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/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
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* (C) 2015 by Argonne National Laboratory.
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* See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
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/* This test tests the overlapping of MPI_Comm_idup with other nonblocking calls
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in a multithreaded setting. Each process produces a new communicator for each
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of its threads. A thread will duplicate it again to produce child communicators.
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When the first child communicator is ready, the thread duplicates it to produce
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grandchild communicators. Meanwhile, the thread also issues nonblocking calls,
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such as idup, iscan, ibcast, iallreduce, ibarrier on the communicators available.
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The test tests both intracommunicators and intercommunicators
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#include <stdio.h>
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#include <mpi.h>
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#include "mpitest.h"
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#include "mpithreadtest.h"
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#define NUM_THREADS 3 /* threads to spawn per process, must >= 1 */
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#define NUM_IDUPS1 3 /* child communicators to iduplicate per thread, must >= 1 */
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#define NUM_IDUPS2 3 /* grandchild communicators to iduplicate per thread, must >= 1 */
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#define NUM_ITER 1 /* run the kernel this times */
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#define check(X_) \
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do { \
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if (!(X_)) { \
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0848f5 |
printf("[%s:%d] -- Assertion failed: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #X_);\
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0848f5 |
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} \
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0848f5 |
} while (0)
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int isLeft; /* Is left group of an intercomm? */
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MPI_Comm parentcomms[NUM_THREADS];
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MPI_Comm nbrcomms[NUM_THREADS];
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0848f5 |
int errs[NUM_THREADS] = { 0 };
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int verbose = 0;
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/* Threads idup the communicator assigned to them NUM_IDUPS1 times. The operation
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is overlapped with other non-blocking operations on the same communicator or
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on a different communicator.
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MTEST_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE test_intracomm(void *arg)
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int i, j;
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int root, bcastbuf;
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int rank, size;
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int ans[4], expected[4];
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MPI_Request reqs[NUM_IDUPS1 + NUM_IDUPS2 + 10] = { MPI_REQUEST_NULL }; /* Preallocate enough reqs */
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MPI_Comm comms[NUM_IDUPS1 + NUM_IDUPS2]; /* Hold all descendant comms */
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int cnt;
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int tid = *(int *) arg;
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MPI_Comm parentcomm = parentcomms[tid];
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm nbrcomm = nbrcomms[tid];
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0848f5 |
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MPI_Comm_rank(parentcomm, &rank;;
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0848f5 |
for (i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) {
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0848f5 |
cnt = 0;
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0848f5 |
if (*(int *) arg == rank)
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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if (verbose)
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0848f5 |
printf("%d: Thread %d - comm_idup %d start\n", rank, tid, i);
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0848f5 |
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/* Idup the parent intracomm NUM_IDUPS1 times */
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for (j = 0; j < NUM_IDUPS1; j++)
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_idup(parentcomm, &comms[j], &reqs[cnt++]);
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0848f5 |
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/* Issue an iscan on parent comm to overlap with the pending idups */
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MPI_Iscan(&rank, &ans[0], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, parentcomm, &reqs[cnt++]);
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expected[0] = rank * (rank + 1) / 2;
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/* Wait for the first child comm to be ready */
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MPI_Wait(&reqs[0], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
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0848f5 |
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/* Do Idups & iallreduce on the first child comm simultaneously */
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for (j = 0; j < NUM_IDUPS2; j++)
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_idup(comms[0], &comms[NUM_IDUPS1 + j], &reqs[cnt++]);
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_size(comms[0], &size);
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0848f5 |
MPI_Iallreduce(&rank, &ans[1], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, comms[0], &reqs[cnt++]);
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0848f5 |
expected[1] = (size - 1) * size / 2;
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0848f5 |
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/* Issue an ibcast on the parent comm */
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MPI_Comm_rank(parentcomm, &rank;;
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0848f5 |
ans[2] = (rank == 0) ? 199 : 111;
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0848f5 |
MPI_Ibcast(&ans[2], 1, MPI_INT, 0, parentcomm, &reqs[cnt++]);
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0848f5 |
expected[2] = 199;
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/* Do ibarrier on the dup'ed comm */
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MPI_Ibarrier(comms[0], &reqs[cnt++]);
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0848f5 |
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/* Issue an iscan on a neighbor comm */
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_rank(nbrcomm, &rank;;
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0848f5 |
MPI_Iscan(&rank, &ans[3], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, nbrcomm, &reqs[cnt++]);
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0848f5 |
expected[3] = rank * (rank + 1) / 2;
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0848f5 |
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/* Pending operations include idup/iscan/ibcast on parentcomm
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* idup/Iallreduce/Ibarrier on comms[0], and Iscan on nbrcomm */
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0848f5 |
/* Waitall even if the first request is completed */
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0848f5 |
MPI_Waitall(cnt, reqs, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
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0848f5 |
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/* Check the answers */
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for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
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0848f5 |
if (ans[j] != expected[j])
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
for (j = 0; j < NUM_IDUPS1 + NUM_IDUPS2; j++) {
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0848f5 |
errs[tid] += MTestTestComm(comms[j]);
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
if (verbose)
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0848f5 |
printf("\t%d: Thread %d - comm_idup %d finish\n", rank, tid, i);
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0848f5 |
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if (verbose)
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0848f5 |
printf("%d: Thread %d - Done.\n", rank, tid);
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/* Threads idup the communicator assigned to them NUM_IDUPS1 times. The operation
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is overlapped with other non-blocking operations on the same communicator or
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on a different communicator.
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MTEST_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE test_intercomm(void *arg)
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int rank, rsize, root;
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int i, j;
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0848f5 |
int tid = *(int *) arg;
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0848f5 |
int ans[4], expected[4];
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm parentcomm = parentcomms[tid];
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm nbrcomm = nbrcomms[tid];
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
MPI_Request reqs[NUM_IDUPS1 + NUM_IDUPS2 + 10] = { MPI_REQUEST_NULL }; /* Preallocate enough reqs */
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm comms[NUM_IDUPS1 + NUM_IDUPS2]; /* Hold all descendant comms */
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0848f5 |
int cnt;
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
for (i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; i++) {
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0848f5 |
cnt = 0;
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0848f5 |
if (*(int *) arg == rank)
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
if (verbose)
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0848f5 |
printf("%d: Thread %d - comm_idup %d start\n", rank, tid, i);
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
/* Idup the parent intracomm multiple times */
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0848f5 |
for (j = 0; j < NUM_IDUPS1; j++)
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_idup(parentcomm, &comms[j], &reqs[cnt++]);
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
/* Issue an Iallreduce on parentcomm */
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_rank(parentcomm, &rank;;
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_remote_size(parentcomm, &rsize);
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0848f5 |
MPI_Iallreduce(&rank, &ans[0], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, parentcomm, &reqs[cnt++]);
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0848f5 |
expected[0] = (rsize - 1) * rsize / 2;
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0848f5 |
/* Wait for the first child comm to be ready */
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0848f5 |
MPI_Wait(&reqs[0], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
/* Do idup & iallreduce on the first child comm simultaneously */
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0848f5 |
for (j = 0; j < NUM_IDUPS2; j++)
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_idup(comms[0], &comms[NUM_IDUPS1 + j], &reqs[cnt++]);
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_rank(comms[0], &rank;;
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_remote_size(comms[0], &rsize);
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0848f5 |
MPI_Iallreduce(&rank, &ans[1], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, comms[0], &reqs[cnt++]);
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0848f5 |
expected[1] = (rsize - 1) * rsize / 2;
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0848f5 |
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/* Issue an ibcast on parentcomm */
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MPI_Comm_rank(parentcomm, &rank;;
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if (isLeft) {
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if (rank == 0) {
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0848f5 |
root = MPI_ROOT;
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0848f5 |
ans[2] = 199;
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
else {
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
ans[2] = 199; /* not needed, just to make correctness checking easier */
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0848f5 |
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else {
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0848f5 |
root = 0;
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0848f5 |
ans[2] = 111; /* garbage value */
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
MPI_Ibcast(&ans[2], 1, MPI_INT, root, parentcomm, &reqs[cnt++]);
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0848f5 |
expected[2] = 199;
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0848f5 |
MPI_Ibarrier(comms[0], &reqs[cnt++]);
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
/* Do an Iscan on a neighbor comm */
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_rank(nbrcomm, &rank;;
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_remote_size(nbrcomm, &rsize);
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0848f5 |
MPI_Iallreduce(&rank, &ans[3], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, nbrcomm, &reqs[cnt++]);
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0848f5 |
expected[3] = (rsize - 1) * rsize / 2;
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
/* Pending operations include idup/iallreduce/ibcast on parentcomm
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0848f5 |
* Iallreduce/Ibarrier on comms[0], and Iallreduce on nbrcomm */
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0848f5 |
/* Waitall even if the first request is completed */
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0848f5 |
MPI_Waitall(cnt, reqs, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
/* Check the answers */
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for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
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0848f5 |
if (ans[j] != expected[j])
Packit |
0848f5 |
Packit |
0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
for (j = 0; j < NUM_IDUPS1 + NUM_IDUPS2; j++) {
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0848f5 |
errs[tid] += MTestTestComm(comms[j]);
Packit |
0848f5 |
Packit |
0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
if (verbose)
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0848f5 |
printf("\t%d: Thread %d - comm_idup %d finish\n", rank, tid, i);
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
if (verbose)
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0848f5 |
printf("%d: Thread %d - Done.\n", rank, tid);
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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int main(int argc, char **argv)
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int thread_args[NUM_THREADS];
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0848f5 |
MPI_Request requests[NUM_THREADS * 2];
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0848f5 |
int i, provided;
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm newcomm;
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0848f5 |
int toterrs = 0;
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, &provided);
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
check(provided == MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE);
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0848f5 |
check(NUM_IDUPS1 >= 1 && NUM_IDUPS2 >= 1);
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/* In each iteration, the process generates a new kind of intracommunicator, then
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* uses idup to duplicate the communicator for NUM_THREADS threads.
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while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&newcomm, 1, 1)) {
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0848f5 |
if (newcomm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_idup(newcomm, &parentcomms[i], &requests[2 * i]);
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_idup(newcomm, &nbrcomms[i], &requests[2 * i + 1]);
Packit |
0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
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0848f5 |
thread_args[i] = i;
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0848f5 |
MTest_Start_thread(test_intracomm, (void *) &thread_args[i]);
Packit |
0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
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0848f5 |
toterrs += errs[i];
Packit |
0848f5 |
Packit |
0848f5 |
Packit |
0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
/* In each iteration, the process generates a new kind of intercommunicator, then
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* uses idup to duplicate the communicator for NUM_THREADS threads.
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
while (MTestGetIntercomm(&newcomm, &isLeft, 1)) {
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0848f5 |
if (newcomm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
Packit |
0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
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0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_idup(newcomm, &parentcomms[i], &requests[2 * i]);
Packit |
0848f5 |
MPI_Comm_idup(newcomm, &nbrcomms[i], &requests[2 * i + 1]);
Packit |
0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
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0848f5 |
thread_args[i] = i;
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0848f5 |
MTest_Start_thread(test_intercomm, (void *) &thread_args[i]);
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
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0848f5 |
toterrs += errs[i];
Packit |
0848f5 |
Packit |
0848f5 |
Packit |
0848f5 |
Packit |
0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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0848f5 |
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return 0;
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