Blame test/mpi/manual/README

Packit 0848f5
This directory contains programs and tests that need to be run by
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a human being rather than a script.  Instructions on running each test
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are in the test file at the top.
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Packit 0848f5
singjoin - A test of Comm_join, including a test of comm_join by singleton
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testconnect - A test of Comm_connect and Comm_accept, with many processes.
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              Use the script manyconnect to run them, as in
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make testconnect
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dimsbalanced - A test of MPI_Dims_create; this checks that Dims_create 
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               produces well-balanced results.  Since there are no 
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               requirements on the "balance" of the output of Dims_create,
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               this is a test of the quality of implementation of the
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               default MPI_Dims_create when there is no underlying 
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               network topology.
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spawntest_master, spawntest_child - A test of MPI_Comm_disconnect to ensure
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		  that once processes are disconnected, one can proceed
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		  through MPI_Finalize without waiting for the other to
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		  also proceed through MPI_Finalize.  This test is 
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		  designed to succeed even if either the child or master
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		  waits for the other in MPI_Finalize.  If MPI_Comm_disconnect
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		  works correctly, the spawned children (4 by default), 
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		  should exit roughly 30 seconds before the master.
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segfault - a simple test that intentionally segfaults if its rank is 0,
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           otherwise does nothing.  The output from mpiexec should make it clear
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           that one of the processes segfaulted (not just terminated badly), and
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           ideally indicate which process.  Make sure to run it with a range of
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           comm_world sizes, including 1 and 2.