#!/bin/bash #--- sample ipchains rules for accounting # Flush the rules in case they exist already /sbin/ipchains -F acctin /sbin/ipchains -F acctout # add the new rule chains /sbin/ipchains -N acctin /sbin/ipchains -N acctout # add empty rules to the new chains just for accounting /sbin/ipchains -A acctin /sbin/ipchains -A acctout # insert rules into the input and output streams. # Packets will first pass through these rules before # returning to the other rules in the chains # You might not want this if you are trying to # completely ignore certain hosts. /sbin/ipchains -I input -j acctin /sbin/ipchains -I output -j acctout # if you wanted to narrow the accouting to a single IP # you could do these lines instead of the above 2 (not tested) # (assuming your IP address was #/sbin/ipchains -I input -d -j acctin #/sbin/ipchains -I output -s -j acctout # By changing the rules, you can make it filter only exactly # what you want as long as it jumps to acctin, or acctout. # Be careful not to double count packets though. #----------- end ---------------