/* * Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, see . * * Author: Anders Carlsson */ #include #include "nautilus-search-directory.h" #include "nautilus-search-directory-file.h" #include "nautilus-directory-private.h" #include "nautilus-file.h" #include "nautilus-file-private.h" #include "nautilus-file-utilities.h" #include "nautilus-search-provider.h" #include "nautilus-search-engine.h" #include "nautilus-search-engine-model.h" #include #include #include #include #include struct _NautilusSearchDirectory { NautilusDirectory parent_instance; NautilusQuery *query; NautilusSearchEngine *engine; gboolean search_running; /* When the search directory is stopped or cancelled, we migth wait * until all data and signals from previous search are stopped and removed * from the search engine. While this situation happens we don't want to connect * clients to our signals, and we will wait until the search data and signals * are valid and ready. * The worst thing that can happens if we don't do this is that new clients * migth get the information of old searchs if they are waiting_for_file_list. * But that shouldn't be a big deal since old clients have the old information. * But anyway it's currently unused for this case since the only client is * nautilus-view and is not waiting_for_file_list :) . * * The other use case is for letting clients know if information of the directory * is outdated or not valid. This might happens for automatic * scheduled timeouts. */ gboolean search_ready_and_valid; GList *files; GHashTable *files_hash; GList *monitor_list; GList *callback_list; GList *pending_callback_list; GBinding *binding; NautilusDirectory *base_model; }; typedef struct { gboolean monitor_hidden_files; NautilusFileAttributes monitor_attributes; gconstpointer client; } SearchMonitor; typedef struct { NautilusSearchDirectory *search_directory; NautilusDirectoryCallback callback; gpointer callback_data; NautilusFileAttributes wait_for_attributes; gboolean wait_for_file_list; GList *file_list; GHashTable *non_ready_hash; } SearchCallback; enum { PROP_0, PROP_BASE_MODEL, PROP_QUERY, NUM_PROPERTIES }; G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (NautilusSearchDirectory, nautilus_search_directory, NAUTILUS_TYPE_DIRECTORY, nautilus_ensure_extension_points (); /* It looks like you’re implementing an extension point. * Did you modify nautilus_ensure_extension_builtins() accordingly? * * • Yes * • Doing it right now */ g_io_extension_point_implement (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY_PROVIDER_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME, g_define_type_id, NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY_PROVIDER_NAME, 0)); static GParamSpec *properties[NUM_PROPERTIES] = { NULL, }; static void search_engine_hits_added (NautilusSearchEngine *engine, GList *hits, NautilusSearchDirectory *self); static void search_engine_error (NautilusSearchEngine *engine, const char *error, NautilusSearchDirectory *self); static void search_callback_file_ready_callback (NautilusFile *file, gpointer data); static void file_changed (NautilusFile *file, NautilusSearchDirectory *self); static void reset_file_list (NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { GList *list, *monitor_list; NautilusFile *file; SearchMonitor *monitor; /* Remove file connections */ for (list = self->files; list != NULL; list = list->next) { file = list->data; /* Disconnect change handler */ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (file, file_changed, self); /* Remove monitors */ for (monitor_list = self->monitor_list; monitor_list; monitor_list = monitor_list->next) { monitor = monitor_list->data; nautilus_file_monitor_remove (file, monitor); } } nautilus_file_list_free (self->files); self->files = NULL; g_hash_table_remove_all (self->files_hash); } static void set_hidden_files (NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { GList *l; SearchMonitor *monitor; gboolean monitor_hidden = FALSE; for (l = self->monitor_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) { monitor = l->data; monitor_hidden |= monitor->monitor_hidden_files; if (monitor_hidden) { break; } } nautilus_query_set_show_hidden_files (self->query, monitor_hidden); } static void start_search (NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { NautilusSearchEngineModel *model_provider; NautilusSearchEngineSimple *simple_provider; gboolean recursive; if (!self->query) { return; } if (self->search_running) { return; } if (!self->monitor_list && !self->pending_callback_list) { return; } /* We need to start the search engine */ self->search_running = TRUE; self->search_ready_and_valid = FALSE; set_hidden_files (self); nautilus_search_provider_set_query (NAUTILUS_SEARCH_PROVIDER (self->engine), self->query); model_provider = nautilus_search_engine_get_model_provider (self->engine); nautilus_search_engine_model_set_model (model_provider, self->base_model); simple_provider = nautilus_search_engine_get_simple_provider (self->engine); recursive = nautilus_query_get_recursive (self->query); g_object_set (simple_provider, "recursive", recursive, NULL); reset_file_list (self); nautilus_search_provider_start (NAUTILUS_SEARCH_PROVIDER (self->engine)); } static void stop_search (NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { if (!self->search_running) { return; } self->search_running = FALSE; nautilus_search_provider_stop (NAUTILUS_SEARCH_PROVIDER (self->engine)); reset_file_list (self); } static void file_changed (NautilusFile *file, NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { GList list; list.data = file; list.next = NULL; nautilus_directory_emit_files_changed (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY (self), &list); } static void search_monitor_add (NautilusDirectory *directory, gconstpointer client, gboolean monitor_hidden_files, NautilusFileAttributes file_attributes, NautilusDirectoryCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { GList *list; SearchMonitor *monitor; NautilusSearchDirectory *self; NautilusFile *file; self = NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (directory); monitor = g_new0 (SearchMonitor, 1); monitor->monitor_hidden_files = monitor_hidden_files; monitor->monitor_attributes = file_attributes; monitor->client = client; self->monitor_list = g_list_prepend (self->monitor_list, monitor); if (callback != NULL) { (*callback)(directory, self->files, callback_data); } for (list = self->files; list != NULL; list = list->next) { file = list->data; /* Add monitors */ nautilus_file_monitor_add (file, monitor, file_attributes); } start_search (self); } static void search_monitor_remove_file_monitors (SearchMonitor *monitor, NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { GList *list; NautilusFile *file; for (list = self->files; list != NULL; list = list->next) { file = list->data; nautilus_file_monitor_remove (file, monitor); } } static void search_monitor_destroy (SearchMonitor *monitor, NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { search_monitor_remove_file_monitors (monitor, self); g_free (monitor); } static void search_monitor_remove (NautilusDirectory *directory, gconstpointer client) { NautilusSearchDirectory *self; SearchMonitor *monitor; GList *list; self = NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (directory); for (list = self->monitor_list; list != NULL; list = list->next) { monitor = list->data; if (monitor->client == client) { self->monitor_list = g_list_delete_link (self->monitor_list, list); search_monitor_destroy (monitor, self); break; } } if (!self->monitor_list) { stop_search (self); } } static void cancel_call_when_ready (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { SearchCallback *search_callback; NautilusFile *file; file = key; search_callback = user_data; nautilus_file_cancel_call_when_ready (file, search_callback_file_ready_callback, search_callback); } static void search_callback_destroy (SearchCallback *search_callback) { if (search_callback->non_ready_hash) { g_hash_table_foreach (search_callback->non_ready_hash, cancel_call_when_ready, search_callback); g_hash_table_destroy (search_callback->non_ready_hash); } nautilus_file_list_free (search_callback->file_list); g_free (search_callback); } static void search_callback_invoke_and_destroy (SearchCallback *search_callback) { search_callback->callback (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY (search_callback->search_directory), search_callback->file_list, search_callback->callback_data); search_callback->search_directory->callback_list = g_list_remove (search_callback->search_directory->callback_list, search_callback); search_callback_destroy (search_callback); } static void search_callback_file_ready_callback (NautilusFile *file, gpointer data) { SearchCallback *search_callback = data; g_hash_table_remove (search_callback->non_ready_hash, file); if (g_hash_table_size (search_callback->non_ready_hash) == 0) { search_callback_invoke_and_destroy (search_callback); } } static void search_callback_add_file_callbacks (SearchCallback *callback) { GList *file_list_copy, *list; NautilusFile *file; file_list_copy = g_list_copy (callback->file_list); for (list = file_list_copy; list != NULL; list = list->next) { file = list->data; nautilus_file_call_when_ready (file, callback->wait_for_attributes, search_callback_file_ready_callback, callback); } g_list_free (file_list_copy); } static SearchCallback * search_callback_find (NautilusSearchDirectory *self, NautilusDirectoryCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { SearchCallback *search_callback; GList *list; for (list = self->callback_list; list != NULL; list = list->next) { search_callback = list->data; if (search_callback->callback == callback && search_callback->callback_data == callback_data) { return search_callback; } } return NULL; } static SearchCallback * search_callback_find_pending (NautilusSearchDirectory *self, NautilusDirectoryCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { SearchCallback *search_callback; GList *list; for (list = self->pending_callback_list; list != NULL; list = list->next) { search_callback = list->data; if (search_callback->callback == callback && search_callback->callback_data == callback_data) { return search_callback; } } return NULL; } static GHashTable * file_list_to_hash_table (GList *file_list) { GList *list; GHashTable *table; if (!file_list) { return NULL; } table = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); for (list = file_list; list != NULL; list = list->next) { g_hash_table_insert (table, list->data, list->data); } return table; } static void search_call_when_ready (NautilusDirectory *directory, NautilusFileAttributes file_attributes, gboolean wait_for_file_list, NautilusDirectoryCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { NautilusSearchDirectory *self; SearchCallback *search_callback; self = NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (directory); search_callback = search_callback_find (self, callback, callback_data); if (search_callback == NULL) { search_callback = search_callback_find_pending (self, callback, callback_data); } if (search_callback) { g_warning ("tried to add a new callback while an old one was pending"); return; } search_callback = g_new0 (SearchCallback, 1); search_callback->search_directory = self; search_callback->callback = callback; search_callback->callback_data = callback_data; search_callback->wait_for_attributes = file_attributes; search_callback->wait_for_file_list = wait_for_file_list; if (wait_for_file_list && !self->search_ready_and_valid) { /* Add it to the pending callback list, which will be * processed when the directory has valid data from the new * search and all data and signals from previous searchs is removed. */ self->pending_callback_list = g_list_prepend (self->pending_callback_list, search_callback); /* We might need to start the search engine */ start_search (self); } else { search_callback->file_list = nautilus_file_list_copy (self->files); search_callback->non_ready_hash = file_list_to_hash_table (self->files); if (!search_callback->non_ready_hash) { /* If there are no ready files, we invoke the callback * with an empty list. */ search_callback_invoke_and_destroy (search_callback); } else { self->callback_list = g_list_prepend (self->callback_list, search_callback); search_callback_add_file_callbacks (search_callback); } } } static void search_cancel_callback (NautilusDirectory *directory, NautilusDirectoryCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { NautilusSearchDirectory *self; SearchCallback *search_callback; self = NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (directory); search_callback = search_callback_find (self, callback, callback_data); if (search_callback) { self->callback_list = g_list_remove (self->callback_list, search_callback); search_callback_destroy (search_callback); goto done; } /* Check for a pending callback */ search_callback = search_callback_find_pending (self, callback, callback_data); if (search_callback) { self->pending_callback_list = g_list_remove (self->pending_callback_list, search_callback); search_callback_destroy (search_callback); } done: if (!self->callback_list && !self->pending_callback_list) { stop_search (self); } } static void search_callback_add_pending_file_callbacks (SearchCallback *callback) { callback->file_list = nautilus_file_list_copy (callback->search_directory->files); callback->non_ready_hash = file_list_to_hash_table (callback->search_directory->files); search_callback_add_file_callbacks (callback); } static void search_directory_add_pending_files_callbacks (NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { /* Add all file callbacks */ g_list_foreach (self->pending_callback_list, (GFunc) search_callback_add_pending_file_callbacks, NULL); self->callback_list = g_list_concat (self->callback_list, self->pending_callback_list); g_list_free (self->pending_callback_list); self->pending_callback_list = NULL; } static void on_search_directory_search_ready_and_valid (NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { search_directory_add_pending_files_callbacks (self); self->search_ready_and_valid = TRUE; } static void search_engine_hits_added (NautilusSearchEngine *engine, GList *hits, NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { GList *hit_list; GList *file_list; NautilusFile *file; SearchMonitor *monitor; GList *monitor_list; file_list = NULL; for (hit_list = hits; hit_list != NULL; hit_list = hit_list->next) { NautilusSearchHit *hit = hit_list->data; const char *uri; uri = nautilus_search_hit_get_uri (hit); nautilus_search_hit_compute_scores (hit, self->query); file = nautilus_file_get_by_uri (uri); nautilus_file_set_search_relevance (file, nautilus_search_hit_get_relevance (hit)); nautilus_file_set_search_fts_snippet (file, nautilus_search_hit_get_fts_snippet (hit)); for (monitor_list = self->monitor_list; monitor_list; monitor_list = monitor_list->next) { monitor = monitor_list->data; /* Add monitors */ nautilus_file_monitor_add (file, monitor, monitor->monitor_attributes); } g_signal_connect (file, "changed", G_CALLBACK (file_changed), self), file_list = g_list_prepend (file_list, file); g_hash_table_add (self->files_hash, file); } self->files = g_list_concat (self->files, file_list); nautilus_directory_emit_files_added (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY (self), file_list); file = nautilus_directory_get_corresponding_file (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY (self)); nautilus_file_emit_changed (file); nautilus_file_unref (file); search_directory_add_pending_files_callbacks (self); } static void search_engine_error (NautilusSearchEngine *engine, const char *error_message, NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { GError *error; error = g_error_new_literal (G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, error_message); nautilus_directory_emit_load_error (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY (self), error); g_error_free (error); } static void search_engine_finished (NautilusSearchEngine *engine, NautilusSearchProviderStatus status, NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { /* If the search engine is going to restart means it finished an old search * that was stopped or cancelled. * Don't emit the done loading signal in this case, since this means the search * directory tried to start a new search before all the search providers were finished * in the search engine. * If we emit the done-loading signal in this situation the client will think * that it finished the current search, not an old one like it's actually * happening. */ if (status == NAUTILUS_SEARCH_PROVIDER_STATUS_NORMAL) { on_search_directory_search_ready_and_valid (self); nautilus_directory_emit_done_loading (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY (self)); } else if (status == NAUTILUS_SEARCH_PROVIDER_STATUS_RESTARTING) { /* Remove file monitors of the files from an old search that just * actually finished */ reset_file_list (self); } } static void search_force_reload (NautilusDirectory *directory) { NautilusSearchDirectory *self; NautilusFile *file; self = NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (directory); if (!self->query) { return; } self->search_ready_and_valid = FALSE; /* Remove file monitors */ reset_file_list (self); stop_search (self); file = nautilus_directory_get_corresponding_file (directory); nautilus_file_invalidate_all_attributes (file); nautilus_file_unref (file); } static gboolean search_are_all_files_seen (NautilusDirectory *directory) { NautilusSearchDirectory *self; self = NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (directory); return (!self->query || self->search_ready_and_valid); } static gboolean search_contains_file (NautilusDirectory *directory, NautilusFile *file) { NautilusSearchDirectory *self; self = NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (directory); return (g_hash_table_lookup (self->files_hash, file) != NULL); } static GList * search_get_file_list (NautilusDirectory *directory) { NautilusSearchDirectory *self; self = NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (directory); return nautilus_file_list_copy (self->files); } static gboolean search_is_editable (NautilusDirectory *directory) { return FALSE; } static gboolean real_handles_location (GFile *location) { g_autofree gchar *uri = NULL; uri = g_file_get_uri (location); return eel_uri_is_search (uri); } static void search_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { NautilusSearchDirectory *self = NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_BASE_MODEL: { nautilus_search_directory_set_base_model (self, g_value_get_object (value)); } break; case PROP_QUERY: { nautilus_search_directory_set_query (self, g_value_get_object (value)); } break; default: { G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); } break; } } static void search_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { NautilusSearchDirectory *self = NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_BASE_MODEL: { g_value_set_object (value, nautilus_search_directory_get_base_model (self)); } break; case PROP_QUERY: { g_value_take_object (value, nautilus_search_directory_get_query (self)); } break; default: { G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); } break; } } static void clear_base_model (NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { if (self->base_model != NULL) { nautilus_directory_file_monitor_remove (self->base_model, &self->base_model); g_clear_object (&self->base_model); } } static void search_connect_engine (NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { g_signal_connect (self->engine, "hits-added", G_CALLBACK (search_engine_hits_added), self); g_signal_connect (self->engine, "error", G_CALLBACK (search_engine_error), self); g_signal_connect (self->engine, "finished", G_CALLBACK (search_engine_finished), self); } static void search_disconnect_engine (NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (self->engine, search_engine_hits_added, self); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (self->engine, search_engine_error, self); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (self->engine, search_engine_finished, self); } static void search_dispose (GObject *object) { NautilusSearchDirectory *self; GList *list; self = NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (object); clear_base_model (self); /* Remove search monitors */ if (self->monitor_list) { for (list = self->monitor_list; list != NULL; list = list->next) { search_monitor_destroy ((SearchMonitor *) list->data, self); } g_list_free (self->monitor_list); self->monitor_list = NULL; } reset_file_list (self); if (self->callback_list) { /* Remove callbacks */ g_list_foreach (self->callback_list, (GFunc) search_callback_destroy, NULL); g_list_free (self->callback_list); self->callback_list = NULL; } if (self->pending_callback_list) { g_list_foreach (self->pending_callback_list, (GFunc) search_callback_destroy, NULL); g_list_free (self->pending_callback_list); self->pending_callback_list = NULL; } g_clear_object (&self->query); stop_search (self); search_disconnect_engine (self); g_clear_object (&self->engine); G_OBJECT_CLASS (nautilus_search_directory_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void search_finalize (GObject *object) { NautilusSearchDirectory *self; self = NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (object); g_hash_table_destroy (self->files_hash); G_OBJECT_CLASS (nautilus_search_directory_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void nautilus_search_directory_init (NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { self->query = NULL; self->files_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); self->engine = nautilus_search_engine_new (); search_connect_engine (self); } static void nautilus_search_directory_class_init (NautilusSearchDirectoryClass *class) { NautilusDirectoryClass *directory_class = NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY_CLASS (class); GObjectClass *oclass = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); oclass->dispose = search_dispose; oclass->finalize = search_finalize; oclass->get_property = search_get_property; oclass->set_property = search_set_property; directory_class->are_all_files_seen = search_are_all_files_seen; directory_class->contains_file = search_contains_file; directory_class->force_reload = search_force_reload; directory_class->call_when_ready = search_call_when_ready; directory_class->cancel_callback = search_cancel_callback; directory_class->file_monitor_add = search_monitor_add; directory_class->file_monitor_remove = search_monitor_remove; directory_class->get_file_list = search_get_file_list; directory_class->is_editable = search_is_editable; directory_class->handles_location = real_handles_location; properties[PROP_BASE_MODEL] = g_param_spec_object ("base-model", "The base model", "The base directory model for this directory", NAUTILUS_TYPE_DIRECTORY, G_PARAM_READWRITE); properties[PROP_QUERY] = g_param_spec_object ("query", "The query", "The query for this search directory", NAUTILUS_TYPE_QUERY, G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_properties (oclass, NUM_PROPERTIES, properties); } void nautilus_search_directory_set_base_model (NautilusSearchDirectory *self, NautilusDirectory *base_model) { if (self->base_model == base_model) { return; } if (self->query != NULL) { GFile *query_location, *model_location; gboolean is_equal; query_location = nautilus_query_get_location (self->query); model_location = nautilus_directory_get_location (base_model); is_equal = g_file_equal (model_location, query_location); g_object_unref (model_location); g_object_unref (query_location); if (!is_equal) { return; } } clear_base_model (self); self->base_model = nautilus_directory_ref (base_model); if (self->base_model != NULL) { nautilus_directory_file_monitor_add (base_model, &self->base_model, TRUE, NAUTILUS_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INFO, NULL, NULL); } g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_BASE_MODEL]); } NautilusDirectory * nautilus_search_directory_get_base_model (NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { return self->base_model; } char * nautilus_search_directory_generate_new_uri (void) { static int counter = 0; char *uri; uri = g_strdup_printf (EEL_SEARCH_URI "//%d/", counter++); return uri; } void nautilus_search_directory_set_query (NautilusSearchDirectory *self, NautilusQuery *query) { NautilusFile *file; NautilusQuery *old_query; old_query = self->query; if (self->query != query) { self->query = g_object_ref (query); g_clear_pointer (&self->binding, g_binding_unbind); if (query) { self->binding = g_object_bind_property (self->engine, "running", query, "searching", G_BINDING_DEFAULT | G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); } g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_QUERY]); g_clear_object (&old_query); } file = nautilus_directory_get_existing_corresponding_file (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY (self)); if (file != NULL) { nautilus_search_directory_file_update_display_name (NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY_FILE (file)); } nautilus_file_unref (file); } NautilusQuery * nautilus_search_directory_get_query (NautilusSearchDirectory *self) { if (self->query != NULL) { return g_object_ref (self->query); } return NULL; }