Blame configure.d/config_project_manual

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# -*- autoconf -*-
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# Prompt for various bits of user information
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if test "x$ac_cv_user_prompt_NETSNMP_LOGFILE" = "x" -o "x$ac_cv_user_prompt_NETSNMP_SYS_LOC" = "x" -o "x$ac_cv_user_prompt_NETSNMP_SYS_CONTACT" = "x" -o "x$ac_cv_user_prompt_NETSNMP_DEFAULT_SNMP_VERSION" = "x"; then
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AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether to prompt for values, ac_cv_have_warned,
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if test "x$defaults" = "xno"; then
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	 ************** Configuration Section **************
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	You are about to be prompted with a series of questions.  Answer
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them carefully, as they determine how the SNMP agent and related
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applications are to function.
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	After the configure script finishes, you can browse the newly
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created net-snmp-config.h file for further - less important - parameters to
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modify.  Be careful if you re-run configure though, since net-snmp-config.h 
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will be overwritten.
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-Press return to continue-
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read tmpinput <&AS_ORIGINAL_STDIN_FD
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if test -f /etc/resolv.conf; then
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  LOC=`awk '/^domain/{loc=$NF}END{print loc}' /etc/resolv.conf`
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if test "x$LOC" = x; then
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*** Default SNMP Version:
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	Starting with Net-SNMP 5.0, you can choose the default version of
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the SNMP protocol to use when no version is given explicitly on the
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command line, or via an 'snmp.conf' file.  In the past this was set to
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SNMPv1, but you can use this to switch to SNMPv3 if desired.  SNMPv3
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will provide a more secure management environment (and thus you're
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encouraged to switch to SNMPv3), but may break existing scripts that
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rely on the old behaviour.  (Though such scripts will probably need to
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be changed to use the '-c' community flag anyway, as the SNMPv1
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command line usage has changed as well.).
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   At this prompt you can select \"1\", \"2\" (for SNMPv2c), or \"3\" as
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the default version for the command tools (snmpget, ...) to use.  This
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can always be overridden at runtime using the -v flag to the tools, or
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by using the \"defVersion\" token in your snmp.conf file.
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   Providing the --with-default-snmp-version=\"x\" parameter to ./configure
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will avoid this prompt.
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Default version of SNMP to use],3,unquoted)
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# we tested this above before the prompt, but the prompt may give a new value.
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case "${ac_cv_user_prompt_NETSNMP_DEFAULT_SNMP_VERSION}" in
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  [[123]]) ;;
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  2c) ac_cv_user_prompt_NETSNMP_DEFAULT_SNMP_VERSION=2 ;;
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    AC_MSG_ERROR([Illegal version number.  Only 1, 2 (for SNMPv2c) and 3 are supported.])
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*** System Contact Information:
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	Describes who should be contacted about the host the agent is
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running on.  This information is available in the MIB-II tree.  This
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can also be over-ridden using the \"syscontact\" syntax in the agent's
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configuration files.
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  Providing the --with-sys-contact=\"contact\" parameter to ./configure
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will avoid this prompt.
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System Contact Information],$ME@$LOC,quoted)
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*** System Location:
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	Describes the location of the system.  This information is
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available in the MIB-II tree.  this can also be over-ridden using the
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\"syslocation\" syntax in the agent's configuration files.
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  Providing the --with-sys-location=\"location\" parameter to ./configure
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will avoid this prompt.
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System Location],Unknown,quoted)
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if test -d /var/log; then
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*** Logfile location:
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	Enter the default location for the snmpd agent to dump
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information & errors to.  If not defined (enter the keyword \"none\"
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at the prompt below) the agent will use stdout and stderr instead.
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(Note: This value can be over-ridden using command line options.)
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  Providing the --with-logfile=\"path\" parameter to ./configure
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will avoid this prompt.
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Location to write logfile],$defaultlog,quoted)
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if test -d /var; then
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*** snmpd persistent storage location:
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	Enter a directory for the SNMP library to store persistent
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data in the form of a configuration file.  This default location is
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different than the old default location (which was for ucd-snmp).  If
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you stay with the new path, I'll ask you in a second if you wish to
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copy your files over to the new location (once only).  If you pick
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some other path than the default, you'll have to copy them yourself.
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There is nothing wrong with picking the old path ($ucddefaultstore) if
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you'd rather.
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  Providing the --with-persistent-directory=\"path\" parameter to
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./configure will avoid this prompt.
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Location to write persistent information],$defaultstore,quoted)
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if test $PERSISTENT_DIRECTORY = "$defaultstore" -a -d "$ucddefaultstore" -a ! -d "$defaultstore" ; then
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AC_CACHE_CHECK(If we should copy the old persistent directory, ac_cv_user_prompt_COPY_PERSISTENT_FILES,
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*** Copying old ucd-snmp persistent files to net-snmp persistent directory:
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	Would you like to copy the older ucd-snmp persistent files
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into your new net-snmp persistent file path?  This will functionally
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save all your ucd-snmp data and let it be used within the net-snmp
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tools.  This will only be done once when you run make install.  If you
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wish to do this, enter "yes" at the prompt.
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  Providing the --with-copy-persistent-files=\"no\" (or \"yes\")
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parameters to ./configure will avoid this prompt.
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Copy ucd-snmp data into the net-snmp data directory],"yes")
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