C -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- C C (C) 2004 by Argonne National Laboratory. C See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. C C Test various combinations of periodic and non-periodic Cartesian C communicators C program main implicit none include 'mpif.h' integer errs, ierr integer ndims, nperiods, i, size integer comm, source, dest, newcomm integer maxdims parameter (maxdims=7) logical periods(maxdims), outperiods(maxdims) integer dims(maxdims), outdims(maxdims) integer outcoords(maxdims) errs = 0 call mtest_init( ierr ) C C For upto 6 dimensions, test with periodicity in 0 through all C dimensions. The test is computed by both: C get info about the created communicator C apply cart shift C Note that a dimension can have size one, so that these tests C can work with small numbers (even 1) of processes C comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD call mpi_comm_size( comm, size, ierr ) do ndims = 1, 6 do nperiods = 0, ndims do i=1,ndims periods(i) = .false. dims(i) = 0 enddo do i=1,nperiods periods(i) = .true. enddo call mpi_dims_create( size, ndims, dims, ierr ) call mpi_cart_create( comm, ndims, dims, periods, .false., $ newcomm, ierr ) if (newcomm .ne. MPI_COMM_NULL) then call mpi_cart_get( newcomm, maxdims, outdims, outperiods, $ outcoords, ierr ) C print *, 'Coords = ' do i=1, ndims C print *, i, '(', outcoords(i), ')' if (periods(i) .neqv. outperiods(i)) then errs = errs + 1 print *, ' Wrong value for periods ', i print *, ' ndims = ', ndims endif enddo do i=1, ndims call mpi_cart_shift( newcomm, i-1, 1, source, dest, $ ierr ) if (outcoords(i) .eq. outdims(i)-1) then if (periods(i)) then if (dest .eq. MPI_PROC_NULL) then errs = errs + 1 print *, 'Expected rank, got proc_null' endif else if (dest .ne. MPI_PROC_NULL) then errs = errs + 1 print *, 'Expected procnull, got ', dest endif endif endif call mpi_cart_shift( newcomm, i-1, -1, source, dest, $ ierr ) if (outcoords(i) .eq. 0) then if (periods(i)) then if (dest .eq. MPI_PROC_NULL) then errs = errs + 1 print *, 'Expected rank, got proc_null' endif else if (dest .ne. MPI_PROC_NULL) then errs = errs + 1 print *, 'Expected procnull, got ', dest endif endif endif enddo call mpi_comm_free( newcomm, ierr ) endif enddo enddo call mtest_finalize( errs ) end