! This file created from test/mpi/f77/coll/reducelocalf.f with f77tof90 ! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- ! ! (C) 2009 by Argonne National Laboratory. ! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. ! ! ! Test Fortran MPI_Reduce_local with MPI_OP_SUM and with user-defined operation. ! subroutine user_op( invec, outvec, count, datatype ) use mpi_f08 integer invec(*), outvec(*) integer count TYPE(MPI_Datatype) datatype integer ii if (datatype .ne. MPI_INTEGER) then write(6,*) 'Invalid datatype passed to user_op()' return endif do ii=1, count outvec(ii) = invec(ii) * 2 + outvec(ii) enddo end program main use mpi_f08 integer max_buf_size parameter (max_buf_size=65000) integer vin(max_buf_size), vout(max_buf_size) external user_op integer ierr, errs integer count TYPE(MPI_Op) myop integer ii errs = 0 call mtest_init(ierr) count = 0 do while (count .le. max_buf_size ) do ii = 1,count vin(ii) = ii vout(ii) = ii enddo call mpi_reduce_local( vin, vout, count, & & MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, ierr ) ! Check if the result is correct do ii = 1,count if ( vin(ii) .ne. ii ) then errs = errs + 1 endif if ( vout(ii) .ne. 2*ii ) then errs = errs + 1 endif enddo if ( count .gt. 0 ) then count = count + count else count = 1 endif enddo call mpi_op_create( user_op, .false., myop, ierr ) count = 0 do while (count .le. max_buf_size) do ii = 1, count vin(ii) = ii vout(ii) = ii enddo call mpi_reduce_local( vin, vout, count, & & MPI_INTEGER, myop, ierr ) ! Check if the result is correct do ii = 1, count if ( vin(ii) .ne. ii ) then errs = errs + 1 endif if ( vout(ii) .ne. 3*ii ) then errs = errs + 1 endif enddo if ( count .gt. 0 ) then count = count + count else count = 1 endif enddo call mpi_op_free( myop, ierr ) call mtest_finalize(errs) end