Blame test/mpi/f90/rma/wingetf90.f90

Packit Service c5cf8c
! This file created from f77/rma/wingetf.f with f77tof90
Packit Service c5cf8c
! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- 
Packit Service c5cf8c
Packit Service c5cf8c
!  (C) 2003 by Argonne National Laboratory.
Packit Service c5cf8c
!      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
Packit Service c5cf8c
Packit Service c5cf8c
      program main
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      use mpi
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      integer ierr, errs
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      integer win, intsize
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      integer left, right, rank, size
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      integer nrows, ncols
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      parameter (nrows=25,ncols=10)
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      integer buf(1:nrows,0:ncols+1)
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      integer comm, ans
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      integer i, j
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      logical mtestGetIntraComm
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! Include addsize defines asize as an address-sized integer
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      integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) asize
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      errs = 0
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      call mtest_init( ierr )
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      call mpi_type_size( MPI_INTEGER, intsize, ierr )
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      do while( mtestGetIntraComm( comm, 2, .false. ) ) 
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         asize = nrows * (ncols + 2) * intsize
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         call mpi_win_create( buf, asize, intsize * nrows,  &
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      &                        MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, win, ierr )
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         call mpi_comm_size( comm, size, ierr )
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         call mpi_comm_rank( comm, rank, ierr )
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         left = rank - 1
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         if (left .lt. 0) then
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            left = MPI_PROC_NULL
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         right = rank + 1
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         if (right .ge. size) then
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            right = MPI_PROC_NULL
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! Initialize the buffer 
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         do i=1,nrows
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            buf(i,0)       = -1
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            buf(i,ncols+1) = -1
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         do j=1,ncols
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            do i=1,nrows
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               buf(i,j) = rank * (ncols * nrows) + i + (j-1) * nrows
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         call mpi_win_fence( MPI_MODE_NOPRECEDE, win, ierr )
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         asize = 1
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         call mpi_get( buf(1,ncols+1), nrows, MPI_INTEGER, right, &
Packit Service c5cf8c
      &                 asize, nrows, MPI_INTEGER, win, ierr )
Packit Service c5cf8c
         asize = ncols
Packit Service c5cf8c
         call mpi_get( buf(1,0), nrows, MPI_INTEGER, left,  &
Packit Service c5cf8c
      &                 asize, nrows, MPI_INTEGER, win, ierr )
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         call mpi_win_fence( MPI_MODE_NOSTORE + MPI_MODE_NOPUT +  &
Packit Service c5cf8c
      &                       MPI_MODE_NOSUCCEED, win, ierr )
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! Check the results
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         if (left .ne. MPI_PROC_NULL) then
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            do i=1, nrows
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               ans = rank * (ncols * nrows) - nrows + i
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               if (buf(i,0) .ne. ans) then
Packit Service c5cf8c
                  errs = errs + 1
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                  if (errs .le. 10) then
Packit Service c5cf8c
                     print *, rank, ' buf(',i,',0) = ', buf(i,0), &
Packit Service c5cf8c
      &                    ' expected', ans
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         if (right .ne. MPI_PROC_NULL) then
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            do i=1, nrows
Packit Service c5cf8c
               ans = (rank + 1)* (ncols * nrows) + i
Packit Service c5cf8c
               if (buf(i,ncols+1) .ne. ans) then
Packit Service c5cf8c
                  errs = errs + 1
Packit Service c5cf8c
                  if (errs .le. 10) then
Packit Service c5cf8c
                     print *, rank, ' buf(',i,',',ncols+1,') = ',  &
Packit Service c5cf8c
      &                         buf(i,ncols+1), ' expected ', ans
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         call mpi_win_free( win, ierr )
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         call mtestFreeComm( comm )
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      call mtest_finalize( errs )
Packit Service c5cf8c