Packit |
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Packit |
b802ec |
The "split" format is for a separating the gui from the main program.
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The main program can be installed setuid, and you don't want to link a
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gui-library with a setuid program.
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Packit |
b802ec |
The split format is:
Packit |
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Packit |
b802ec |
<pos> <host> <loss%> <rcvd pckts> <sent pckts> <best> <avg> <worst>
Packit |
b802ec |
Packit |
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Packit |
b802ec |
The "raw" format is:
Packit |
b802ec |
Packit |
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Packit |
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Packit |
b802ec |
Packit |
b802ec |
h <pos> <host IP>
Packit |
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Packit |
b802ec |
Packit |
b802ec |
x <pos> <seqnum>
Packit |
b802ec |
Packit |
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Packit |
b802ec |
p <pos> <pingtime (ms)> <seqnum>
Packit |
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Packit |
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Packit |
b802ec |
d <pos> <hostname>
Packit |
b802ec |
Packit |
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Packit |
b802ec |
t <pos> <pingtime> <timestamp>
Packit |
b802ec |
Packit |
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b802ec |
Timestampline is not yet implemented. Need to find out how to do
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ICMP timestamping first. :-)
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b802ec |
Someone suggested to put the following text here. As to context: Some
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people are wondering why mtr sometimes reports hosts beyond the
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destination host.
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The FINAL host will occasionally be mentioned at position n, n+1, n+2
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You know traceroute, right? It sends a packet, waits for the reply to
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come back and when it comes back, it sends the next packet.
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Packit |
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If say hosts 5-8 do not send "time exceeded" packets, you'll wait a
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4*3 = twelve seconds extra before you get any results on hosts 9 and
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further. MTR doesn't work like that.
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In theory we could send out a probe for host 1-40 all at once. But
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this would pose an unnecessary burden on the network. So what we do,
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is we send out probes for a max of 5 hosts beyond where we've seen a
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reply. So in the example above, we'd see a reply from router at
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position 4, then we'd send out 5-9 (and because the max-host is now at
Packit |
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9, we'll send them out at 1s/9 = 111ms intervals). When the reply from
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host 9 comes back, we'll start probing for host 10-15 (at about 60ms
Packit |
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intervals). But suppose the network delay up to host 9 is already 200ms
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and suppose our destination host is at position 11. Then by the time
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the packet from host 11 comes back, we'll already have sent probe
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packets for position 12, 13, and 14! Those will come back as
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"destination reached" and be reported by the "raw" mode.
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Curses mode will stop showing hosts with position numbers beyond the
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first reply of the destination host. It could gather the information
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about replies to packets sent as probes FURTHER than it actually is
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into the line displayed at its true position, but it doesn't (yet).
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In fact the above example is almost completely true:
Packit |
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Packit |
b802ec |
% mtr -r -n -c 2 | tail -5
Packit |
b802ec |
13.|-- 0.0% 2 94.8 95.4 94.8 96.0 0.8
Packit |
b802ec |
14.|-- 0.0% 2 95.1 95.5 95.1 95.8 0.5
Packit |
b802ec |
15.|-- 0.0% 2 163.9 163.9 163.9 164.0 0.1
Packit |
b802ec |
16.|-- 50.0% 2 163.7 163.7 163.7 163.7 0.0
Packit |
b802ec |
17.|-- 50.0% 2 168.2 168.2 168.2 168.2 0.0
Packit |
b802ec |
% mtr -l -c 2 | grep -v "^[dp]" |tail -7
Packit |
b802ec |
h 10
Packit |
b802ec |
h 11
Packit |
b802ec |
h 16
Packit |
b802ec |
h 17
Packit |
b802ec |
h 18
Packit |
b802ec |
h 12
Packit |
b802ec |
h 13
Packit |
b802ec |
Packit |
b802ec |
As you can see we get the reply from the destination host at position
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16 AFTER we've sent probes for position 17 and 18. When those come
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back, they are reported. That's what raw mode does. It reports the raw
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Packit |
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Packit |
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If you write a backend for the raw mode, it's up to you to
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filter/display the results.
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Packit |
b802ec |
h 10
Packit |
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h 11
Packit |
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h 12
Packit |
b802ec |
h 13
Packit |
b802ec |
h 14
Packit |
b802ec |
h 15
Packit |
b802ec |
h 16
Packit |
b802ec |
h 17
Packit |
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h 18
Packit |
b802ec |