###### PATCHTAG00 #################################################### ### catalan/Catalŕ ### => LLuís Gras ###### PATCHTAG10 #################################################### &catalan ###### PATCHTAG20 #################################################### 'catalan' => \&catalan, 'catalan' => \&catalan, ###### PATCHTAG30 #################################################### # catalan/catalan 'catalan' => "Preparat per a localització per: LLuís Gras", ###### PATCHTAG40 #################################################### $credits::LOCALE{'catalan'}=$credits::LOCALE{'catalan'}; ###### PATCHTAG50 #################################################### # catalan sub catalan { my $string = shift; return "" unless defined $string; my(%translations,%month,%wday); my($i,$j); my(@dollar,@quux,@foo); # regexp => replacement string NOTE does not use autovars $1,$2... %translations = ( #'charset=iso-8859-1' => 'charset=iso-8859-1', 'Maximal 5 Minute Incoming Traffic' => 'Tràfic entrant màxim en 5 minuts', 'Maximal 5 Minute Outgoing Traffic' => 'Tràfic sortint màxim en 5 minuts', 'the device' => 'el dispositiu', 'The statistics were last updated(.*)' => 'Estadístiques actualitzades el $1', ' Average\)' => ' Promig)', 'Average' => 'Promig', 'Max' => 'Màxim', 'Current' => 'Actual', 'version' => 'versió', '`Daily\' Graph \((.*) Minute' => 'Gràfic diari ($1 minuts :', '`Weekly\' Graph \(30 Minute' => 'Gràfic setmanal (30 minuts :' , '`Monthly\' Graph \(2 Hour' => 'Gràfic mensual (2 hores :', '`Yearly\' Graph \(1 Day' => 'Gràfic anual (1 dia :', 'Incoming Traffic in (\S+) per Second' => 'Tràfic entrant en $1 per segon', 'Outgoing Traffic in (\S+) per Second' => 'Tràfic sortint en $1 per segon', 'at which time (.*) had been up for(.*)' => '$1 ha estat funcionant durant $2', # '([kMG]?)([bB])/s' => '\$1\$2/s', # '([kMG]?)([bB])/min' => '\$1\$2/min', # '([kMG]?)([bB])/h' => '$1$2/t', # 'Bits' => 'Bits', # 'Bytes' => 'Bytes' 'In' => 'Entrant', 'Out' => 'Sortint', 'Percentage' => 'Percentatge', 'Ported to OpenVMS Alpha by' => 'Portat a OpenVMS Alpha per', 'Ported to WindowsNT by' => 'Portat a WindowsNT per', 'and' => 'i', '^GREEN' => 'VERD', 'BLUE' => 'BLAU', 'DARK GREEN' => 'VERD FOSC', 'MAGENTA' => 'MAGENTA', 'AMBER' => 'AMBAR' ); # maybe expansions with replacement of whitespace would be more appropriate foreach $i (keys %translations) { my $trans = $translations{$i}; $trans =~ s/\|/\|/; return $string if eval " \$string =~ s|\${i}|${trans}| "; }; %wday = ( 'Sunday' => 'Diumenge', 'Sun' => 'Dg', 'Monday' => 'Dilluns', 'Mon' => 'Dl', 'Tuesday' => 'Dimarts', 'Tue' => 'Dm', 'Wednesday' => 'Dimecres', 'Wed' => 'Dc', 'Thursday' => 'Dijous', 'Thu' => 'Dj', 'Friday' => 'Divendres', 'Fri' => 'Dv', 'Saturday' => 'Dissabte', 'Sat' => 'Ds' ); %month = ( 'January' => 'Gener', 'February' => 'Febrer' , 'March' => 'Març', 'Jan' => 'Gen', 'Feb' => 'Feb', 'Mar' => 'Mar', 'April' => 'Abril', 'May' => 'Maig', 'June' => 'Juny', 'Apr' => 'Abr', 'May' => 'Mai', 'Jun' => 'Jun', 'July' => 'Juliol', 'August' => 'Agost', 'September' => 'Setembre', 'Jul' => 'Jul', 'Aug' => 'Ago', 'Sep' => 'Set', 'October' => 'Octubre', 'November' => 'Novembre', 'December' => 'Desembre', 'Oct' => 'Oct', 'Nov' => 'Nov', 'Dec' => 'Des' ); @foo=($string=~/(\S+),\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)(.*)/); if($foo[0] && $wday{$foo[0]} && $foo[2] && $month{$foo[2]} ) { if($foo[3]=~(/(.*)at(.*)/)) { @quux=split(/at/,$foo[3]); $foo[3]=$quux[0]." a les ".$quux[1]; }; return "$wday{$foo[0]} $foo[1] de $month{$foo[2]} de $foo[3]"; }; return $string; };