Blame test/mpi/f90/rma/c2f2cwinf90.f90

Packit Service c5cf8c
! This file created from f77/rma/c2f2cwinf.f with f77tof90
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! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- 
Packit Service c5cf8c
Packit Service c5cf8c
!  (C) 2003 by Argonne National Laboratory.
Packit Service c5cf8c
!      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
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! Test just MPI-RMA
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      program main
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      use mpi
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      integer errs, toterrs, ierr
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      integer wrank, wsize
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      integer wgroup, info, req, win
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      integer result
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      integer c2fwin
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! The integer asize must be of ADDRESS_KIND size
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      integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) asize
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      errs = 0
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      call mpi_init( ierr )
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! Test passing a Fortran MPI object to C
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      call mpi_comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, wrank, ierr )
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      asize = 0
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      call mpi_win_create( 0, asize, 1, MPI_INFO_NULL,  &
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      &     MPI_COMM_WORLD, win, ierr )
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      errs = errs + c2fwin( win )
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      call mpi_win_free( win, ierr )
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! Test using a C routine to provide the Fortran handle
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      call f2cwin( win )
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!     no info, in comm world, created with no memory (base address 0,
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!     displacement unit 1
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      call mpi_win_free( win, ierr )
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! Summarize the errors
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      call mtest_finalize( errs )
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