Blame contrib/ipchainacc/ipchainacc

Packit 667938
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# ipchainacc version 1.0.2
Packit 667938
# Author: John Lange,
Packit 667938
	  Ilya Konstantinov,
Packit 667938
# Date: Sep 06, 2000
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# This script was written to provide output for MRTG
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#  (multi router traffic grapher) via ipchains.
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## USAGE EXAMPLE (line from mrtg.conf)
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# Target[traffic]: /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/ipchainacc 0 0
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# The arguments 0 0 mean it should report the bytes count
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# for the 1st (1st is 0, 2st is 1 and so on) rule in
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# the 'acctin' chain (supposed to be the incoming traffic)
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# and the 1st rule in the 'acctout' chain.
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## Changelog
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# v1.0.2 Made it actually account bytes instead of packages.
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#	 Now ipchainacc requires 2 command-line arguments.
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#	 This allows having more than one rule in the accounting
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# 	 chains, so you could have traffic cuts by protocol
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#	 or IP blocks which match your rules.
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# v1.0.1 added -x to ipchains to expand byte counters
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# v1.0.0 Inital Release
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#   This command must return 4 lines of output:
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#     Line 1 : current state of the 'incoming bytes counter'
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#     Line 2 : current state of the 'outgoing bytes counter'
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#     Line 3 : string, telling the uptime of the target.
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#     Line 4 : string, telling the name of the target.  
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# This script relies on you having setup your ipchains rules beforehand
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## edit for your system
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$ipchains='/sbin/ipchains';   # path to ipchains
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$host=`/bin/hostname --fqdn`;  # local hostname (for information only)
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# if you use the ipchains rules above, you don't have to change these
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$inrule='acctin';  # name of input accounting rule
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$outrule='acctout'; # name of output accounting rule
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## -- don't edit below here ----
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# get command line params
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my ($in_rule,$out_rule) = @ARGV;
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# fetch the status from ipchains
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@rules=`$ipchains -L $inrule -v -n -x`;
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splice @rules, 0, 2;
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@in_bytes=split(' ',$rules[$in_rule]);
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@rules=`$ipchains -L $outrule -v -n -x`;
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splice @rules, 0, 2;
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@out_bytes = split(' ',$rules[$out_rule]);
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print "$out_line";    # just for debugging
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#foreach $value (@in_bytes) {
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#  printf "$c: $value\n";
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#  $c++;
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# uptime of the machine
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my $upTimeLine = `uptime`;
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my $upTime;
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if ($upTimeLine =~ /\s+?.*?\s+?up (\d+ days,\s+.*?),/)
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        $upTime = $1;
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# 4 lines of output only.
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if (!$in_bytes[1]) { $in_bytes[1] = 0; }
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if (!$out_bytes[1]) { $out_bytes[1] = 0; }
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print	"$in_bytes[1]\n",
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#print ($in_bytes[1] ne ''?$in_bytes[1]:'0'),"\n",
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#      ($out_bytes[1] ne ''?$out_bytes[1]:'0'),"\n",
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#	"$upTime\n$host";