 ** woho's MRTG Logfile cgi **

This is a very simple MRTG logfile summarizer.
I don't give any warranties at all. I wrote and use it under Linux (SuSE

How to use:
At first you should read and correct the enclosed mrtglog.h,
e.g. for english language, if necessary. Then compile the code, using

 gcc -o <your cgi directory>/mrtglog.cgi ./mrtglog.c

The usage is simple, e.g.:

 ./mrtglog 01/05/03 31/05/03 mrtg.log

counts all traffic in May 2003. B-)
I use a simple PHP3 script for calling it from my stats.php3 page:

  printf("<A HREF=\"\">LOG</A>",

If you have questions, please send me an e-mail:
Wolfgang Hoffmann, Austria,