Blob Blame History Raw
# This file maps each MPI error class to a short name form.  
# This is used to support MPI_Error_string when applied to one of the
# MPI classes rather than to an error code created by MPIR_Err_create_code.
# By mapping the MPI codes to short generic names, we ensure that the 
# message strings for the defined MPI classes matches some message that
# may be created by MPIR_Err_create_code.
# The format of this file is 
# mpi_err_xxx integer-value short-name
# where "integer-value" is the same as in mpi.h (eventually, we should
# generate this automatically).
MPI_SUCCESS          0      **success
# Communication argument parameters
MPI_ERR_BUFFER       1      **buffer
MPI_ERR_COUNT        2      **count
MPI_ERR_TYPE         3      **dtype
MPI_ERR_TAG          4      **tag
MPI_ERR_COMM         5      **comm
MPI_ERR_RANK         6      **rank
MPI_ERR_ROOT         7      **root
MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE    14      **truncate
# MPI Objects (other than COMM) 
MPI_ERR_GROUP        8      **group
MPI_ERR_OP           9      **op
MPI_ERR_REQUEST     19      **request
# Special topology argument parameters 
MPI_ERR_TOPOLOGY    10      **topology
MPI_ERR_DIMS        11      **dims
# All other arguments.  This is a class with many kinds 
MPI_ERR_ARG         12      **arg
# Other errors that are not simply an invalid argument
MPI_ERR_OTHER       15      **other
MPI_ERR_UNKNOWN     13      **unknown
MPI_ERR_INTERN      16      **intern
# Multiple completion has two special error classes 
MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS   17      **instatus
MPI_ERR_PENDING     18      **inpending
MPIX_ERR_PROC_FAILED_PENDING 19 **failure_pending
# New MPI-2 Error classes 
MPI_ERR_FILE        27      **file
MPI_ERR_ACCESS      20      **fileaccess
MPI_ERR_AMODE       21      **fileamode
MPI_ERR_BAD_FILE    22      **filename
MPI_ERR_FILE_EXISTS 25      **fileexist
MPI_ERR_FILE_IN_USE 26      **fileinuse
MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE    36      **filenospace
MPI_ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE 37     **filenoexist
MPI_ERR_IO          32      **io
MPI_ERR_READ_ONLY   40      **filerdonly
MPI_ERR_CONVERSION  23      **conversion
MPI_ERR_DUP_DATAREP 24      **datarepused
MPI_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DATAREP   43  **datarepunsupported
# MPI_ERR_INFO is NOT defined in the MPI-2 standard.  I believe that
# this is an oversight 
MPI_ERR_INFO        28      **info
MPI_ERR_INFO_KEY    29      **infokey
MPI_ERR_INFO_VALUE  30      **infoval
MPI_ERR_INFO_NOKEY  31      **infonokey
MPI_ERR_NAME        33      **nameservice
MPI_ERR_NO_MEM      34      **allocmem
MPI_ERR_NOT_SAME    35      **notsame
MPI_ERR_PORT        38      **port
MPI_ERR_QUOTA       39      **filequota
MPI_ERR_SERVICE     41      **servicename
MPI_ERR_SPAWN       42      **spawn
MPI_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION 44 **fileopunsupported
MPI_ERR_WIN         45      **win
MPI_ERR_BASE        46      **base
MPI_ERR_LOCKTYPE    47      **locktype
MPI_ERR_KEYVAL      48      **keyval
MPI_ERR_RMA_CONFLICT 49     **rmaconflict
MPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC    50      **rmasync
MPI_ERR_SIZE        51      **rmasize
MPI_ERR_DISP        52      **rmadisp
MPI_ERR_ASSERT      53      **assert
MPIX_ERR_PROC_FAILED 54     **proc_failed
MPI_ERR_RMA_RANGE   55      **rmarange
MPI_ERR_RMA_ATTACH  56      **rmaattach
MPI_ERR_RMA_SHARED  57      **rmashared
MPI_ERR_RMA_FLAVOR  58      **rmaflavor
MPIX_ERR_REVOKED    59      **revoked
MPIX_ERR_EAGAIN     60      **eagain
MPIX_ERR_NOREQ      61      **nomemreq