Blame contrib/distrib/readme.txt

Packit 667938
Distrib for MRTG contribution.
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- 'distrib' read mrtg log files and computes traffic distribution in 
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  the time. It ouputs a graph with : 
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  usage 1 : distrib -i infile -o giffile -w width -h height -t mode -r rate -d count
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	(width / height in pixels)
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	mode : d(ay), w(eek), m(onth), y(ear)
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	count : how many categories of trafic must be taken
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	- in x the percentage of trafic utilisation (% bandwith)
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	- in y how many times the utilization was reached (% time)
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  usage 2 : distrib -i infile -o giffile -w width -h height -t x -r top -d count
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	(width / height in pixels)
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	this option builds another graph, with more than interface, but the same informations 'stacked' 
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	one on the other ...
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- '' use distrib to make a complete html ('distrib.html, distrib.gif') file 
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  with all target defined in the file mrtg.cfg (!).
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  usage :
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- distrib uses the GD library, as mrtg does. In order to compile it, you must
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  have the following files : 
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	and ... distrib.c
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	on unix, gcc distrib.c -I/yourgdinclude -L/yourgdlibrary -lgd -lm -o distrib
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	on a PC with NT or 95, make a project with RDLOG2.C, GD.C, GDFONTS.C
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All suggestions, bugs reports and others are welcome ...
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Philippe Simonet,, 24.06.97