedConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schedMIB 3 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
-- Textual Conventions:
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    STATUS       current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "This TC enumerates the SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 PDU error status
Packit fcad23
         codes as defined in RFC 1157 and RFC 1905.  It also adds a
Packit fcad23
         pseudo error status code `noResponse' which indicates a
Packit fcad23
         timeout condition."
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
-- Some scalars which provide information about the local time zone.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedLocalTime OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      DateAndTime (SIZE (11))
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The local time used by the scheduler.  Schedules which
Packit fcad23
         refer to calendar time will use the local time indicated
Packit fcad23
         by this object.  An implementation MUST return all 11 bytes
Packit fcad23
         of the DateAndTime textual-convention so that a manager
Packit fcad23
         may retrieve the offset from GMT time."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedObjects 1 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
-- The schedule table which controls the scheduler.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedTable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SchedEntry
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "This table defines scheduled actions triggered by
Packit fcad23
         SNMP set operations."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedObjects 2 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      SchedEntry
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "An entry describing a particular scheduled action.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Unless noted otherwise, writable objects of this row
Packit fcad23
         can be modified independent of the current value of
Packit fcad23
         schedRowStatus, schedAdminStatus and schedOperStatus.
Packit fcad23
         In particular, it is legal to modify schedInterval
Packit fcad23
         and the objects in the schedCalendarGroup when
Packit fcad23
         schedRowStatus is active and schedAdminStatus and
Packit fcad23
         schedOperStatus are both enabled."
Packit fcad23
    INDEX { schedOwner, schedName }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedTable 1 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
SchedEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Packit fcad23
    schedOwner          SnmpAdminString,
Packit fcad23
    schedName           SnmpAdminString,
Packit fcad23
    schedDescr          SnmpAdminString,
Packit fcad23
    schedInterval       Unsigned32,
Packit fcad23
    schedWeekDay        BITS,
Packit fcad23
    schedMonth          BITS,
Packit fcad23
    schedDay            BITS,
Packit fcad23
    schedHour           BITS,
Packit fcad23
    schedMinute         BITS,
Packit fcad23
    schedContextName    SnmpAdminString,
Packit fcad23
    schedVariable       VariablePointer,
Packit fcad23
    schedValue          Integer32,
Packit fcad23
    schedType           INTEGER,
Packit fcad23
    schedAdminStatus    INTEGER,
Packit fcad23
    schedOperStatus     INTEGER,
Packit fcad23
    schedFailures       Counter32,
Packit fcad23
    schedLastFailure    SnmpPduErrorStatus,
Packit fcad23
    schedLastFailed     DateAndTime,
Packit fcad23
    schedStorageType    StorageType,
Packit fcad23
    schedRowStatus      RowStatus,
Packit fcad23
    schedTriggers       Counter32
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedOwner OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The owner of this scheduling entry.  The exact semantics of
Packit fcad23
         this string are subject to the security policy defined by
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         the security administrator."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 1 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The locally-unique, administratively assigned name for this
Packit fcad23
         scheduling entry.  This object allows a schedOwner to have
Packit fcad23
         multiple entries in the schedTable."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 2 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedDescr OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The human readable description of the purpose of this
Packit fcad23
         scheduling entry."
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { "" }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 3 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedInterval OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
Packit fcad23
    UNITS       "seconds"
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The number of seconds between two action invocations of
Packit fcad23
         a periodic scheduler.  Implementations must guarantee
Packit fcad23
         that action invocations will not occur before at least
Packit fcad23
         schedInterval seconds have passed.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         The scheduler must ignore all periodic schedules that
Packit fcad23
         have a schedInterval value of 0.  A periodic schedule
Packit fcad23
         with a scheduling interval of 0 seconds will therefore
Packit fcad23
         never invoke an action.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Implementations may be forced to delay invocations in the
Packit fcad23
         face of local constraints.  A scheduled management function
Packit fcad23
         should therefore not rely on the accuracy provided by the
Packit fcad23
         scheduler implementation.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
Packit fcad23
         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { 0 }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 4 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedWeekDay OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      BITS {
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The set of weekdays on which the scheduled action should
Packit fcad23
         take place.  Setting multiple bits will include several
Packit fcad23
         weekdays in the set of possible weekdays for this schedule.
Packit fcad23
         Setting all bits will cause the scheduler to ignore the
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
Packit fcad23
         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { {} }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 5 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedMonth OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      BITS {
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The set of months during which the scheduled action should
Packit fcad23
         take place.  Setting multiple bits will include several
Packit fcad23
         months in the set of possible months for this schedule.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Setting all bits will cause the scheduler to ignore the
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
Packit fcad23
         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { {} }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 6 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      BITS {
Packit fcad23
                    d1(0),   d2(1),   d3(2),   d4(3),   d5(4),
Packit fcad23
                    d6(5),   d7(6),   d8(7),   d9(8),   d10(9),
Packit fcad23
                    d11(10), d12(11), d13(12), d14(13), d15(14),
Packit fcad23
                    d16(15), d17(16), d18(17), d19(18), d20(19),
Packit fcad23
                    d21(20), d22(21), d23(22), d24(23), d25(24),
Packit fcad23
                    d26(25), d27(26), d28(27), d29(28), d30(29),
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
                    r1(31),  r2(32),  r3(33),  r4(34),  r5(35),
Packit fcad23
                    r6(36),  r7(37),  r8(38),  r9(39),  r10(40),
Packit fcad23
                    r11(41), r12(42), r13(43), r14(44), r15(45),
Packit fcad23
                    r16(46), r17(47), r18(48), r19(49), r20(50),
Packit fcad23
                    r21(51), r22(52), r23(53), r24(54), r25(55),
Packit fcad23
                    r26(56), r27(57), r28(58), r29(59), r30(60),
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The set of days in a month on which a scheduled action
Packit fcad23
         should take place.  There are two sets of bits one can
Packit fcad23
         use to define the day within a month:
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Enumerations starting with the letter 'd' indicate a
Packit fcad23
         day in a month relative to the first day of a month.
Packit fcad23
         The first day of the month can therefore be specified
Packit fcad23
         by setting the bit d1(0) and d31(30) means the last
Packit fcad23
         day of a month with 31 days.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Enumerations starting with the letter 'r' indicate a
Packit fcad23
         day in a month in reverse order, relative to the last
Packit fcad23
         day of a month.  The last day in the month can therefore
Packit fcad23
         be specified by setting the bit r1(31) and r31(61) means
Packit fcad23
         the first day of a month with 31 days.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Setting multiple bits will include several days in the set
Packit fcad23
         of possible days for this schedule.  Setting all bits will
Packit fcad23
         cause the scheduler to ignore the day within a month.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Setting all bits starting with the letter 'd' or the
Packit fcad23
         letter 'r' will also cause the scheduler to ignore the
Packit fcad23
         day within a month.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
Packit fcad23
         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { {} }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 7 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      BITS {
Packit fcad23
                    h0(0),   h1(1),   h2(2),   h3(3),   h4(4),
Packit fcad23
                    h5(5),   h6(6),   h7(7),   h8(8),   h9(9),
Packit fcad23
                    h10(10), h11(11), h12(12), h13(13), h14(14),
Packit fcad23
                    h15(15), h16(16), h17(17), h18(18), h19(19),
Packit fcad23
                    h20(20), h21(21), h22(22), h23(23)
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The set of hours within a day during which the scheduled
Packit fcad23
         action should take place.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
Packit fcad23
         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { {} }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 8 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedMinute OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      BITS {
Packit fcad23
                    m0(0),   m1(1),   m2(2),   m3(3),   m4(4),
Packit fcad23
                    m5(5),   m6(6),   m7(7),   m8(8),   m9(9),
Packit fcad23
                    m10(10), m11(11), m12(12), m13(13), m14(14),
Packit fcad23
                    m15(15), m16(16), m17(17), m18(18), m19(19),
Packit fcad23
                    m20(20), m21(21), m22(22), m23(23), m24(24),
Packit fcad23
                    m25(25), m26(26), m27(27), m28(28), m29(29),
Packit fcad23
                    m30(30), m31(31), m32(32), m33(33), m34(34),
Packit fcad23
                    m35(35), m36(36), m37(37), m38(38), m39(39),
Packit fcad23
                    m40(40), m41(41), m42(42), m43(43), m44(44),
Packit fcad23
                    m45(45), m46(46), m47(47), m48(48), m49(49),
Packit fcad23
                    m50(50), m51(51), m52(52), m53(53), m54(54),
Packit fcad23
                    m55(55), m56(56), m57(57), m58(58), m59(59)
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The set of minutes within an hour when the scheduled action
Packit fcad23
         should take place.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
Packit fcad23
         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { {} }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 9 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedContextName OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The context which contains the local MIB variable pointed
Packit fcad23
         to by schedVariable."
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { "" }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 10 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedVariable OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      VariablePointer
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "An object identifier pointing to a local MIB variable
Packit fcad23
         which resolves to an ASN.1 primitive type of INTEGER."
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { zeroDotZero }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 11 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedValue OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      Integer32
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The value which is written to the MIB object pointed to by
Packit fcad23
         schedVariable when the scheduler invokes an action.  The
Packit fcad23
         implementation shall enforce the use of access control
Packit fcad23
         rules when performing the set operation on schedVariable.
Packit fcad23
         This is accomplished by calling the isAccessAllowed abstract
Packit fcad23
         service interface as defined in RFC 2571.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Note that an implementation may choose to issue an SNMP Set
Packit fcad23
         message to the SNMP engine and leave the access control
Packit fcad23
         decision to the normal message processing procedure."
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { 0 }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 12 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The type of this schedule.  The value periodic(1) indicates
Packit fcad23
         that this entry specifies a periodic schedule.  A periodic
Packit fcad23
         schedule is defined by the value of schedInterval.  The
Packit fcad23
         values of schedWeekDay, schedMonth, schedDay, schedHour
Packit fcad23
         and schedMinute are ignored.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         The value calendar(2) indicates that this entry describes a
Packit fcad23
         calendar schedule.  A calendar schedule is defined by the
Packit fcad23
         values of schedWeekDay, schedMonth, schedDay, schedHour and
Packit fcad23
         schedMinute.  The value of schedInterval is ignored.  A
Packit fcad23
         calendar schedule will trigger on all local times that
Packit fcad23
         satisfy the bits set in schedWeekDay, schedMonth, schedDay,
Packit fcad23
         schedHour and schedMinute.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         The value oneshot(3) indicates that this entry describes a
Packit fcad23
         one-shot schedule.  A one-shot schedule is similar to a
Packit fcad23
         calendar schedule with the additional feature that it
Packit fcad23
         disables itself by changing in the `finished'
Packit fcad23
         schedOperStatus once the schedule triggers an action.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending
Packit fcad23
         activations must re-calculate them when this object is
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { periodic }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 13 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The desired state of the schedule."
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { disabled }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 14 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The current operational state of this schedule.  The state
Packit fcad23
         enabled(1) indicates this entry is active and that the
Packit fcad23
         scheduler will invoke actions at appropriate times.  The
Packit fcad23
         disabled(2) state indicates that this entry is currently
Packit fcad23
         inactive and ignored by the scheduler.  The finished(3)
Packit fcad23
         state indicates that the schedule has ended.  Schedules
Packit fcad23
         in the finished(3) state are ignored by the scheduler.
Packit fcad23
         A one-shot schedule enters the finished(3) state when it
Packit fcad23
         deactivates itself.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Note that the operational state must not be enabled(1)
Packit fcad23
         when the schedRowStatus is not active."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 15 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedFailures OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "This variable counts the number of failures while invoking
Packit fcad23
         the scheduled action.  This counter at most increments once
Packit fcad23
         for a triggered action."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 16 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedLastFailure OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      SnmpPduErrorStatus
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The most recent error that occurred during the invocation of
Packit fcad23
         a scheduled action.  The value noError(0) is returned
Packit fcad23
         if no errors have occurred yet."
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { noError }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 17 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedLastFailed OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The date and time when the most recent failure occurred.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if no failure
Packit fcad23
         occurred since the last re-initialization of the scheduler."
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { '0000000000000000'H }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 18 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      StorageType
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "This object defines whether this scheduled action is kept
Packit fcad23
         in volatile storage and lost upon reboot or if this row is
Packit fcad23
         backed up by non-volatile or permanent storage.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Conceptual rows having the value `permanent' must allow
Packit fcad23
         write access to the columnar objects schedDescr,
Packit fcad23
         schedInterval, schedContextName, schedVariable, schedValue,
Packit fcad23
         and schedAdminStatus.  If an implementation supports the
Packit fcad23
         schedCalendarGroup, write access must be also allowed to
Packit fcad23
         the columnar objects schedWeekDay, schedMonth, schedDay,
Packit fcad23
         schedHour, schedMinute."
Packit fcad23
    DEFVAL      { volatile }
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 19 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      RowStatus
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The status of this scheduled action.  A control that allows
Packit fcad23
         entries to be added and removed from this table.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Note that the operational state must change to enabled
Packit fcad23
         when the administrative state is enabled and the row
Packit fcad23
         status changes to active(1).
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         Attempts to destroy(6) a row or to set a row
Packit fcad23
         notInService(2) while the operational state is enabled
Packit fcad23
         result in inconsistentValue errors.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
         The value of this object has no effect on whether other
Packit fcad23
         objects in this conceptual row can be modified."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 20 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedTriggers OBJECT-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    SYNTAX      Counter32
Packit fcad23
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "This variable counts the number of attempts (either
Packit fcad23
         successful or failed) to invoke the scheduled action."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedEntry 21 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
-- Notifications that are emitted to indicate failures.  The
Packit fcad23
-- definition of schedTraps makes notification registrations
Packit fcad23
-- reversible (see STD 58, RFC 2578).
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schedNotifications 0 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedActionFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
Packit fcad23
    OBJECTS     { schedLastFailure, schedLastFailed }
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "This notification is generated whenever the invocation of a
Packit fcad23
         scheduled action fails."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedTraps 1 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
-- conformance information
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schedConformance 1 }
Packit fcad23
schedGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schedConformance 2 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
-- compliance statements
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedCompliance2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
Packit fcad23
         the scheduling MIB."
Packit fcad23
    MODULE      -- this module
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
           schedGroup2, schedNotificationsGroup
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    GROUP  schedCalendarGroup
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The schedCalendarGroup is mandatory only for those
Packit fcad23
         implementations that support calendar based schedules."
Packit fcad23
    OBJECT schedType
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The values calendar(2) or oneshot(3) are not valid for
Packit fcad23
         implementations that do not implement the
Packit fcad23
         schedCalendarGroup.  Such an implementation must return
Packit fcad23
         inconsistentValue error responses for attempts to set
Packit fcad23
         schedAdminStatus to calendar(2) or oneshot(3)."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedCompliances 2 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        schedDescr, schedInterval, schedContextName,
Packit fcad23
        schedVariable, schedValue, schedType,
Packit fcad23
        schedAdminStatus, schedOperStatus, schedFailures,
Packit fcad23
        schedLastFailure, schedLastFailed, schedStorageType,
Packit fcad23
        schedRowStatus, schedTriggers
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "A collection of objects providing scheduling capabilities."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedGroups 4 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedCalendarGroup OBJECT-GROUP
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        schedLocalTime, schedWeekDay, schedMonth,
Packit fcad23
        schedDay, schedHour, schedMinute
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "A collection of objects providing calendar based schedules."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedGroups 2 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
schedNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      current
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The notifications emitted by the scheduler."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedGroups 3 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
-- Deprecated compliance and conformance group definitions
Packit fcad23
-- from RFC 2591.
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      deprecated
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
Packit fcad23
         the scheduling MIB."
Packit fcad23
    MODULE      -- this module
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
           schedGroup, schedNotificationsGroup
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    GROUP  schedCalendarGroup
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The schedCalendarGroup is mandatory only for those
Packit fcad23
         implementations that support calendar based schedules."
Packit fcad23
    OBJECT schedType
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "The values calendar(2) or oneshot(3) are not valid for
Packit fcad23
         implementations that do not implement the
Packit fcad23
         schedCalendarGroup.  Such an implementation must return
Packit fcad23
         inconsistentValue error responses for attempts to set
Packit fcad23
         schedAdminStatus to calendar(2) or oneshot(3)."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedCompliances 1 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        schedDescr, schedInterval, schedContextName,
Packit fcad23
        schedVariable, schedValue, schedType,
Packit fcad23
        schedAdminStatus, schedOperStatus, schedFailures,
Packit fcad23
        schedLastFailure, schedLastFailed, schedStorageType,
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
    STATUS      deprecated
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23
        "A collection of objects providing scheduling capabilities."
Packit fcad23
    ::= { schedGroups 1 }
Packit fcad23
Packit fcad23