Blame test/mpi/f90/attr/commattr4f90.f90

Packit 0848f5
! This file created from test/mpi/f77/attr/commattr4f.f with f77tof90
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! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- 
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!  (C) 2015 by Argonne National Laboratory.
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!      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
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      program main
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      use mpi
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      integer    ierr
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      integer    errs
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      logical    found
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      integer    comm2
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      integer    key
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      integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) extrastate, valin, valout, val
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      errs = 0
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!  initialize the mpi environment
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      call mpi_init(ierr)
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      call mpi_comm_create_keyval(MPI_COMM_DUP_FN, &
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      &     MPI_NULL_DELETE_FN, &
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      &     key, &
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      &     extrastate, &
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      &     ierr)
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!  set a value for the attribute
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      valin = huge(valin)
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!  set attr in comm_world
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      call mpi_comm_set_attr(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &
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      &     key, &
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      &     valin, &
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      &     ierr)
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      call mpi_comm_get_attr(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &
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      &     key, &
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      &     valout, &
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      &     found, &
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      &     ierr)
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      if (found .neqv. .true.) then
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         print *, "mpi_comm_set_attr reported key, but not found on ", &
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      &        "mpi_comm_world"
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         errs = errs + 1
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      else if (valout .ne. valin) then
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         print *, "key found, but valin does not match valout"
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         print *, valout, " != ", valin
Packit 0848f5
         errs = errs + 1
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      end if
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!  dup the communicator, attribute should follow
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      call mpi_comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &
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      &     comm2, &
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      &     ierr)
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!  get the value for the attribute
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      call mpi_comm_get_attr(comm2, &
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      &     key, &
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      &     valout, &
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      &     found, &
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      &     ierr)
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      if (found .neqv. .true.) then
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         print *, "mpi_comm_set_attr reported key, but not found on ", &
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      &        "duped comm"
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         errs = errs + 1
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      else if (valout .ne. valin) then
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         print *, "key found, but value does not match that on ", &
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      &        "mpi_comm_world"
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         print *, valout, " != ", valin
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         errs = errs + 1
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      end if
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!     free the duped communicator
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      call mpi_comm_free(comm2, ierr)
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!     free keyval
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      call mpi_comm_delete_attr(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &
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      &     key, ierr)
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      call mpi_comm_free_keyval(key, &
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      &     ierr)
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      call mpi_finalize(ierr)
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      if (errs .eq. 0) then
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         print *, " No Errors"
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      end if
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