allred 4 allred 7 allred 4 arg=100 allredmany 4 allred2 4 allred3 10 allred4 4 allred5 5 allred5 10 allred6 4 allred6 7 reduce 5 reduce 10 reduce_local 2 mpiversion=2.2 op_commutative 2 red3 10 red4 10 alltoall1 8 alltoallv 10 alltoallv0 10 alltoallw1 10 alltoallw2 10 alltoallw_zeros 1 alltoallw_zeros 2 alltoallw_zeros 5 alltoallw_zeros 8 allgather2 10 allgather3 10 allgatherv2 10 allgatherv3 10 allgatherv4 4 timeLimit=600 allgather_struct 10 bcasttest 4 bcasttest 8 bcasttest 10 bcastzerotype 1 bcastzerotype 4 bcastzerotype 5 bcastzerotype 10 coll2 5 coll3 5 coll4 4 coll5 4 coll6 5 coll7 1 coll7 2 coll7 5 coll8 4 coll9 4 coll10 4 coll11 4 coll12 4 coll13 4 longuser 4 redscat 4 redscat 6 redscat2 4 redscat2 5 redscat2 10 redscat3 8 redscatinter 8 red_scat_block 4 mpiversion=2.2 red_scat_block 5 mpiversion=2.2 red_scat_block 8 mpiversion=2.2 red_scat_block2 4 mpiversion=2.2 red_scat_block2 5 mpiversion=2.2 red_scat_block2 10 mpiversion=2.2 redscatblk3 8 mpiversion=2.2 redscatblk3 10 mpiversion=2.2 redscatbkinter 8 mpiversion=2.2 redscatbkinter 10 mpiversion=2.2 scantst 4 exscan 10 exscan2 5 gather 4 gather2 4 @largetest@gather_big 8 scattern 4 scatter2 4 scatter3 4 scatterv 4 icbcast 4 icbcast 10 icallreduce 5 icallreduce 7 icreduce 5 icreduce 7 icscatter 5 icscatter 7 icgather 5 icgather 7 icallgather 5 icallgather 7 icbarrier 5 icbarrier 7 icallgatherv 5 icallgatherv 7 icgatherv 5 icgatherv 7 icscatterv 5 icscatterv 7 icalltoall 5 icalltoall 7 icalltoallv 5 icalltoallv 7 icalltoallw 5 icalltoallw 7 # the opxxx tests look at optional types, and are included for MPICH testing. # MPI implementations may instead signal errors for these types opland 4 oplor 4 oplxor 4 oplxor 5 opband 4 opbor 4 opbxor 4 opbxor 5 opprod 5 opprod 6 opsum 4 opmin 4 opminloc 4 opmax 5 opmaxloc 5 uoplong 4 uoplong 11 uoplong 16 nonblocking 4 mpiversion=3.0 nonblocking 5 mpiversion=3.0 nonblocking 10 mpiversion=3.0 nonblocking2 1 mpiversion=3.0 nonblocking2 4 mpiversion=3.0 nonblocking2 5 mpiversion=3.0 nonblocking2 10 timeLimit=420 mpiversion=3.0 nonblocking3 1 mpiversion=3.0 nonblocking3 4 mpiversion=3.0 nonblocking3 5 mpiversion=3.0 nonblocking3 10 timeLimit=600 mpiversion=3.0 iallred 2 mpiversion=3.0 # ibarrier will hang forever if it fails, but will complete quickly if it # succeeds ibarrier 2 mpiversion=3.0 timeLimit=30 # run some of the tests, relinked with the nbc_pmpi_adaptor.o file nballtoall1 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbcoll2 5 mpiversion=3.0 nbredscat 4 mpiversion=3.0 nbredscat 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbredscat3 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbredscatinter 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbicbcast 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbicallreduce 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbicreduce 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbicscatter 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbicgather 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbicallgather 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbicbarrier 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbicallgatherv 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbicgatherv 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbicscatterv 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbicalltoall 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbicalltoallv 8 mpiversion=3.0 nbicalltoallw 8 mpiversion=3.0 neighb_coll 4 mpiversion=3.0 @coll_algo_tests@