# GNU Makefile for Win32 rateup.exe target * 17-Feb-2007 # for use with MingW32 gcc or Metrowerks CodeWarrior compiler # use with: make -f Makefile.Win32 [all|clean|dist|distclean|help] TARGET = rateup DESCR = MRTG Rateup Command Utility $(RATEUP_VERSION_STR) COPYR = Distributed under the GNU General Public License WWWURL = http://www.mrtg.org/ # If you want to link with an icon you can specify here... LNKICON = images/favicon.ico # Edit the path below to point to your install destination (for 'install' option.) ifndef INSTDIR INSTDIR = c:/mrtg/run endif # All library code is statically linked to avoid problems with other lib NLMs. # Base for the lib sources ifndef LIBBASE LIBBASE = .. endif # All library code is statically linked to avoid problems with other lib DLLs. # Edit the path below to point to your libgd sources or set environment var. ifndef LIBGD LIBGD = $(LIBBASE)/gd-2.0.34 endif # Edit the path below to point to your libpng sources or set environment var. ifndef LIBPNG LIBPNG = $(LIBBASE)/libpng-1.2.16 endif # Edit the path below to point to your zlib sources or set environment var. ifndef ZLIBSDK ZLIBSDK = $(LIBBASE)/zlib-1.2.3 endif # The following line defines your compiler. ifdef METROWERKS CC = mwcc else CC = gcc endif AWK = awk # RM = rm -f CP = cp -fav # MV = mv -f ZIP = zip -qzR9 ARCHIVE = rateup-$(RATEUP_VERSION_STR)-w32.zip # must be equal to DEBUG or NDEBUG DB = NDEBUG # DB = DEBUG # Optimization: -O or debugging: -g ifeq ($(DB),NDEBUG) OPT = -O2 OBJDIR = release else OPT = -g OBJDIR = debug endif # Include the version info retrieved from source. -include $(OBJDIR)/version.inc # Global flags for all compilers CFLAGS = $(OPT) -D$(DB) -DHAVE_LIBPNG -DNONDLL ifeq ($(CC),mwcc) LD = mwld CFLAGS += -nostdinc -gccinc -msgstyle gcc -inline off -opt nointrinsics -proc 586 CFLAGS += -relax_pointers #CFLAGS += -w on,nounused,nounusedexpr #CFLAGS += -ansi strict CFLAGS += -ir "$(METROWERKS)/MSL" -ir "$(METROWERKS)/Win32-x86 Support" LD = mwld RC = mwwinrc LDFLAGS = -nostdlib LIBPATH += -lr "$(METROWERKS)/MSL" -lr "$(METROWERKS)/Win32-x86 Support" LDLIBS += -lkernel32.lib -luser32.lib LDLIBS += -lMSL_Runtime_x86.lib -lMSL_C_x86.lib -lMSL_Extras_x86.lib RCFLAGS = else LD = gcc RC = windres LDFLAGS = -s RCFLAGS = -O coff -i CFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing CFLAGS += -Wall -Wno-format # -Wno-unused # -pedantic endif ifeq ($(findstring msys,$(OSTYPE)),msys) DL = ' DS = / else DS = \\ endif ifndef COPYR COPYR = Copyright (c) 2007 The Open Source Community. endif ifndef DESCR DESCR = $(TARGET) Command Extension endif DESCR += - $(CC) build INCLUDES += -I$(LIBGD) -I$(LIBPNG) -I$(ZLIBSDK) CFLAGS += $(INCLUDES) vpath %.c src $(LIBGD) $(LIBPNG) $(ZLIBSDK) GDOBJS = \ $(OBJDIR)/gd.o \ $(OBJDIR)/gd_io.o \ $(OBJDIR)/gd_io_dp.o \ $(OBJDIR)/gd_io_file.o \ $(OBJDIR)/gd_io_ss.o \ $(OBJDIR)/gd_png.o \ $(OBJDIR)/gd_ss.o \ $(OBJDIR)/gdcache.o \ $(OBJDIR)/gdfonts.o \ $(OBJDIR)/gdhelpers.o \ $(OBJDIR)/gdtables.o \ $(EOLIST) ifeq "$(wildcard $(LIBGD)/gd_security.c)" "$(LIBGD)/gd_security.c" GDOBJS += \ $(OBJDIR)/gd_security.o \ $(EOLIST) endif PNGOBJS = \ $(OBJDIR)/png.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngerror.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pnggccrd.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngget.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngmem.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngpread.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngread.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngrio.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngrtran.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngrutil.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngset.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngtrans.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngvcrd.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngwio.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngwrite.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngwtran.o \ $(OBJDIR)/pngwutil.o \ $(EOLIST) ZLIBOBJS = \ $(OBJDIR)/adler32.o \ $(OBJDIR)/compress.o \ $(OBJDIR)/crc32.o \ $(OBJDIR)/deflate.o \ $(OBJDIR)/inflate.o \ $(OBJDIR)/inffast.o \ $(OBJDIR)/inftrees.o \ $(OBJDIR)/trees.o \ $(OBJDIR)/zutil.o \ $(EOLIST) ifeq "$(wildcard $(ZLIBSDK)/infblock.c)" "$(ZLIBSDK)/infblock.c" ZLIBOBJS += \ $(OBJDIR)/infblock.o \ $(OBJDIR)/infcodes.o \ $(OBJDIR)/infutil.o \ $(EOLIST) endif OBJS = $(GDOBJS) $(PNGOBJS) $(ZLIBOBJS) $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).o ifndef NO_OWN_STRFTIME OBJS += $(OBJDIR)/strftime.o DEFS = -Dstrftime=strftime_ endif all: $(OBJDIR) $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).exe dist: all $(OBJDIR)/readme.txt -$(RM) $(OBJDIR)/*.o $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).map $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).ncv -$(RM) $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).def $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).res $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).rc -$(RM) $(OBJDIR)/version.inc @-$(CP) -a COPYRIGHT $(OBJDIR) @echo Creating $(ARCHIVE) @$(ZIP) $(ARCHIVE) $(OBJDIR)/* < $(OBJDIR)/readme.txt install: all @[ -d $(INSTDIR) ] || mkdir $(INSTDIR) @$(CP) $(TARGET).exe $(INSTDIR) clean: -$(RM) -r $(OBJDIR) distclean: clean -$(RM) $(ARCHIVE) $(OBJDIR): @mkdir $@ $(OBJDIR)/version.inc: $(TARGET).c $(OBJDIR) @echo Creating $@ @$(AWK) -f get_ver.awk $< > $@ $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).o: $(TARGET).c @echo Compiling $< @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) -c $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c @echo Compiling $< @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).exe: $(OBJS) $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).res @echo Linking $@ @-$(RM) $@ @$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ $(LIBPATH) $(LDLIBS) $(OBJDIR)/%.res: $(OBJDIR)/%.rc @echo Creating $@ @$(RC) $(RCFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.rc: Makefile.Win32 $(OBJDIR)/version.inc @echo $(DL)1 VERSIONINFO$(DL) > $@ @echo $(DL) FILEVERSION $(RATEUP_VERSION),0$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) PRODUCTVERSION $(RATEUP_VERSION),0$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3fL$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) FILEOS 0x40004L$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) FILEFLAGS 0x0L$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) FILETYPE 0x1L$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) FILESUBTYPE 0x0L$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL)BEGIN$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) BLOCK "StringFileInfo"$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) BEGIN$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) BLOCK "040904E4"$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) BEGIN$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) VALUE "LegalCopyright","$(COPYR)\0"$(DL) >> $@ ifdef COMPANY @echo $(DL) VALUE "CompanyName","$(COMPANY)\0"$(DL) >> $@ endif @echo $(DL) VALUE "ProductName","$(notdir $(@:.rc=.exe))\0"$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) VALUE "ProductVersion","$(RATEUP_VERSION_STR)\0"$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) VALUE "License","Released under GPL.\0"$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) VALUE "FileDescription","$(DESCR)\0"$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) VALUE "FileVersion","$(RATEUP_VERSION_STR)\0"$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) VALUE "InternalName","$(notdir $(@:.rc=))\0"$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) VALUE "OriginalFilename","$(notdir $(@:.rc=.exe))\0"$(DL) >> $@ ifdef WWWURL @echo $(DL) VALUE "WWW","$(WWWURL)\0"$(DL) >> $@ endif @echo $(DL) END$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) END$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) BLOCK "VarFileInfo"$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) BEGIN$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL) END$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL)END$(DL) >> $@ ifdef LNKICON @echo $(DL)10 ICON DISCARDABLE "$(LNKICON)"$(DL) >> $@ endif $(OBJDIR)/readme.txt: Makefile.Win32 $(OBJDIR)/version.inc @echo Creating $@ @echo $(DL)This is a binary distribution for Win32 platform.$(DL) > $@ @echo $(DL)MRTG rateup version $(RATEUP_VERSION_STR)$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL)This binary was built with these libs:$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL)libpng Version : $(notdir $(LIBPNG))$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL)libGD Version : $(notdir $(LIBGD))$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL)Zlib Version : $(notdir $(ZLIBSDK))$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL)Please download the complete MRTG package for$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL)any further documentation:$(DL) >> $@ @echo $(DL)http://www.mrtg.org/$(DL) >> $@ help: $(OBJDIR)/version.inc @echo $(DL)===========================================================$(DL) @echo $(DL)libpng Source = $(LIBPNG)$(DL) @echo $(DL)libGD Source = $(LIBGD)$(DL) @echo $(DL)Zlib SDK = $(ZLIBSDK)$(DL) @echo $(DL)===========================================================$(DL) @echo $(DL)RRDTool $(RATEUP_VERSION_STR) - available targets are:$(DL) @echo $(DL)$(MAKE) all$(DL) @echo $(DL)$(MAKE) clean$(DL) @echo $(DL)$(MAKE) dist$(DL) @echo $(DL)$(MAKE) distclean$(DL) @echo $(DL)===========================================================$(DL)