#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 # -*- mode: Perl -*- ################################################################## # Extract Input and Output values for target ################################################################## # Created by Laurie Gellatly # This reads an OV_DB file for the target and interface # and prints a single line for In, Out, "UPTIME" and Target ################################################################# # # Distributed under the GNU copyleft # # $Id: ovcvtfile,v 2002/02/26 10:16:36 oetiker Exp $ # use strict; use vars '$DEBUG'; my $ov_db = "/var/opt/OV/share/databases"; my $DEBUG = 0; my($target, $interface, $io , $in, $out, $uptime) ; my ($cnt, $data, $recno, $junk); my @names = ( "IfInErrors", "IfOutErrors", "IfInOctets", "IfOutOctets", "avgBusy5", "sysUpTime"); my @namext = (".err", "", ".cpu"); my ($val); my $recsz = 24; my ($oldtime) = time - 550; sub main { my($extn) = ""; $target = $ARGV[0]; $interface = $ARGV[1]; $io = $ARGV[2]; die < -1; binmode(RAWIN); while ($notfound){ # Read from the end of file backwards seek(RAWIN,$recno * $recsz, 0); read(RAWIN, $data, $recsz); ($starttime, $entime, $IPAdd1, $IPAdd2, $IPAdd3, $IPAdd4, $junk, $cnt, $val) = unpack("NNCCCCNNN",$data); if ($oldtime > $entime) { $val = 0; $notfound = 0; } elsif ($target eq $IPAdd1.".".$IPAdd2.".".$IPAdd3.".".$IPAdd4){ if((pack"s",1) eq (pack"v",1)){ $notfound = $cnt; $cnt = $val; $val = $notfound; } $notfound = 0; $val = unpack"d",pack"LL",$cnt,$val; } else { $recno--; if ( $recno < 0 ){ $notfound = 0; } } } close (RAWIN); if ($ind < 2){ $val = $val * ($entime - $starttime); } $val = int($val); return ($val); } sub pretty_uptime_value () { my ($uptime) = get(5,0); if ($uptime == 0){ return "An unknown amount of time"; } my ($seconds,$minutes,$hours,$days,$result); ## We divide the uptime by hundred since we're not interested in ## sub-second precision. $uptime = int ($uptime / 100); $days = int ($uptime / (60 * 60 * 24)); $uptime %= (60 * 60 * 24); $hours = int ($uptime / (60 * 60)); $uptime %= (60 * 60); $minutes = int ($uptime / 60); $seconds = $uptime % 60; if ($days == 0){ $result = sprintf ("%d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds); } elsif ($days == 1) { $result = sprintf ("%d day, %d:%02d:%02d", $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds); } else { $result = sprintf ("%d days, %d:%02d:%02d", $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds); } return $result; }