/* Nautilus - Canvas item class for canvas container. * * Copyright (C) 2000 Eazel, Inc * * Author: Andy Hertzfeld * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, see . */ #include #include #include "nautilus-canvas-item.h" #include #include "nautilus-file-utilities.h" #include "nautilus-global-preferences.h" #include "nautilus-canvas-private.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* gap between bottom of icon and start of text box */ #define LABEL_OFFSET 1 #define LABEL_LINE_SPACING 0 /* Text padding */ #define TEXT_BACK_PADDING_X 4 #define TEXT_BACK_PADDING_Y 1 /* Width of the label, keep in sync with ICON_GRID_WIDTH at nautilus-canvas-container.c */ #define MAX_TEXT_WIDTH_SMALL 116 #define MAX_TEXT_WIDTH_STANDARD 104 #define MAX_TEXT_WIDTH_LARGE 98 #define MAX_TEXT_WIDTH_LARGER 100 /* special text height handling * each item has three text height variables: * + text_height: actual height of the displayed (i.e. on-screen) PangoLayout. * + text_height_for_layout: height used in canvas grid layout algorithms. * “sane amount” of text. * “sane amount“ as of * + hard-coded to three lines in text-below-icon mode. * * This layout height is used by grid layout algorithms, even * though the actually displayed and/or requested text size may be larger * and overlap adjacent icons, if an icon is selected. * * + text_height_for_entire_text: height needed to display the entire PangoLayout, * if it wasn't ellipsized. */ /* Private part of the NautilusCanvasItem structure. */ struct NautilusCanvasItemDetails { /* The image, text, font. */ double x, y; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; cairo_surface_t *rendered_surface; char *editable_text; /* Text that can be modified by a renaming function */ char *additional_text; /* Text that cannot be modifed, such as file size, etc. */ /* Size of the text at current font. */ int text_dx; int text_width; /* actual size required for rendering the text to display */ int text_height; /* actual size that would be required for rendering the entire text if it wasn't ellipsized */ int text_height_for_entire_text; /* actual size needed for rendering a “sane amount” of text */ int text_height_for_layout; int editable_text_height; /* whether the entire text must always be visible. In that case, * text_height_for_layout will always be equal to text_height. * Used for the last line of a line-wise icon layout. */ guint entire_text : 1; /* Highlight state. */ guint is_highlighted_for_selection : 1; guint is_highlighted_as_keyboard_focus : 1; guint is_highlighted_for_drop : 1; guint is_highlighted_for_clipboard : 1; guint show_stretch_handles : 1; guint is_prelit : 1; guint rendered_is_highlighted_for_selection : 1; guint rendered_is_highlighted_for_drop : 1; guint rendered_is_highlighted_for_clipboard : 1; guint rendered_is_prelit : 1; guint rendered_is_focused : 1; guint bounds_cached : 1; guint is_visible : 1; /* Cached PangoLayouts. Only used if the icon is visible */ PangoLayout *editable_text_layout; PangoLayout *additional_text_layout; /* Cached rectangle in canvas coordinates */ EelIRect icon_rect; EelIRect text_rect; EelIRect bounds_cache; EelIRect bounds_cache_for_layout; EelIRect bounds_cache_for_entire_item; GdkWindow *cursor_window; /* Accessibility bits */ GailTextUtil *text_util; }; /* Object argument IDs. */ enum { PROP_0, PROP_EDITABLE_TEXT, PROP_ADDITIONAL_TEXT, PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_FOR_SELECTION, PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_AS_KEYBOARD_FOCUS, PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_FOR_DROP, PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_FOR_CLIPBOARD }; typedef enum { RIGHT_SIDE, BOTTOM_SIDE, LEFT_SIDE, TOP_SIDE } RectangleSide; static void nautilus_canvas_item_text_interface_init (EelAccessibleTextIface *iface); static GType nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_factory_get_type (void); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (NautilusCanvasItem, nautilus_canvas_item, EEL_TYPE_CANVAS_ITEM, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EEL_TYPE_ACCESSIBLE_TEXT, nautilus_canvas_item_text_interface_init)); /* private */ static void get_icon_rectangle (NautilusCanvasItem *item, EelIRect *rect); static void draw_pixbuf (GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, cairo_t *cr, int x, int y); static PangoLayout *get_label_layout (PangoLayout **layout, NautilusCanvasItem *item, const char *text); static gboolean hit_test_stretch_handle (NautilusCanvasItem *item, EelIRect icon_rect, GtkCornerType *corner); ; static void nautilus_canvas_item_ensure_bounds_up_to_date (NautilusCanvasItem *canvas_item); /* Object initialization function for the canvas item. */ static void nautilus_canvas_item_init (NautilusCanvasItem *canvas_item) { canvas_item->details = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((canvas_item), NAUTILUS_TYPE_CANVAS_ITEM, NautilusCanvasItemDetails); nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_label_size (canvas_item); } static void nautilus_canvas_item_finalize (GObject *object) { NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (object)); details = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (object)->details; if (details->cursor_window != NULL) { gdk_window_set_cursor (details->cursor_window, NULL); g_object_unref (details->cursor_window); } if (details->pixbuf != NULL) { g_object_unref (details->pixbuf); } if (details->text_util != NULL) { g_object_unref (details->text_util); } g_free (details->editable_text); g_free (details->additional_text); if (details->rendered_surface != NULL) { cairo_surface_destroy (details->rendered_surface); } if (details->editable_text_layout != NULL) { g_object_unref (details->editable_text_layout); } if (details->additional_text_layout != NULL) { g_object_unref (details->additional_text_layout); } G_OBJECT_CLASS (nautilus_canvas_item_parent_class)->finalize (object); } /* Currently we require pixbufs in this format (for hit testing). * Perhaps gdk-pixbuf will be changed so it can do the hit testing * and we won't have this requirement any more. */ static gboolean pixbuf_is_acceptable (GdkPixbuf *pixbuf) { return gdk_pixbuf_get_colorspace (pixbuf) == GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB && ((!gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (pixbuf) && gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (pixbuf) == 3) || (gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (pixbuf) && gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (pixbuf) == 4)) && gdk_pixbuf_get_bits_per_sample (pixbuf) == 8; } static void nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_bounds_cache (NautilusCanvasItem *item) { item->details->bounds_cached = FALSE; } /* invalidate the text width and height cached in the item details. */ void nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_label_size (NautilusCanvasItem *item) { if (item->details->editable_text_layout != NULL) { pango_layout_context_changed (item->details->editable_text_layout); } if (item->details->additional_text_layout != NULL) { pango_layout_context_changed (item->details->additional_text_layout); } nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_bounds_cache (item); item->details->text_width = -1; item->details->text_height = -1; item->details->text_height_for_layout = -1; item->details->text_height_for_entire_text = -1; item->details->editable_text_height = -1; } /* Set property handler for the canvas item. */ static void nautilus_canvas_item_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { NautilusCanvasItem *item; NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; AtkObject *accessible; item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (object); accessible = atk_gobject_accessible_for_object (G_OBJECT (item)); details = item->details; switch (property_id) { case PROP_EDITABLE_TEXT: { if (g_strcmp0 (details->editable_text, g_value_get_string (value)) == 0) { return; } g_free (details->editable_text); details->editable_text = g_strdup (g_value_get_string (value)); if (details->text_util) { gail_text_util_text_setup (details->text_util, details->editable_text); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (accessible), "accessible-name"); } nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_label_size (item); if (details->editable_text_layout) { g_object_unref (details->editable_text_layout); details->editable_text_layout = NULL; } } break; case PROP_ADDITIONAL_TEXT: { if (g_strcmp0 (details->additional_text, g_value_get_string (value)) == 0) { return; } g_free (details->additional_text); details->additional_text = g_strdup (g_value_get_string (value)); nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_label_size (item); if (details->additional_text_layout) { g_object_unref (details->additional_text_layout); details->additional_text_layout = NULL; } } break; case PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_FOR_SELECTION: { if (!details->is_highlighted_for_selection == !g_value_get_boolean (value)) { return; } details->is_highlighted_for_selection = g_value_get_boolean (value); nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_label_size (item); atk_object_notify_state_change (accessible, ATK_STATE_SELECTED, details->is_highlighted_for_selection); } break; case PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_AS_KEYBOARD_FOCUS: { if (!details->is_highlighted_as_keyboard_focus == !g_value_get_boolean (value)) { return; } details->is_highlighted_as_keyboard_focus = g_value_get_boolean (value); atk_object_notify_state_change (accessible, ATK_STATE_FOCUSED, details->is_highlighted_as_keyboard_focus); } break; case PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_FOR_DROP: { if (!details->is_highlighted_for_drop == !g_value_get_boolean (value)) { return; } details->is_highlighted_for_drop = g_value_get_boolean (value); } break; case PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_FOR_CLIPBOARD: { if (!details->is_highlighted_for_clipboard == !g_value_get_boolean (value)) { return; } details->is_highlighted_for_clipboard = g_value_get_boolean (value); } break; default: g_warning ("nautilus_canvas_item_set_property on unknown argument"); return; } eel_canvas_item_request_update (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (object)); } /* Get property handler for the canvas item */ static void nautilus_canvas_item_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; details = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (object)->details; switch (property_id) { case PROP_EDITABLE_TEXT: { g_value_set_string (value, details->editable_text); } break; case PROP_ADDITIONAL_TEXT: { g_value_set_string (value, details->additional_text); } break; case PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_FOR_SELECTION: { g_value_set_boolean (value, details->is_highlighted_for_selection); } break; case PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_AS_KEYBOARD_FOCUS: { g_value_set_boolean (value, details->is_highlighted_as_keyboard_focus); } break; case PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_FOR_DROP: { g_value_set_boolean (value, details->is_highlighted_for_drop); } break; case PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_FOR_CLIPBOARD: { g_value_set_boolean (value, details->is_highlighted_for_clipboard); } break; default: { g_warning ("invalid property %d", property_id); } break; } } static void get_scaled_icon_size (NautilusCanvasItem *item, gint *width, gint *height) { EelCanvas *canvas; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL; gint scale; if (item != NULL) { canvas = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas; scale = gtk_widget_get_scale_factor (GTK_WIDGET (canvas)); pixbuf = item->details->pixbuf; } if (width) { *width = (pixbuf == NULL) ? 0 : (gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf) / scale); } if (height) { *height = (pixbuf == NULL) ? 0 : (gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf) / scale); } } void nautilus_canvas_item_set_image (NautilusCanvasItem *item, GdkPixbuf *image) { NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item)); g_return_if_fail (image == NULL || pixbuf_is_acceptable (image)); details = item->details; if (details->pixbuf == image) { return; } if (image != NULL) { g_object_ref (image); } if (details->pixbuf != NULL) { g_object_unref (details->pixbuf); } if (details->rendered_surface != NULL) { cairo_surface_destroy (details->rendered_surface); details->rendered_surface = NULL; } details->pixbuf = image; nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_bounds_cache (item); eel_canvas_item_request_update (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)); } /* Recomputes the bounding box of a canvas item. * This is a generic implementation that could be used for any canvas item * class, it has no assumptions about how the item is used. */ static void recompute_bounding_box (NautilusCanvasItem *canvas_item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy) { /* The bounds stored in the item is the same as what get_bounds * returns, except it's in canvas coordinates instead of the item's * parent's coordinates. */ EelCanvasItem *item; EelDRect bounds_rect; item = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (canvas_item); eel_canvas_item_get_bounds (item, &bounds_rect.x0, &bounds_rect.y0, &bounds_rect.x1, &bounds_rect.y1); bounds_rect.x0 += i2w_dx; bounds_rect.y0 += i2w_dy; bounds_rect.x1 += i2w_dx; bounds_rect.y1 += i2w_dy; eel_canvas_w2c_d (item->canvas, bounds_rect.x0, bounds_rect.y0, &item->x1, &item->y1); eel_canvas_w2c_d (item->canvas, bounds_rect.x1, bounds_rect.y1, &item->x2, &item->y2); } static EelIRect compute_text_rectangle (const NautilusCanvasItem *item, EelIRect icon_rectangle, gboolean canvas_coords, NautilusCanvasItemBoundsUsage usage) { EelIRect text_rectangle; double pixels_per_unit; double text_width, text_height, text_height_for_layout, text_height_for_entire_text, real_text_height; pixels_per_unit = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas->pixels_per_unit; if (canvas_coords) { text_width = item->details->text_width; text_height = item->details->text_height; text_height_for_layout = item->details->text_height_for_layout; text_height_for_entire_text = item->details->text_height_for_entire_text; } else { text_width = item->details->text_width / pixels_per_unit; text_height = item->details->text_height / pixels_per_unit; text_height_for_layout = item->details->text_height_for_layout / pixels_per_unit; text_height_for_entire_text = item->details->text_height_for_entire_text / pixels_per_unit; } text_rectangle.x0 = (icon_rectangle.x0 + icon_rectangle.x1) / 2 - (int) text_width / 2; text_rectangle.y0 = icon_rectangle.y1; text_rectangle.x1 = text_rectangle.x0 + text_width; if (usage == BOUNDS_USAGE_FOR_LAYOUT) { real_text_height = text_height_for_layout; } else if (usage == BOUNDS_USAGE_FOR_ENTIRE_ITEM) { real_text_height = text_height_for_entire_text; } else if (usage == BOUNDS_USAGE_FOR_DISPLAY) { real_text_height = text_height; } else { g_assert_not_reached (); } text_rectangle.y1 = text_rectangle.y0 + real_text_height + LABEL_OFFSET / pixels_per_unit; return text_rectangle; } static EelIRect get_current_canvas_bounds (EelCanvasItem *item) { EelIRect bounds; g_assert (EEL_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item)); bounds.x0 = item->x1; bounds.y0 = item->y1; bounds.x1 = item->x2; bounds.y1 = item->y2; return bounds; } void nautilus_canvas_item_update_bounds (NautilusCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy) { EelIRect before, after; EelCanvasItem *canvas_item; canvas_item = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item); /* Compute new bounds. */ before = get_current_canvas_bounds (canvas_item); recompute_bounding_box (item, i2w_dx, i2w_dy); after = get_current_canvas_bounds (canvas_item); /* If the bounds didn't change, we are done. */ if (eel_irect_equal (before, after)) { return; } /* Update canvas and text rect cache */ get_icon_rectangle (item, &item->details->icon_rect); item->details->text_rect = compute_text_rectangle (item, item->details->icon_rect, TRUE, BOUNDS_USAGE_FOR_DISPLAY); /* queue a redraw. */ eel_canvas_request_redraw (canvas_item->canvas, before.x0, before.y0, before.x1 + 1, before.y1 + 1); } /* Update handler for the canvas canvas item. */ static void nautilus_canvas_item_update (EelCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, gint flags) { nautilus_canvas_item_update_bounds (NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (item), i2w_dx, i2w_dy); eel_canvas_item_request_redraw (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)); EEL_CANVAS_ITEM_CLASS (nautilus_canvas_item_parent_class)->update (item, i2w_dx, i2w_dy, flags); } /* Rendering */ static gboolean in_single_click_mode (void) { int click_policy; click_policy = g_settings_get_enum (nautilus_preferences, NAUTILUS_PREFERENCES_CLICK_POLICY); return click_policy == NAUTILUS_CLICK_POLICY_SINGLE; } /* Keep these for a bit while we work on performance of draw_or_measure_label_text. */ /* #define PERFORMANCE_TEST_DRAW_DISABLE #define PERFORMANCE_TEST_MEASURE_DISABLE */ /* This gets the size of the layout from the position of the layout. * This means that if the layout is right aligned we get the full width * of the layout, not just the width of the text snippet on the right side */ static void layout_get_full_size (PangoLayout *layout, int *width, int *height, int *dx) { PangoRectangle logical_rect; int the_width, total_width; pango_layout_get_extents (layout, NULL, &logical_rect); the_width = (logical_rect.width + PANGO_SCALE / 2) / PANGO_SCALE; total_width = (logical_rect.x + logical_rect.width + PANGO_SCALE / 2) / PANGO_SCALE; if (width != NULL) { *width = the_width; } if (height != NULL) { *height = (logical_rect.height + PANGO_SCALE / 2) / PANGO_SCALE; } if (dx != NULL) { *dx = total_width - the_width; } } static void layout_get_size_for_layout (PangoLayout *layout, int max_layout_line_count, int height_for_entire_text, int *height_for_layout) { PangoLayoutIter *iter; PangoRectangle logical_rect; int i; /* only use the first max_layout_line_count lines for the gridded auto layout */ if (pango_layout_get_line_count (layout) <= max_layout_line_count) { *height_for_layout = height_for_entire_text; } else { *height_for_layout = 0; iter = pango_layout_get_iter (layout); for (i = 0; i < max_layout_line_count; i++) { pango_layout_iter_get_line_extents (iter, NULL, &logical_rect); *height_for_layout += (logical_rect.height + PANGO_SCALE / 2) / PANGO_SCALE; if (!pango_layout_iter_next_line (iter)) { break; } *height_for_layout += pango_layout_get_spacing (layout); } pango_layout_iter_free (iter); } } static double nautilus_canvas_item_get_max_text_width (NautilusCanvasItem *item) { EelCanvasItem *canvas_item; NautilusCanvasContainer *container; guint max_text_width; canvas_item = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item); container = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_CONTAINER (canvas_item->canvas); switch (nautilus_canvas_container_get_zoom_level (container)) { case NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALL: { max_text_width = MAX_TEXT_WIDTH_SMALL; } break; case NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ZOOM_LEVEL_STANDARD: { max_text_width = MAX_TEXT_WIDTH_STANDARD; } break; case NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ZOOM_LEVEL_LARGE: { max_text_width = MAX_TEXT_WIDTH_LARGE; } break; case NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ZOOM_LEVEL_LARGER: { max_text_width = MAX_TEXT_WIDTH_LARGER; } break; default: g_warning ("Zoom level not valid. This may incur in missaligned grid"); max_text_width = MAX_TEXT_WIDTH_STANDARD; } return max_text_width * canvas_item->canvas->pixels_per_unit - 2 * TEXT_BACK_PADDING_X; } static void prepare_pango_layout_width (NautilusCanvasItem *item, PangoLayout *layout) { pango_layout_set_width (layout, floor (nautilus_canvas_item_get_max_text_width (item)) * PANGO_SCALE); pango_layout_set_ellipsize (layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END); } static void prepare_pango_layout_for_measure_entire_text (NautilusCanvasItem *item, PangoLayout *layout) { prepare_pango_layout_width (item, layout); pango_layout_set_height (layout, G_MININT); } static void prepare_pango_layout_for_draw (NautilusCanvasItem *item, PangoLayout *layout) { NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; NautilusCanvasContainer *container; gboolean needs_highlight; prepare_pango_layout_width (item, layout); container = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_CONTAINER (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas); details = item->details; needs_highlight = details->is_highlighted_for_selection || details->is_highlighted_for_drop; if (needs_highlight || details->is_highlighted_as_keyboard_focus || details->entire_text) { /* VOODOO-TODO, cf. compute_text_rectangle() */ pango_layout_set_height (layout, G_MININT); } else { /* TODO? we might save some resources, when the re-layout is not neccessary in case * the layout height already fits into max. layout lines. But pango should figure this * out itself (which it doesn't ATM). */ pango_layout_set_height (layout, nautilus_canvas_container_get_max_layout_lines_for_pango (container)); } } static void measure_label_text (NautilusCanvasItem *item) { NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; NautilusCanvasContainer *container; gint editable_height, editable_height_for_layout, editable_height_for_entire_text, editable_width, editable_dx; gint additional_height, additional_width, additional_dx; PangoLayout *editable_layout; PangoLayout *additional_layout; gboolean have_editable, have_additional; /* check to see if the cached values are still valid; if so, there's * no work necessary */ if (item->details->text_width >= 0 && item->details->text_height >= 0) { return; } details = item->details; have_editable = details->editable_text != NULL && details->editable_text[0] != '\0'; have_additional = details->additional_text != NULL && details->additional_text[0] != '\0'; /* No font or no text, then do no work. */ if (!have_editable && !have_additional) { details->text_height = 0; details->text_height_for_layout = 0; details->text_height_for_entire_text = 0; details->text_width = 0; return; } #ifdef PERFORMANCE_TEST_MEASURE_DISABLE /* fake out the width */ details->text_width = 80; details->text_height = 20; details->text_height_for_layout = 20; details->text_height_for_entire_text = 20; return; #endif editable_width = 0; editable_height = 0; editable_height_for_layout = 0; editable_height_for_entire_text = 0; editable_dx = 0; additional_width = 0; additional_height = 0; additional_dx = 0; container = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_CONTAINER (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas); editable_layout = NULL; additional_layout = NULL; if (have_editable) { /* first, measure required text height: editable_height_for_entire_text * then, measure text height applicable for layout: editable_height_for_layout * next, measure actually displayed height: editable_height */ editable_layout = get_label_layout (&details->editable_text_layout, item, details->editable_text); prepare_pango_layout_for_measure_entire_text (item, editable_layout); layout_get_full_size (editable_layout, NULL, &editable_height_for_entire_text, NULL); layout_get_size_for_layout (editable_layout, nautilus_canvas_container_get_max_layout_lines (container), editable_height_for_entire_text, &editable_height_for_layout); prepare_pango_layout_for_draw (item, editable_layout); layout_get_full_size (editable_layout, &editable_width, &editable_height, &editable_dx); } if (have_additional) { additional_layout = get_label_layout (&details->additional_text_layout, item, details->additional_text); prepare_pango_layout_for_draw (item, additional_layout); layout_get_full_size (additional_layout, &additional_width, &additional_height, &additional_dx); } details->editable_text_height = editable_height; if (editable_width > additional_width) { details->text_width = editable_width; details->text_dx = editable_dx; } else { details->text_width = additional_width; details->text_dx = additional_dx; } if (have_additional) { details->text_height = editable_height + LABEL_LINE_SPACING + additional_height; details->text_height_for_layout = editable_height_for_layout + LABEL_LINE_SPACING + additional_height; details->text_height_for_entire_text = editable_height_for_entire_text + LABEL_LINE_SPACING + additional_height; } else { details->text_height = editable_height; details->text_height_for_layout = editable_height_for_layout; details->text_height_for_entire_text = editable_height_for_entire_text; } /* add some extra space for highlighting even when we don't highlight so things won't move */ /* extra slop for nicer highlighting */ details->text_height += TEXT_BACK_PADDING_Y * 2; details->text_height_for_layout += TEXT_BACK_PADDING_Y * 2; details->text_height_for_entire_text += TEXT_BACK_PADDING_Y * 2; details->editable_text_height += TEXT_BACK_PADDING_Y * 2; /* extra to make it look nicer */ details->text_width += TEXT_BACK_PADDING_X * 2; if (editable_layout) { g_object_unref (editable_layout); } if (additional_layout) { g_object_unref (additional_layout); } } static void draw_label_text (NautilusCanvasItem *item, cairo_t *cr, EelIRect icon_rect) { NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; NautilusCanvasContainer *container; PangoLayout *editable_layout; PangoLayout *additional_layout; GtkStyleContext *context; GtkStateFlags state, base_state; gboolean have_editable, have_additional; gboolean needs_highlight, prelight_label; EelIRect text_rect; int x; int max_text_width; gdouble frame_w, frame_h, frame_x, frame_y; gboolean draw_frame = TRUE; #ifdef PERFORMANCE_TEST_DRAW_DISABLE return; #endif details = item->details; measure_label_text (item); if (details->text_height == 0 || details->text_width == 0) { return; } container = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_CONTAINER (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas); context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (GTK_WIDGET (container)); text_rect = compute_text_rectangle (item, icon_rect, TRUE, BOUNDS_USAGE_FOR_DISPLAY); needs_highlight = details->is_highlighted_for_selection || details->is_highlighted_for_drop; editable_layout = NULL; additional_layout = NULL; have_editable = details->editable_text != NULL && details->editable_text[0] != '\0'; have_additional = details->additional_text != NULL && details->additional_text[0] != '\0'; g_assert (have_editable || have_additional); max_text_width = floor (nautilus_canvas_item_get_max_text_width (item)); base_state = gtk_widget_get_state_flags (GTK_WIDGET (container)); base_state &= ~(GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED | GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT); state = base_state; gtk_widget_style_get (GTK_WIDGET (container), "activate_prelight_icon_label", &prelight_label, NULL); /* if the canvas is highlighted, do some set-up */ if (needs_highlight) { state |= GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED; frame_x = text_rect.x0; frame_y = text_rect.y0; frame_w = text_rect.x1 - text_rect.x0; frame_h = text_rect.y1 - text_rect.y0; } else if (!needs_highlight && have_editable && details->text_width > 0 && details->text_height > 0 && prelight_label && item->details->is_prelit) { state |= GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT; frame_x = text_rect.x0; frame_y = text_rect.y0; frame_w = text_rect.x1 - text_rect.x0; frame_h = text_rect.y1 - text_rect.y0; } else { draw_frame = FALSE; } if (draw_frame) { gtk_style_context_save (context); gtk_style_context_set_state (context, state); gtk_render_frame (context, cr, frame_x, frame_y, frame_w, frame_h); gtk_render_background (context, cr, frame_x, frame_y, frame_w, frame_h); gtk_style_context_restore (context); } x = text_rect.x0 + ((text_rect.x1 - text_rect.x0) - max_text_width) / 2; if (have_editable) { state = base_state; if (prelight_label && item->details->is_prelit) { state |= GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT; } if (needs_highlight) { state |= GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED; } editable_layout = get_label_layout (&item->details->editable_text_layout, item, item->details->editable_text); prepare_pango_layout_for_draw (item, editable_layout); gtk_style_context_save (context); gtk_style_context_set_state (context, state); gtk_render_layout (context, cr, x, text_rect.y0 + TEXT_BACK_PADDING_Y, editable_layout); gtk_style_context_restore (context); } if (have_additional) { state = base_state; if (needs_highlight) { state |= GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED; } additional_layout = get_label_layout (&item->details->additional_text_layout, item, item->details->additional_text); prepare_pango_layout_for_draw (item, additional_layout); gtk_style_context_save (context); gtk_style_context_set_state (context, state); gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "dim-label"); gtk_render_layout (context, cr, x, text_rect.y0 + details->editable_text_height + LABEL_LINE_SPACING + TEXT_BACK_PADDING_Y, additional_layout); gtk_style_context_restore (context); } if (item->details->is_highlighted_as_keyboard_focus) { if (needs_highlight) { state = GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED; } gtk_style_context_save (context); gtk_style_context_set_state (context, state); gtk_render_focus (context, cr, text_rect.x0, text_rect.y0, text_rect.x1 - text_rect.x0, text_rect.y1 - text_rect.y0); gtk_style_context_restore (context); } if (editable_layout != NULL) { g_object_unref (editable_layout); } if (additional_layout != NULL) { g_object_unref (additional_layout); } } void nautilus_canvas_item_set_is_visible (NautilusCanvasItem *item, gboolean visible) { if (item->details->is_visible == visible) { return; } item->details->is_visible = visible; if (!visible) { nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_label (item); } } void nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_label (NautilusCanvasItem *item) { nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_label_size (item); if (item->details->editable_text_layout) { g_object_unref (item->details->editable_text_layout); item->details->editable_text_layout = NULL; } if (item->details->additional_text_layout) { g_object_unref (item->details->additional_text_layout); item->details->additional_text_layout = NULL; } } static GdkPixbuf * get_knob_pixbuf (void) { GdkPixbuf *knob_pixbuf = NULL; GInputStream *stream = g_resources_open_stream ("/org/gnome/nautilus/icons/knob.png", 0, NULL); if (stream != NULL) { knob_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream (stream, NULL, NULL); g_object_unref (stream); } return knob_pixbuf; } static void draw_stretch_handles (NautilusCanvasItem *item, cairo_t *cr, const EelIRect *rect) { GtkWidget *widget; GdkPixbuf *knob_pixbuf; int knob_width, knob_height; double dash = { 2.0 }; GtkStyleContext *style; GdkRGBA color; if (!item->details->show_stretch_handles) { return; } widget = GTK_WIDGET (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas); style = gtk_widget_get_style_context (widget); cairo_save (cr); knob_pixbuf = get_knob_pixbuf (); knob_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (knob_pixbuf); knob_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (knob_pixbuf); /* first draw the box */ gtk_style_context_get_color (style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED, &color); gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &color); cairo_set_dash (cr, &dash, 1, 0); cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0); cairo_rectangle (cr, rect->x0 + 0.5, rect->y0 + 0.5, rect->x1 - rect->x0 - 1, rect->y1 - rect->y0 - 1); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_restore (cr); /* draw the stretch handles themselves */ draw_pixbuf (knob_pixbuf, cr, rect->x0, rect->y0); draw_pixbuf (knob_pixbuf, cr, rect->x0, rect->y1 - knob_height); draw_pixbuf (knob_pixbuf, cr, rect->x1 - knob_width, rect->y0); draw_pixbuf (knob_pixbuf, cr, rect->x1 - knob_width, rect->y1 - knob_height); g_object_unref (knob_pixbuf); } static void draw_pixbuf (GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, cairo_t *cr, int x, int y) { cairo_save (cr); gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, pixbuf, x, y); cairo_paint (cr); cairo_restore (cr); } /* shared code to highlight or dim the passed-in pixbuf */ static cairo_surface_t * real_map_surface (NautilusCanvasItem *canvas_item) { EelCanvas *canvas; GdkPixbuf *temp_pixbuf, *old_pixbuf; GtkStyleContext *style; GdkRGBA color; cairo_surface_t *surface; temp_pixbuf = canvas_item->details->pixbuf; canvas = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (canvas_item)->canvas; g_object_ref (temp_pixbuf); if (canvas_item->details->is_prelit || canvas_item->details->is_highlighted_for_clipboard) { old_pixbuf = temp_pixbuf; temp_pixbuf = eel_create_spotlight_pixbuf (temp_pixbuf); g_object_unref (old_pixbuf); } if (canvas_item->details->is_highlighted_for_selection || canvas_item->details->is_highlighted_for_drop) { style = gtk_widget_get_style_context (GTK_WIDGET (canvas)); if (gtk_widget_has_focus (GTK_WIDGET (canvas))) { gtk_style_context_get_background_color (style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED, &color); } else { gtk_style_context_get_background_color (style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_ACTIVE, &color); } old_pixbuf = temp_pixbuf; temp_pixbuf = eel_create_colorized_pixbuf (temp_pixbuf, &color); g_object_unref (old_pixbuf); } surface = gdk_cairo_surface_create_from_pixbuf (temp_pixbuf, gtk_widget_get_scale_factor (GTK_WIDGET (canvas)), gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (canvas))); g_object_unref (temp_pixbuf); return surface; } static cairo_surface_t * map_surface (NautilusCanvasItem *canvas_item) { if (!(canvas_item->details->rendered_surface != NULL && canvas_item->details->rendered_is_prelit == canvas_item->details->is_prelit && canvas_item->details->rendered_is_highlighted_for_selection == canvas_item->details->is_highlighted_for_selection && canvas_item->details->rendered_is_highlighted_for_drop == canvas_item->details->is_highlighted_for_drop && canvas_item->details->rendered_is_highlighted_for_clipboard == canvas_item->details->is_highlighted_for_clipboard && (canvas_item->details->is_highlighted_for_selection && canvas_item->details->rendered_is_focused == gtk_widget_has_focus (GTK_WIDGET (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (canvas_item)->canvas))))) { if (canvas_item->details->rendered_surface != NULL) { cairo_surface_destroy (canvas_item->details->rendered_surface); } canvas_item->details->rendered_surface = real_map_surface (canvas_item); canvas_item->details->rendered_is_prelit = canvas_item->details->is_prelit; canvas_item->details->rendered_is_highlighted_for_selection = canvas_item->details->is_highlighted_for_selection; canvas_item->details->rendered_is_highlighted_for_drop = canvas_item->details->is_highlighted_for_drop; canvas_item->details->rendered_is_highlighted_for_clipboard = canvas_item->details->is_highlighted_for_clipboard; canvas_item->details->rendered_is_focused = gtk_widget_has_focus (GTK_WIDGET (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (canvas_item)->canvas)); } cairo_surface_reference (canvas_item->details->rendered_surface); return canvas_item->details->rendered_surface; } cairo_surface_t * nautilus_canvas_item_get_drag_surface (NautilusCanvasItem *item) { cairo_surface_t *surface; EelCanvas *canvas; int width, height; int pix_width, pix_height; int item_offset_x, item_offset_y; EelIRect icon_rect; double item_x, item_y; cairo_t *cr; GtkStyleContext *context; cairo_surface_t *drag_surface; g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item), NULL); canvas = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas; context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (GTK_WIDGET (canvas)); gtk_style_context_save (context); gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "nautilus-canvas-item"); /* Assume we're updated so canvas item data is right */ /* Calculate the offset from the top-left corner of the * new image to the item position (where the pixmap is placed) */ eel_canvas_world_to_window (canvas, item->details->x, item->details->y, &item_x, &item_y); item_offset_x = item_x - EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->x1; item_offset_y = item_y - EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->y1; /* Calculate the width of the item */ width = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->x2 - EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->x1; height = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->y2 - EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->y1; surface = gdk_window_create_similar_surface (gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (canvas)), CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, width, height); cr = cairo_create (surface); drag_surface = map_surface (item); gtk_render_icon_surface (context, cr, drag_surface, item_offset_x, item_offset_y); cairo_surface_destroy (drag_surface); get_scaled_icon_size (item, &pix_width, &pix_height); icon_rect.x0 = item_offset_x; icon_rect.y0 = item_offset_y; icon_rect.x1 = item_offset_x + pix_width; icon_rect.y1 = item_offset_y + pix_height; draw_label_text (item, cr, icon_rect); cairo_destroy (cr); gtk_style_context_restore (context); return surface; } /* Draw the canvas item for non-anti-aliased mode. */ static void nautilus_canvas_item_draw (EelCanvasItem *item, cairo_t *cr, cairo_region_t *region) { NautilusCanvasContainer *container; NautilusCanvasItem *canvas_item; NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; EelIRect icon_rect; cairo_surface_t *temp_surface; GtkStyleContext *context; container = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_CONTAINER (item->canvas); canvas_item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (item); details = canvas_item->details; /* Draw the pixbuf. */ if (details->pixbuf == NULL) { return; } context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (GTK_WIDGET (container)); gtk_style_context_save (context); gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "nautilus-canvas-item"); icon_rect = canvas_item->details->icon_rect; temp_surface = map_surface (canvas_item); gtk_render_icon_surface (context, cr, temp_surface, icon_rect.x0, icon_rect.y0); cairo_surface_destroy (temp_surface); /* Draw stretching handles (if necessary). */ draw_stretch_handles (canvas_item, cr, &icon_rect); /* Draw the label text. */ draw_label_text (canvas_item, cr, icon_rect); gtk_style_context_restore (context); } #define ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE "\xE2\x80\x8B" static PangoLayout * create_label_layout (NautilusCanvasItem *item, const char *text) { PangoLayout *layout; PangoContext *context; PangoFontDescription *desc; NautilusCanvasContainer *container; EelCanvasItem *canvas_item; GString *str; char *zeroified_text; const char *p; canvas_item = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item); container = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_CONTAINER (canvas_item->canvas); context = gtk_widget_get_pango_context (GTK_WIDGET (canvas_item->canvas)); layout = pango_layout_new (context); zeroified_text = NULL; if (text != NULL) { str = g_string_new (NULL); for (p = text; *p != '\0'; p++) { str = g_string_append_c (str, *p); if (*p == '_' || *p == '-' || (*p == '.' && !g_ascii_isdigit (*(p + 1)))) { /* Ensure that we allow to break after '_' or '.' characters, * if they are not followed by a number */ str = g_string_append (str, ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE); } } zeroified_text = g_string_free (str, FALSE); } pango_layout_set_text (layout, zeroified_text, -1); pango_layout_set_auto_dir (layout, FALSE); pango_layout_set_alignment (layout, PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER); pango_layout_set_spacing (layout, LABEL_LINE_SPACING); pango_layout_set_wrap (layout, PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR); /* Create a font description */ if (container->details->font) { desc = pango_font_description_from_string (container->details->font); } else { desc = pango_font_description_copy (pango_context_get_font_description (context)); } pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc); pango_font_description_free (desc); g_free (zeroified_text); return layout; } static PangoLayout * get_label_layout (PangoLayout **layout_cache, NautilusCanvasItem *item, const char *text) { PangoLayout *layout; if (*layout_cache != NULL) { return g_object_ref (*layout_cache); } layout = create_label_layout (item, text); if (item->details->is_visible) { *layout_cache = g_object_ref (layout); } return layout; } /* handle events */ static int nautilus_canvas_item_event (EelCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event) { NautilusCanvasItem *canvas_item; GdkCursor *cursor; GdkWindow *cursor_window; canvas_item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (item); cursor_window = ((GdkEventAny *) event)->window; switch (event->type) { case GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY: { if (!canvas_item->details->is_prelit) { canvas_item->details->is_prelit = TRUE; nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_label_size (canvas_item); eel_canvas_item_request_update (item); eel_canvas_item_send_behind (item, NAUTILUS_CANVAS_CONTAINER (item->canvas)->details->rubberband_info.selection_rectangle); /* show a hand cursor */ if (in_single_click_mode ()) { cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), GDK_HAND2); gdk_window_set_cursor (cursor_window, cursor); g_object_unref (cursor); canvas_item->details->cursor_window = g_object_ref (cursor_window); } } return TRUE; } case GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY: { if (canvas_item->details->is_prelit || canvas_item->details->is_highlighted_for_drop) { /* When leaving, turn of the prelight state and the * higlighted for drop. The latter gets turned on * by the drag&drop motion callback. */ canvas_item->details->is_prelit = FALSE; canvas_item->details->is_highlighted_for_drop = FALSE; nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_label_size (canvas_item); eel_canvas_item_request_update (item); /* show default cursor */ gdk_window_set_cursor (cursor_window, NULL); g_clear_object (&canvas_item->details->cursor_window); } return TRUE; } default: /* Don't eat up other events; canvas container might use them. */ return FALSE; } } static gboolean hit_test (NautilusCanvasItem *canvas_item, EelIRect icon_rect) { NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; details = canvas_item->details; /* Quick check to see if the rect hits the canvas or text at all. */ if (!eel_irect_hits_irect (canvas_item->details->icon_rect, icon_rect) && (!eel_irect_hits_irect (details->text_rect, icon_rect))) { return FALSE; } /* Check for hits in the stretch handles. */ if (hit_test_stretch_handle (canvas_item, icon_rect, NULL)) { return TRUE; } /* Check for hit in the canvas. */ if (eel_irect_hits_irect (canvas_item->details->icon_rect, icon_rect)) { return TRUE; } /* Check for hit in the text. */ if (eel_irect_hits_irect (details->text_rect, icon_rect)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* Point handler for the canvas canvas item. */ static double nautilus_canvas_item_point (EelCanvasItem *item, double x, double y, int cx, int cy, EelCanvasItem **actual_item) { EelIRect icon_rect; *actual_item = item; icon_rect.x0 = cx; icon_rect.y0 = cy; icon_rect.x1 = cx + 1; icon_rect.y1 = cy + 1; if (hit_test (NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (item), icon_rect)) { return 0.0; } else { /* This value means not hit. * It's kind of arbitrary. Can we do better? */ return item->canvas->pixels_per_unit * 2 + 10; } } static void nautilus_canvas_item_translate (EelCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy) { NautilusCanvasItem *canvas_item; NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; canvas_item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (item); details = canvas_item->details; details->x += dx; details->y += dy; } void nautilus_canvas_item_get_bounds_for_layout (NautilusCanvasItem *canvas_item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2) { NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; EelIRect *total_rect; details = canvas_item->details; nautilus_canvas_item_ensure_bounds_up_to_date (canvas_item); g_assert (details->bounds_cached); total_rect = &details->bounds_cache_for_layout; /* Return the result. */ if (x1 != NULL) { *x1 = (int) details->x + total_rect->x0; } if (y1 != NULL) { *y1 = (int) details->y + total_rect->y0; } if (x2 != NULL) { *x2 = (int) details->x + total_rect->x1 + 1; } if (y2 != NULL) { *y2 = (int) details->y + total_rect->y1 + 1; } } void nautilus_canvas_item_get_bounds_for_entire_item (NautilusCanvasItem *canvas_item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2) { NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; EelIRect *total_rect; details = canvas_item->details; nautilus_canvas_item_ensure_bounds_up_to_date (canvas_item); g_assert (details->bounds_cached); total_rect = &details->bounds_cache_for_entire_item; /* Return the result. */ if (x1 != NULL) { *x1 = (int) details->x + total_rect->x0; } if (y1 != NULL) { *y1 = (int) details->y + total_rect->y0; } if (x2 != NULL) { *x2 = (int) details->x + total_rect->x1 + 1; } if (y2 != NULL) { *y2 = (int) details->y + total_rect->y1 + 1; } } /* Bounds handler for the canvas canvas item. */ static void nautilus_canvas_item_bounds (EelCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2) { NautilusCanvasItem *canvas_item; NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; EelIRect *total_rect; canvas_item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (item); details = canvas_item->details; g_assert (x1 != NULL); g_assert (y1 != NULL); g_assert (x2 != NULL); g_assert (y2 != NULL); nautilus_canvas_item_ensure_bounds_up_to_date (canvas_item); g_assert (details->bounds_cached); total_rect = &details->bounds_cache; /* Return the result. */ *x1 = (int) details->x + total_rect->x0; *y1 = (int) details->y + total_rect->y0; *x2 = (int) details->x + total_rect->x1 + 1; *y2 = (int) details->y + total_rect->y1 + 1; } static void nautilus_canvas_item_ensure_bounds_up_to_date (NautilusCanvasItem *canvas_item) { NautilusCanvasItemDetails *details; EelIRect icon_rect; EelIRect text_rect, text_rect_for_layout, text_rect_for_entire_text; EelIRect total_rect, total_rect_for_layout, total_rect_for_entire_text; EelCanvasItem *item; double pixels_per_unit; gint width, height; details = canvas_item->details; item = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (canvas_item); if (!details->bounds_cached) { measure_label_text (canvas_item); pixels_per_unit = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas->pixels_per_unit; /* Compute scaled canvas rectangle. */ icon_rect.x0 = 0; icon_rect.y0 = 0; get_scaled_icon_size (canvas_item, &width, &height); icon_rect.x1 = width / pixels_per_unit; icon_rect.y1 = height / pixels_per_unit; /* Compute text rectangle. */ text_rect = compute_text_rectangle (canvas_item, icon_rect, FALSE, BOUNDS_USAGE_FOR_DISPLAY); text_rect_for_layout = compute_text_rectangle (canvas_item, icon_rect, FALSE, BOUNDS_USAGE_FOR_LAYOUT); text_rect_for_entire_text = compute_text_rectangle (canvas_item, icon_rect, FALSE, BOUNDS_USAGE_FOR_ENTIRE_ITEM); /* Compute total rectangle */ eel_irect_union (&total_rect, &icon_rect, &text_rect); eel_irect_union (&total_rect_for_layout, &icon_rect, &text_rect_for_layout); eel_irect_union (&total_rect_for_entire_text, &icon_rect, &text_rect_for_entire_text); details->bounds_cache = total_rect; details->bounds_cache_for_layout = total_rect_for_layout; details->bounds_cache_for_entire_item = total_rect_for_entire_text; details->bounds_cached = TRUE; } } /* Get the rectangle of the canvas only, in world coordinates. */ EelDRect nautilus_canvas_item_get_icon_rectangle (const NautilusCanvasItem *item) { EelDRect rectangle; double pixels_per_unit; gint width, height; g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item), eel_drect_empty); rectangle.x0 = item->details->x; rectangle.y0 = item->details->y; pixels_per_unit = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas->pixels_per_unit; get_scaled_icon_size (NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (item), &width, &height); rectangle.x1 = rectangle.x0 + width / pixels_per_unit; rectangle.y1 = rectangle.y0 + height / pixels_per_unit; eel_canvas_item_i2w (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item), &rectangle.x0, &rectangle.y0); eel_canvas_item_i2w (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item), &rectangle.x1, &rectangle.y1); return rectangle; } /* Get the rectangle of the icon only, in canvas coordinates. */ static void get_icon_rectangle (NautilusCanvasItem *item, EelIRect *rect) { gint width, height; g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item)); g_assert (rect != NULL); eel_canvas_w2c (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas, item->details->x, item->details->y, &rect->x0, &rect->y0); get_scaled_icon_size (item, &width, &height); rect->x1 = rect->x0 + width; rect->y1 = rect->y0 + height; } void nautilus_canvas_item_set_show_stretch_handles (NautilusCanvasItem *item, gboolean show_stretch_handles) { g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item)); g_return_if_fail (show_stretch_handles == FALSE || show_stretch_handles == TRUE); if (!item->details->show_stretch_handles == !show_stretch_handles) { return; } item->details->show_stretch_handles = show_stretch_handles; eel_canvas_item_request_update (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)); } /* Check if one of the stretch handles was hit. */ static gboolean hit_test_stretch_handle (NautilusCanvasItem *item, EelIRect probe_icon_rect, GtkCornerType *corner) { EelIRect icon_rect; GdkPixbuf *knob_pixbuf; int knob_width, knob_height; int hit_corner; g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item)); /* Make sure there are handles to hit. */ if (!item->details->show_stretch_handles) { return FALSE; } /* Quick check to see if the rect hits the canvas at all. */ icon_rect = item->details->icon_rect; if (!eel_irect_hits_irect (probe_icon_rect, icon_rect)) { return FALSE; } knob_pixbuf = get_knob_pixbuf (); knob_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (knob_pixbuf); knob_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (knob_pixbuf); g_object_unref (knob_pixbuf); /* Check for hits in the stretch handles. */ hit_corner = -1; if (probe_icon_rect.x0 < icon_rect.x0 + knob_width) { if (probe_icon_rect.y0 < icon_rect.y0 + knob_height) { hit_corner = GTK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT; } else if (probe_icon_rect.y1 >= icon_rect.y1 - knob_height) { hit_corner = GTK_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT; } } else if (probe_icon_rect.x1 >= icon_rect.x1 - knob_width) { if (probe_icon_rect.y0 < icon_rect.y0 + knob_height) { hit_corner = GTK_CORNER_TOP_RIGHT; } else if (probe_icon_rect.y1 >= icon_rect.y1 - knob_height) { hit_corner = GTK_CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT; } } if (corner) { *corner = hit_corner; } return hit_corner != -1; } gboolean nautilus_canvas_item_hit_test_stretch_handles (NautilusCanvasItem *item, gdouble world_x, gdouble world_y, GtkCornerType *corner) { EelIRect icon_rect; g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item), FALSE); eel_canvas_w2c (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas, world_x, world_y, &icon_rect.x0, &icon_rect.y0); icon_rect.x1 = icon_rect.x0 + 1; icon_rect.y1 = icon_rect.y0 + 1; return hit_test_stretch_handle (item, icon_rect, corner); } /* nautilus_canvas_item_hit_test_rectangle * * Check and see if there is an intersection between the item and the * canvas rect. */ gboolean nautilus_canvas_item_hit_test_rectangle (NautilusCanvasItem *item, EelIRect icon_rect) { g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item), FALSE); return hit_test (item, icon_rect); } void nautilus_canvas_item_set_entire_text (NautilusCanvasItem *item, gboolean entire_text) { if (item->details->entire_text != entire_text) { item->details->entire_text = entire_text; nautilus_canvas_item_invalidate_label_size (item); eel_canvas_item_request_update (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)); } } /* Class initialization function for the canvas canvas item. */ static void nautilus_canvas_item_class_init (NautilusCanvasItemClass *class) { GObjectClass *object_class; EelCanvasItemClass *item_class; object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); item_class = EEL_CANVAS_ITEM_CLASS (class); object_class->finalize = nautilus_canvas_item_finalize; object_class->set_property = nautilus_canvas_item_set_property; object_class->get_property = nautilus_canvas_item_get_property; g_object_class_install_property ( object_class, PROP_EDITABLE_TEXT, g_param_spec_string ("editable_text", "editable text", "the editable label", "", G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( object_class, PROP_ADDITIONAL_TEXT, g_param_spec_string ("additional_text", "additional text", "some more text", "", G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( object_class, PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_FOR_SELECTION, g_param_spec_boolean ("highlighted_for_selection", "highlighted for selection", "whether we are highlighted for a selection", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( object_class, PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_AS_KEYBOARD_FOCUS, g_param_spec_boolean ("highlighted_as_keyboard_focus", "highlighted as keyboard focus", "whether we are highlighted to render keyboard focus", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( object_class, PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_FOR_DROP, g_param_spec_boolean ("highlighted_for_drop", "highlighted for drop", "whether we are highlighted for a D&D drop", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( object_class, PROP_HIGHLIGHTED_FOR_CLIPBOARD, g_param_spec_boolean ("highlighted_for_clipboard", "highlighted for clipboard", "whether we are highlighted for a clipboard paste (after we have been cut)", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); item_class->update = nautilus_canvas_item_update; item_class->draw = nautilus_canvas_item_draw; item_class->point = nautilus_canvas_item_point; item_class->translate = nautilus_canvas_item_translate; item_class->bounds = nautilus_canvas_item_bounds; item_class->event = nautilus_canvas_item_event; atk_registry_set_factory_type (atk_get_default_registry (), NAUTILUS_TYPE_CANVAS_ITEM, nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_factory_get_type ()); g_type_class_add_private (class, sizeof (NautilusCanvasItemDetails)); } static GailTextUtil * nautilus_canvas_item_get_text (GObject *text) { return NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (text)->details->text_util; } static void nautilus_canvas_item_text_interface_init (EelAccessibleTextIface *iface) { iface->get_text = nautilus_canvas_item_get_text; } /* ============================= a11y interfaces =========================== */ static const char *nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_names[] = { "open", "menu", NULL }; static const char *nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_descriptions[] = { "Open item", "Popup context menu", NULL }; enum { ACTION_OPEN, ACTION_MENU, LAST_ACTION }; typedef struct { char *action_descriptions[LAST_ACTION]; char *image_description; char *description; } NautilusCanvasItemAccessiblePrivate; typedef struct { NautilusCanvasItem *item; gint action_number; } NautilusCanvasItemAccessibleActionContext; typedef struct { EelCanvasItemAccessible parent; NautilusCanvasItemAccessiblePrivate *priv; } NautilusCanvasItemAccessible; typedef struct { EelCanvasItemAccessibleClass parent_class; } NautilusCanvasItemAccessibleClass; #define GET_ACCESSIBLE_PRIV(o) ((NautilusCanvasItemAccessible *) o)->priv; /* accessible AtkAction interface */ static gboolean nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_idle_do_action (gpointer data) { NautilusCanvasItem *item; NautilusCanvasItemAccessibleActionContext *ctx; NautilusCanvasIcon *icon; NautilusCanvasContainer *container; GList *selection; GList file_list; GdkEventButton button_event = { 0 }; gint action_number; container = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_CONTAINER (data); container->details->a11y_item_action_idle_handler = 0; while (!g_queue_is_empty (container->details->a11y_item_action_queue)) { ctx = g_queue_pop_head (container->details->a11y_item_action_queue); action_number = ctx->action_number; item = ctx->item; g_free (ctx); icon = item->user_data; switch (action_number) { case ACTION_OPEN: { file_list.data = icon->data; file_list.next = NULL; file_list.prev = NULL; g_signal_emit_by_name (container, "activate", &file_list); } break; case ACTION_MENU: { selection = nautilus_canvas_container_get_selection (container); if (selection == NULL || g_list_length (selection) != 1 || selection->data != icon->data) { g_list_free (selection); return FALSE; } g_list_free (selection); g_signal_emit_by_name (container, "context-click-selection", &button_event); } break; default: { g_assert_not_reached (); } break; } } return FALSE; } static gboolean nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_do_action (AtkAction *accessible, int i) { NautilusCanvasItem *item; NautilusCanvasItemAccessibleActionContext *ctx; NautilusCanvasContainer *container; g_assert (i < LAST_ACTION); item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (accessible))); if (!item) { return FALSE; } container = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_CONTAINER (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas); switch (i) { case ACTION_OPEN: case ACTION_MENU: { if (container->details->a11y_item_action_queue == NULL) { container->details->a11y_item_action_queue = g_queue_new (); } ctx = g_new (NautilusCanvasItemAccessibleActionContext, 1); ctx->action_number = i; ctx->item = item; g_queue_push_head (container->details->a11y_item_action_queue, ctx); if (container->details->a11y_item_action_idle_handler == 0) { container->details->a11y_item_action_idle_handler = g_idle_add (nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_idle_do_action, container); } } break; default: g_warning ("Invalid action passed to NautilusCanvasItemAccessible::do_action"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static int nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_n_actions (AtkAction *accessible) { return LAST_ACTION; } static const char * nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_get_description (AtkAction *accessible, int i) { NautilusCanvasItemAccessiblePrivate *priv; g_assert (i < LAST_ACTION); priv = GET_ACCESSIBLE_PRIV (accessible); if (priv->action_descriptions[i]) { return priv->action_descriptions[i]; } else { return nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_descriptions[i]; } } static const char * nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_get_name (AtkAction *accessible, int i) { g_assert (i < LAST_ACTION); return nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_names[i]; } static const char * nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_get_keybinding (AtkAction *accessible, int i) { g_assert (i < LAST_ACTION); return NULL; } static gboolean nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_set_description (AtkAction *accessible, int i, const char *description) { NautilusCanvasItemAccessiblePrivate *priv; g_assert (i < LAST_ACTION); priv = GET_ACCESSIBLE_PRIV (accessible); if (priv->action_descriptions[i]) { g_free (priv->action_descriptions[i]); } priv->action_descriptions[i] = g_strdup (description); return TRUE; } static void nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_interface_init (AtkActionIface *iface) { iface->do_action = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_do_action; iface->get_n_actions = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_n_actions; iface->get_description = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_get_description; iface->get_keybinding = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_get_keybinding; iface->get_name = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_get_name; iface->set_description = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_set_description; } static const gchar * nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_name (AtkObject *accessible) { NautilusCanvasItem *item; if (accessible->name) { return accessible->name; } item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (accessible))); if (!item) { return NULL; } return item->details->editable_text; } static const gchar * nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_description (AtkObject *accessible) { NautilusCanvasItem *item; item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (accessible))); if (!item) { return NULL; } return item->details->additional_text; } static AtkObject * nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_parent (AtkObject *accessible) { NautilusCanvasItem *item; item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (accessible))); if (!item) { return NULL; } return gtk_widget_get_accessible (GTK_WIDGET (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas)); } static int nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_index_in_parent (AtkObject *accessible) { NautilusCanvasItem *item; NautilusCanvasContainer *container; GList *l; NautilusCanvasIcon *icon; int i; item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (accessible))); if (!item) { return -1; } container = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_CONTAINER (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas); l = container->details->icons; i = 0; while (l) { icon = l->data; if (icon->item == item) { return i; } i++; l = l->next; } return -1; } static const gchar * nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_image_description (AtkImage *image) { NautilusCanvasItemAccessiblePrivate *priv; NautilusCanvasItem *item; NautilusCanvasIcon *icon; NautilusCanvasContainer *container; char *description; priv = GET_ACCESSIBLE_PRIV (image); if (priv->image_description) { return priv->image_description; } else { item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (image))); if (item == NULL) { return NULL; } icon = item->user_data; container = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_CONTAINER (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas); description = nautilus_canvas_container_get_icon_description (container, icon->data); g_free (priv->description); priv->description = description; return priv->description; } } static void nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_image_size (AtkImage *image, gint *width, gint *height) { NautilusCanvasItem *item; item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (image))); get_scaled_icon_size (item, width, height); } static void nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_image_position (AtkImage *image, gint *x, gint *y, AtkCoordType coord_type) { NautilusCanvasItem *item; gint x_offset, y_offset, itmp; item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (image))); if (!item) { return; } if (!item->details->icon_rect.x0 && !item->details->icon_rect.x1) { return; } else { x_offset = 0; y_offset = 0; if (item->details->text_width) { itmp = item->details->icon_rect.x0 - item->details->text_rect.x0; if (itmp > x_offset) { x_offset = itmp; } itmp = item->details->icon_rect.y0 - item->details->text_rect.y0; if (itmp > y_offset) { y_offset = itmp; } } } atk_component_get_extents (ATK_COMPONENT (image), x, y, NULL, NULL, coord_type); *x += x_offset; *y += y_offset; } static gboolean nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_set_image_description (AtkImage *image, const gchar *description) { NautilusCanvasItemAccessiblePrivate *priv; priv = GET_ACCESSIBLE_PRIV (image); g_free (priv->image_description); priv->image_description = g_strdup (description); return TRUE; } static void nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_image_interface_init (AtkImageIface *iface) { iface->get_image_description = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_image_description; iface->set_image_description = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_set_image_description; iface->get_image_size = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_image_size; iface->get_image_position = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_image_position; } /* accessible text interface */ static gint nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_offset_at_point (AtkText *text, gint x, gint y, AtkCoordType coords) { gint real_x, real_y, real_width, real_height; NautilusCanvasItem *item; gint editable_height; gint offset = 0; gint index; PangoLayout *layout, *editable_layout, *additional_layout; PangoRectangle rect0; char *canvas_text; gboolean have_editable; gboolean have_additional; gint text_offset, height; atk_component_get_extents (ATK_COMPONENT (text), &real_x, &real_y, &real_width, &real_height, coords); x -= real_x; y -= real_y; item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (text))); if (item->details->pixbuf) { get_scaled_icon_size (item, NULL, &height); y -= height; } have_editable = item->details->editable_text != NULL && item->details->editable_text[0] != '\0'; have_additional = item->details->additional_text != NULL && item->details->additional_text[0] != '\0'; editable_layout = NULL; additional_layout = NULL; if (have_editable) { editable_layout = get_label_layout (&item->details->editable_text_layout, item, item->details->editable_text); prepare_pango_layout_for_draw (item, editable_layout); pango_layout_get_pixel_size (editable_layout, NULL, &editable_height); if (y >= editable_height && have_additional) { prepare_pango_layout_for_draw (item, editable_layout); additional_layout = get_label_layout (&item->details->additional_text_layout, item, item->details->additional_text); layout = additional_layout; canvas_text = item->details->additional_text; y -= editable_height + LABEL_LINE_SPACING; } else { layout = editable_layout; canvas_text = item->details->editable_text; } } else if (have_additional) { additional_layout = get_label_layout (&item->details->additional_text_layout, item, item->details->additional_text); prepare_pango_layout_for_draw (item, additional_layout); layout = additional_layout; canvas_text = item->details->additional_text; } else { return 0; } text_offset = 0; if (have_editable) { pango_layout_index_to_pos (editable_layout, 0, &rect0); text_offset = PANGO_PIXELS (rect0.x); } if (have_additional) { gint itmp; pango_layout_index_to_pos (additional_layout, 0, &rect0); itmp = PANGO_PIXELS (rect0.x); if (itmp < text_offset) { text_offset = itmp; } } pango_layout_index_to_pos (layout, 0, &rect0); x += text_offset; if (!pango_layout_xy_to_index (layout, x * PANGO_SCALE, y * PANGO_SCALE, &index, NULL)) { if (x < 0 || y < 0) { index = 0; } else { index = -1; } } if (index == -1) { offset = g_utf8_strlen (canvas_text, -1); } else { offset = g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (canvas_text, canvas_text + index); } if (layout == additional_layout) { offset += g_utf8_strlen (item->details->editable_text, -1); } if (editable_layout != NULL) { g_object_unref (editable_layout); } if (additional_layout != NULL) { g_object_unref (additional_layout); } return offset; } static void nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_character_extents (AtkText *text, gint offset, gint *x, gint *y, gint *width, gint *height, AtkCoordType coords) { gint pos_x, pos_y; gint len, byte_offset; gint editable_height; gchar *canvas_text; NautilusCanvasItem *item; PangoLayout *layout, *editable_layout, *additional_layout; PangoRectangle rect; PangoRectangle rect0; gboolean have_editable; gint text_offset, pix_height; atk_component_get_extents (ATK_COMPONENT (text), &pos_x, &pos_y, NULL, NULL, coords); item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (text))); if (item->details->pixbuf) { get_scaled_icon_size (item, NULL, &pix_height); pos_y += pix_height; } have_editable = item->details->editable_text != NULL && item->details->editable_text[0] != '\0'; if (have_editable) { len = g_utf8_strlen (item->details->editable_text, -1); } else { len = 0; } editable_layout = get_label_layout (&item->details->editable_text_layout, item, item->details->editable_text); additional_layout = get_label_layout (&item->details->additional_text_layout, item, item->details->additional_text); if (offset < len) { canvas_text = item->details->editable_text; layout = editable_layout; } else { offset -= len; canvas_text = item->details->additional_text; layout = additional_layout; pos_y += LABEL_LINE_SPACING; if (have_editable) { pango_layout_get_pixel_size (editable_layout, NULL, &editable_height); pos_y += editable_height; } } byte_offset = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (canvas_text, offset) - canvas_text; pango_layout_index_to_pos (layout, byte_offset, &rect); text_offset = 0; if (have_editable) { pango_layout_index_to_pos (editable_layout, 0, &rect0); text_offset = PANGO_PIXELS (rect0.x); } if (item->details->additional_text != NULL && item->details->additional_text[0] != '\0') { gint itmp; pango_layout_index_to_pos (additional_layout, 0, &rect0); itmp = PANGO_PIXELS (rect0.x); if (itmp < text_offset) { text_offset = itmp; } } g_object_unref (editable_layout); g_object_unref (additional_layout); *x = pos_x + PANGO_PIXELS (rect.x) - text_offset; *y = pos_y + PANGO_PIXELS (rect.y); *width = PANGO_PIXELS (rect.width); *height = PANGO_PIXELS (rect.height); } static void nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_text_interface_init (AtkTextIface *iface) { iface->get_text = eel_accessibility_text_get_text; iface->get_character_at_offset = eel_accessibility_text_get_character_at_offset; iface->get_text_before_offset = eel_accessibility_text_get_text_before_offset; iface->get_text_at_offset = eel_accessibility_text_get_text_at_offset; iface->get_text_after_offset = eel_accessibility_text_get_text_after_offset; iface->get_character_count = eel_accessibility_text_get_character_count; iface->get_character_extents = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_character_extents; iface->get_offset_at_point = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_offset_at_point; } static GType nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_type (void); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (NautilusCanvasItemAccessible, nautilus_canvas_item_accessible, eel_canvas_item_accessible_get_type (), G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (ATK_TYPE_IMAGE, nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_image_interface_init) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (ATK_TYPE_TEXT, nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_text_interface_init) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (ATK_TYPE_ACTION, nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_action_interface_init)); static AtkStateSet * nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_ref_state_set (AtkObject *accessible) { AtkStateSet *state_set; NautilusCanvasItem *item; NautilusCanvasContainer *container; GList *selection; gboolean one_item_selected; state_set = ATK_OBJECT_CLASS (nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_parent_class)->ref_state_set (accessible); item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (accessible))); if (!item) { atk_state_set_add_state (state_set, ATK_STATE_DEFUNCT); return state_set; } container = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_CONTAINER (EEL_CANVAS_ITEM (item)->canvas); if (item->details->is_highlighted_as_keyboard_focus) { atk_state_set_add_state (state_set, ATK_STATE_FOCUSED); } else if (!container->details->keyboard_focus) { selection = nautilus_canvas_container_get_selection (container); one_item_selected = (g_list_length (selection) == 1) && item->details->is_highlighted_for_selection; if (one_item_selected) { atk_state_set_add_state (state_set, ATK_STATE_FOCUSED); } g_list_free (selection); } return state_set; } static void nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_finalize (GObject *object) { NautilusCanvasItemAccessiblePrivate *priv; int i; priv = GET_ACCESSIBLE_PRIV (object); for (i = 0; i < LAST_ACTION; i++) { g_free (priv->action_descriptions[i]); } g_free (priv->image_description); g_free (priv->description); G_OBJECT_CLASS (nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_initialize (AtkObject *accessible, gpointer widget) { ATK_OBJECT_CLASS (nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_parent_class)->initialize (accessible, widget); atk_object_set_role (accessible, ATK_ROLE_CANVAS); } static void nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_class_init (NautilusCanvasItemAccessibleClass *klass) { AtkObjectClass *aclass = ATK_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GObjectClass *oclass = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); oclass->finalize = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_finalize; aclass->initialize = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_initialize; aclass->get_name = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_name; aclass->get_description = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_description; aclass->get_parent = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_parent; aclass->get_index_in_parent = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_index_in_parent; aclass->ref_state_set = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_ref_state_set; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (NautilusCanvasItemAccessiblePrivate)); } static void nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_init (NautilusCanvasItemAccessible *self) { self->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_type (), NautilusCanvasItemAccessiblePrivate); } /* dummy typedef */ typedef AtkObjectFactory NautilusCanvasItemAccessibleFactory; typedef AtkObjectFactoryClass NautilusCanvasItemAccessibleFactoryClass; G_DEFINE_TYPE (NautilusCanvasItemAccessibleFactory, nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_factory, ATK_TYPE_OBJECT_FACTORY); static AtkObject * nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_factory_create_accessible (GObject *for_object) { AtkObject *accessible; NautilusCanvasItem *item; GString *item_text; item = NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ITEM (for_object); g_assert (item != NULL); item_text = g_string_new (NULL); if (item->details->editable_text) { g_string_append (item_text, item->details->editable_text); } if (item->details->additional_text) { g_string_append (item_text, item->details->additional_text); } item->details->text_util = gail_text_util_new (); gail_text_util_text_setup (item->details->text_util, item_text->str); g_string_free (item_text, TRUE); accessible = g_object_new (nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_type (), NULL); atk_object_initialize (accessible, for_object); return accessible; } static GType nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_factory_get_accessible_type (void) { return nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_get_type (); } static void nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_factory_init (NautilusCanvasItemAccessibleFactory *self) { } static void nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_factory_class_init (NautilusCanvasItemAccessibleFactoryClass *klass) { klass->create_accessible = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_factory_create_accessible; klass->get_accessible_type = nautilus_canvas_item_accessible_factory_get_accessible_type; }