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/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
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* (C) 2003 by Argonne National Laboratory.
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* See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
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#include "mpi.h"
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#include <stdio.h>
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#include "mpitest.h"
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static char MTEST_Descrip[] = "Test err in status return, using truncated \
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messages for MPI_Testsome";
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int main(int argc, char *argv[])
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int errs = 0;
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MPI_Comm comm;
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MPI_Request r[2];
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MPI_Status s[2];
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int indices[2], outcount;
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int errval, errclass;
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int b1[20], b2[20], rank, size, src, dest, i, j;
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MTEST_VG_MEM_INIT(b1, 20 * sizeof(int));
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MTEST_VG_MEM_INIT(b2, 20 * sizeof(int));
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MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);
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/* Create some receive requests. tags 0-9 will succeed, tags 10-19
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* will be used for ERR_TRUNCATE (fewer than 20 messages will be used) */
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MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank;;
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MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
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src = 1;
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dest = 0;
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if (rank == dest) {
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MPI_Errhandler_set(comm, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN);
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errval = MPI_Irecv(b1, 10, MPI_INT, src, 0, comm, &r[0]);
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if (errval) {
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printf("Error returned from Irecv\n");
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errval = MPI_Irecv(b2, 10, MPI_INT, src, 10, comm, &r[1]);
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if (errval) {
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printf("Error returned from Irecv\n");
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/* Wait for Irecvs to be posted before the sender calls send. This
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* prevents the operation from completing and returning an error in the
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* Irecv. */
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errval = MPI_Recv(NULL, 0, MPI_INT, src, 100, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
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if (errval) {
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printf("Error returned from Recv\n");
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/* Wait for sends to complete at the sender before proceeding */
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/* WARNING: This does not guarantee that the sends are ready to
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* complete at the receiver. */
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errval = MPI_Recv(NULL, 0, MPI_INT, src, 10, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
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if (errval) {
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printf("Error returned from Recv\n");
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for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
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s[i].MPI_ERROR = -1;
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/* WARNING: The following assumes that Testsome will complete both
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* send/irecv pairs. This is *not* guaranteed by the MPI standard. */
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errval = MPI_Testsome(2, r, &outcount, indices, s);
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MPI_Error_class(errval, &errclass);
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if (errclass != MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS) {
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("Did not get ERR_IN_STATUS in Testsome (outcount = %d, should equal 2); class returned was %d\n",
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outcount, errclass);
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else if (outcount != 2) {
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printf("Test returned outcount = %d\n", outcount);
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else {
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/* Check for success */
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for (i = 0; i < outcount; i++) {
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j = i;
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/* Indices is the request index */
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if (s[j].MPI_TAG < 10 && s[j].MPI_ERROR != MPI_SUCCESS) {
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printf("correct msg had error class %d\n", s[j].MPI_ERROR);
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else if (s[j].MPI_TAG >= 10 && s[j].MPI_ERROR == MPI_SUCCESS) {
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printf("truncated msg had MPI_SUCCESS\n");
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else if (rank == src) {
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/* Wait for Irecvs to be posted before the sender calls send */
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MPI_Ssend(NULL, 0, MPI_INT, dest, 100, comm);
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/* Send test messages, then send another message so that the test does
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* not start until we are sure that the sends have begun */
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MPI_Send(b1, 10, MPI_INT, dest, 0, comm);
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MPI_Send(b2, 11, MPI_INT, dest, 10, comm);
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/* Wait for sends to complete before proceeding to the testsome. */
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MPI_Ssend(NULL, 0, MPI_INT, dest, 10, comm);
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return 0;
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