/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */ /* * * (C) 2003 by Argonne National Laboratory. * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. */ #include "mpi.h" #include #include #include "mpitest.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int errs = 0, i, k; int dims[2], periods[2], wsize; int outdims[2], outperiods[2], outcoords[2]; int topo_type; int *index, *edges, *outindex, *outedges; MPI_Comm comm1, comm2; MTest_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wsize); /* Create a cartesian topology, get its characteristics, then * dup it and check that the new communicator has the same properties */ dims[0] = dims[1] = 0; MPI_Dims_create(wsize, 2, dims); periods[0] = periods[1] = 0; MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, dims, periods, 0, &comm1); MPI_Comm_dup(comm1, &comm2); MPI_Topo_test(comm2, &topo_type); if (topo_type != MPI_CART) { errs++; printf("Topo type of duped cart was not cart\n"); } else { MPI_Cart_get(comm2, 2, outdims, outperiods, outcoords); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (outdims[i] != dims[i]) { errs++; printf("%d = outdims[%d] != dims[%d] = %d\n", outdims[i], i, i, dims[i]); } if (outperiods[i] != periods[i]) { errs++; printf("%d = outperiods[%d] != periods[%d] = %d\n", outperiods[i], i, i, periods[i]); } } } MPI_Comm_free(&comm2); MPI_Comm_free(&comm1); /* Now do the same with a graph topology */ if (wsize >= 3) { index = (int *) malloc(wsize * sizeof(int)); edges = (int *) malloc(wsize * 2 * sizeof(int)); if (!index || !edges) { printf("Unable to allocate %d words for index or edges\n", 3 * wsize); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1); } index[0] = 2; for (i = 1; i < wsize; i++) { index[i] = 2 + index[i - 1]; } k = 0; for (i = 0; i < wsize; i++) { edges[k++] = (i - 1 + wsize) % wsize; edges[k++] = (i + 1) % wsize; } MPI_Graph_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, wsize, index, edges, 0, &comm1); MPI_Comm_dup(comm1, &comm2); MPI_Topo_test(comm2, &topo_type); if (topo_type != MPI_GRAPH) { errs++; printf("Topo type of duped graph was not graph\n"); } else { int nnodes, nedges; MPI_Graphdims_get(comm2, &nnodes, &nedges); if (nnodes != wsize) { errs++; printf("Nnodes = %d, should be %d\n", nnodes, wsize); } if (nedges != 2 * wsize) { errs++; printf("Nedges = %d, should be %d\n", nedges, 2 * wsize); } outindex = (int *) malloc(wsize * sizeof(int)); outedges = (int *) malloc(wsize * 2 * sizeof(int)); if (!outindex || !outedges) { printf("Unable to allocate %d words for outindex or outedges\n", 3 * wsize); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1); } MPI_Graph_get(comm2, wsize, 2 * wsize, outindex, outedges); for (i = 0; i < wsize; i++) { if (index[i] != outindex[i]) { printf("%d = index[%d] != outindex[%d] = %d\n", index[i], i, i, outindex[i]); errs++; } } for (i = 0; i < 2 * wsize; i++) { if (edges[i] != outedges[i]) { printf("%d = edges[%d] != outedges[%d] = %d\n", edges[i], i, i, outedges[i]); errs++; } } free(outindex); free(outedges); } free(index); free(edges); MPI_Comm_free(&comm2); MPI_Comm_free(&comm1); } MTest_Finalize(errs); return MTestReturnValue(errs); }