MRTG New Switch configuration

Switch IP or Hostname:
Snmp community:
Option: Generate config
Run mrtg
Create html index
Cfgmaker options: Query down interface (--no-down)
No reverse Dns (--noreversedns)
Mrtg Options:

Right starting graph (growright)

Graph in Bits (bits)
Interface Name:

Back to index"; exit(); } // Creating dir for Switch config files and stats files if (!file_exists($switch_ip) && $switch_ip <> "") { mkdir ($switch_ip,700); } // Run Cfg maker and mrtg script with argument from the form if ($switch_ip <> "") { if ($run_cfgmaker == "ON") { //echo $mrtg_html_dir."
"; //echo $perl_exe." ".$cfgmaker_exe." ".$cfgmaker_param." ".$switch_ip; system($perl_exe." ".$cfgmaker_exe." ".$cfgmaker_param." ".$switch_ip); echo "Mrtg config for ".$switch_ip." created...
"; } if ($run_mrtg == "ON") { //echo $perl_exe." ".$mrtg_exe." ".$mrtg_config_dir.$switch_ip.".cfg"."
"; system ($perl_exe." ".$mrtg_exe." ".$mrtg_config_dir.$switch_ip.".cfg"); echo "1st run Mrtg stats generated...
"; } if ($run_indexmaker == "ON") { system ($perl_exe." ".$indexmaker_exe." ".$indexmaker_option); echo "Mrtg html index generated...
"; } } } echo "
Back to index"; ?>