#!/usr/bin/env perl # # (C) 2011by Argonne National Laboratory. # See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. # # Parse C or header files to search for MPI_T control variable # and category info, then output the info in source code form. use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename qw(basename); use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; # Help perl find the YAML parsing module use lib '/tmp/BuGuYkQogF/mpich-3.3.2/maint/local_perl/lib'; use YAML::Tiny qw(); # To format README file use Text::Wrap; $Text::Wrap::unexpand = 0; # disable hard tabs in output ################################################## # set true to enable debug output my $debug = 0; my @cvars = (); my @categories=(); my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->new(); my @dirs = (); my @cfiles = (); my %skipfiles = (); # namespace prefix for function names my $fn_ns = "MPIR_T_cvar"; # namespace prefix for variable and type names my $ns = "MPIR_CVAR"; # an alternative namespace used for environment variables, unused if set to "" my $alt_ns = "MPIR_PARAM"; # deprecated prefix for backward compatibility my $dep_ns = "MPICH"; # Default :output source files # NOTE: it's important to use single quote. abs_srcdir may contain sigils # e.g. /var/lib/jenkins-slave/workspace/hzhou-custom@2/config/ch3-sock/label/centos64 my $header_file = '/tmp/BuGuYkQogF/mpich-3.3.2/maint/../src/include/mpir_cvars.h'; my $c_file = '/tmp/BuGuYkQogF/mpich-3.3.2/maint/../src/util/cvar/mpir_cvars.c'; my $readme_file = '/tmp/BuGuYkQogF/mpich-3.3.2/maint/../README.envvar'; sub Usage { print < \&Usage, "debug!" => \$debug, "namespace=s" => \$ns, "alt-namespace=s" => \$alt_ns, "header=s" => \$header_file, "c-file=s" => \$c_file, "readme-file=s" => \$readme_file, "dirs=s" => \$dirline, "skips=s" => \$skipline ) or Usage(); Usage unless $dirline; print "dirline = $dirline\n" if $debug; @dirs = split(/[:,;\s]+/, $dirline); my @skips = split(/[:,;\s]+/, $skipline); %skipfiles = map {$_ => 1} @skips; # Step 2: Search all cfiles and put them in @cfiles. foreach my $dir (@dirs) { ExpandDir($dir); } # Step 3: Parse each cfile and put results in @cvars and @categories. foreach my $cfile (@cfiles) { ProcessFile($cfile); } # Step 4: Preprocess cvars: # *) Make sure that all categories referenced by cvars actually exist # *) Strip out the prefix of their name (normally, MPIR_CVAR) die "missing 'cvars', stopped" unless (@cvars); my %cat_hash = map {$_->{name} => 1} @categories; foreach my $p (@cvars) { unless (exists $cat_hash{$p->{category}}) { warn "Category '".$p->{category}."' referenced by '".$p->{name}."' was not found"; } $p->{name} =~ s/${ns}_//; if (exists $p->{'alt-env'}) { my @alts = split(/[:,;\s]+/, $p->{'alt-env'}); foreach my $elmt (@alts) { $elmt =~ s/${ns}_//; } $p->{'alt-env'} = [@alts]; } } # Step 5: Output cvars and categories print "Categories include: \n".Dumper(@categories) if $debug; print "Cvars include :\n".Dumper(@cvars)."\n" if $debug; my $run_timestamp = gmtime($ENV{SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} || time)." UTC"; my $uc_ns = uc($ns); # Setup output files open(OUTPUT_H, '>', $header_file); open(OUTPUT_C, '>', $c_file); open(OUTPUT_README, '>', $readme_file); #=============================================================== # Step 5.1: Dump the header file. my $hdr_guard = Header2InclGuard($header_file); print OUTPUT_H <{location} */\n"; printf OUTPUT_H "extern %s ${uc_ns}_%s;\n", Type2Ctype($p->{type}), $p->{name}; } print OUTPUT_H <{name}, $p->{default}, $p->{type}); if ($p->{class} eq 'device') { printf OUTPUT_C "#if defined MPID_%s\n", $p->{name}; printf OUTPUT_C "%s ${uc_ns}_%s = MPID_%s;\n", Type2Ctype($p->{type}), $p->{name}, $p->{name}; printf OUTPUT_C "#else\n"; } if ($p->{type} eq 'string') { printf OUTPUT_C "%s ${uc_ns}_%s = (const char*)%s;\n", Type2Ctype($p->{type}), $p->{name}, $default; } else { printf OUTPUT_C "%s ${uc_ns}_%s = %s;\n", Type2Ctype($p->{type}), $p->{name}, $default; } if ($p->{class} eq 'device') { printf OUTPUT_C "#endif /* MPID_%s */\n\n", $p->{name}; } } # Generate the init function. print OUTPUT_C <{description}; $desc =~ s/"/\\"/g; printf OUTPUT_C qq( /* declared in $cat->{location} */\n); printf OUTPUT_C qq( MPIR_T_cat_add_desc(%s\n%s);\n\n), qq("$cat->{name}",), qq( "$desc"); } # Register and init cvars foreach my $p (@cvars) { my $count; my $mpi_dtype; my $dftval; # Set count and default value of the car if ($p->{type} eq 'string') { $mpi_dtype = "MPI_CHAR"; $count = "${uc_ns}_MAX_STRLEN"; $dftval = FmtDefault($p->{name}, $p->{default}, $p->{type}); printf OUTPUT_C qq( defaultval.str = (const char *)%s;\n), $dftval; } elsif ($p->{type} eq 'int' or $p->{type} eq 'boolean') { $mpi_dtype = "MPI_INT"; $count = 1; $dftval = FmtDefault($p->{name}, $p->{default}, $p->{type}); printf OUTPUT_C qq( defaultval.d = %s;\n), $dftval; } elsif ($p->{type} eq 'double') { $mpi_dtype = "MPI_DOUBLE"; $count = 1; $dftval = FmtDefault($p->{name}, $p->{default}, $p->{type}); printf OUTPUT_C qq( defaultval.d = %s;\n), $dftval; } elsif ($p->{type} eq 'range') { $mpi_dtype = "MPI_INT"; $count = 2; $dftval = FmtDefault($p->{name}, $p->{default}, $p->{type}); printf OUTPUT_C qq( {\n); printf OUTPUT_C qq( MPIR_T_cvar_range_value_t tmp = %s;\n), $dftval; printf OUTPUT_C qq( defaultval.range = tmp;\n); printf OUTPUT_C qq( }\n); } else { die "unknown type $p->{type}, stopped"; } # Register the cvar my $desc = $p->{description}; $desc =~ s/"/\\"/g; $desc =~ s/\n/\\\n/g; printf OUTPUT_C qq( MPIR_T_CVAR_REGISTER_STATIC(\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s);\n), qq( $mpi_dtype,), qq( ${uc_ns}_$p->{name}, /* name */), qq( &${uc_ns}_$p->{name}, /* address */), qq( $count, /* count */), qq( $p->{verbosity},), qq( $p->{scope},), qq( defaultval,), qq( "$p->{category}", /* category */), qq( "$desc"); if ($p->{type} eq 'string') { print OUTPUT_C <{name}, &tmp_str); EOT } # Get the env variable value. my $env_fn = Type2EnvFn($p->{type}); my @env_names = (); my $var_name = "${uc_ns}_" . $p->{name}; # Process extra envs first so the primary always wins push @env_names, map { "${dep_ns}_$_" } @{$p->{'alt-env'}}; push @env_names, map { "${alt_ns}_$_" } @{$p->{'alt-env'}}; push @env_names, map { "${uc_ns}_$_" } @{$p->{'alt-env'}}; push @env_names, "${dep_ns}_" . $p->{name}; push @env_names, "${alt_ns}_" . $p->{name}; push @env_names, "${uc_ns}_" . $p->{name}; foreach my $env_name (@env_names) { # assumes rc is defined if ($p->{type} eq 'range') { print OUTPUT_C <{type} eq 'string') { print OUTPUT_C <{type} eq 'string') { print OUTPUT_C <{name}; if ($p->{type} eq 'string') { # Need to cleanup after whatever was strduped by the init routine print OUTPUT_C <{name}; push @env_names, "${dep_ns}_" . $p->{name}; push @env_names, map { "${uc_ns}_$_" } @{$p->{'alt-env'}}; push @env_names, map { "${alt_ns}_$_" } @{$p->{'alt-env'}}; push @env_names, map { "${dep_ns}_$_" } @{$p->{'alt-env'}}; print OUTPUT_README "${uc_ns}_$p->{name}\n"; $first = 1; foreach $alt (@env_names) { if ($first) { print OUTPUT_README " Aliases: $alt\n"; } else { print OUTPUT_README " $alt\n"; } $first = 0; } print OUTPUT_README wrap(" Description: ", " ", $p->{description} . "\n"); $default = FmtDefault($p->{name}, $p->{default}, $p->{type}); print OUTPUT_README " Default: $default\n"; print OUTPUT_README "\n"; } close(OUTPUT_README); #=============================================================== # Helper subroutines used in this script # Transform a cvar type to a C-language type sub Type2Ctype { my $type = shift; my %typemap = ( 'int' => 'int', 'double' => 'double', 'string' => 'const char *', 'boolean' => 'int', 'range' => "MPIR_T_cvar_range_value_t", ); die "unknown type '$type', stopped" unless exists $typemap{$type}; return $typemap{$type}; } # Transform a default value into a C value sub FmtDefault { my $name = shift; my $val = shift; my $type = shift; if ($type eq 'string') { $val =~ s/"/\\"/g; if ($val eq 'NULL' or $val eq 'null') { return "NULL"; } else { return qq("$val"); } } elsif ($type eq 'boolean') { if ($val =~ m/^(0|f(alse)?|no?)$/i) { return qq(0); } elsif ($val =~ m/^(1|t(rue)?|y(es)?)$/i) { return qq(1); } else { warn "WARNING: type='$type', bad val='$val', continuing"; return qq(0); # fail-false } } elsif ($type eq 'range') { if ($val !~ "-?[0-9]+:-?[0-9]+") { die "Unable to parse range value '$val', stopped"; } $val =~ s/:/,/; return qq({$val}); } else { return qq($val); } } # turns /path/foo_BAR-baz.h into FOO_BAR_BAZ_H_INCLUDED sub Header2InclGuard { my $header_file = shift; my $guard = basename($header_file); $guard =~ tr/a-z\-./A-Z__/; $guard .= "_INCLUDED"; die "guard contains whitespace, stopped" if ($guard =~ m/\s/); return $guard; } sub Type2EnvFn { my $type = shift; my %typemap = ( 'int' => 'int', 'string' => 'str', 'boolean' => 'bool', 'double' => 'double', 'range' => 'range', ); die "unknown type '$type', stopped" unless exists $typemap{$type}; return $typemap{$type}; } # Parse a file, search the MPI_T_CVAR_INFO_BLOCK if any. # Distill cvars and categories from the block. # Push the results to back of @cvars and @categories respectively. sub ProcessFile { my $cfile = $_[0]; my $cvar_info_block = undef; my $in_cvar_info_block = 0; #print "Processing file $cfile\n" if $debug; open my $CFILE_HANDLE, "< $cfile" or die "Error: open file $cfile -- $!\n"; while (<$CFILE_HANDLE>) { if (/END_MPI_T_CVAR_INFO_BLOCK/) { last; } elsif ($in_cvar_info_block) { $cvar_info_block .= $_; } elsif (/BEGIN_MPI_T_CVAR_INFO_BLOCK/) { $in_cvar_info_block = 1; print "Found MPI_T_CVAR_INFO_BLOCK in $cfile\n" if $debug; } } close $CFILE_HANDLE; # Do some checking to ensure a correct cvar info block, also # add file locations to help users' debugging. if ($cvar_info_block) { my $info = ($yaml->read_string($cvar_info_block))->[0]; if (exists $info->{cvars}) { # Remember location where the cvar is defined. Put that into # comments of the generated *.h file so that users know where # to look when meeting compilation errors. foreach my $cvar (@{$info->{cvars}}) { $cvar->{location} = $cfile; die "ERROR: cvar has no name in $cfile\n" unless exists $cvar->{name}; die "ERROR: cvar $cvar->{name} has no type in $cfile\n" unless exists $cvar->{type}; die "ERROR: cvar $cvar->{name} has no verbosity in $cfile\n" unless exists $cvar->{verbosity}; die "ERROR: cvar $cvar->{name} has no scope in $cfile\n" unless exists $cvar->{scope}; die "ERROR: cvar $cvar->{name} has no class in $cfile\n" unless exists $cvar->{class}; die "ERROR: cvar $cvar->{name} has no description in $cfile\n" unless exists $cvar->{description}; } push (@cvars, @{$info->{cvars}}); } if (exists $info->{categories}) { # Do the same trick to categories foreach my $cat (@{$info->{categories}}) { $cat->{location} = $cfile; die "ERROR: category has no name in $cfile\n" unless exists $cat->{name}; die "ERROR: category $cat->{name} has no description in $cfile\n" unless exists $cat->{description}; } push (@categories, @{$info->{categories}}); } } } # Search cfiles recursively in the directory passed in. # Push file names along with their paths to back of @cfiles. sub ExpandDir { my $dir = $_[0]; my @subdirs = (); my $DIR_HANDLE; opendir $DIR_HANDLE, "$dir" or die "Error: open directory $dir -- $!\n"; for my $filename (sort readdir $DIR_HANDLE) { if ($filename =~ /^\./) { next; } elsif (-d "$dir/$filename") { $subdirs[$#subdirs + 1] = "$dir/$filename"; } elsif ($filename =~ /(.*\.[Cchi])(pp){0,1}$/) { if (!defined($skipfiles{"$dir/$filename"})) { $cfiles[$#cfiles + 1] = "$dir/$filename"; } } } closedir $DIR_HANDLE; # Recursively search subdirs foreach $dir (@subdirs) { ExpandDir($dir); } }