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<title>RDLOG tool for MRTG</title>

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<h1>RDLOG2 tool for MRTG</h1>


<p>Rdlog is a small (and primitive) tool that gives indication on
network traffic on a graphic map. It takes information from <a
log files, and draw a GIF file with links that have colors based
on the current traffic on your network. This small test explain
how to use this tool : </p>

    <li><a href="#History list">history list</a></li>
    <li><a href="#RDLOG configuration file">how to build a RDLOG2
        draw file</a></li>
    <li><a href="#Building RDLOG">how to compile RDLOG2</a></li>
    <li><a href="#Calling RDLOG">RDLOG2 command-line arguments</a></li>
    <li><a href="#remarks">your remarks</a></li>

<h2><a name="History list">History list</a></h2>

<p>v 1.1, 5.5.97 : </p>

    <li>from a proposition of <a
        add depth possibilies,</li>
    <li>add 'in' and 'out' difference,</li>
    <li>use the gifarea background color</li>

<p>v1.0, feb. 1997: initial revision, port from rdlog</p>

<h2><a name="RDLOG configuration file">RDLOG2 configuration file</a></h2>

<p>To build a gif, RDLOG2 needs a configuration file, that you
must build with XGIF (, in
/contrib/applications/drawing_tools/xfig), a 'X draw' program
(tested with version 3.1). You can look at the example (wan.fig)
in order to understand how works RDLOG2. When you draw with XFIG,
you must observe some rules :</p>

<h4>General Rules</h4>

<p>You can draw : text, polylines, rectangles. Don't try to make
rounded corners, arrows, splines, play with line style and width
... All your draw must be 'flat', except for special object.
Don't group/ungroup all your objects. The order of object drawing
is defined with the xfig 'DEPTH' parameter (biggest first). Here
follow a description of all you must know to build a RDLOG2 FIG
file : </p>

<h4>Draw text</h4>

<p>RDLOG use the 'gd' package to build GIF files. You can only
use one font, one size, and 2 orientations (0°, 90°). Use the
font 'courier 10' to have the better matching between XFIG and
the gif output.</p>

<h4>Draw rectangles</h4>

<p>The rectangle are the only figure that you can fill with
colors. You can specify a border and a fill color.</p>

<h4>Draw polylines</h4>

<p>The polylines has only a color attribute.</p>

<h4>Rate colors definition</h4>

<p>For each link defined in the FIG file, the color is computed
based on the traffic. There are 10 different color, (0-10 %,
10-20%, ...). And they are define with a special text string,
that contains 'color:x' (x is 0 for 0-10%, 1 for 10-20%, ...).
The text color define the link color for the corresponding rate.</p>

<h4>Draw 'links'</h4>

<p>A link is a polyline whose color change, depending on traffic
present on this link (in the mrtg log file). To build a link, you
must group the following elements : </p>

    <li>a polyline the represent the link, with a default color,</li>
    <li>a text string that define the maximum speed for this
        link, with the following form 'speed:ssssssss'</li>
    <li>a text string with the mrtg log file name, of style
        'log:link33.log' (maximum input or output), or of style
        'log:&gt;link33.log' (maximum output) or 'log:&lt;link33.log'
        (maximum input)</li>

<p>The link must only contains this 3 objects.</p>

<h4>Define GIF area</h4>

<p>The GIF area is define with 2 elements, that must be grouped :

    <li>a rectangle that define the GIF region. The color of the
        rectangle define the background color of the GIF file.</li>
    <li>a text string, containing 'gifarea'</li>

<h4>Define clickable region</h4>

<p>With the '-m' command line option, RDLOG2 build a html file,
that contains the GIF file, and where you can click to reach the
corresponding mrtg files. You must define the clickable region,
by creating a group with the following elements : </p>

    <li>a rectangle that define the clickable region</li>
    <li>a text string, containing 'url:linkname.html'</li>

<h2><a name="Building RDLOG">Building RDLOG</a></h2>

<p>RDLOG use the <a href="">gd library</a>.
In order to built it, you must have the following files :</p>


<p>and from the gd library,</p>


<p>To build it, on unix , you can type : </p>

<p><tt>gcc rdlog2.c -I/yourgdinclude -L/yourgdlibrary -lgd -lm -o
RDLOG2 </tt></p>

<p>On a PC with NT or 95, make a project with <tt>RDLOG2.C, GD.C,

<h2><a name="Calling RDLOG">Calling RDLOG</a></h2>

<p>The command-line parameters are : </p>

<p><tt>rdlog2 -i cfile -o gfile [-m htmlfile] -r rounds</tt></p>

    <li><tt>ifile : </tt>input config file name</li>
    <li><tt>gfile : </tt>output gif file (will be overwritten)</li>
    <li><tt>mfile : </tt><font size="4" face="Times New Roman"><tt>html
        file with clickable map</tt></font> (optional, will be
    <li><tt>rounds : </tt>number of 5 min intervals to take</li>

<p>for example : <tt>rdlog2 -i wan.fig -o wan.gif -m wan.html -r
12 &gt; wan1.txt</tt></p>

<p>You can so make an average of the x last 5 minutes intervals.
Here, the map is drawn for the last hour.</p>

<p>5.5.97, <a name="remarks">Philippe Simonet</a>, <a