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! This file created from test/mpi/f77/pt2pt/pssendf.f with f77tof90
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! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*-
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! (C) 2012 by Argonne National Laboratory.
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! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
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! This program is based on the allpair.f test from the MPICH-1 test
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! (test/pt2pt/allpair.f), which in turn was inspired by a bug report from
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! fsset@corelli.lerc.nasa.gov (Scott Townsend)
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program pssend
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use mpi
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integer ierr, errs, comm
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c5cf8c |
logical mtestGetIntraComm
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c5cf8c |
logical verbose
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common /flags/ verbose
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errs = 0
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verbose = .false.
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! verbose = .true.
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call MTest_Init( ierr )
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do while ( mtestGetIntraComm( comm, 2, .false. ) )
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call test_pair_pssend( comm, errs )
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call mtestFreeComm( comm )
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call MTest_Finalize( errs )
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subroutine test_pair_pssend( comm, errs )
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use mpi
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integer comm, errs
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integer rank, size, ierr, next, prev, tag, count, index, i
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integer outcount, indices(2)
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integer TEST_SIZE
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parameter (TEST_SIZE=2000)
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integer statuses(MPI_STATUS_SIZE,2), requests(2)
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integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
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logical flag
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real send_buf(TEST_SIZE), recv_buf(TEST_SIZE)
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logical verbose
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common /flags/ verbose
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if (verbose) then
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print *, ' Persistent Ssend and recv'
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call mpi_comm_rank( comm, rank, ierr )
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call mpi_comm_size( comm, size, ierr )
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next = rank + 1
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if (next .ge. size) next = 0
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prev = rank - 1
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if (prev .lt. 0) prev = size - 1
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tag = 3789
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count = TEST_SIZE / 3
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call clear_test_data(recv_buf,TEST_SIZE)
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call MPI_Recv_init(recv_buf, TEST_SIZE, MPI_REAL, &
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& requests(1), ierr)
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if (rank .eq. 0) then
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call MPI_Ssend_init(send_buf, count, MPI_REAL, next, tag, &
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& comm, requests(2), ierr)
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call init_test_data(send_buf,TEST_SIZE)
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call MPI_Startall(2, requests, ierr)
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index = -1
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do while (index .ne. 1)
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c5cf8c |
call MPI_Testsome(2, requests, outcount, &
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& indices, statuses, ierr)
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c5cf8c |
do i = 1,outcount
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if (indices(i) .eq. 1) then
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c5cf8c |
call msg_check( recv_buf, next, tag, count, &
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& statuses(1,i), TEST_SIZE, 'testsome', errs )
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c5cf8c |
index = 1
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end if
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c5cf8c |
end do
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end do
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call MPI_Request_free(requests(2), ierr)
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else if (prev .eq. 0) then
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call MPI_Ssend_init(send_buf, count, MPI_REAL, prev, tag, &
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& comm, requests(2), ierr)
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c5cf8c |
call MPI_Start(requests(1), ierr)
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flag = .FALSE.
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do while (.not. flag)
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call MPI_Testany(1, requests(1), index, flag, &
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& statuses(1,1), ierr)
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end do
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c5cf8c |
call msg_check( recv_buf, prev, tag, count, statuses(1,1), &
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c5cf8c |
& TEST_SIZE, 'testany', errs )
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do i = 1,count
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send_buf(i) = recv_buf(i)
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end do
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c5cf8c |
call MPI_Start(requests(2), ierr)
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call MPI_Wait(requests(2), status, ierr)
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call MPI_Request_free(requests(2), ierr)
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end if
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c5cf8c |
call dummyRef( send_buf, count, ierr )
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c5cf8c |
call MPI_Request_free(requests(1), ierr)
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