Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*-
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
! (C) 2008 by Argonne National Laboratory.
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! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
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Packit Service |
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Packit Service |
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! To do: Create a keyval from c, then change the attribute from Fortran,
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! then dup. The C attribute copy function should be passed a pointer to
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! the Fortran attribute value (e.g., it should dereference it to check
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! its value)
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c5cf8c |
program main
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
use mpi_f08
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c5cf8c |
integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) val
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c5cf8c |
integer ierr, errs, fcomm2_keyval, ftype2_keyval
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c5cf8c |
integer ccomm2_keyval, ctype2_keyval, cwin2_keyval
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c5cf8c |
integer callcount, delcount
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c5cf8c |
integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) commextra, typeextra
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c5cf8c |
common /myattr/ callcount, delcount
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c5cf8c |
external mycopyfn, mydelfn, mytcopyfn, mytdelfn
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
callcount = 0
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c5cf8c |
delcount = 0
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
errs = 0
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c5cf8c |
call mpi_init(ierr)
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c5cf8c |
commextra = 1001
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c5cf8c |
call mpi_comm_create_keyval( mycopyfn, mydelfn, &
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c5cf8c |
& fcomm2_keyval, commextra, ierr )
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c5cf8c |
typeextra = 2001
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c5cf8c |
call mpi_type_create_keyval( mytcopyfn, mytdelfn, &
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c5cf8c |
ftype2_keyval, typeextra, ierr )
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c5cf8c |
call chkckeyvals( ccomm2_keyval, ctype2_keyval, cwin2_keyval )
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! Address-sized ints may be 32, 64, or something else in size;
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! we can't assume any particular size. We can use the Fortran 90
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! intrinsic range to determine the available size and compute
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! a suitable value.
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c5cf8c |
val = 5555
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c5cf8c |
call mpi_comm_set_attr( MPI_COMM_WORLD, fcomm2_keyval, val, ierr )
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
call chkcomm2inc( fcomm2_keyval, 5555, errs )
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
call mpi_comm_free_keyval( fcomm2_keyval, ierr )
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c5cf8c |
call mpi_type_free_keyval( ftype2_keyval, ierr )
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
call mpi_comm_free_keyval( ccomm2_keyval, ierr )
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c5cf8c |
call mpi_type_free_keyval( ctype2_keyval, ierr )
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c5cf8c |
call mpi_win_free_keyval( cwin2_keyval, ierr )
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
if (errs .eq. 0) then
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c5cf8c |
print *, ' No Errors'
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
print *, ' Found ', errs, ' errors'
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
subroutine mycopyfn( oldcomm, keyval, extrastate, valin, valout, &
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c5cf8c |
& flag, ierr )
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c5cf8c |
use mpi_f08
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c5cf8c |
integer keyval, ierr
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c5cf8c |
TYPE(MPI_Comm) oldcomm
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c5cf8c |
integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) extrastate, valin, valout, val
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
logical flag
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c5cf8c |
integer callcount, delcount
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c5cf8c |
common /myattr/ callcount, delcount
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c5cf8c |
! increment the attribute by 2
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c5cf8c |
valout = valin + 2
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c5cf8c |
callcount = callcount + 1
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c5cf8c |
if (extrastate .eq. 1001) then
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c5cf8c |
flag = .true.
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
print *, ' Unexpected value of extrastate = ', extrastate
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c5cf8c |
flag = .false.
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
subroutine mydelfn( comm, keyval, val, extrastate, ierr )
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c5cf8c |
use mpi_f08
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c5cf8c |
integer keyval, ierr
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c5cf8c |
TYPE(MPI_Comm) comm
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c5cf8c |
integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) extrastate, valin, valout, val
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
integer callcount, delcount
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c5cf8c |
common /myattr/ callcount, delcount
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c5cf8c |
delcount = delcount + 1
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c5cf8c |
if (extrastate .eq. 1001) then
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
print *, ' Unexpected value of extrastate = ', extrastate
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
subroutine mytcopyfn( oldtype, keyval, extrastate, valin, valout, &
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c5cf8c |
& flag, ierr )
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c5cf8c |
use mpi_f08
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c5cf8c |
integer keyval, ierr
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c5cf8c |
TYPE(MPI_Datatype) oldtype
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c5cf8c |
integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) extrastate, valin, valout, val
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
logical flag
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c5cf8c |
integer callcount, delcount
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c5cf8c |
common /myattr/ callcount, delcount
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c5cf8c |
! increment the attribute by 2
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c5cf8c |
valout = valin + 2
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c5cf8c |
callcount = callcount + 1
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c5cf8c |
if (extrastate .eq. 2001) then
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c5cf8c |
flag = .true.
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
print *, ' Unexpected value of extrastate = ', extrastate
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c5cf8c |
flag = .false.
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
subroutine mytdelfn( dtype, keyval, val, extrastate, ierr )
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
use mpi_f08
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c5cf8c |
integer keyval, ierr
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c5cf8c |
TYPE(MPI_Datatype) dtype
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c5cf8c |
integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) extrastate, valin, valout, val
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c5cf8c |
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
integer callcount, delcount
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c5cf8c |
common /myattr/ callcount, delcount
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c5cf8c |
delcount = delcount + 1
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c5cf8c |
if (extrastate .eq. 2001) then
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
print *, ' Unexpected value of extrastate = ', extrastate
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |