/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */ /* * (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory. * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. */ #ifndef RLOG_H_INCLUDED #define RLOG_H_INCLUDED #include #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /* definitions */ #ifndef RLOG_BOOL #define RLOG_BOOL int #endif #define RLOG_BUFFSIZE (8*1024*1024) #define RLOG_MAX_RECORD_SIZE 1024 #define RLOG_COLOR_LENGTH (3 * sizeof(double)) #define RLOG_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH (5 * sizeof(double)) #define RLOG_MAX_DOUBLE (1e100) #define RLOG_MIN_DOUBLE (-1e100) #define RLOG_SENDER 1 #define RLOG_RECEIVER 0 #define RLOG_FIRST_EVENT_ID 1500 #define RLOG_ARROW_EVENT_ID 1499 /* structures */ typedef enum RLOG_RECORD_TYPE { RLOG_INVALID_TYPE = 0, RLOG_ENDLOG_TYPE, RLOG_EVENT_TYPE, RLOG_ARROW_TYPE, RLOG_IARROW_TYPE, RLOG_STATE_TYPE, RLOG_COMM_TYPE } RLOG_RECORD_TYPE; typedef struct RLOG_HEADER { RLOG_RECORD_TYPE type; int length; } RLOG_HEADER; typedef struct RLOG_STATE { int event; int pad; char color[RLOG_COLOR_LENGTH]; char description[RLOG_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; } RLOG_STATE; /* FIXME: RLOG should use the generic (and lighter weight) timestamp type, not a double, for recording the timestamp bits. This is an unnecessary extra overhead that makes RLOG less appropriate for fine-grain logging */ typedef struct RLOG_EVENT { int rank; int event; int pad; int recursion; double start_time; double end_time; } RLOG_EVENT; #define RLOG_ARROW_LEFT 1 #define RLOG_ARROW_RIGHT 0 typedef struct RLOG_ARROW { int src; int dest; int tag; int length; int leftright; int pad; double start_time; double end_time; } RLOG_ARROW; typedef struct RLOG_IARROW { int sendrecv; int rank; int remote; int tag; int length; int pad; double timestamp; } RLOG_IARROW; typedef struct RLOG_COMM { int newcomm; int rank; } RLOG_COMM; #define RLOG_HEADER_SECTION 0 #define RLOG_STATE_SECTION 1 #define RLOG_ARROW_SECTION 2 #define RLOG_EVENT_SECTION 3 typedef struct RLOG_FILE_HEADER { int nMinRank, nMaxRank; } RLOG_FILE_HEADER; typedef struct IRLOG_IOStruct { FILE *f; RLOG_HEADER header; union RLOG_DATA { RLOG_STATE state; RLOG_EVENT event; RLOG_IARROW iarrow; RLOG_COMM comm; } record; char *pCurHeader; char *pNextHeader; char *pEnd; char buffer[RLOG_BUFFSIZE]; } IRLOG_IOStruct; typedef struct RLOG_IOStruct { FILE *f; RLOG_FILE_HEADER header; int nNumStates, nCurState; long nStateOffset; int nNumArrows, nCurArrow; long nArrowOffset; int nNumRanks; int *pRank; int *pNumEventRecursions; int **ppNumEvents, **ppCurEvent; int **ppCurGlobalEvent; RLOG_EVENT **gppCurEvent, **gppPrevEvent, gCurEvent; int gnCurRank, gnCurLevel, gnCurEvent; long **ppEventOffset; } RLOG_IOStruct; typedef struct RLOG_Struct { int bLogging; int nCurEventId; char pszFileName[256]; int nRank; int nSize; int nRecursion; double dFirstTimestamp; RLOG_HEADER DiskHeader; RLOG_EVENT DiskEvent; IRLOG_IOStruct *pOutput; } RLOG_Struct; /* function prototypes */ /* logging functions */ RLOG_Struct* RLOG_InitLog(int rank, int size); int RLOG_FinishLog(RLOG_Struct* pRLOG); /*void RLOG_LogEvent(RLOG_Struct *pRLOG, int event, double starttime, double endtime, int recursion);*/ void RLOG_LogSend(RLOG_Struct* pRLOG, int dest, int tag, int size); void RLOG_LogRecv(RLOG_Struct* pRLOG, int src, int tag, int size); void RLOG_LogCommID(RLOG_Struct* pRLOG, int id); void RLOG_DescribeState(RLOG_Struct* pRLOG, int state, char *name, char *color); void RLOG_EnableLogging(RLOG_Struct* pRLOG); void RLOG_DisableLogging(RLOG_Struct* pRLOG); int RLOG_GetNextEventID(RLOG_Struct* pRLOG); void RLOG_SaveFirstTimestamp(RLOG_Struct* pRLOG); /* irlog utility functions */ IRLOG_IOStruct *IRLOG_CreateInputStruct(const char *filename); IRLOG_IOStruct *IRLOG_CreateOutputStruct(const char *filename); int IRLOG_GetNextRecord(IRLOG_IOStruct *pInput); int IRLOG_WriteRecord(RLOG_HEADER *pRecord, IRLOG_IOStruct *pOutput); int IRLOG_CloseInputStruct(IRLOG_IOStruct **ppInput); int IRLOG_CloseOutputStruct(IRLOG_IOStruct **ppOutput); /* rlog utility functions */ RLOG_IOStruct *RLOG_CreateInputStruct(const char *filename); int RLOG_CloseInputStruct(RLOG_IOStruct **ppInput); int RLOG_GetFileHeader(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, RLOG_FILE_HEADER *pHeader); int RLOG_GetNumStates(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput); int RLOG_GetState(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, int i, RLOG_STATE *pState); int RLOG_ResetStateIter(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput); int RLOG_GetNextState(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, RLOG_STATE *pState); int RLOG_GetNumArrows(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput); int RLOG_GetArrow(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, int i, RLOG_ARROW *pArrow); int RLOG_ResetArrowIter(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput); int RLOG_GetNextArrow(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, RLOG_ARROW *pArrow); int RLOG_GetRankRange(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, int *pMin, int *pMax); int RLOG_GetNumEventRecursions(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, int rank); int RLOG_GetNumEvents(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, int rank, int recursion_level); int RLOG_GetEvent(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, int rank, int recursion_level, int index, RLOG_EVENT *pEvent); int RLOG_ResetEventIter(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, int rank, int recursion_level); int RLOG_GetNextEvent(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, int rank, int recursion_level, RLOG_EVENT *pEvent); int RLOG_FindEventBeforeTimestamp(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, int rank, int recursion_level, double timestamp, RLOG_EVENT *pEvent, int *pIndex); int RLOG_FindAnyEventBeforeTimestamp(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, int rank, double timestamp, RLOG_EVENT *pEvent); int RLOG_ResetGlobalIter(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput); int RLOG_GetNextGlobalEvent(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, RLOG_EVENT *pEvent); int RLOG_GetPreviousGlobalEvent(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, RLOG_EVENT *pEvent); int RLOG_GetCurrentGlobalEvent(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, RLOG_EVENT *pEvent); int RLOG_FindGlobalEventBeforeTimestamp(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, double timestamp, RLOG_EVENT *pEvent); int RLOG_FindArrowBeforeTimestamp(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, double timestamp, RLOG_ARROW *pArrow, int *pIndex); int RLOG_HitTest(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput, int rank, int level, double timestamp, RLOG_EVENT *pEvent); int RLOG_ModifyEvents(const char *log_filename, double *pOffsets, int num_offsets); /* debugging functions */ int RLOG_PrintGlobalState(RLOG_IOStruct *pInput); /* macros */ #define RLOG_HEADER_CAST() ((RLOG_HEADER*)pRLOG->pOutput->pCurHeader) #define RLOG_EVENT_CAST() ((RLOG_EVENT*)((char*)pRLOG->pOutput->pCurHeader + sizeof(RLOG_HEADER))) #define RLOG_LogEvent(pRLOG, event_param, starttime, endtime, recursion_param) \ if (pRLOG->bLogging) \ { \ if (pRLOG->pOutput->pCurHeader + sizeof(RLOG_HEADER) + sizeof(RLOG_EVENT) > pRLOG->pOutput->pEnd) \ { \ WriteCurrentDataAndLogEvent(pRLOG, event_param, starttime, endtime, recursion_param); \ } \ else \ { \ RLOG_HEADER_CAST()->type = RLOG_EVENT_TYPE; \ RLOG_HEADER_CAST()->length = sizeof(RLOG_HEADER) + sizeof(RLOG_EVENT); \ RLOG_EVENT_CAST()->rank = pRLOG->nRank; \ RLOG_EVENT_CAST()->end_time = endtime - pRLOG->dFirstTimestamp; \ RLOG_EVENT_CAST()->start_time = starttime - pRLOG->dFirstTimestamp; \ RLOG_EVENT_CAST()->event = event_param; \ RLOG_EVENT_CAST()->recursion = recursion_param; \ /* advance the current position pointer */ \ pRLOG->pOutput->pCurHeader += sizeof(RLOG_HEADER) + sizeof(RLOG_EVENT); \ } \ } void WriteCurrentDataAndLogEvent(RLOG_Struct *pRLOG, int event, double starttime, double endtime, int recursion); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif