**argnonpos:Invalid argument; must be positive **argnonpos %s %d:Invalid value for %s; must be positive but is %d **argneg:Invalid argument; must be non-negative **argneg %s %d:Invalid value for %s, must be non-negative but is %d **argtoosmall:Invalid argument; value is too small **argtoosmall %s %d %d:Invalid argument for %s: value is %d but must be at least %d **countneg:Negative count **countneg %d:Negative count, value is %d **initialized:MPI not initialized. Call MPI_Init or MPI_Init_thread first **finalized:MPI has already called MPI_Finalize **inittwice:Cannot call MPI_INIT or MPI_INIT_THREAD more than once **nomem:Out of memory **nomem %s %d:Out of memory (unable to allocate a '%s' of size %d) **nomem %s:Out of memory (unable to allocate a '%s') **nomem %d:Out of memory (unable to allocate %d bytes) **nomem2:Unable to allocate memory (probably out of memory) **nomem2 %d %s:Unable to allocate %d bytes of memory for %s (probably out of memory) **alloc_shar_mem:unable to allocate shared memory **alloc_shar_mem %s %s:unable to allocate shared memory - %s %s **attach_shar_mem:unable to attach to shared memory **attach_shar_mem %s %s:unable to attach to shared memory - %s %s **remove_shar_mem:unable to remove shared memory **remove_shar_mem %s %s:unable to remove shared memory - %s %s **detach_shar_mem:unable to detach shared memory **detach_shar_mem %s %s:unable to detach shared memory - %s %s **notimpl:Function not implemented **notimpl %s:Function %s not implemented **nullptr:Null pointer **nullptr %s:Null pointer in parameter %s **nullptrtype:Null pointer **nullptrtype %s:Null %s pointer **typenamelen:Specified datatype name is too long **typenamelen %d:Specified datatype name is too long (%d characters) **success:No MPI error **fileexist:File exists **keyvalobj:Keyval was not defined for the supplied object **keyvalobj %s:Keyval was not defined for %s objects **keyvalinvalid:Attribute key was MPI_KEYVAL_INVALID **permattr:Cannot set permanent attribute **keyval:Invalid keyval **noerrclasses:No more user-defined error classes **noerrcodes:No more user-defined error codes **rankdup:Duplicate ranks in rank array **rankdup %d %d %d:Duplicate ranks in rank array at index %d, has value %d which is \ also the value at index %d **netloc_topo_load:Error loading netloc topology **netloc_topo_identification:Unsupported netloc topology type **netloc_endpoint_mismatch:Netloc topology does not contain the node **topotoolarge:Topology size is greater than communicator size **topotoolarge %d %d:Topology size %d is larger than communicator size (%d) **notcarttopo:No Cartesian topology associated with this communicator **dimszero:Communicator associated with zero-dimensional cartesian topology **notgraphtopo:No Graph topology associated with this communicator **notdistgraphtopo:No Distributed Graph topology associated with this communicator **notopology:No topology associated with this communicator **unweightedboth:Must specify MPI_UNWEIGHTED for both or neither weight arguments **dimsmany:Number of dimensions is too large **dimsmany %d %d:Number of dimensions %d is too large (maximum is %d) **dimspartition:Cannot partition nodes as requested **cartcoordinvalid:Cartesian coordinate is invalid (not in range) **cartcoordinvalid %d %d %d:Cartesian coordinate for the %d coordinate \ is %d but must be between 0 and %d **cartdim:Size of Cartesian grid is larger than the size of the communicator **cartdim %d %d:Size of the communicator (%d) is smaller than the size of the \ Cartesian topology (%d) **edgeoutrange:Edge index in graph topology is out of range **edgeoutrange %d %d %d:Edge index edges[%d] is %d but must be nonnegative \ and less than %d **nulledge:Edge detected from a node to the same node **nulledge %d %d:Edge for node %d (entry edges[%d]) is to itself **indexneg:Index value in graph topology must be nonnegative **indexneg %d %d:Index value for index[%d] is %d but must be nonnegative **indexnonmonotone:Index values in graph topology must be monotone nondecreasing **indexnonmonotone %d %d %d:Index values in graph topology must be monotone \ nondecreasing but index[%d] is %d but the next index value is %d **graphnnodes:Number of graph nodes exceeds size of communicator. **rangedup:The range array specifies duplicate entries **rangedup %d %d %d:The range array specifies duplicate entries; process %d \ specified in range array %d was previously specified in range array %d **rank:Invalid rank **rank %d %d:Invalid rank has value %d but must be nonnegative and less than %d **stride:Range does not terminate **stride %d %d %d:Range (start = %d, end = %d, stride = %d) does not terminate **stridezero:Zero stride is invalid **rangestartinvalid:Some element of a range array is either negative or too large **rangestartinvalid %d %d %d:The %dth element of a range array starts at %d \ but must be nonnegative and less than %d **rangeendinvalid:Some element of a range array is either negative or too large **rangeendinvalid %d %d %d:The %dth element of a range array ends at %d \ but must be nonnegative and less than %d **argrange:Argument is not within valid range **argrange %s %d %d:Argument %s has value %d but must be within [0,%d] **argarrayneg:Negative value in array **argarrayneg %s %d %d:Negative value in array %s[%d] (value is %d) **bufexists:Buffer already attached with MPI_BUFFER_ATTACH. **bsendbufsmall:Buffer size is smaller than MPI_BSEND_OVERHEAD **bsendbufsmall %d %d:Buffer size of %d is smaller than MPI_BSEND_OVERHEAD (%d) **bsendpending:Internal error - completion of Bsend requests that were \ deferred because of resource limits is not implemented **notgenreq:Attempt to complete a request with MPI_GREQUEST_COMPLETE that \ was not started with MPI_GREQUEST_START **cancelunknown:Attempt to cancel an unknown type of request **permop:Cannot free permanent MPI_Op **attrsentinal:Internal fields in an attribute have been overwritten; \ possible errors in using the attribute value in user code. **toomanycomm:Too many communicators **toomanycomm %d %d %d:Too many communicators (%d/%d free on this process; ignore_id=%d) **toomanycommfrag: Cannot allocate context ID because of fragmentation **toomanycommfrag %d %d %d: Cannot allocate context ID because of fragmentation (%d/%d free on this process; ignore_id=%d) **commperm:Cannot free permanent communicator **commperm %s:Cannot free permanent communicator %s **group:Invalid group **groupperm:Cannot free permanent group **groupnotincomm:Specified group is not within the communicator **groupnotincomm %d:Rank %d of the specified group is not a member of this communicator **commnotintra:An intracommunicator is required but an intercommunicator \ was provided. **commnotinter:An intercommunicator is required but an intracommunicator \ was provided. **ranklocal:Error specifying local_leader **ranklocal %d %d:Error specifying local_leader; rank given was %d but must \ be in the range 0 to %d **rankremote:Error specifying remote_leader **rankremote %d %d:Error specifying remote_leader; rank given was %d but must \ be in the range 0 to %d **ranksdistinct:Local and remote leaders must be different processes **dupprocesses:Local and remote groups in MPI_Intercomm_create must not \ contain the same processes **dupprocesses %d:Local and remote groups in MPI_Intercomm_create must not \ contain the same processes; both contain process %d **tag:Invalid tag **tag %d:Invalid tag, value is %d **count:Invalid count **bufnull:Null buffer pointer **bufbsend:Insufficient space in Bsend buffer **bufbsend %d %d:Insufficient space in Bsend buffer; requested %d; total \ buffer size is %d **inttoosmall:An address does not fit into a Fortran INTEGER. Use \ MPI_Get_address instead **namepubnotpub:Lookup failed for service name **namepubnotpub %s:Lookup failed for service name %s **nonamepub:No name publishing service available **namepubfile:Unable to publish service name **namepubfile %s %s %s:Unable to publish service name %s using file %s for \ reason %s **namepubnotfound:Lookup failed for service name **namepubnotfound %s:Lookup failed for service name %s **namepubnotunpub:Failed to unpublish service name **namepubnotunpub %s:Failed to unpublish service name %s **sendbuf_inplace:sendbuf cannot be MPI_IN_PLACE **recvbuf_inplace:recvbuf cannot be MPI_IN_PLACE **buf_inplace:buffer cannot be MPI_IN_PLACE **buf_inplace %s:buffer '%s' cannot be MPI_IN_PLACE **typematchnoclass:The value of typeclass is not one of MPI_TYPECLASS_REAL, \ MPI_TYPECLASS_INTEGER, or MPI_TYPECLASS_COMPLEX **typematchsize:No MPI datatype available for the given typeclass and size **typematchsize %s %d:No MPI datatype available for typeclass %s and size %d **mpi_type_create_f90_complex:MPI_Type_create_f90_complex failed **mpi_type_create_f90_complex %d %d:MPI_Type_create_f90_complex \ (precision=%d, range=%d) failed **mpi_type_create_f90_int:MPI_Type_create_f90_int failed **mpi_type_create_f90_int %d: MPI_Type_create_f90_int (range=%d) failed **mpi_type_create_f90_real:MPI_Type_create_f90_real failed **mpi_type_create_f90_real %d %d:MPI_Type_create_f90_real \ (precision=%d, range=%d) failed **f90typetoomany:Too many requests for unnamed, predefined f90 types **f90typeintnone: No integer type with the requested range is available **f90typeintnone %d: No integer type with %d digits of range is available **f90typerealnone: No real type with the requested range and/or precision \ is available **f90typerealnone %d %d: No real type with both %d digits of precision \ and an exponent range of %d is available **f90typecomplexnone: No complex type with the requested range and/or \ precision is available **f90typecomplexnone %d %d: No complex type with both %d digits of precision \ and an exponent range of %d is available # **noConnInfoToString:No ConnInfoToString routine defined for this process group # **typeinitbadmem:builtin datatype handle references invalid memory **typeinitbadmem %d:%dth builtin datatype handle references invalid memory **typeinitfail:Did not initialize name for all of the predefined datatypes **typeinitfail %d:Did not initialize name for all of the predefined datatypes \ (only did first %d) **typeinitminmaxloc: Could not determine pointer for predefined minloc or \ maxloc type. Initialization of those names failed. **unableToLoadDLL: Unable to load a dynamically loadable library **unableToLoadDLL %s %s: Unable to load the dynamically loadable library %s \ for reason %s **unableToLoadDLLsym: Unable to find or load a symbol from a dynamically \ loadable library **unableToLoadDLLsym %s %s: Unable to find or load the symbol %s from a \ dynamically loaded library for reason %s **dynamic_node_ids: Node information for dynamic processes currently is not implemented **nomprobe: Mprobe-related functionality is not implemented **memcpyalias:memcpy arguments alias each other **memcpyalias %p %p %L:memcpy arguments alias each other, dst=%p src=%p len=%L **invalidpkt: Invalid packet type **invalidpkt %d: Invalid packet type (%d) **rmatypenotatomic: Datatype not permitted for atomic operations **rmatypenotatomic %D: Datatype (%D) not permitted for atomic operations **winflavor: Window flavor is not compatible with the given operation **winflavor %s: Window flavor is not compatible with the given operation (expected %s) **typenotpredefined: Datatype must be predefined **treetype: Invalid tree type used for initializing Tree algorithms **treetype %d: Invalid tree type (%d) used for initializing Tree algorithms **sockaddrfailed:MPL_get_sockaddr failed # -- FIXME: Some (but not all) of the messages below this line have been used #---- The messages below this line haven't been used yet. # **buffer:Invalid buffer pointer **bufalias:Buffers must not be aliased **dtype:Invalid datatype **dtypenull:Null datatype **dtypenull %s:Datatype for argument %s is a null datatype **dtypecommit:Datatype has not been committed **dtypeperm:Cannot free permanent data type **dtypemismatch:Receiving data with a datatype whose signature does not match that of the sending datatype. **contentspredef:Named predefined datatypes are not permitted in MPI_Type_get_contents **comm:Invalid communicator **commnull:Null communicator **rankarray:Invalid rank in rank array **rankarray %d %d %d:Invalid rank in rank array at index %d; value is %d but must \ be in the range 0 to %d **root:Invalid root **root %d:Invalid root (value given was %d) **groupnull:Null group **op:Invalid MPI_Op **opnull:Null MPI_Op **opundefined:MPI_Op operation not defined for this datatype **opundefined %s:MPI_Op %s operation not defined for this datatype **opnotallowed:MPI_Op operation is not allowed in this routine **opnotallowed %d:MPI_Op operation is not allowed in this routine (op = %d) **topology:Invalid topology **dims:Invalid dimension argument **dims %d:Invalid dimension argument (value is %d) **arg:Invalid argument **arg %s:Invalid argument %s **argerrcode:Invalid error code **argerrcode %d:Invalid error code %d **errhandler:Invalid errhandler **errhandlernull:Null errhandler **errhandnotfile:Error handler is not a file error handler **errhandnotwin:Error handler is not a win error handler **darraydist:For MPI_DISTRIBUTE_NONE, the number of processes in that \ dimension of the grid must be 1 **darraydist %d %d:For MPI_DISTRIBUTE_NONE, the value of array_of_psizes[%d] \ is %d but must have value 1 **darrayoverflow:Cannot use an array of this size unless the MPI implementation \ defines a 64-bit MPI_Aint **darrayoverflow %L:Total size of array_of_gsizes[] is %L which requires the MPI \ implementation to use a 64-bit MPI_Aint **darrayunknown:Unknown distribution type **darrayblock:Value of m must be positive for block(m) distribution **darrayblock %d:Value of m in block(m) distribution is %d must must be \ positive **darrayblock2:m * nprocs is less than array_size and is not valid for \ block(m) distribution \ (optional arguments: {m*nprocs}, {array_size} (int)) **darrayblock2 %d %d:m * nprocs is %d but must equal the array size %d and is \ not valid for block(m) distribution **darraycyclic:Value of m must be positive for a cyclic(m) distribution **darraycyclic %d:Value of m is %d but must be positive for a cyclic(m) \ distribution **subarrayoflow:Cannot use an array of this size unless the MPI implementation \ defines a 64-bit MPI_Aint **subarrayoflow %L:Total size of array_of_sizes[] is %L which requires the MPI \ implementation to use a 64-bit MPI_Aint **argposneg:Value of position must be nonnegative **argposneg %d:Value of position is %d but must be nonnegative **argpackbuf:Pack buffer is too small for data **argpackbuf %d %d:Size of data to pack (%d bytes) is larger than remaining \ space in pack buffer (%d bytes) **unknown:Unknown error. Please file a bug report. **truncate:Message truncated **truncate %d %d:Message truncated; %d bytes received but buffer size is %d **truncate %d %d %d %d:Message from rank %d and tag %d truncated; \ %d bytes received but buffer size is %d **other:Other MPI error **rsendnomatch:Ready send had no matching receive **rsendnomatch %d %d:Ready send from source %d and with tag %d had no matching receive **attrnotptr:The attribute value is not the address of a pointer or \ pointer-sized integer. A common error is to pass the address of an integer \ to any of the MPI_Xxx_get_attr routines on systems where the size of a \ pointer is larger than the size of an integer. **intern:Internal MPI error! **intern %s:Internal MPI error! %s **internrc:Internal MPI error! Unexpected return code from internal function. **instatus:See the MPI_ERROR field in MPI_Status for the error code **inpending:Pending request (no error) **unknowngpid:Internal MPI error: Unknown gpid **unknowngpid %d %d:Internal MPI error: Unknown gpid (%d)%d **request:Invalid MPI_Request **request %d:Invalid MPI_Request in array element %d (from 0) **request_invalid_kind:The supplied request was invalid **request_invalid_kind %d:The supplied request was invalid (kind=%d) **request_invalid_kind %d %d:The supplied request in array element %d was \ invalid (kind=%d) **reqnotmsg: Invalid MPI_Message (MPI_Request passed) **msgnotreq: Invalid MPI_Request (MPI_Message passed) **msgnotreq %d: Invalid MPI_Request at array index %d (MPI_Message passed) **requestnull:Null MPI_Request **requestnotpersist:Request is not persistent in MPI_Start or MPI_Startall. **requestpersistactive:Persistent request passed to MPI_Start or MPI_Startall is already active. **fileaccess:Access denied to file **fileaccess %s:Access denied to file %s **fileamode:Invalid amode value in MPI_File_open **fileamodeone:Exactly one of MPI_MODE_RDONLY, MPI_MODE_WRONLY, or \ MPI_MODE_RDWR must be specified **fileamoderead:Cannot use MPI_MODE_CREATE or MPI_MODE_EXCL with \ MPI_MODE_RDONLY **fileamodeseq:Cannot specify MPI_MODE_SEQUENTIAL with MPI_MODE_RDWR **fileamodediff:amode must be the same on all processors **filename:Invalid file name **filename %s:Invalid file name %s **filenamelong:Pathname too long **filenamelong %s %d:Pathname %s too long (%d characters) **filenamedir:Invalid or missing directory **filenamedir %s:Invalid or missing directory %s **conversion:An error occurred in a user-defined data conversion function **datarepname:Invalid datarep name **datarepused:The requested datarep name has already been specified to \ MPI_REGISTER_DATAREP **datarepused %s:The requested datarep name %s has already been specified to \ MPI_REGISTER_DATAREP **datarepextent:Invalid extent callback **fileinuse:File in use by some process **file:Invalid MPI_File **info:Invalid MPI_Info **infonull:Null MPI_Info **infokey:Invalid key for MPI_Info **infokeynull:Null key **infokeylong:Key is too long **infokeyempty:Empty or blank key **infoval:Invalid MPI_Info value **infovalnull:Null value **infovallong:Value is too long **infonokey:MPI_Info key is not defined **infonokey %s:MPI_Info key %s is not defined **infonkey:Requested nth key does not exist **infonkey %d %d:Requested key %d but this MPI_Info only has %d keys **io:Other I/O error **io %s:Other I/O error %s **iobadoverlap: write voilates monotonically non-decreasing **iobadoverlap %s: write voilates monotonically non-decreasing %s **ioetype:Only an integral number of etypes can be accessed **iofstypeunsupported:Specified filesystem is not available **iosplitcoll:Only one active split collective I/O operation is allowed per file handle **iosplitcollnone:No split collective I/O operation is active **ioneedrd:Read access is required to this file **iofiletype:Filetype must be constructed out of one or more etypes **iosharedunsupported:Shared file pointers not supported **iosharedfailed:Could not access shared file pointer **ioamodeseq:Cannot use this function when the file is opened with amode \ MPI_MODE_SEQUENTIAL **iowronly:Cannot read from a file opened with amode MPI_MODE_WRONLY **iordonly:Cannot write to a file opened with amode MPI_MODE_RDONLY **iosequnsupported:MPI_MODE_SEQUENTIAL not supported on this file system **iodispifseq:disp must be set to MPI_DISPLACEMENT_CURRENT since file \ was opened with MPI_MODE_SEQUENTIAL **iobaddisp:Invalid displacement argument **iobadoffset:Invalid offset argument **ionegoffset:Negative offset argument **iobadcount:Invalid count argument **iobadwhence:Invalid whence argument **iobadfh:Invalid file handle **iopreallocrdwr:Must open file with MPI_MODE_RDWR to preallocate disk space **ioRMWrdwr:Must open file with MPI_MODE_RDWR for read-modify-write **iowsrc:Unable to read from the file as part of a strided write operation **iowswc:Unable to write to the file as part of a strided write operation **ioagnomatch:No aggregators match **iobadsize:Invalid size argument **unsupporteddatarep:Only native data representation currently supported **iodatarepnomem:User must allocate memory for datarep **servicename:Attempt to lookup an unknown service name **allocmem:Unable to allocate memory for MPI_Alloc_mem **notsame:Inconsistent arguments to collective routine **notsame %s %s:Inconsistent arguments %s to collective routine %s **filenospace:Not enough space for file **filenoexist:File does not exist **filenoexist %s:File %s does not exist **port:Invalid port **portexist:Named port does not exist **portexist %s:Named port %s does not exist **openportfailed:Unable to establish a port **filequota:Quota exceeded for files **filerdonly:Read-only file or filesystem name **nameservice:Invalid service name (see MPI_Publish_name) **spawn:Error in spawn call **datarepunsupported:Unsupported datarep passed to MPI_File_set_view **fileopunsupported:Unsupported file operation **win:Invalid MPI_Win **winnull:Null MPI_Win **base:Invalid base address **locktype:Invalid lock type **rmaconflict:Conflicting accesses to window **rmasync:Wrong synchronization of RMA calls **rmasize:Invalid size argument in RMA call **rmasize %d:Invalid size argument in RMA call (value is %d) **rmadisp:Invalid displacement argument in RMA call **rmareqcancel:Request-based RMA operation cannot be cancelled **rmareqop:Error in request-based RMA operation **rmarange:Target memory is not contained within the window **rmaattach:Memory cannot be attached **rmashared:Memory cannot be shared **rmaflavor:Incorrect window flavor **rmanoop:No RMA operation resources can be freed from the window **rmanotarget:No RMA target resources can be freed from the window **assert:Invalid assert argument **lockassertval:Invalid assert argument passed to MPI_Win_lock **lockassertval %d: Invalid assert argument (%d) passed to MPI_Win_lock **winunlockrank:Invalid rank argument **winunlockrank %d %d:Invalid rank argument %d, should be %d **nomemreq:failure occurred while allocating memory for a request object **nomemuereq %d:Failed to allocate memory for an unexpected message. %d \ unexpected messages queued. **notcstatignore:MPI_STATUS_IGNORE cannot be passed to MPI_Status_c2f() **notfstatignore:MPI_STATUS_IGNORE cannot be passed to MPI_Status_f2c() **user:user defined function returned an error code **userdel %d:user delete function returned error code %d **usercopy %d:user copy function returned error code %d **userquery %d:user request query function returned error code %d **usercancel %d:user request cancel function returned error code %d **userfree %d:user request free function returned error code %d **oremote_fail:open failed on a remote node **join_portname:local and remote port names are the same **join_portname %s %s:local %s, remote %s **join_send:send on the socket failed **join_send %d:send on the socket failed (errno %d) **join_recv:recv from the socket failed **join_recv %d:recv from the socket failed (errno %d) **flag:invalid flag parameter **flag %d:invalid flag parameter (flag = %d) **badcase:INTERNAL ERROR: unexpected value in case statement **badcase %d:INTERNAL ERROR: unexpected value in case statement (value=%d) **node_root_rank:Unable to get the node root rank **proc_failed:Process failed **failure_pending:Request pending due to failure **revoked:Communication object revoked **eagain:Operation could not be issued (EAGAIN) # Duplicates? #**argnull:Invalid null parameter #**argnull %s:Invalid null parameter %s **commstack:Internal overflow in stack used for MPI_Comm_split **cond_create:MPID_Thread_cond_create failed **cond_create %s:MPID_Thread_cond_create failed: %s **mutex_create:MPID_Thread_mutex_create failed **mutex_create %s:MPID_Thread_mutex_create failed: %s **thread_create:MPID_Thread_create failed **thread_create %s:MPID_Thread_create failed: %s # # Errors common to several devices # **dev|pg_init:unable to initialize the process group management module **dev|pg_create:unable to create a new process group **dev|pg_finalize:unable to shutdown the process group management module **dev|pg_not_found:the specified process group object could not be located **dev|pg_not_found %p:the specified process group object could not be located (pg=%p) **dev|pg_finalize|list_not_empty:process group list was not empty **dev|selfsenddeadlock:DEADLOCK: attempting to send a message to the local process without a prior matching receive **dev|vcrt_create:failed to a create VCRT **dev|vcrt_create %s:failed to create VCRT for %s **dev|vcrt_get_ptr:failed to get a pointer to VCR table **dev|vcrt_get_ptr %s:failed to get a pointer to VCR table for %s **opnotpredefined %d:only predefined ops are valid (op = %d) **opnotpredefined:only predefined ops are valid **init:Initialization failed **progresshookstoomany: too many progress hooks are registered # # To be removed # **init_vcrt:failed to create VCRT **init_getptr:failed to get the vcr # Executive progress engine error codes - currently used only by wintcp **ex_init:Unable to initialize executive progress engine **ex_create_set: Unable to create an executive set **ex_finalize:Unable to finalize executive progress engine # Socket error codes - used by several devices & utils **bad_sock:bad sock **ifnameinvalid:Interface name was invalid in call to inet_pton **afinetinvalid:Network type AF_INET invalid in call to inet_pton **wsasock:WSAStartup failed **wsasock %s %d:WSAStartup failed, %s (errno %d) # FIXME: remove wsasock error codes above and replace with wsastartup **wsastartup: WSAStartup failed **wsastartup %s %d: WSAStartup failed, %s (errno = %d) **wsacleanup: WSACleanup failed **wsacleanup %s %d: WSACleanup failed, %s (errno = %d) **sock_closed:socket closed **socket:WSASocket failed **socket %s %d:WSASocket failed, %s (errno %d) # FIXME: remove socket error codes above and replace with sock_create **sock_create:unable to create a socket **sock_create %s %d:unable to create a socket, %s (errno %d) **shutdown:shutdown failed **shutdown %s %d:shutdown failed, %s (errno %d) **closesocket:closesocket failed **closesocket %s %d:closesocket failed, %s (errno %d) **close:close of socket failed **close %s:close of socket failed - %s # FIXME: remove closesocket/close error codes and replace with sock_close **sock_close: unable to close a socket **sock_close %s %d: close of socket failed, %s (errno %d) **bind: Unable to bind socket to address **bind %s %d: Unable to bind socket to address, %s (errno %d) **bindportrange: Unable to bind socket to port range **bindportrange %d %d: Unable to bind socket to port range [%d, %d] **listen:listen failed **listen %s %d:listen failed, %s (errno %d) **sock_accept:accept of socket fd failed **sock_accept %s:accept of socket fd failed - %s **sock_accept %s %d:accept failed, %s (errno %d) **sock_connect:connect failed **sock_connect %s %d:connect failed - %s (errno %d) # FIXME: Change sock_connect %d %s to sock_connect %s %d **sock_connect %d %s:connect failed - %s (errno %d) **sock_connect %s %d %s %d:unable to connect to %s on port %d, %s (errno %d) **sock_nop_accept:accept called without having received an op_accept **read:read from socket failed **read %s:read from socket failed - %s # FIXME: remove read error codes and replace with sock_read **sock_read:read from socket failed **sock_read %s %d:read from socket failed, %s (errno %d) # FIXME: ambiguous name for sock write failure **write %s:write to socket failed - %s **writev %s:writev to socket failed - %s **sock_write:Unable to write to a socket **sock_write %s %d: Unable to write to a socket, %s (errno %d) **sock_writev:Unable to write an iovec to a socket **select:select failed **poll:poll of socket fds failed **poll %s:poll of socket fds failed - %s **select; select of socket fds failed **select %s %d: select of socket fds failed, %s (errno %d) **ioctlsocket: ioctl on socket failed **ioctlsocket %s %d: ioctl on socket failed, %s (errno %d) **gethostbyname:gethostbyname failed **gethostbyname %s %d:gethostbyname failed, %s (errno %d) **sock_gethost:gethostname failed **sock_gethost %s %d:gethostname failed, %s (errno %d) **getinfo:getaddrinfo failed **getinfo %s %d:getinfo failed, %s (errno %d) **getsockname:getsockname failed **getsockname %s:getsockname failed - %s **setsockopt:setsockopt failed **setsockopt %s %d:setsockopt failed, %s (errno %d) **getsockopt:getsockopt failed **getsockopt %s %d:getsockopt failed, %s (errno %d) **inet_addr: inet_addr failed **inet_addr %s %d: inet_addr failed, %s (errno %d) **shmw_badhnd: Invalid handle to shared memory **shmw_gethnd: Unable to get shared memory handle **shmw_sethnd: Unable to set shared memory handle **shmw_deserbufbig: Size of buffer to deserialize shared memory handle \ is too big (> MPIU_SHMW_GHND_SZ) # # CH3:ssm # **MPIDI_CH3I_SHM_Attach_to_mem:MPIDI_CH3I_SHM_Attach_to_mem failed **MPIDI_CH3I_SHM_Attach_to_mem %d:MPIDI_CH3I_SHM_Attach_to_mem failed, error %d **MPL_strdup:MPL_strdup failed **business_card:Invalid business card **business_card %s:Invalid business card (%s) **OpenProcess:OpenProcess failed **OpenProcess %d %d:OpenProcess failed for process %d, error %d **open:open failed **open %s %d %d:open(%s) failed for process %d, error %d **CreateFileMapping:CreateFileMapping failed **CreateFileMapping %d:CreateFileMapping failed, error %d **shmat:shmat failed **shmat %d:shmat failed, error %d **shmget:shmget failed **shmget %d:shmget failed, error %d **MapViewOfFileEx:MapViewOfFileEx failed **MapViewOfFileEx %d:MapViewOfFileEx failed, error %d **init_progress:progress_init failed **snprintf:snprintf returned an invalid number **snprintf %d:snprintf returned %d **init_buscard:failed to get my business card **boot_create:unable to create a bootstrap message queue **boot_unlink:unable to unlink the shared memory message queue **mqshm_unlink:unable to unlink the shared memory message queue **msgctl:msgctl failed **msgctl %d:msgctl returned %d **msgget:msgget failed **msgget %d:msgget returned %d **msgsnd:msgsnd failed **msgsnd %d:msgsnd returned %d **msgrcv:msgrcv failed **msgrcv %d:msgrcv returned %d **nextbootmsg:failed to get the next bootstrap message **CreateThread:CreateThread failed **CreateThread %d:CreateThread failed, error %d **FindWindowEx:FindWindowEx failed **FindWindowEx %d:FindWindowEx failed, error %d **mq_open:failed to open a posix message queue **mq_open %d:failed to open a posix message queue, error %d **mq_close:failed to close a posix message queue **mq_close %d:failed to close a posix message queue, error %d **mq_send:failed to send a posix message queue message **mq_send %d:failed to send a posix message queue message, error %d **mq_receive:failed to receive a posix message queue message **mq_receive %d:failed to receive a posix message queue message, error %d **attach_to_mem:attach to shared memory segment failed **boot_detach:detaching from message queue failed **boot_recv:receiving bootstrap message failed **boot_send:sending bootstrap message failed **finalize_boot:destroying the message queue failed **handle_sock_op:handle_sock_op failed **post_connect:failed to post a connection **progress_handle_sock_op:handle_sock_op failed **progress_sock_wait:sock_wait failed **shm_read_progress:shared memory read progress failed **shmconnect_getmem:failed to allocate shared memory for a write queue **shmwrite:shared memory write failed **ssmwrite:sock/shared memory write failed **ssmwritev:sock/shared memory writev failed **attach_to_mem %d:attach to shared memory returned error %d **post_connect %s:%s failed in VC_post_connect **mqshm_create:failed to create a shared memory message queue **mqshm_send:failed to send a bootstrap message **mqshm_receive:failed to receive a bootstrap message **shm_unlink:failed to unlink shared memory **shm_unlink %s %d:failed to unlink shared memory object %s, error %d **shmctl:failed to mark the sysv segment for removal **shmctl %d %d:failed to mark the sysv segment %d for removal, error %d **ftok:failed to create a sysv key from a file name **ftok %s %d %d:failed to create a sysv key from the file '%s' and id %d, error %d **mqp_failure:failed to make progress on the shared memory bootstrap message queue **pkt_ptr:invalid shm queue packet pointer **pkt_ptr %p %p:invalid shm queue packet pointer (%p != %p) **bad_listenersock:bad listener sock **bootqmsg:invalid bootstrap queue message size **bootqmsg %d:invalid bootstrap queue message size (%d bytes) **handle_written:unable to handle written data **invalid_handle:invalid handle **invalid_handle %d:invalid handle (%d) **invalid_refcount:invalid reference count **invalid_refcount %d:invalid reference count (%d) **iov_offset:invalid iov offset **iov_offset %d %d:invalid iov offset (%d > %d) **progress:progress engine failure **progress_test:progress_test engine failure **shm_op:invalid shm operation **shm_op %d:invalid shm operation (%d) **shmq_index:invalid shm queue index **shmq_index %d %d:invalid shm queue index (%d > %d) **sock_post_close:posting a close of the socket failed **strncpy:insufficient buffer length to complete strncpy **vc_state:invalid vc state **vc_state %d:invalid vc state (%d) **argstr_hostd:no space for the host description **argstr_port:no space for the listener port **argstr_port_name_tag:no space for port_name tag **argstr_no_port_name_tag:no port_name tag in MPI port. Make sure that port \ was created with MPI_Open_port **argstr_shmhost:no space for the host name **argstr_shmq:no space for the shared memory queue name **argstr_shmpid:no process id in the business card **argstr_missinghost:Missing hostname or invalid host/port description in business card **argstr_missingport:Missing port or invalid host/port description in business card **bad_set:bad set parameter **buscard:unable to create a business card **buscard_len:no space left in the business card to add a parameter **desc_len:host description buffer too small **duphandle:unable to duplicate a handle **duphandle %s %d:unable to duplicate a handle, %s (errno %d) **fail: **fail %d:generic failure with errno = %d **fail %s:%s **fail %s %d:%s (errno %d) **init_description:unable to get the host description **iocp:unable to create an I/O completion port **iocp %s %d:unable to create an I/O copmletion port, %s (erron %d) **pctwice:post close called twice **post_accept:post accept failed **progress_init:unable to initialize the progress engine **test_sock_wait:sock_wait failed **sock_init:unable to initialize the sock library **write:write failed **writev:writev failed **collective_size_mismatch:message sizes do not match across processes in the \ collective routine **collective_size_mismatch %d %d:message sizes do not match across processes \ in the collective routine: Received %d but expected %d # # CH3:shm # **finalize_progress_finalize:Progress finalize failed **finalize_release_mem:Release shared memory failed **shmgetmem:Unable to allocate shared memory **mmap:unable to map memory, mmap failed **mmap %d:unable to map memory, mmap failed (errno %d) **shm_open:unable to open a shared memory object **shm_open %s %d:unable to open shared memory object %s (errno %d) **ftruncate:unable to resize the shared memory object **ftruncate %s %d %d:unable to resize the shared memory object %s to size %d (errno %d) **shmhost:process not on the same host **shmhost %s %s:process not on the same host (%s != %s) **shmsize:Shared memory subsystem unable to allocate a block of the requested size **shmsize %d:Shared memory subsystem unable to allocate a block of the requested size, %d bytes # # Nemesis # **ioctl:ioctl failed **ioctl %d %s:ioctl failed errno=%d - %s **read %d %s:read from socket failed - nread=%d %s **winput_oob:target pointer for win_put is out of bounds **winget_oob:source pointer for win_get is out of bounds **winserialize:serializing win object **windeserialize:deserializing win object **winnoprogress: Detected an error while in progress wait for RMA messages **winInvalidOp: Invalid RMA operation **open %s:open failed - %s **setenv:setenv failed **putenv:putenv failed **mxm_config_read_opts: mxm_config_read_opts failed **mxm_config_read_opts %s:mxm_config_read_opts failed (%s) **mxm_init: mxm_init failed **mxm_init %s:mxm_init failed (%s) **mxm_set_am_handler: mxm_set_am_handler failed **mxm_set_am_handler %s:mxm_set_am_handler failed (%s) **mxm_mq_create: mxm_mq_create failed **mxm_mq_create %s:mxm_mq_create failed (%s) **mxm_ep_create: mxm_ep_create failed **mxm_ep_create %s:mxm_ep_create failed (%s) **mxm_ep_get_address: mxm_ep_get_address failed **mxm_ep_get_address %s:mxm_ep_get_address failed (%s) **mxm_ep_connect: mxm_ep_connect failed **mxm_ep_connect %s:mxm_ep_connect failed (%s) **mxm_ep_disconnect: mxm_ep_disconnect failed **mxm_ep_disconnect %s:mxm_ep_disconnect failed (%s) **mx_close_endpoint: mx_close_endpoint failed **mx_close_endpoint %s:mx_close_endpoint failed (%s) **mx_finalize:mx_finalize failed **mx_finalize %s:mx_finalize failed (%s) **mx_init:mx_init failed **mx_init %s:mx_init failed (%s) **mx_open_endpoint:mx_open_endpoint failed **mx_open_endpoint %s:mx_open_endpoint failed (%s) **mx_get_endpoint_addr:mx_get_endpoint_addr failed **mx_get_endpoint_addr %s:mx_get_endpoint_addr failed (%s) **mx_decompose_endpoint_addr:mx_decompose_endpoint_addr failed **mx_decompose_endpoint_addr %s:mx_decompose_endpoint_addr failed (%s) **mx_connect:mx_connect failed **mx_connect %s:mx_connect failed (%s) **mx_irecv:mx_irecv failed **mx_irecv %s:mx_irecv failed (%s) **mx_isend:mx_isend failed **mx_isend %s:mx_isend failed (%s) **mx_cancel:mx_cancel failed **mx_cancel %s:mx_cancel failed (%s) **ibv_alloc_pd:ibv_alloc_pd failed **ibv_alloc_pd %s:ibv_alloc_pd failed for device (%s) **ibv_create_comp_channel:ibv_create_comp_channel failed **ibv_create_comp_channel %s:ibv_create_comp_channel failed for device (%s) **ibv_destroy_comp_channel:ibv_destroy_comp_channel failed **ibv_destroy_comp_channel %s:ibv_destroy_comp_channel failed (%s) **ibv_create_cq:ibv_create_cq failed **ibv_create_cq %s:ibv_create_cq failed for device (%s) **ibv_destroy_cq:ibv_destroy_cq failed **ibv_destroy_cq %s:ibv_destroy_cq failed (%s) **ibv_create_srq:ibv_create_srq failed **ibv_create_srq %s:ibv_create_srq failed for device (%s) **ibv_modify_srq:ibv_modify_srq failed **ibv_modify_srq %d:ibv_modify_srq failed (%d) **ibv_get_device_list:ibv_get_device_list failed **ibv_get_device_list %p:ibv_get_device_list failed got list (%p) **ibv_open_device:ibv_open_device failed **ibv_open_device %s:ibv_open_device failed for device (%s) **ibv_reg_mr:ibv_reg_mr failed **ibv_reg_mr %d:ibv_reg_mr failed for buffer length (%d) **ibv_dereg_mr:ibv_dereg_mr failed **ibv_dereg_mr %s:ibv_dereg_mr failed (%s) **ibv_create_qp:ibv_create_qp failed **ibv_create_qp %s:ibv_create_qp failed for device (%s) **ibv_destroy_qp:ibv_destroy_qp failed **ibv_destroy_qp %s:ibv_destroy_qp failed (%s) **ibv_query_device:ibv_query_device failed **ibv_query_device %s:ibv_query_device failed for device (%s) **ibv_modify_qp:ibv_modify_qp failed **ibv_modify_qp %s:ibv_modify_qp failed for device (%s) **ibv_post_recv:ibv_post_recv failed **ibv_post_recv %d:ibv_post_recv failed len (%d) **ibv_req_notify_cq:ibv_req_notify_cq failed **ibv_req_notify_cq %s:ibv_req_notify_cq failed for device (%s) **ibv_create_ah:ibv_create_ah failed **ibv_create_ah %p:ibv_create_ah failed returned handle (%p) **ibv_post_send:ibv_post_send failed **ibv_post_send %s:ibv_post_send failed msg (%s) **ibv_poll_cq:ibv_poll_cq failed **ibv_poll_cq %d:ibv_poll_cq failed ret (%d) **ibv_post_srq_recv:ibv_post_srq_recv failed **ibv_post_srq_recv %d:ibv_post_srq_recv failed ret (%d) **ibv_post_send %d:ibv_post_send failed ret (%d) **pthread_create:pthread_create failed **pthread_create %d:pthread_create failed with status (%d) **pthread_cancel:pthread_cancel failed **pthread_cancel %s:pthread_cancel failed (%s) **pthread_lock:pthread_lock failed **pthread_lock %s:pthread_lock failed (%s) **pthread_unlock:pthread_unlock failed **pthread_unlock %s:pthread_unlock failed (%s) **pthread_mutex:pthread mutex routine failed **pthread_mutex %s:pthread mutex routine failed (%s) **windows_mutex:Windows mutex routine failed **windows_mutex %s:Windows mutex routine failed (%s) **badportrange:MPICH_PORT_RANGE - invalid range specified **argstr_missingifname:Missing ifname or invalid host/port description in business card **rtspkt:failure occurred while attempting to send RTS packet **ctspkt:failure occurred while attempting to send CTS packet **cookiepkt:failure occurred while attempting to send COOKIE packet **donepkt:failure occurred while attempting to send DONE packet **decode_buffer:decode_buffer failed **decode_buffer %d:decode_buffer failed (%d) **encode_buffer:decode_buffer failed **encode_buffer %d:decode_buffer failed (%d) **inet_ntoa:Converting network address to string failed **inet_ntoa %s %d:Converting network address to string failed, %s (errno=%d) **invalid_netmod:Invalid netmod specified **invalid_netmod %s:Invalid netmod specified (%s) **mkstemp:mkstemp failed **mkstemp %s:mkstemp failed %s **mktemp_s:mktemp_s failed **mktemp_s %s:mktemp_s failed, %s **lseek:lseek failed **lseek %s:lseek failed - %s **tmpnam:tmpnam failed **tmpnam %s:tmpnam failed %s **fopen:fopen failed **fopen %s:fopen failed %s **fopen_s:fopen_s failed **fopen_s %s:fopen_s failed, %s **abi_version_mismatch:ABI version mismatch **abi_version_mismatch %D %D:ABI version mismatch, expected %D - got %D **recv_status:receive status failed **recv_status %d:receive status failed %d **invalid_knem_status:Invalid knem status value **invalid_knem_status %d:Invalid knem status value - %d **vmsplice:vmsplice failed **vmsplice %d %s:vmsplice failed - errno %d (%s) **mkfifo:mkfifo failed **mkfifo %d %s:mkfifo failed - errno %d (%s) **tempnam:tempnam failed **tempnam %d %s:tempnam failed - errno %d (%s) **readv:readv failed **readv %d %s:readv failed - errno %d (%s) **ckptpkt:Failed to send checkpoint marker packet **sem_init:sem_init() failed **sem_init %s:sem_init() failed %s **sem_post:sem_post() failed **sem_post %s:sem_post() failed %s **sem_wait:sem_wait() failed **sem_wait %s:sem_wait() failed %s **sem_destroy:sem_destroy() failed **sem_destroy %s:sem_destroy() failed %s **comm_fail:Communication error **comm_fail %d:Communication error with rank %d **comm_fail %d %s:Communication error with rank %d: %s **comm_fail_conn:Communication error during connect sequence **comm_fail_conn %s %s:Communication error during connect sequence (state=%s): %s **exceeded_connect_tries:Unable to establish connection to process **exceeded_connect_tries %d:Unable to establish connection to rank %d **vc_in_error_state:Connection is in error state **tcp_cleanup_fail:Error while cleaning up failed connection **tmpvc_connect_fail:Failure during connection protocol **coll_fail:Failure during collective **blcr_mod:BLCR kernel module not present **envvarparse:Unable to parse environment variable **envvarparse %s:Unable to parse environment variable (%s) **infohintparse:Unable to parse info hint **infohintparse %s:Unable to parse info hint (%s) **signal:signal() failed **signal %s:signal() failed: %s **sigusr1:This version of MPICH requires the SIGUSR1 signal, but the application has already installed a handler **toomanynbc: too many outstanding nonblocking collectives detected **ifname_and_hostname:Only one of MPIR_CVAR_CH3_INTERFACE_HOSTNAME and MPIR_CVAR_CH3_NETWORK_IFACE environment variables are allowed, but both were set. **iface_notfound:The network interface specified in MPIR_CVAR_CH3_NETWORK_IFACE was not found. **iface_notfound %s:The network interface, \"%s\", specified in MPIR_CVAR_CH3_NETWORK_IFACE was not found. **procnamefailed:Failed to get processor name **notsuppmultithread:this functionality is not supported when the thread level is greater than MPI_THREAD_SINGLE # # mpi functions # **mpi_send:MPI_Send failed **mpi_send %p %d %D %i %t %C:MPI_Send(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C) failed **mpi_recv:MPI_Recv failed **mpi_recv %p %d %D %i %t %C %p:MPI_Recv(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, src=%i, tag=%t, %C, status=%p) failed **mpi_get_count:MPI_Get_count failed **mpi_get_count %p %D %p:MPI_Get_count(status=%p, %D, count=%p) failed **mpi_bsend:MPI_Bsend failed **mpi_bsend %p %d %D %i %t %C:MPI_Bsend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C) failed **mpi_ssend:MPI_Ssend failed **mpi_ssend %p %d %D %i %t %C:MPI_Ssend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C) failed **mpi_rsend:MPI_Rsend failed **mpi_rsend %p %d %D %i %t %C:MPI_Rsend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, src=%i, tag=%t, %C) failed **mpi_buffer_attach:MPI_Buffer_attach failed **mpi_buffer_attach %p %d:MPI_Buffer_attach(buf=%p, size=%d) failed **mpi_buffer_detach:MPI_Buffer_detach failed **mpi_buffer_detach %p %p:MPI_Buffer_detach(buf=%p, size=%p) failed **mpi_isend:MPI_Isend failed **mpi_isend %p %d %D %i %t %C %p:MPI_Isend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed **mpi_ibsend:MPI_Ibsend failed **mpi_ibsend %p %d %D %i %t %C %p:MPI_Ibsend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed **mpi_issend:MPI_Issend failed **mpi_issend %p %d %D %i %t %C %p:MPI_Issend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed **mpi_irsend:MPI_Irsend failed **mpi_irsend %p %d %D %i %t %C %p:MPI_Irsend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed **mpi_irecv:MPI_Irecv failed **mpi_irecv %p %d %D %i %t %C %p:MPI_Irecv(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, src=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed **mpi_wait:MPI_Wait failed **mpi_wait %p %p:MPI_Wait(request=%p, status=%p) failed **mpi_test:MPI_Test failed **mpi_test %p %p %p:MPI_Test(request=%p, flag=%p, status=%p) failed **mpi_request_free:MPI_Request_free failed **mpi_request_free %p:MPI_Request_free(request=%p) failed **mpi_waitany:MPI_Waitany failed **mpi_waitany %d %p %p %p:MPI_Waitany(count=%d, req_array=%p, index=%p, status=%p) failed **mpi_testany:MPI_Testany failed **mpi_testany %d %p %p %p %p:MPI_Testany(count=%d, req_array=%p, index=%p, flag=%p, status=%p) failed **mpi_waitall:MPI_Waitall failed **mpi_waitall %d %p %p:MPI_Waitall(count=%d, req_array=%p, status_array=%p) failed **mpi_testall:MPI_Testall failed **mpi_testall %d %p %p %p:MPI_Testall(count=%d, req_array=%p, flag=%p, status_array=%p) failed **mpi_waitsome:MPI_Waitsome failed **mpi_waitsome %d %p %p %p %p:MPI_Waitsome(count=%d, req_array=%p, out_count=%p, indices=%p, status_array=%p) failed **mpi_testsome:MPI_Testsome failed **mpi_testsome %d %p %p %p %p:MPI_Testsome(count=%d, req_array=%p, out_count=%p, indices=%p, status_array=%p) failed **mpi_iprobe:MPI_Iprobe failed **mpi_iprobe %i %t %C %p %p:MPI_Iprobe(src=%i, tag=%t, %C, flag=%p, status=%p) failed **mpi_probe:MPI_Probe failed **mpi_probe %i %t %C %p:MPI_Probe(src=%i, tag=%t, %C, status=%p) failed **mpi_cancel:MPI_Cancel failed **mpi_cancel %p:MPI_Cancel(request=%p) failed **mpi_test_cancelled:MPI_Test_cancelled failed **mpi_test_cancelled %p %p:MPI_Test_cancelled(status=%p, flag=%p) failed **mpi_send_init:MPI_Send_init failed **mpi_send_init %p %d %D %i %t %C %p:MPI_Send_init(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed **mpi_bsend_init:MPI_Bsend_init failed **mpi_bsend_init %p %d %D %i %t %C %p:MPI_Bsend_init(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed **mpi_ssend_init:MPI_Ssend_init failed **mpi_ssend_init %p %d %D %i %t %C %p:MPI_Ssend_init(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed **mpi_rsend_init:MPI_Rsend_init failed **mpi_rsend_init %p %d %D %i %t %C %p:MPI_Rsend_init(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed **mpi_recv_init:MPI_Recv_init failed **mpi_recv_init %p %d %D %i %t %C %p:MPI_Recv_init(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, src=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed **mpi_start:MPI_Start failed **mpi_start %p:MPI_Start(request=%p) failed **mpi_startall:MPI_Start_all failed **mpi_startall %d %p:MPI_Startall(count=%d, req_array=%p) failed **mpi_sendrecv:MPI_Sendrecv failed **mpi_sendrecv %p %d %D %i %t %p %d %D %i %t %C %p:MPI_Sendrecv(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, dest=%i, stag=%t, rbuf=%p, rcount=%d, %D, src=%i, rtag=%t, %C, status=%p) failed **mpi_sendrecv_replace:MPI_Sendrecv_replace failed **mpi_sendrecv_replace %p %d %D %i %t %i %t %C %p:MPI_Sendrecv_replace(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, stag=%t, src=%i, rtag=%t, %C, status=%p) failed **mpi_type_contiguous:MPI_Type_continuous failed **mpi_type_contiguous %d %D %p:MPI_Type_contiguous(count=%d, %D, new_type_p=%p) failed **mpi_type_vector:MPI_Type_vector failed **mpi_type_vector %d %d %d %D %p:MPI_Type_vector(count=%d, blocklength=%d, stride=%d, %D, new_type_p=%p) failed **mpi_type_hvector:MPI_Type_hvector failed **mpi_type_hvector %d %d %d %D %p:MPI_Type_hvector(count=%d, blocklen=%d, stride=%d, %D, new_type_p=%p) failed **mpi_type_indexed:MPI_Type_indexed failed **mpi_type_indexed %d %p %p %D %p:MPI_Type_indexed(count=%d, blocklens=%p, indices=%p, %D, new_type_p=%p) failed **mpi_type_hindexed:MPI_Type_hindexed failed **mpi_type_hindexed %d %p %p %D %p:MPI_Type_hindexed(count=%d, blocklens=%p, indices=%p, %D, new_type_p=%p) failed **mpi_type_struct:MPI_Type_struct failed **mpi_type_struct %d %p %p %p %p:MPI_Type_struct(count=%d, blocklens=%p, indices=%p, old_types=%p, new_type_p=%p) failed **mpi_address:MPI_Address failed **mpi_address %p %p:MPI_Address(location=%p, address=%p) failed **mpi_type_extent:MPI_Type_extent failed **mpi_type_extent %D %p:MPI_Type_extent(%D, extent=%p) failed **mpi_type_size:MPI_Type_size failed **mpi_type_size %D %p:MPI_Type_size(%D) failed **mpi_type_lb:MPI_Type_lb failed **mpi_type_lb %D %p:MPI_Type_lb(%D, displacement=%p) failed **mpi_type_ub:MPI_Type_ub failed **mpi_type_ub %D %p:MPI_Type_ub(%D, displacement=%p) failed **mpi_type_commit:MPI_Type_commit failed **mpi_type_commit %p:MPI_Type_commit(datatype_p=%p) failed **mpi_type_free:MPI_Type_free failed **mpi_type_free %p:MPI_Type_free(datatype_p=%p) failed **mpi_get_elements:MPI_Get_elements failed **mpi_get_elements %p %D %p:MPI_Get_elements(status=%p, %D, elements=%p) failed **mpi_pack:MPI_Pack failed **mpi_pack %p %d %D %p %d %p %C:MPI_Pack(inbuf=%p, incount=%d, %D, outbuf=%p, outcount=%d, position=%p, %C) failed **mpi_unpack:MPI_Unpack failed **mpi_unpack %p %d %p %p %d %D %C:MPI_Unpack(inbuf=%p, insize=%d, position=%p, outbuf=%p, outcount=%d, %D, %C) failed **mpi_pack_size:MPI_Pack_size failed **mpi_pack_size %d %D %C %p:MPI_Pack_size(count=%d, %D, %C, size=%p) failed **mpi_barrier:MPI_Barrier failed **mpi_barrier %C:MPI_Barrier(comm=%C) failed **mpi_bcast:MPI_Bcast failed **mpi_bcast %p %d %D %d %C:MPI_Bcast(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, root=%d, comm=%C) failed **mpi_gather:MPI_Gather failed **mpi_gather %p %d %D %p %d %D %d %C:MPI_Gather(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, rbuf=%p, rcount=%d, %D, root=%d, comm=%C) failed **mpi_gatherv:MPI_Gatherv failed **mpi_gatherv %p %d %D %p %p %p %D %d %C:MPI_Gatherv failed(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, rbuf=%p, rcnts=%p, displs=%p, datatype=%D, root=%d, comm=%C) failed **mpi_scatter:MPI_Scatter failed **mpi_scatter %p %d %D %p %d %D %d %C:MPI_Scatter(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, rbuf=%p, rcount=%d, %D, root=%d, comm=%C) failed **mpi_scatterv:MPI_Scatterv failed **mpi_scatterv %p %p %p %D %p %d %D %d %C:MPI_Scatterv(sbuf=%p, scnts=%p, displs=%p, %D, rbuf=%p, rcount=%d, %D, root=%d, comm=%C) failed **mpi_allgather:MPI_Allgather failed **mpi_allgather %p %d %D %p %d %D %C:MPI_Allgather(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, rbuf=%p, rcount=%d, datatype=%D, comm=%C) failed **mpi_allgatherv:MPI_Allgatherv failed **mpi_allgatherv %p %d %D %p %p %p %D %C:MPI_Allgatherv(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, rbuf=%p, rcounts=%p, displs=%p, datatype=%D, comm=%C) failed **mpi_alltoall:MPI_Alltoall failed **mpi_alltoall %p %d %D %p %d %D %C:MPI_Alltoall(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, rbuf=%p, rcount=%d, datatype=%D, comm=%C) failed **mpi_alltoallv:MPI_Alltoallv failed **mpi_alltoallv %p %p %p %D %p %p %p %D %C:MPI_Alltoallv(sbuf=%p, scnts=%p, sdispls=%p, %D, rbuf=%p, rcnts=%p, rdispls=%p, datatype=%D, comm=%C) failed **mpi_reduce:MPI_Reduce failed **mpi_reduce %p %p %d %D %O %d %C:MPI_Reduce(sbuf=%p, rbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, root=%d, comm=%C) failed **mpi_op_create:MPI_Op_create failed **mpi_op_create %p %d %p:MPI_Op_create(fn=%p, commute=%d, op=%p) failed **mpi_op_free:MPI_Op_free failed **mpi_op_free %p:MPI_Op_free(op=%p) failed **mpi_op_commutative:MPI_Op_commutative failed **mpi_op_commutative %O %p:MPI_Op_commutative(op=%O, commute=%p) failed **mpi_allreduce:MPI_Allreduce failed **mpi_allreduce %p %p %d %D %O %C:MPI_Allreduce(sbuf=%p, rbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C) failed **mpi_reduce_scatter:MPI_Reduce_scatter failed **mpi_reduce_scatter %p %p %p %D %O %C:MPI_Reduce_scatter(sbuf=%p, rbuf=%p, rcnts=%p, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C) failed **mpi_reduce_scatter_block:MPI_Reduce_scatter_block failed **mpi_reduce_scatter_block %p %p %d %D %O %C:MPI_Reduce_scatter_block(sbuf=%p, rbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C) failed **mpi_reduce_local:MPI_Reduce_local failed **mpi_reduce_local %p %p %d %D %O:MPI_Reduce_local(inbuf=%p, inoutbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O) failed **mpi_scan:MPI_Scan failed **mpi_scan %p %p %d %D %O %C:MPI_Scan(sbuf=%p, rbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C) failed **mpi_group_size:MPI_Group_size failed **mpi_group_size %G %p:MPI_Group_size(%G, size=%p) failed **mpi_group_rank:MPI_Group_rank failed **mpi_group_rank %G %p:MPI_Group_rank(%G, rank=%p) failed **mpi_group_translate_ranks:MPI_Group_translate_ranks failed **mpi_group_translate_ranks %G %d %p %G %p:MPI_Group_translate_ranks(%G, n=%d, ranks1=%p, %G, ranks2=%p) failed **mpi_group_compare:MPI_Group_compare failed **mpi_group_compare %G %G %p:MPI_Group_compare(%G, %G, result=%p) failed **mpi_comm_group:MPI_Comm_group failed **mpi_comm_group %C %p:MPI_Comm_group(%C, group=%p) failed **mpi_group_union:MPI_Group_union failed **mpi_group_union %G %G %p:MPI_Group_union(%G, %G, new_group=%p) failed **mpi_group_intersection:MPI_Group_intersection failed **mpi_group_intersection %G %G %p:MPI_Group_intersection(%G, %G, new_group=%p) failed **mpi_group_difference:MPI_Group_difference failed **mpi_group_difference %G %G %p:MPI_Group_difference(%G, %G, new_group=%p) failed **mpi_group_incl:MPI_Group_incl failed **mpi_group_incl %G %d %p %p:MPI_Group_incl(%G, n=%d, ranks=%p, new_group=%p) failed **mpi_group_excl:MPI_Group_excl failed **mpi_group_excl %G %d %p %p:MPI_Group_excl(%G, n=%d, ranks=%p, new_group=%p) failed **mpi_group_range_incl:MPI_Group_range_incl failed **mpi_group_range_incl %G %d %p %p:MPI_Group_range_incl(%G, n=%d, ranges=%p, new_group=%p) failed **mpi_group_range_excl:MPI_Group_range_excl failed **mpi_group_range_excl %G %d %p %p:MPI_Group_range_excl(%G, n=%d, ranges=%p, new_group=%p) failed **mpi_group_free:MPI_Group_free failed **mpi_group_free %p:MPI_Group_free(group=%p) failed **mpi_comm_size:MPI_Comm_size failed **mpi_comm_size %C %p:MPI_Comm_size(%C, size=%p) failed **mpi_comm_rank:MPI_Comm_rank failed **mpi_comm_rank %C %p:MPI_Comm_rank(%C, rank=%p) failed **mpi_comm_compare:MPI_Comm_compare failed **mpi_comm_compare %C %C %p:MPI_Comm_compare(%C, %C, result=%p) failed **mpi_comm_dup:MPI_Comm_dup failed **mpi_comm_dup %C %p:MPI_Comm_dup(%C, new_comm=%p) failed **mpi_comm_dup_with_info:MPI_Comm_dup_with_info failed **mpi_comm_dup_with_info %C %I %p:MPI_Comm_dup(%C, %I, new_comm=%p) failed **mpi_comm_create:MPI_Comm_create failed **mpi_comm_create %C %G %p:MPI_Comm_create(%C, %G, new_comm=%p) failed **mpi_comm_create_group:MPI_Comm_create_group failed **mpi_comm_create_group %C %G %d %p:MPI_Comm_create_group(%C, %G, %d, new_comm=%p) failed **mpi_comm_split:MPI_Comm_split failed **mpi_comm_split %C %d %d %p:MPI_Comm_split(%C, color=%d, key=%d, new_comm=%p) failed **mpi_comm_free:MPI_Comm_free failed **mpi_comm_free %p:MPI_Comm_free(comm=%p) failed **mpi_comm_test_inter:MPI_Comm_test_inter failed **mpi_comm_test_inter %C %p:MPI_Comm_test_inter(%C, flag=%p) failed **mpi_comm_remote_size:MPI_Comm_remote_size failed **mpi_comm_remote_size %C %p:MPI_Comm_remote_size(%C, size=%p) failed **mpi_comm_remote_group:MPI_Comm_remote_group failed **mpi_comm_remote_group %C %p:MPI_Comm_remote_group(%C, group=%p) failed **mpix_comm_failure_ack:MPIX_Comm_failure_ack failed **mpix_comm_failure_ack %C:MPIX_Comm_failure_ack(%C) failed **mpix_comm_failure_get_acked:MPIX_Comm_failure_get_acked failed **mpix_comm_failure_get_acked %C %p:MPIX_Comm_failure_get_acked(%C, group=%p) failed **mpix_comm_revoke:MPIX_Comm_revoke failed **mpix_comm_revoke %C:MPIX_Comm_revoke(%C) failed **mpix_comm_shrink:MPIX_Comm_shrink failed **mpix_comm_shrink %C %p:MPIX_Comm_shrink(%C, new_comm=%p) failed **mpix_comm_agree:MPIX_Comm_agree failed **mpix_comm_agree %C:MPIX_Comm_agree(%C) failed **mpi_intercomm_create:MPI_Intercomm_create failed **mpi_intercomm_create %C %d %C %d %d %p:MPI_Intercomm_create(%C, local_leader=%d, %C, remote_leader=%d, tag=%d, newintercomm=%p) failed **mpi_intercomm_merge:MPI_Intercomm_merge failed **mpi_intercomm_merge %C %d %p:MPI_Intercomm_merge(%C, high=%d, newintracomm=%p) failed **mpi_keyval_create:MPI_Keyval_create failed **mpi_keyval_create %p %p %p %p:MPI_Keyval_create(copy_fn=%p, del_fn=%p, keyval=%p, extra=%p) failed **mpi_keyval_free:MPI_Keyval_free failed **mpi_keyval_free %p:MPI_Keyval_free(keyval=%p) failed **mpi_attr_put:MPI_Attr_put failed **mpi_attr_put %C %d %p:MPI_Attr_put(%C, keyval=%d, attr_value=%p) failed **mpi_attr_get:MPI_Attr_get failed **mpi_attr_get %C %d %p %p:MPI_Attr_get(%C, keyval=%d, attr_value=%p, flag=%p) failed **mpi_attr_delete:MPI_Attr_delete failed **mpi_attr_delete %C %d:MPI_Attr_delete(%C, keyval=%d) failed **mpi_topo_test:MPI_Topo_test failed **mpi_topo_test %C %p:MPI_Topo_test(%C, topo_type=%p) failed **mpi_cart_create:MPI_Cart_create failed **mpi_cart_create %C %d %p %p %d %p:MPI_Cart_create(%C, ndims=%d, dims=%p, periods=%p, reorder=%d, comm_cart=%p) failed **mpi_dims_create:MPI_Dims_create failed **mpi_dims_create %d %d %p:MPI_Dims_create(nnodes=%d, ndims=%d, dims=%p) failed **mpi_graph_create:MPI_Graph_create failed **mpi_graph_create %C %d %p %p %d %p:MPI_Graph_create(%C, nnodes=%d, index=%p, edges=%p, reorder=%d, comm_graph=%p) failed **mpi_graphdims_get:MPI_Graphdims_get failed **mpi_graphdims_get %C %p %p:MPI_Graphdims_get(%C, nnodes=%p, nedges=%p) failed **mpi_graph_get:MPI_Graph_get failed **mpi_graph_get %C %d %d %p %p:MPI_Graph_get(%C, maxindex=%d, maxedges=%d, index=%p, edges=%p) failed **mpi_cartdim_get:MPI_Cartdim_get failed **mpi_cartdim_get %C %p:MPI_Cartdim_get(%C, ndims=%p) failed **mpi_cart_get:MPI_Cart_get failed **mpi_cart_get %C %d %p %p %p:MPI_Cart_get(%C, maxdims=%d, dims=%p, periods=%p, coords=%p) failed **mpi_cart_rank:MPI_Cart_rank failed **mpi_cart_rank %C %p %p:MPI_Cart_rank(%C, coords=%p, rank=%p) failed **mpi_cart_coords:MPI_Cart_coords failed **mpi_cart_coords %C %d %d %p:MPI_Cart_coords(%C, rank=%d, maxdims=%d, coords=%p) failed **mpi_graph_neighbors_count:MPI_Graph_neighbors_count failed **mpi_graph_neighbors_count %C %d %p:MPI_Graph_neighbors_count(%C, rank=%d, nneighbors=%p) failed **mpi_graph_neighbors:MPI_Graph_neighbors failed **mpi_graph_neighbors %C %d %d %p:MPI_Graph_neighbors(%C, rank=%d, maxneighbors=%d, neighbors=%p) failed **mpi_cart_shift:MPI_Cart_shift failed **mpi_cart_shift %C %d %d %p %p:MPI_Cart_shift(%C, direction=%d, displ=%d, source=%p, dest=%p) failed **mpi_cart_sub:MPI_Cart_sub failed **mpi_cart_sub %C %p %p:MPI_Cart_sub(%C, remain_dims=%p, comm_new=%p) failed **mpi_cart_map:MPI_Cart_map failed **mpi_cart_map %C %d %p %p %p:MPI_Cart_map(%C, ndims=%d, dims=%p, periods=%p, newrank=%p) failed **mpi_graph_map:MPI_Graph_map failed **mpi_graph_map %C %d %p %p %p:MPI_Graph_map(%C, nnodes=%d, index=%p, edges=%p, newrank=%p) failed **mpi_get_processor_name:MPI_Get_processor_name failed **mpi_get_processor_name %p %p:MPI_Get_processor_name(name=%p, resultlen=%p) failed **mpi_get_version:MPI_Get_version failed **mpi_get_version %p %p:MPI_Get_version(version=%p, subversion=%p) failed **mpi_get_library_version:MPI_Get_library_version failed **mpi_get_library_version %p %p:MPI_Get_library_version(version=%p, resultlen=%p) failed **mpi_errhandler_create:MPI_Errhandler_create failed **mpi_errhandler_create %p %p:MPI_Errhandler_create(function=%p, errhandler=%p) failed **mpi_errhandler_set:MPI_Errhandler_set failed **mpi_errhandler_set %C %E:MPI_Errhandler_set(%C, %E) failed **mpi_errhandler_get:MPI_Errhandler_get failed **mpi_errhandler_get %C %p:MPI_Errhandler_get(%C, errhandler=%p) failed **mpi_errhandler_free:MPI_Errhandler_free failed **mpi_errhandler_free %p:MPI_Errhandler_free(errhandler=%p) failed **mpi_error_string:MPI_Error_string failed **mpi_error_string %d %s %p:MPI_Error_string(errorcode=%d, string=%s, resultlen=%p) failed **mpi_error_class:MPI_Error_class failed **mpi_error_class %d %p:MPI_Error_class(errorcode=%d, errorclass=%p) failed **mpi_init:MPI_Init failed **mpi_init %p %p:MPI_Init(argc_p=%p, argv_p=%p) failed **mpi_finalize:MPI_Finalize failed **mpi_initialized:MPI_Initialized failed **mpi_initialized %p:MPI_Initialized(flag=%p) failed **mpi_abort:MPI_Abort failed **mpi_abort %C %d:MPI_Abort(%C, errorcode=%d) failed **mpi_close_port:MPI_Close_port failed **mpi_close_port %s:MPI_Close_port(port=\"%s\") failed **mpi_comm_accept:MPI_Comm_accept failed **mpi_comm_accept %s %I %d %C %p:MPI_Comm_accept(port=\"%s\", %I, root=%d, %C, newcomm=%p) failed **mpi_comm_connect:MPI_Comm_connect failed **mpi_comm_connect %s %I %d %C %p:MPI_Comm_connect(port=\"%s\", %I, root=%d, %C, newcomm=%p) failed **mpi_comm_disconnect:MPI_Comm_disconnect failed **mpi_comm_disconnect %C:MPI_Comm_disconnect(comm=%C) failed **mpi_comm_get_parent:MPI_Comm_get_parent failed **mpi_comm_get_parent %p:MPI_Comm_get_parent(comm=%p) failed **mpi_comm_join:MPI_Comm_join failed **mpi_comm_join %d %p:MPI_Comm_join(fd=%d, intercomm=%p) failed **mpi_comm_spawn:MPI_Comm_spawn failed **mpi_comm_spawn %s %p %d %I %d %C %p %p:MPI_Comm_spawn(cmd=\"%s\", argv=%p, maxprocs=%d, %I, root=%d, %C, intercomm=%p, errors=%p) failed **mpi_comm_spawn_multiple:MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple failed **mpi_comm_spawn_multiple %d %p %p %p %p %d %C %p %p:MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple(count=%d, cmds=%p, argvs=%p, maxprocs=%p, infos=%p, root=%d, %C, intercomm=%p, errors=%p) failed **mpi_lookup_name:MPI_Lookup_name failed **mpi_lookup_name %s %I %s:MPI_Lookup_name(service=\"%s\", %I, port=%s) failed **mpi_open_port:MPI_Open_port failed **mpi_open_port %I %p:MPI_Open_port(%I, port=%p) failed **mpi_publish_name:MPI_Publish_name failed **mpi_publish_name %s %I %s:MPI_Publish_name(service=\"%s\", %I, port=\"%s\") failed **mpi_unpublish_name:MPI_Unpublish_name failed **mpi_unpublish_name %s %I %s:MPI_Unpublish_name(service=\"%s\", %I, port=\"%s\") failed **mpi_accumulate:MPI_Accumulate failed **mpi_accumulate %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %O %W:MPI_Accumulate(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %O, %W) failed **mpi_get:MPI_Get failed **mpi_get %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %W:MPI_Get(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %W) failed **mpi_put:MPI_Put failed **mpi_put %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %W:MPI_Put(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %W) failed **mpi_win_allocate_shared:MPI_Win_allocate_shared failed **mpi_win_allocate_shared %d %I %C %p %p:MPI_Win_allocate_shared(size=%d, %I, %C, baseptr=%p, win=%p) failed **mpi_win_shared_query:MPI_Win_shared_query failed **mpi_win_shared_query %W %d %p %p:MPI_Win_shared_query(win=%W, rank=%d, size=%p, baseptr=%p) failed **mpi_win_complete:MPI_Win_complete failed **mpi_win_complete %W:MPI_Win_complete(%W) failed **mpi_win_create:MPI_Win_create failed **mpi_win_create %p %d %d %I %C %p:MPI_Win_create(base=%p, size=%d, disp_unit=%d, %I, %C, win=%p) failed **mpi_win_fence:MPI_Win_fence failed **mpi_win_fence %A %W:MPI_Win_fence(%A, %W) failed **mpi_win_free:MPI_Win_free failed **mpi_win_free %p:MPI_Win_free(win=%p) failed **mpi_win_get_group:MPI_Win_get_group failed **mpi_win_get_group %W %p:MPI_Win_get_group(%W, group=%p) failed **mpi_win_lock:MPI_Win_lock failed **mpi_win_lock %d %d %A %W:MPI_Win_lock(lock_type=%d, rank=%d, %A, %W) failed **mpi_win_post:MPI_Win_post failed **mpi_win_post %G %A %W:MPI_Win_post(%G, %A, %W) failed **mpi_win_start:MPI_Win_start failed **mpi_win_start %G %A %W:MPI_Win_start(%G, %A, %W) failed **mpi_win_test:MPI_Win_test failed **mpi_win_test %W %p:MPI_Win_test(%W, flag=%p) failed **mpi_win_unlock:MPI_Win_unlock failed **mpi_win_unlock %d %W:MPI_Win_unlock(rank=%d, %W) failed **mpi_win_wait:MPI_Win_wait failed **mpi_win_wait %W:MPI_Win_wait(%W) failed **mpi_alltoallw:MPI_Alltoallw failed **mpi_alltoallw %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %C:MPI_Alltoallw(sbuf=%p, scnts=%p, sdispls=%p, stypes=%p, rbuf=%p, rcnts=%p, rdispls=%p, rtypes=%p, %C) failed **mpi_exscan:MPI_Exscan failed **mpi_exscan %p %p %d %D %O %C:MPI_Exscan(sbuf=%p, rbuf=%p, count=%d, %D, %O, %C) failed **mpi_add_error_class:MPI_Add_error_class failed **mpi_add_error_class %p:MPI_Add_error_class(errorclass=%p) failed **mpi_add_error_code:MPI_Add_error_code failed **mpi_add_error_code %d %p:MPI_Add_error_code(errorclass=%d, errorcode=%p) failed **mpi_add_error_string:MPI_Add_error_string failed **mpi_add_error_string %d %s:MPI_Add_error_string(code=%d, str=\"%s\") failed **mpi_comm_call_errhandler:MPI_Comm_call_errhandler failed **mpi_comm_call_errhandler %C %d:MPI_Comm_call_errhandler(%C, errorcode=%d) failed **mpi_comm_create_keyval:MPI_Comm_create_keyval failed **mpi_comm_create_keyval %p %p %p %p:MPI_Comm_create_keyval(comm_copy_attr_fn=%p, comm_delete_attr_fn=%p, comm_keyval=%p, extra_state=%p) failed **mpi_comm_delete_attr:MPI_Comm_delete_attr failed **mpi_comm_delete_attr %C %d:MPI_Comm_delete_attr(%C, comm_keyval=%d) failed **mpi_comm_free_keyval:MPI_Comm_free_keyval failed **mpi_comm_free_keyval %p:MPI_Comm_free_keyval(comm_keyval=%p) failed **mpi_comm_get_attr:MPI_Comm_get_attr failed **mpi_comm_get_attr %C %d %p %p:MPI_Comm_get_attr(%C, comm_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p, flag=%p) failed **mpi_comm_get_name:MPI_Comm_get_name failed **mpi_comm_get_name %C %p %p:MPI_Comm_get_name(%C, comm_name=%p, resultlen=%p) failed **mpi_comm_set_attr:MPI_Comm_set_attr failed **mpi_comm_set_attr %C %d %p:MPI_Comm_set_attr(%C, comm_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p) failed **mpi_comm_set_name:MPI_Comm_set_name failed **mpi_comm_set_name %C %s:MPI_Comm_set_name(%C, comm_name=%s) failed **mpi_file_call_errhandler:MPI_File_call_errhandler failed **mpi_file_call_errhandler %F %d:MPI_File_call_errhandler(%F, errorcode=%d) failed **mpi_grequest_complete:MPI_Grequest_complete failed **mpi_grequest_complete %R:MPI_Grequest_complete(%R) failed **mpi_grequest_start:MPI_Grequest_start failed **mpi_grequest_start %p %p %p %p %p:MPI_Grequest_start(query_fn=%p, free_fn=%p, cancel_fn=%p, extra_state=%p, request=%p) failed **mpix_grequest_class_create: MPIX_Grequest_class_create failed **mpix_grequest_class_create %p %p %p %p %p:MPIX_Grequest_class_create(query_fn=%p, free_fn=%p, cancel_fn=%p, %poll_fn=%p, wait_fn=%p) failed **mpi_init_thread:MPI_Init_thread failed **mpi_init_thread %p %p %d %p:MPI_Init_thread(argc_p=%p, argv_p=%p, required=%d, provided=%p) **mpi_is_thread_main:MPI_Is_thread_main failed **mpi_is_thread_main %p:MPI_Is_thread_main(flag=%p) failed **mpi_query_thread:MPI_Query_thread failed **mpi_query_thread %p:MPI_Query_thread(provided=%p) failed **mpi_status_set_cancelled:MPI_Status_set_cancelled failed **mpi_status_set_cancelled %p %d:MPI_Status_set_cancelled(status=%p, flag=%d) failed **mpi_status_set_elements:MPI_Status_set_elements failed **mpi_status_set_elements %p %D %d:MPI_Status_set_elements(status=%p, %D, count=%d) failed **mpi_type_create_keyval:MPI_Type_create_keyval failed **mpi_type_create_keyval %p %p %p %p:MPI_Type_create_keyval(type_copy_attr_fn=%p, type_delete_attr_fn=%p, type_keyval=%p, extra_state=%p) failed **mpi_type_delete_attr:MPI_Type_delete_attr failed **mpi_type_delete_attr %D %d:MPI_Type_delete_attr(%D, type_keyval=%d) failed **mpi_type_dup:MPI_Type_dup failed **mpi_type_dup %D %p:MPI_Type_dup(%D, newtype=%p) failed **mpi_type_free_keyval:MPI_Type_free_keyval failed **mpi_type_free_keyval %p:MPI_Type_free_keyval(type_keyval=%p) failed **mpi_type_get_attr:MPI_Type_get_attr failed **mpi_type_get_attr %D %d %p %p:MPI_Type_get_attr(%D, type_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p, flag=%p) failed **mpi_type_get_contents:MPI_Type_get_contents failed **mpi_type_get_contents %D %d %d %d %p %p %p:MPI_Type_get_contents(%D, max_integers=%d, max_addresses=%d, max_datatypes=%d, array_of_integers=%p, array_of_addresses=%p, array_of_datatypes=%p) failed **mpi_type_get_envelope:MPI_Type_get_envelope failed **mpi_type_get_envelope %D %p %p %p %p:MPI_Type_get_envelope(%D, num_integers=%p, num_addresses=%p, num_datatypes=%p, combiner=%p) failed **mpi_type_get_name:MPI_Type_get_name failed **mpi_type_get_name %D %p %p:MPI_Type_get_name(%D, type_name=%p, resultlen=%p) failed **mpi_type_set_attr:MPI_Type_set_attr failed **mpi_type_set_attr %D %d %p:MPI_Type_set_attr(%D, type_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p) failed **mpi_type_set_name:MPI_Type_set_name failed **mpi_type_set_name %D %s:MPI_Type_set_name(%D, type_name=%s) failed **mpi_type_match_size:MPI_Type_match_size failed **mpi_type_match_size %d %d %p:MPI_Type_match_size(typeclass=%d, size=%d, datatype=%p) failed **mpi_win_call_errhandler:MPI_Win_call_errhandler failed **mpi_win_call_errhandler %W %d:MPI_Win_call_errhandler(%W, errorcode=%d) failed **mpi_win_create_keyval:MPI_Win_create_keyval failed **mpi_win_create_keyval %p %p %p %p:MPI_Win_create_keyval(win_copy_attr_fn=%p, win_delete_attr_fn=%p, win_keyval=%p, extra_state=%p) failed **mpi_win_delete_attr:MPI_Win_delete_attr failed **mpi_win_delete_attr %W %d:MPI_Win_delete_attr(%W, win_keyval=%d) failed **mpi_win_free_keyval:MPI_Win_free_keyval failed **mpi_win_free_keyval %p:MPI_Win_free_keyval(win_keyval=%p) failed **mpi_win_get_attr:MPI_Win_get_attr failed **mpi_win_get_attr %W %d %p %p:MPI_Win_get_attr(%W, win_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p, flag=%p) failed **mpi_win_get_name:MPI_Win_get_name failed **mpi_win_get_name %W %p %p:MPI_Win_get_name(%W, win_name=%p, resultlen=%p) failed **mpi_win_set_attr:MPI_Win_set_attr failed **mpi_win_set_attr %W %d %p:MPI_Win_set_attr(%W, win_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p) failed **mpi_win_set_name:MPI_Win_set_name failed **mpi_win_set_name %W %s:MPI_Win_set_name(%W, win_name=%s) failed **mpi_alloc_mem:MPI_Alloc_mem failed **mpi_alloc_mem %d %I %p:MPI_Alloc_mem(size=%d, %I, baseptr=%p) failed **mpi_comm_create_errhandler:MPI_Comm_create_errhandler failed **mpi_comm_create_errhandler %p %p:MPI_Comm_create_errhandler(function=%p, errhandler=%p) failed **mpi_comm_get_errhandler:MPI_Comm_get_errhandler failed **mpi_comm_get_errhandler %C %p:MPI_Comm_get_errhandler(%C, errhandler=%p) failed **mpi_comm_set_errhandler:MPI_Comm_set_errhandler failed **mpi_comm_set_errhandler %C %E:MPI_Comm_set_errhandler(%C, %E) failed **mpi_comm_get_info:MPI_Comm_get_info failed **mpi_comm_get_info %W %p:MPI_Comm_get_info(comm=%C, info_used=%p) failed **mpi_comm_set_info:MPI_Comm_set_info failed **mpi_comm_set_info %W %p:MPI_Comm_set_info(comm=%C, info=%p) failed **mpi_file_create_errhandler:MPI_File_create_errhandler failed **mpi_file_create_errhandler %p %p:MPI_File_create_errhandler(function=%p, errhandler=%p) failed **mpi_file_get_errhandler:MPI_File_get_errhandler failed **mpi_file_get_errhandler %F %p:MPI_File_get_errhandler(%F, errhandler=%p) failed **mpi_file_set_errhandler:MPI_File_set_errhandler failed **mpi_file_set_errhandler %F %E:MPI_File_set_errhandler(%F, %E) failed **mpi_finalized:MPI_Finalized failed **mpi_finalized %p:MPI_Finalized(flag=%p) failed **mpi_free_mem:MPI_Free_mem failed **mpi_free_mem %p:MPI_Free_mem(base=%p) failed **mpi_get_address:MPI_Get_address failed **mpi_get_address %p %p:MPI_Get_address(location=%p, address=%p) failed **mpi_info_create:MPI_Info_create failed **mpi_info_create %p:MPI_Info_create(info=%p) failed **mpi_info_delete:MPI_Info_delete failed **mpi_info_delete %I %s:MPI_Info_delete(%I, key=%s) failed **mpi_info_dup:MPI_Info_dup failed **mpi_info_dup %I %p:MPI_Info_dup(%I, newinfo=%p) failed **mpi_info_free:MPI_Info_free failed **mpi_info_free %p:MPI_Info_free(info=%p) failed **mpi_info_get:MPI_Info_get failed **mpi_info_get %I %s %d %p %p:MPI_Info_get(%I, key=%s, valuelen=%d, value=%p, flag=%p) failed **mpi_info_get_nkeys:MPI_Info_get_nkeys failed **mpi_info_get_nkeys %I %p:MPI_Info_get_nkeys(%I, nkeys=%p) failed **mpi_info_get_nthkey:MPI_Info_get_nthkey failed **mpi_info_get_nthkey %I %d %p:MPI_Info_get_nthkey(%I, n=%d, key=%p) failed **mpi_info_get_valuelen:MPI_Info_get_valuelen failed **mpi_info_get_valuelen %I %s %p %p:MPI_Info_get_valuelen(%I, key=%s, valuelen=%p, flag=%p) failed **mpi_info_set:MPI_Info_set failed **mpi_info_set %I %s %s:MPI_Info_set(%I, key=%s, value=%s) failed **mpi_pack_external:MPI_Pack_external failed **mpi_pack_external %s %p %d %D %p %d %p:MPI_Pack_external(datarep=%s, inbuf=%p, incount=%d, %D, outbuf=%p, outcount=%d, position=%p) failed **mpi_pack_external_size:MPI_Pack_external_size failed **mpi_pack_external_size %s %d %D %p:MPI_Pack_external_size(datarep=%s, incount=%d, %D, size=%p) failed **mpi_request_get_status:MPI_Request_get_status failed **mpi_request_get_status %R %p %p:MPI_Request_get_status(%R, flag=%p, status=%p) failed **mpi_type_create_darray:MPI_Type_create_darray failed **mpi_type_create_darray %d %d %d %p %p %p %p %d %D %p:MPI_Type_create_darray(size=%d, rank=%d, ndims=%d, array_of_gsizes=%p, array_of_distribs=%p, array_of_dargs=%p, array_of_psizes=%p, order=%d, %D, newtype=%p) failed **mpi_type_create_hindexed:MPI_Type_create_hindexed failed **mpi_type_create_hindexed %d %p %p %D %p:MPI_Type_create_hindexed(count=%d, array_of_blocklengths=%p, array_of_displacements=%p, %D, newtype=%p) failed **mpi_type_create_hvector:MPI_Type_create_hvector failed **mpi_type_create_hvector %d %d %d %D %p:MPI_Type_create_hvector(count=%d, blocklength=%d, stride=%d, %D, newtype=%p) failed **mpi_type_create_indexed_block:MPI_Type_create_indexed_block failed **mpi_type_create_indexed_block %d %d %p %D %p:MPI_Type_create_indexed_block(count=%d, blocklength=%d, array_of_displacements=%p, %D, newtype=%p) failed **mpi_type_create_hindexed_block:MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block failed **mpi_type_create_hindexed_block %d %d %p %D %p:MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block(count=%d, blocklength=%d, array_of_displacements=%p, %D, newtype=%p) failed **mpi_type_create_resized:MPI_Type_create_resized failed **mpi_type_create_resized %D %L %L %p:MPI_Type_create_resized(%D, lb=%L, extent=%L, newtype=%p) failed **mpi_type_create_struct:MPI_Type_create_struct failed **mpi_type_create_struct %d %p %p %p %p:MPI_Type_create_struct(count=%d, array_of_blocklengths=%p, array_of_displacements=%p, array_of_types=%p, newtype=%p) failed **mpi_type_create_subarray:MPI_Type_create_subarray failed **mpi_type_create_subarray %d %p %p %p %d %D %p:MPI_Type_create_subarray(ndims=%d, array_of_sizes=%p, array_of_subsizes=%p, array_of_starts=%p, order=%d, %D, newtype=%p) failed **mpi_type_get_extent:MPI_Type_get_extent failed **mpi_type_get_extent %D %p %p:MPI_Type_get_extent(%D, lb=%p, extent=%p) failed **mpi_type_get_true_extent:MPI_Type_get_true_extent failed **mpi_type_get_true_extent %D %p %p:MPI_Type_get_true_extent(%D, lb=%p, true_extent=%p) failed **mpi_unpack_external:MPI_Unpack_external failed **mpi_unpack_external %s %p %d %p %p %d %D:MPI_Unpack_external(datarep=%s, inbuf=%p, insize=%d, position=%p, outbuf=%p, outcount=%d, %D) failed **mpi_win_create_errhandler:MPI_Win_create_errhandler failed **mpi_win_create_errhandler %p %p:MPI_Win_create_errhandler(function=%p, errhandler=%p) failed **mpi_win_get_errhandler:MPI_Win_get_errhandler failed **mpi_win_get_errhandler %W %p:MPI_Win_get_errhandler(%W, errhandler=%p) failed **mpi_win_set_errhandler:MPI_Win_set_errhandler failed **mpi_win_set_errhandler %W %E:MPI_Win_set_errhandler(%W, %E) failed **mpi_register_datarep:MPI_Register_datarep failed **mpi_register_datarep %s %p %p %p %p:MPI_Register_datarep(datarep=%s, read_conversion_fn=%p, write_conversion_fn=%p, dtype_file_extent_fn=%p, extra_state=%p) failed **mpi_dist_graph_create: MPI_Dist_graph_create failed **mpi_dist_graph_create %C %d %p %p %p %p %I %d %p: MPI_Dist_graph_create(%C, n=%d, sources=%p, degrees=%p, destinations=%p, weights=%p, info=%I, reorder=%d, comm_dist_graph=%p) failed **mpi_dist_graph_create_adjacent: MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent failed **mpi_dist_graph_create_adjacent %C %d %p %p %d %p %p %I %d %p: MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent(%C, indegree=%d, sources=%p, sourceweights=%p, outdegree=%d, destinations=%p, destweights=%p, %I, %d, comm_dist_graph=%p) failed **mpi_dist_graph_neighbors_count: MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count failed **mpi_dist_graph_neighbors_count %C %p %p %p: MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count(%C, indegree=%p, outdegree=%p, weighted=%p) failed **mpi_dist_graph_neighbors: MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors failed **mpi_dist_graph_neighbors %C %d %p %p %d %p %p: MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors(%C, maxindegree=%d, sources=%p, sourceweights=%p, maxoutdegree=%d, destinations=%p, destweights=%p) failed # MPI-3 RMA Errors **mpi_get_accumulate:MPI_Get_accumulate failed **mpi_get_accumulate %p %d %D %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %O %W:MPI_Get_accumulate(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, result_addr=%p, result_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %O, %W) failed **mpi_fetch_and_op:MPI_Fetch_and_op failed **mpi_fetch_and_op %p %p %D %d %d %O %W:MPI_Fetch_and_op(origin_addr=%p, result_addr=%p, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, %O, %W) failed **mpi_compare_and_swap: MPI_Compare_and_swap failed **mpi_compare_and_swap %p %p %p %D %d %d %W:MPI_Compare_and_swap(origin_addr=%p, compare_addr=%p, result_addr=%p, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, %W) failed **mpi_raccumulate:MPI_Raccumulate failed **mpi_raccumulate %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %O %W %p:MPI_Raccumulate(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %O, %W, request=%p) failed **mpi_rget:MPI_Rget failed **mpi_rget %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %W %p:MPI_Rget(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %W, request=%p) failed **mpi_rput:MPI_Rput failed **mpi_rput %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %W %p:MPI_Rput(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %W, request=%p) failed **mpi_rget_accumulate:MPI_Rget_accumulate failed **mpi_rget_accumulate %p %d %D %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %O %W %p:MPI_Rget_accumulate(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, result_addr=%p, result_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %O, %W, %p) failed **mpi_win_allocate:MPI_Win_allocate failed **mpi_win_allocate %d %d %I %C %p %p:MPI_Win_allocate(size=%d, disp_unit=%d, %I, %C, base=%p, win=%p) failed **mpi_win_create_dynamic:MPI_Win_create_dynamic failed **mpi_win_create_dynamic %I %C %p:MPI_Win_create_dynamic(%I, %C, win=%p) failed **mpi_win_attach:MPI_Win_attach failed **mpi_win_attach %W %p %d:MPI_Win_attach(%W, base=%p, size=%d) failed **mpi_win_detach:MPI_Win_detach failed **mpi_win_detach %W %p:MPI_Win_detach(%W, base=%p) failed **mpi_win_lock_all:MPI_Win_lock_all failed **mpi_win_lock_all %A %W:MPI_Win_lock_all(%A, %W) failed **mpi_win_unlock_all:MPI_Win_unlock_all failed **mpi_win_unlock_all %W:MPI_Win_unlock_all(%W) failed **mpi_win_flush:MPI_Win_flush failed **mpi_win_flush %d %W:MPI_Win_flush(target_rank=%d, %W) failed **mpi_win_flush_all:MPI_Win_flush_all failed **mpi_win_flush_all %W:MPI_Win_flush_all(%W) failed **mpi_win_flush_local:MPI_Win_flush_local failed **mpi_win_flush_local %d %W:MPI_Win_flush_local(target_rank=%d, %W) failed **mpi_win_flush_local_all:MPI_Win_flush_local_all failed **mpi_win_flush_local_all %W:MPI_Win_flush_local_all(%W) failed **mpi_win_sync:MPI_Win_sync failed **mpi_win_sync %W:MPI_Win_sync(%W) failed **mpi_win_get_info:MPI_Win_get_info failed **mpi_win_get_info %W %p:MPI_Win_get_info(win=%W, info_used=%p) failed **mpi_win_set_info:MPI_Win_set_info failed **mpi_win_set_info %W %I:MPI_Win_set_info(win=%W, info=%I) failed # pmi2 errors **bad_keyval:PMI2 received malformed key-value pair **bad_cmd:PMI2 received malformed command **cmd_too_long: PMI2 command is too long **key_too_long: PMI2 key is too long **val_too_long: PMI2 value is too long **pmi_init_send: PMI2 failed to send init command **pmi_initack: PMI2 failed to receive init ack **pmi_initack %s: PMI2 failed to receive init ack: %s **pmi_fullinit: PMI2 init with process manager failed **pmi_fullinit %s: PMI2 init with process manager failed: %s **pmi_version: PMI2 version mismatch **pmi_version %s %s %s %s: PMI2 version mismatch (server version %s.%s, client verison %s.%s) **pmi_finalize: PMI2 Finalize failed **pmi_finalize %s: PMI2 Finalize failed: %s **pmi_jobgetid: PMI2 Job_GetID failed **pmi_jobgetid %s: PMI2 Job_GetID failed: %s **pmi_jobconnect: PMI2 Job_Connect failed **pmi_jobconnect %s: PMI2 Job_Connect failed: %s **pmi_jobdisconnect: PMI2 Job_Disconnect failed **pmi_jobdisconnect %s: PMI2 Job_Disconnect failed: %s **pmi_kvsput: PMI2 KVS_Put failed **pmi_kvsput %s: PMI2 KVS_Put failed: %s **pmi_kvsfence: PMI2 KVS_Fence failed **pmi_kvsfence %s: PMI2 KVS_Fence failed: %s **pmi_kvsget: PMI2 KVS_Get failed **pmi_kvsget %s: PMI2 KVS_Get failed: %s **pmi_kvsget %d: PMI2 KVS_Get failed: %d **pmi_kvsget_notfound: PMI2 Key not found in KVS_Get **pmi_kvsget_notfound %s: PMI2 Key not found in KVS_Get: %s **pmi_getnodeattr: PMI2 GetNodeAttr failed **pmi_getnodeattr %s: PMI2 GetNodeAttr failed: %s **pmi_putnodeattr: PMI2 PutNodeAttr failed **pmi_putnodeattr %s: PMI2 PutNodeAttr failed: %s **pmi_getjobattr: PMI2 GetJobAttr failed **pmi_getjobattr %s: PMI2 GetJobAttr failed: %s **pmi_nameservpublish: PMI2 Nameserv_publish failed **pmi_nameservpublish %s: PMI2 Nameserv_publish failed: %s **connect_to_pm: Unable to connect process manager **connect_to_pm %s %d: Unable to connect process manager at host %s port %d **pmi_port: Unable to decide hostport from PMI_PORT **pmi_port %s: Unable to decide hostport from \"%s\" # MPIR functions **mpir_comm_get_attr:MPIR_Comm_get_attr failed **mpir_comm_get_attr %C %d %p %p:MPIR_Comm_get_attr(%C, comm_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p, flag=%p) failed **mpir_type_get_attr:MPIR_Type_get_attr failed **mpir_type_get_attr %D %d %p %p:MPIR_Type_get_attr(%D, type_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p, flag=%p) failed **mpir_wingetattr:MPII_Win_get_attr failed **mpir_wingetattr %W %d %p %p:MPII_Win_get_attr(%W, win_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p, flag=%p) failed ## MPI-3 Mprobe routines **mpi_improbe: MPI_Improbe failed **mpi_improbe %d %d %C %p %p %p: MPI_Improbe(source=%d, tag=%d, comm=%C, flag=%p, message=%p, status=%p) **mpi_mprobe: MPI_Mprobe failed **mpi_mprobe %d %d %C %p %p: MPI_Mprobe(source=%d, tag=%d, comm=%C, message=%p, status=%p) **mpi_mrecv: MPI_Mrecv failed **mpi_mrecv %p %d %D %p %p: MPI_Mrecv(buf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, message=%p, status=%p) **mpi_imrecv: MPI_Imrecv failed **mpi_imrecv %p %d %D %p %p: MPI_Imrecv(buf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, message=%p, request=%p) ## MPI-3 nonblocking comm dup **mpi_comm_idup: MPI_Comm_idup failed **mpi_comm_idup %C %p %p: MPI_Comm_idup(comm=%C, newcomm=%p, request=%p) ## MPI-3 nonblocking collectives **mpi_ibarrier: MPI_Ibarrier failed **mpi_ibarrier %C %p: MPI_Ibarrier(comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_ibcast: MPI_Ibcast failed **mpi_ibcast %p %d %D %C %p: MPI_Ibcast(buffer=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_igather: MPI_Igather failed **mpi_igather %p %d %D %p %d %D %d %C %p: MPI_Igather(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, root=%d, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_igatherv: MPI_Igatherv failed **mpi_igatherv %p %d %D %p %p %p %D %d %C %p: MPI_Igatherv(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, displs=%p, recvtype=%D, root=%d, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_iscatter: MPI_Iscatter failed **mpi_iscatter %p %d %D %p %d %D %d %C %p: MPI_Iscatter(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, root=%d, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_iscatterv: MPI_Iscatterv failed **mpi_iscatterv %p %p %p %D %p %d %D %d %C %p: MPI_Iscatterv(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, displs=%p, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, root=%d, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_iallgather: MPI_Iallgather failed **mpi_iallgather %p %d %D %p %d %D %C %p: MPI_Iallgather(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_iallgatherv: MPI_Iallgatherv failed **mpi_iallgatherv %p %d %D %p %p %p %D %C %p: MPI_Iallgatherv(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, displs=%p, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_ialltoall: MPI_Ialltoall failed **mpi_ialltoall %p %d %D %p %d %D %C %p: MPI_Ialltoall(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_ialltoallv: MPI_Ialltoallv failed **mpi_ialltoallv %p %p %p %D %p %p %p %D %C %p: MPI_Ialltoallv(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, sdispls=%p, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, rdispls=%p, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_ialltoallw: MPI_Ialltoallw failed **mpi_ialltoallw %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %C %p: MPI_Ialltoallw(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, sdispls=%p, sendtypes=%p, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, rdispls=%p, recvtypes=%p, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_ireduce: MPI_Ireduce failed **mpi_ireduce %p %p %d %D %O %d %C %p: MPI_Ireduce(sendbuf=%p, recvbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, root=%d, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_iallreduce: MPI_Iallreduce failed **mpi_iallreduce %p %p %d %D %O %C %p: MPI_Iallreduce(sendbuf=%p, recvbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_ireduce_scatter: MPI_Ireduce_scatter failed **mpi_ireduce_scatter %p %p %p %D %O %C %p: MPI_Ireduce_scatter(sendbuf=%p, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_ireduce_scatter_block: MPI_Ireduce_scatter_block failed **mpi_ireduce_scatter_block %p %p %d %D %O %C %p: MPI_Ireduce_scatter_block(sendbuf=%p, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_iscan: MPI_Iscan failed **mpi_iscan %p %p %d %D %O %C %p: MPI_Iscan(sendbuf=%p, recvbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_iexscan: MPI_Iexscan failed **mpi_iexscan %p %p %d %D %O %C %p: MPI_Iexscan(sendbuf=%p, recvbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C, request=%p) ## MPI-3 neighborhood collectives **mpi_ineighbor_allgather: MPI_Ineighbor_allgather failed **mpi_ineighbor_allgather %p %d %D %p %d %D %C %p: MPI_Ineighbor_allgather(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_ineighbor_allgatherv: MPI_Ineighbor_allgatherv failed **mpi_ineighbor_allgatherv %p %d %D %p %p %p %D %C %p: MPI_Ineighbor_allgatherv(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, displs=%p, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_ineighbor_alltoall: MPI_Ineighbor_alltoall failed **mpi_ineighbor_alltoall %p %d %D %p %d %D %C %p: MPI_Ineighbor_alltoall(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_ineighbor_alltoallv: MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv failed **mpi_ineighbor_alltoallv %p %p %p %D %p %p %p %D %C %p: MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, sdispls=%p, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, rdispls=%p, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_ineighbor_alltoallw: MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallw failed **mpi_ineighbor_alltoallw %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %C %p: MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallw(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, sdispls=%p, sendtypes=%p, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, rdispls=%p, recvtypes=%p, comm=%C, request=%p) **mpi_neighbor_allgather: MPI_Neighbor_allgather failed **mpi_neighbor_allgather %p %d %D %p %d %D %C: MPI_Neighbor_allgather(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, comm=%C) **mpi_neighbor_allgatherv: MPI_Neighbor_allgatherv failed **mpi_neighbor_allgatherv %p %d %D %p %p %p %D %C: MPI_Neighbor_allgatherv(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, displs=%p, recvtype=%D, comm=%C) **mpi_neighbor_alltoall: MPI_Neighbor_alltoall failed **mpi_neighbor_alltoall %p %d %D %p %d %D %C: MPI_Neighbor_alltoall(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, comm=%C) **mpi_neighbor_alltoallv: MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv failed **mpi_neighbor_alltoallv %p %p %p %D %p %p %p %D %C: MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, sdispls=%p, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, rdispls=%p, recvtype=%D, comm=%C) **mpi_neighbor_alltoallw: MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw failed **mpi_neighbor_alltoallw %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %C: MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, sdispls=%p, sendtypes=%p, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, rdispls=%p, recvtypes=%p, comm=%C) ## MPI-3 "large count" functions **mpi_type_size_x: MPI_Type_size_x failed **mpi_type_size_x %D %p: MPI_Type_size_x(datatype=%D, size=%p) **mpi_type_get_extent_x: MPI_Type_get_extent_x failed **mpi_type_get_extent_x %D %p %p: MPI_Type_get_extent_x(datatype=%D, lb=%p, extent=%p) **mpi_type_get_true_extent_x: MPI_Type_get_true_extent_x failed **mpi_type_get_true_extent_x %D %p %p: MPI_Type_get_true_extent_x(datatype=%D, lb=%p, extent=%p) **mpi_get_elements_x: MPI_Get_elements_x failed **mpi_get_elements_x %p %D %p: MPI_Get_elements_x(status=%p, datatype=%D, count=%p) **mpi_status_set_elements_x: MPI_Status_set_elements_x failed **mpi_status_set_elements_x %p %D %c: MPI_Status_set_elements_x(status=%p, datatype=%D, count=%c) # Datarep conversion function not supported by ROMIO (Temproary until implemented) **drconvnotsupported:Read and Write datarep conversions are currently not supported by MPI-IO # Argobots related error messages **argobots_uninitialized:Argobots is not initialized # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following names are defined but not used (see the -careful option # for extracterrmsgs) (still to do: move the undefined names here)