! This file created from test/mpi/f77/coll/vw_inplacef.f with f77tof90 ! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- ! ! (C) 2012 by Argonne National Laboratory. ! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. ! ! A simple test for Fortran support of the MPI_IN_PLACE value in Alltoall[vw]. ! program main use mpi_f08 integer SIZEOFINT integer MAX_SIZE parameter (MAX_SIZE=1024) integer rbuf(MAX_SIZE) integer rdispls(MAX_SIZE), rcounts(MAX_SIZE) TYPE(MPI_Datatype) rtypes(MAX_SIZE) integer ierr, errs integer root TYPE(MPI_Comm) comm integer rank, size integer iexpected, igot integer i, j errs = 0 call mtest_init( ierr ) comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD call mpi_comm_rank( comm, rank, ierr ) call mpi_comm_size( comm, size, ierr ) call mpi_type_size( MPI_INTEGER, SIZEOFINT, ierr ) if (size .gt. MAX_SIZE) then print *, ' At most ', MAX_SIZE, ' processes allowed' call mpi_abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1, ierr ) endif ! do i=1,MAX_SIZE rbuf(i) = -1 enddo do i=1,size rbuf(i) = (i-1) * size + rank enddo call mpi_alltoall( MPI_IN_PLACE, -1, MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, & & rbuf, 1, MPI_INTEGER, comm, ierr ) do i=1,size if (rbuf(i) .ne. (rank*size + i - 1)) then errs = errs + 1 print *, '[', rank, '] rbuf(', i, ') = ', rbuf(i), & & ', should be', rank * size + i - 1 endif enddo do i=1,MAX_SIZE rbuf(i) = -1 enddo do i=1,size rcounts(i) = (i-1) + rank rdispls(i) = (i-1) * (2*size) do j=0,rcounts(i)-1 rbuf(rdispls(i)+j+1) = 100 * rank + 10 * (i-1) + j enddo enddo call mpi_alltoallv( MPI_IN_PLACE, [0], [0], MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, & & rbuf, rcounts, rdispls, MPI_INTEGER, & & comm, ierr ) do i=1,size do j=0,rcounts(i)-1 iexpected = 100 * (i-1) + 10 * rank + j igot = rbuf(rdispls(i)+j+1) if ( igot .ne. iexpected ) then errs = errs + 1 print *, '[', rank, '] ALLTOALLV got ', igot, & & ',but expected ', iexpected, & & ' for block=', i-1, ' element=', j endif enddo enddo do i=1,MAX_SIZE rbuf(i) = -1 enddo ! Alltoallw's displs[] are in bytes not in type extents. do i=1,size rcounts(i) = (i-1) + rank rdispls(i) = (i-1) * (2*size) * SIZEOFINT rtypes(i) = MPI_INTEGER do j=0,rcounts(i)-1 rbuf(rdispls(i)/SIZEOFINT+j+1) = 100 * rank & & + 10 * (i-1) + j enddo enddo call mpi_alltoallw( MPI_IN_PLACE, [0], [0], [MPI_DATATYPE_NULL], & & rbuf, rcounts, rdispls, rtypes, & & comm, ierr ) do i=1,size do j=0,rcounts(i)-1 iexpected = 100 * (i-1) + 10 * rank + j igot = rbuf(rdispls(i)/SIZEOFINT+j+1) if ( igot .ne. iexpected ) then errs = errs + 1 print *, '[', rank, '] ALLTOALLW got ', igot, & & ',but expected ', iexpected, & & ' for block=', i-1, ' element=', j endif enddo enddo call mtest_finalize( errs ) call mpi_finalize( ierr ) end