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! This file created from f77/pt2pt/greqf.f with f77tof90
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! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*-
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! (C) 2003 by Argonne National Laboratory.
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! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
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subroutine query_fn( extrastate, status, ierr )
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use mpi
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integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE), ierr
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integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) extrastate, valin, valout, val
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! set a default status
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call mpi_status_set_cancelled( status, .false., ierr)
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call mpi_status_set_elements( status, MPI_BYTE, 0, ierr )
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subroutine free_fn( extrastate, ierr )
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use mpi
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integer value, ierr
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integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) extrastate, valin, valout, val
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integer freefncall
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common /fnccalls/ freefncall
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! For testing purposes, the following print can be used to check whether
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! the free_fn is called
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! print *, 'Free_fn called'
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extrastate = extrastate - 1
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! The value returned by the free function is the error code
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! returned by the wait/test function
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subroutine cancel_fn( extrastate, complete, ierr )
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use mpi
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integer ierr
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logical complete
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integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) extrastate, valin, valout, val
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! This is a very simple test of generalized requests. Normally, the
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! MPI_Grequest_complete function would be called from another routine,
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! often running in a separate thread. This simple code allows us to
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! check that requests can be created, tested, and waited on in the
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! case where the request is complete before the wait is called.
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! Note that MPI did *not* define a routine that can be called within
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! test or wait to advance the state of a generalized request.
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! Most uses of generalized requests will need to use a separate thread.
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program main
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use mpi
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integer errs, ierr
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logical flag
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integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
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integer request
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external query_fn, free_fn, cancel_fn
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integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) extrastate, valin, valout, val
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integer freefncall
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common /fnccalls/ freefncall
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errs = 0
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freefncall = 0
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call MTest_Init( ierr )
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extrastate = 0
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call mpi_grequest_start( query_fn, free_fn, cancel_fn, &
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& extrastate, request, ierr )
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call mpi_test( request, flag, status, ierr )
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if (flag) then
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errs = errs + 1
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print *, 'Generalized request marked as complete'
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call mpi_grequest_complete( request, ierr )
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call MPI_Wait( request, status, ierr )
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extrastate = 1
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call mpi_grequest_start( query_fn, free_fn, cancel_fn, &
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& extrastate, request, ierr )
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call mpi_grequest_complete( request, ierr )
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call mpi_wait( request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ierr )
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! The following routine may prevent an optimizing compiler from
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! just remembering that extrastate was set in grequest_start
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call dummyupdate(extrastate)
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if (extrastate .ne. 0) then
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errs = errs + 1
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if (freefncall .eq. 0) then
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print *, 'Free routine not called'
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print *, 'Free routine did not update extra_data'
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print *, 'extrastate = ', extrastate
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call MTest_Finalize( errs )
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