/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */ /* * * (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory. * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. */ /* * This file contains the C routines used in testing the c2f and f2c * handle conversion functions, except for MPI_File and MPI_Win (to * allow working with MPI implementations that do not include those * features). * * The tests follow this pattern: * * Fortran main program * calls c routine with each handle type, with a prepared * and valid handle (often requires constructing an object) * * C routine uses xxx_f2c routine to get C handle, checks some * properties (i.e., size and rank of communicator, contents of datatype) * * Then the Fortran main program calls a C routine that provides * a handle, and the Fortran program performs similar checks. * * We also assume that a C int is a Fortran integer. If this is not the * case, these tests must be modified. */ /* style: allow:fprintf:10 sig:0 */ #include #include "mpi.h" #include "../../include/mpitestconf.h" #include /* Name mapping. All routines are created with names that are lower case with a single trailing underscore. This matches many compilers. We use #define to change the name for Fortran compilers that do not use the lowercase/underscore pattern */ #ifdef F77_NAME_UPPER #define c2fcomm_ C2FCOMM #define c2fgroup_ C2FGROUP #define c2ftype_ C2FTYPE #define c2finfo_ C2FINFO #define c2frequest_ C2FREQUEST #define c2fop_ C2FOP #define c2ferrhandler_ C2FERRHANDLER #define f2ccomm_ F2CCOMM #define f2cgroup_ F2CGROUP #define f2ctype_ F2CTYPE #define f2cinfo_ F2CINFO #define f2crequest_ F2CREQUEST #define f2cop_ F2COP #define f2cerrhandler_ F2CERRHANDLER #elif defined(F77_NAME_LOWER) || defined(F77_NAME_MIXED) /* Mixed is ok because we use lowercase in all uses */ #define c2fcomm_ c2fcomm #define c2fgroup_ c2fgroup #define c2ftype_ c2ftype #define c2finfo_ c2finfo #define c2frequest_ c2frequest #define c2fop_ c2fop #define c2ferrhandler_ c2ferrhandler #define f2ccomm_ f2ccomm #define f2cgroup_ f2cgroup #define f2ctype_ f2ctype #define f2cinfo_ f2cinfo #define f2crequest_ f2crequest #define f2cop_ f2cop #define f2cerrhandler_ f2cerrhandler #elif defined(F77_NAME_LOWER_2USCORE) || defined(F77_NAME_LOWER_USCORE) || \ defined(F77_NAME_MIXED_USCORE) /* Else leave name alone (routines have no underscore, so both of these map to a lowercase, single underscore) */ #else #error 'Unrecognized Fortran name mapping' #endif /* Prototypes to keep compilers happy */ MPI_Fint c2fcomm_(MPI_Fint *); MPI_Fint c2fgroup_(MPI_Fint *); MPI_Fint c2finfo_(MPI_Fint *); MPI_Fint c2frequest_(MPI_Fint *); MPI_Fint c2ftype_(MPI_Fint *); MPI_Fint c2fop_(MPI_Fint *); MPI_Fint c2ferrhandler_(MPI_Fint *); void f2ccomm_(MPI_Fint *); void f2cgroup_(MPI_Fint *); void f2cinfo_(MPI_Fint *); void f2crequest_(MPI_Fint *); void f2ctype_(MPI_Fint *); void f2cop_(MPI_Fint *); void f2cerrhandler_(MPI_Fint *); MPI_Fint c2fcomm_(MPI_Fint * comm) { MPI_Comm cComm = MPI_Comm_f2c(*comm); int cSize, wSize, cRank, wRank; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wSize); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wRank); MPI_Comm_size(cComm, &cSize); MPI_Comm_rank(cComm, &cRank); if (wSize != cSize || wRank != cRank) { fprintf(stderr, "Comm: Did not get expected size,rank (got %d,%d)", cSize, cRank); return 1; } return 0; } MPI_Fint c2fgroup_(MPI_Fint * group) { MPI_Group cGroup = MPI_Group_f2c(*group); int cSize, wSize, cRank, wRank; /* We pass in the group of comm world */ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wSize); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wRank); MPI_Group_size(cGroup, &cSize); MPI_Group_rank(cGroup, &cRank); if (wSize != cSize || wRank != cRank) { fprintf(stderr, "Group: Did not get expected size,rank (got %d,%d)", cSize, cRank); return 1; } return 0; } MPI_Fint c2ftype_(MPI_Fint * type) { MPI_Datatype dtype = MPI_Type_f2c(*type); if (dtype != MPI_INTEGER) { fprintf(stderr, "Type: Did not get expected type\n"); return 1; } return 0; } MPI_Fint c2finfo_(MPI_Fint * info) { MPI_Info cInfo = MPI_Info_f2c(*info); int flag; char value[100]; MPI_Fint errs = 0; MPI_Info_get(cInfo, (char *) "host", sizeof(value), value, &flag); if (!flag || strcmp(value, "myname") != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Info: Wrong value or no value for host\n"); errs++; } MPI_Info_get(cInfo, (char *) "wdir", sizeof(value), value, &flag); if (!flag || strcmp(value, "/rdir/foo") != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Info: Wrong value of no value for wdir\n"); errs++; } return errs; } MPI_Fint c2frequest_(MPI_Fint * request) { MPI_Request req = MPI_Request_f2c(*request); MPI_Status status; int flag; MPI_Test(&req, &flag, &status); MPI_Test_cancelled(&status, &flag); if (!flag) { fprintf(stderr, "Request: Wrong value for flag\n"); return 1; } else { *request = MPI_Request_c2f(req); } return 0; } MPI_Fint c2fop_(MPI_Fint * op) { MPI_Op cOp = MPI_Op_f2c(*op); if (cOp != MPI_SUM) { fprintf(stderr, "Op: did not get sum\n"); return 1; } return 0; } MPI_Fint c2ferrhandler_(MPI_Fint * errh) { MPI_Errhandler errhand = MPI_Errhandler_f2c(*errh); if (errhand != MPI_ERRORS_RETURN) { fprintf(stderr, "Errhandler: did not get errors return\n"); return 1; } return 0; } /* * The following routines provide handles to the calling Fortran program */ void f2ccomm_(MPI_Fint * comm) { *comm = MPI_Comm_c2f(MPI_COMM_WORLD); } void f2cgroup_(MPI_Fint * group) { MPI_Group wgroup; MPI_Comm_group(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wgroup); *group = MPI_Group_c2f(wgroup); } void f2ctype_(MPI_Fint * type) { *type = MPI_Type_c2f(MPI_INTEGER); } void f2cinfo_(MPI_Fint * info) { MPI_Info cinfo; MPI_Info_create(&cinfo); MPI_Info_set(cinfo, (char *) "host", (char *) "myname"); MPI_Info_set(cinfo, (char *) "wdir", (char *) "/rdir/foo"); *info = MPI_Info_c2f(cinfo); } void f2crequest_(MPI_Fint * req) { MPI_Request cReq; MPI_Irecv(NULL, 0, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &cReq); MPI_Cancel(&cReq); *req = MPI_Request_c2f(cReq); } void f2cop_(MPI_Fint * op) { *op = MPI_Op_c2f(MPI_SUM); } void f2cerrhandler_(MPI_Fint * errh) { *errh = MPI_Errhandler_c2f(MPI_ERRORS_RETURN); }