<% ' Create ADO connection component to connect with our SQL database. Set DBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") DBConn.Open "DSN=SunnyLine" ' Redirection URLs used. LogOutURL = "/default.asp" ' The URL we redirect to when someone logs out of montior. MonitorURL = "/login.asp" ' The URL we redirect to after a successfull circuit number has been identified. NoAuthURL = "/default.asp" ' The URL we redirect to when we don't have a database ID for the account anymore. ' The session Details ID = Session("DBID") ' DataBase Entry ID. LineNumber = Session("DBLINENUMBER") ' Circuit Number. LinePassword = Session("DBLINEPASSWORD") ' Circuit Password. LineSpeed = Session("DBLINESPEED") ' Circuit Speed. EMail_Address = Session("DBEMAIL_ADDRESS") ' Contact E-Mail Address. Graph_Day = Session("DBGRAPH_DAY") ' Daily Graphs. Graph_Week = Session("DBGRAPH_WEEK") ' Weekly Graphs. Graph_Month = Session("DBGRAPH_MONTH") ' Monthly Graphs. Graph_Year = Session("DBGRAPH_YEAR") ' Yearly Graphs. LastVisit = Session("DBLASTVISIT") ' Last Time Visited. %>