Blame CodingStyle

Packit fcad23
The discussion about coding style on the net-snmp-coders mailing list
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can be found at the following web address:
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  (Thread "design proposal - coding style" started on 2001-02-08)
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We've adopted the following indent style:
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   indent -orig -nbc -bap -nut -nfca -T netsnmp_mib_handler -T netsnmp_handler_registration -T netsnmp_handler_args -T netsnmp_delegated_cache -T netsnmp_baby_steps_modes -T netsnmp_baby_steps_access_methods -T netsnmp_mode_handler_list -T netsnmp_mib_handler_methods -T netsnmp_monitor_callback_header -T netsnmp_monitor_set_request_data -T netsnmp_monitor_callback_cooperative -T netsnmp_old_api_info -T netsnmp_old_api_cache -T netsnmp_row_merge_status -T netsnmp_scalar_group -T netsnmp_set_info -T netsnmp_request_info -T netsnmp_set_info -T netsnmp_tree_cache -T netsnmp_agent_request_info -T netsnmp_cachemap -T netsnmp_agent_session -T netsnmp_stash_cache_info -T netsnmp_stash_cache_data -T netsnmp_request_group_item -T netsnmp_request_group -T netsnmp_table_array_callbacks -T netsnmp_table_row -T netsnmp_table_data -T netsnmp_table_data_set_storage -T netsnmp_table_data_set -T netsnmp_column_info -T netsnmp_table_registration_info -T netsnmp_table_request_info -T netsnmp_iterator_info -T netsnmp_tdata_row -T netsnmp_tdata -T netsnmp_subtree -T netsnmp_watcher_info -T netsnmp_arp_entry -T netsnmp_interface_stats -T netsnmp_interface_entry -T netsnmp_conf_if_list -T netsnmp_ipaddress_entry -T netsnmp_ipstats -T netsnmp_route_entry -T netsnmp_systemstats_entry -T netsnmp_tcpconn_entry -T netsnmp_udp_endpoint_entry -T netsnmp_container -T netsnmp_iterator -T netsnmp_data_list -T netsnmp_data_list_saveinfo -T netsnmp_factory -T netsnmp_file -T netsnmp_oid_stash_node -T netsnmp_oid_stash_save_info -T netsnmp_pdu -T netsnmp_request_list -T netsnmp_vardata -T netsnmp_callback_pass -T netsnmp_callback_info -T netsnmp_token_descr -T netsnmp_std_data -T netsnmp_transport -T netsnmp_transport_list -T netsnmp_tdomain -T netsnmp_line_info -T netsnmp_line_process_info -T netsnmp_token_value_index
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[wow, what an annoying list!  The above -T list can be (re)generated by
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  perl -n -e 'print "-T $1 " if (/}\s*(netsnmp_\w+)\s*;/);' */*.h
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in the include/net-snmp directory]
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If possible, please run all new code submitted to the project through
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the above command.  However, if sending a patch, please do *not* send
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a patch that reformats the entire file.  Just the new sections of code
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should be in the above style to make it easier for us to dissect what
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you did in your patch.
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Briefly, here's a description of the style:
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	Blank lines:
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		after procedures
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		not (forced) after blocks of declarations or block comments
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		multiple declarations not split onto separate lines
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		Block comments indented 4 spaces from surrounding code
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		Start/End on separate lines
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		Solid '*' on the left of block comments
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		"One-line" comments start in column 33
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		K&R-style bracing (including "cuddle-else")
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		'case' statements in line with 'switch'
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		No space between procedure name and opening parenthesis
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		variable declarations lined up, and start in column 16
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		Procedure return type on a separate line to the procedure name
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		Four character basic and continuation line indent
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                No tabs used in the file, always use 8 spaces instead.
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		Continuation parameters lined up with opening parenthesis
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Function names and Variable names:
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should_be_like_this and notLikeThis
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New public functions and defines should ideally start with a netsnmp_
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or NETSNMP_ prefix, respectively.
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We have decided to typedef all structures into names using the
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following convention:
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typedef struct netsnmp_wombat_s {
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  int something_cool;
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} netsnmp_wombat;
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The important things to note here are that the struct name ends in a
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"_s", the typedef name doesn't end in "_t", and the typedef is not to a
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pointer and everything begins with "netsnmp_".
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