Blame test/mpi/cxx/spawn/namepubx.cxx

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/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */
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 *  (C) 2003 by Argonne National Laboratory.
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 *      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
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#include "mpi.h"
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#include "mpitestconf.h"
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// Not all C++ compilers have iostream instead of iostream.h
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#include <iostream>
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// Those that do often need the std namespace; otherwise, a bare "cout"
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// is likely to fail to compile
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using namespace std;
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#include <iostream.h>
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#include <string.h>
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#include "mpitestcxx.h"
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int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
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    int errs = 0;
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    char *port_name, *port_name_out;
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    char serv_name[256];
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    int merr, mclass;
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    const char *errmsg;
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    int msglen;
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    int rank;
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    MTest_Init( );
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    port_name = new char [MPI::MAX_PORT_NAME];
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    port_name_out = new char [MPI::MAX_PORT_NAME];
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    rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
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    /* Note that according to the MPI standard, port_name must
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       have been created by MPI_Open_port.  For current testing
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       purposes, we'll use a fake name.  This test should eventually use
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       a valid name from Open_port */
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    strcpy( port_name, "otherhost:122" );
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    strcpy( serv_name, "MyTest" );
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    if (rank == 0) {
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	try {
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	    MPI::Publish_name( serv_name, MPI::INFO_NULL, port_name );
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	} catch (MPI::Exception e) {
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	    errmsg = e.Get_error_string();
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	    cout << "Error in Publish_name " << errmsg << "\n";
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	try {
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	    MPI::Unpublish_name( serv_name, MPI::INFO_NULL, port_name );
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	} catch (MPI::Exception e) {
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	    errmsg = e.Get_error_string();
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	    cout << "Error in Unpublish name " << errmsg << "\n";
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    else {
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	merr = MPI::SUCCESS;
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	try {
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	    MPI::Lookup_name( serv_name, MPI::INFO_NULL, port_name_out );
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	} catch ( MPI::Exception e ) {
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	    merr   = e.Get_error_code();
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	    errmsg = e.Get_error_string();
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	    cout << "Error in Lookup name " << errmsg << "\n";
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	if (merr == MPI::SUCCESS) {
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	    if (strcmp( port_name, port_name_out )) {
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		cout << "Lookup name returned the wrong value (" << 
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		    port_name_out << ")\n";
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    merr = MPI::SUCCESS;
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    port_name_out[0] = 0;
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    try {
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	MPI::Lookup_name( serv_name, MPI::INFO_NULL, port_name_out );
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    } catch (MPI::Exception e) {
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	merr = e.Get_error_code();
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    if (!merr) {
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	cout << "Lookup name returned name after it was unpublished\n";
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	cout << "The name returned was " << port_name_out << "\n";
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    else {
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	/* Must be class MPI::ERR_NAME */
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	mclass = MPI::Get_error_class( merr );
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	if (mclass != MPI::ERR_NAME) {
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	    char *lerrmsg;
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	    lerrmsg = new char [MPI::MAX_ERROR_STRING];
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	    MPI::Get_error_string( merr, lerrmsg, msglen );
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	    cout << "Lookup name returned the wrong error class (" << mclass <<
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		"), msg " << lerrmsg << "\n";
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	    delete [] lerrmsg;
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    delete [] port_name;
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    delete [] port_name_out;
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    MTest_Finalize( errs );
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    return 0;
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