Blame test/mpi/coll/red4.c

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/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
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 *  (C) 2003 by Argonne National Laboratory.
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 *      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
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#include "mpi.h"
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#include <stdio.h>
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#include <stdlib.h>
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#include "mpitest.h"
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static char MTEST_Descrip[] = "Test MPI_Reduce with non-commutative user-define operations and arbitrary root";
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 * This tests that the reduce operation respects the noncommutative flag.
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 * and that can distinguish between P_{root} P_{root+1}
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 * ... P_{root-1} and P_0 ... P_{size-1} .  The MPI standard clearly
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 * specifies that the result is P_0 ... P_{size-1}, independent of the root
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 * (see 4.9.4 in MPI-1)
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/* This implements a simple matrix-matrix multiply.  This is an associative
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   but not commutative operation.  The matrix size is set in matSize;
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   the number of matrices is the count argument. The matrix is stored
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   in C order, so that
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     c(i,j) is cin[j+i*matSize]
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#define MAXCOL 256
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static int matSize = 0;         /* Must be < MAXCOL */
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void uop(void *cinPtr, void *coutPtr, int *count, MPI_Datatype * dtype);
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void uop(void *cinPtr, void *coutPtr, int *count, MPI_Datatype * dtype)
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    const int *cin;
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    int *cout;
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    int i, j, k, nmat;
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    int tempCol[MAXCOL];
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    if (*count != 1)
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    for (nmat = 0; nmat < *count; nmat++) {
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        cin = (const int *) cinPtr;
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        cout = (int *) coutPtr;
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        for (j = 0; j < matSize; j++) {
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            for (i = 0; i < matSize; i++) {
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                tempCol[i] = 0;
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                for (k = 0; k < matSize; k++) {
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                    /* col[i] += cin(i,k) * cout(k,j) */
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                    tempCol[i] += cin[k + i * matSize] * cout[j + k * matSize];
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            for (i = 0; i < matSize; i++) {
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                cout[j + i * matSize] = tempCol[i];
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        cinPtr = (int *) cinPtr + matSize * matSize;
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        coutPtr = (int *) coutPtr + matSize * matSize;
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/* Initialize the integer matrix as a permutation of rank with rank+1.
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   If we call this matrix P_r, we know that product of P_0 P_1 ... P_{size-1}
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   is the matrix with rows ordered as
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   (The matrix is basically a circular shift right,
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   shifting right n-1 steps for an n x n dimensional matrix, with the last
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   step swapping rows 1 and size)
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static void initMat(MPI_Comm comm, int mat[])
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    int i, size, rank;
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    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank;;
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    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
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    /* Remember the matrix size */
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    matSize = size;
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    for (i = 0; i < matSize * matSize; i++)
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        mat[i] = 0;
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    for (i = 0; i < matSize; i++) {
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        if (i == rank)
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            mat[((i + 1) % matSize) + i * matSize] = 1;
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        else if (i == ((rank + 1) % matSize))
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            mat[((i + matSize - 1) % matSize) + i * matSize] = 1;
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            mat[i + i * matSize] = 1;
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/* Compare a matrix with the identity matrix */
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static int isIdentity(MPI_Comm comm, int mat[])
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    int i, j, size, rank, errs = 0;
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    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank;;
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    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
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    for (i=0; i
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	for (j=0; j
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	    if (j == i) {
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		if (mat[j+i*size] != 1) {
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		    printf("mat(%d,%d) = %d, should = 1\n",
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			    i, j, mat[j+i*size]);
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	    else {
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		if (mat[j+i*size] != 0) {
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		    printf("mat(%d,%d) = %d, should = 0\n",
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			    i, j, mat[j+i*size]);
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    return errs;
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/* Compare a matrix with the identity matrix with rows permuted to as rows
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   1,size,2,3,4,5,...,size-1 */
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static int isPermutedIdentity(MPI_Comm comm, int mat[])
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    int i, j, size, rank, errs = 0;
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    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank;;
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    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
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    /* Check the first two last rows */
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    i = 0;
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    for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
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        if (j == 0) {
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            if (mat[j] != 1) {
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                printf("mat(%d,%d) = %d, should = 1\n", i, j, mat[j]);
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        else {
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            if (mat[j] != 0) {
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                printf("mat(%d,%d) = %d, should = 0\n", i, j, mat[j]);
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    i = 1;
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    for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
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        if (j == size - 1) {
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            if (mat[j + i * size] != 1) {
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                printf("mat(%d,%d) = %d, should = 1\n", i, j, mat[j + i * size]);
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        else {
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            if (mat[j + i * size] != 0) {
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                printf("mat(%d,%d) = %d, should = 0\n", i, j, mat[j + i * size]);
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    /* The remaint rows are shifted down by one */
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    for (i = 2; i < size; i++) {
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        for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
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            if (j == i - 1) {
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                if (mat[j + i * size] != 1) {
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                    printf("mat(%d,%d) = %d, should = 1\n", i, j, mat[j + i * size]);
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            else {
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                if (mat[j + i * size] != 0) {
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                    printf("mat(%d,%d) = %d, should = 0\n", i, j, mat[j + i * size]);
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    return errs;
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int main(int argc, char *argv[])
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    int errs = 0;
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    int rank, size, root;
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    int minsize = 2, count;
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    MPI_Comm comm;
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    int *buf, *bufout;
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    MPI_Op op;
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    MPI_Datatype mattype;
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    MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);
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    MPI_Op_create(uop, 0, &op);
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    while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&comm, minsize, 1)) {
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        if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
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        MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
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        MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank;;
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        if (size > MAXCOL) {
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            /* Skip because there are too many processes */
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        /* Only one matrix for now */
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        count = 1;
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        /* A single matrix, the size of the communicator */
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        MPI_Type_contiguous(size * size, MPI_INT, &mattype);
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        buf = (int *) malloc(count * size * size * sizeof(int));
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        if (!buf)
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            MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
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        bufout = (int *) malloc(count * size * size * sizeof(int));
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        if (!bufout)
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            MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
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        for (root = 0; root < size; root++) {
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            initMat(comm, buf);
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            MPI_Reduce(buf, bufout, count, mattype, op, root, comm);
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            if (rank == root) {
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                errs += isPermutedIdentity(comm, bufout);
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            /* Try the same test, but using MPI_IN_PLACE */
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            initMat(comm, bufout);
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            if (rank == root) {
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                MPI_Reduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, bufout, count, mattype, op, root, comm);
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            else {
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                MPI_Reduce(bufout, NULL, count, mattype, op, root, comm);
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            if (rank == root) {
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                errs += isPermutedIdentity(comm, bufout);
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    return 0;
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