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Tests to create or code to modify
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This list is based on the results of the coverage analysis. Because of errors
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in the GNU coverage code (it appears to lose data if two processes
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simulateously update the same coverage data file), there may be some
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items listed here that are already sufficiently tested.
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(completed tests moved below)
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6. Collective code:
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a) make sure that all algorithms are covered: short and long
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messages; differing numbers of processes, including non powers
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of two. May only need to further divide the Intel tests to
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include collective tests for varying numbers of processes.
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opband types: logical (f77), unsigned, long, long_long,
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unsigned long, short, unsigned short, char, unsigned char,
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opbor types: int, unsigned, long, long long, unsigned long, short,
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unsigned short, char, unsigned char, byte
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opbxor types: int, unsigned, long, long long, unsigned long, short,
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unsigned short, char, unsigned char, byte
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opland types: logical (f77), integer (f77)
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oplor types: logical (f77), integer (f77)
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oplxor types: int, unsigned, long, long long, unsigned long,
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short, unsigned short, char, unsigned char, float, double,
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long double, logical (f77), integer (f77)
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opmax types: unsigned, long, long long, unsigned long, short,
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unsigned short, char, unsigned char, float, double,
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long double
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opmaxloc types: (none tested?)
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opmin types: (none tested?)
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opminloc types: 2int, float_int, long_int, short_int, double_int,
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longdouble_int, 2real (f77), 2double_precision (f77)
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opprod types: long long, short, unsigned short, char, unsigned char,
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long double, double complex
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opsum types: unsigned, long, long long, unsigned long, short,
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unsigned short, char, unsigned char, float, double,
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long double, complex (f77), double complex (f77)
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red_scat: differnt alg lengths
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reduce: run with non powers of two, both odd and even values
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run with root in various places, particularly with non
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power of two nodes.
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b) Intercommunicator collective tests are needed. These could be
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implemented by using the non-collective definition code; e.g.,
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the "trivial" implementation in terms of MPI_Send and MPI_Recv.
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The tests should use intercomms with both the same and different
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sized groups.
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c) Tests for MPI_IN_PLACE are needed
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d) Tests for sendcounts of 0 are needed, particularly in the xxxv functions
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and in the allxxx functions (e.g., alltoallv for ghostpoint exchange)
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7. Set and get name for comm, predefined name MPI_COMM_PARENT.
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Also, test *ALL* datatype names.
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9. Check the use of error macros in intercomm create and merge; also
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consider adding tests that would exercise this code.
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10. Datatype info routines: get address (use address test), get count
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(for partial datatype; use example from MPI book), get elements
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(for partial datatype, done with pack and datatype)
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11. pack (see lines 184-208 in pack.c)
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12. status_set_elements - combine with get_elements to ensure that the
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correct values are set.
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13. create_hindexed, create_hvector, and create-struct. These can use
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the MPI-1 tests, with the data-types suitably updated. Add these
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to the Intel tests. - done for C. Need to do Fortran (needs
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Fortran address_kind type)
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15. type_extent - check lines 99/100 (in coverage file)
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16. type util - make sure that setup of builtins is performed.
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16a. Type free, get-extent, true_extent for derived types. Make sure all
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allocated space is freed
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17a Add tests for comm call errhandler
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18. comm set,get errhandler - use MPI-1 versions. Also apply to win, file.
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Also user-defined errhandlers. Make sure references work correctly (e.g.,
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if freed while still in communicator, or freed after communicator is
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19. errutil.c - make sure MPIR_Err_preinit protected in error macros.
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Test by compiling with error checking off, then check symbol
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table of library
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20. (win set/get/call errhandler) - see 18
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22. Ensure group diff error checks are error macro protected
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24. group intersection error check ; group union error check
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26. ensure that attributes on comm self are freed in
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the correct order by MPI_Finalize (see MPI-2 spec; comm_self is
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freed FIRST, then the order is undefined). In particular, MPI_Finalized
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returns false in the comm_self attribute delete functions.
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27. Add tests for finalized, initthread, ismain, querythread, version
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-- all but finalized and ismain from another thread
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29. Add tests for generalized requests, including cancelling a generalized
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30. Add tests for Request_free for regular send or receive requests.
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34. Topology tests:
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graph-create - n == 0
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topoutil - see line 92+; add test (dup communicator with topology)
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35. Ixsend to self.
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If thread multiple, all MPI_Issend, MPI_Ssend to self, with no posted
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receive when send initiated.
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38. Add tests for all RMA (get, put, accumulate,
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win_complete, win_test, win_lock, win_unlock, win_post, win_start,
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c5cf8c |
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39. Add tests for dynamic processes
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open_port, close_port, accept, connect, spawn, spawn multiple
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40. Add tests for all of MPI-IO not already covered.
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(These may now be covered by the John May test)
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These include the routines in the files (entire file if no notes on that
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open.c (a few lines, including if(!rank)ADIO_Set_shared_fp
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filenames with filesystem, e.g., nfs:name
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Open in APPEND mode
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filenames with filesystem
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get_view.c (roughly lines 99ff, at Type_contiguous)
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seek_sh.c (for MPI_SEEK_CUR)
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atomicity && file system NOT NFS
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41. Delete/free attributes on datatypes, windows; Fortran versions (to
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get int instead of pointer-to-int)
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42. Keyval free (F90 and C++)
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43. Type create indexed block
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44. Type create resized
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45. User-defined error handler invoked:
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a. On comm from Fortran on communicator
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b. On win from C++ and Fortran
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46. Error output strings involving:
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c. MPI_MODE_NOPUT errors
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f. Unknown assert value in window mode (as above)
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g. Datatype = 0x0
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o. MPI_Count output (Note dangerous and improper assert! in errutil.c!)
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47. Use of "CombineSpecificCodes" (static in file); MPIR_Err_combine_codes
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Replace the calls to MPIR_Group_release in Finalize with
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MPIR_Process.group_release, and set the pointer to this routine when
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the group code is used.
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--- DONE ---
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1. Free keyvals, while in use in a communicator and while not in use
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2. User copy and delete functions on keyvals
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a) Also check error return on attribute copy during comm dup. This
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should be a recoverable error.
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3. Check all 7 predefined attributes on comm world
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4. Set multiple attributes, in various orders (to ensure that all
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branches of the insert-into-list of keyvals code are exercised).
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5. Perform attribute tests with comm, type, win (same code?)
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6. Collective tests:
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c5cf8c |
b. Misc
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opland types: long long, char, unsigned char, float, double,
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long double
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oplor types: long long, char, unsigned char, float, double,
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long double
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bcast: non contig input type (e.g., broadcast a vector).
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bcast: long messages
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alltoall: long messages are not covered
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c) Need tests for Alltoallw, Exscan.
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c5cf8c |
d. Intercomm collective
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7. Set and get name for comm, type, win. Check predefined names.
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8. dup an intercommunicator (context generation in commutil);
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also check the handling of attributes after the dup.
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- dup done, still need to check attribute handling - done
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8a) Get group of an intercommunicator
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14. type_dup. Apply to both predefined and user defined types.
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(Should be done; see fkeyvaltype)
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17. Add tests for add-error-class, code, string; -- done
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c5cf8c |
21. Ensure group compare unequal (line 142--145 in source) are tested;
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this is for groups of the same size but with different processes -- done
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c5cf8c |
23. group incl with empty group as output (n == 0)
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c5cf8c |
25. groupdebug.c - use debug macro marker for debug routine (and do
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not compile unless enable-g=something is set).
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28. bsendutil.c - construct tests to ensure that all branches are
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tested. For example, arrange for different completion orders for
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entries added to the buffer (e.g., use send but then do the
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receives in a particular order, and make the data large enough to
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trigger rendezvous sending in the internal Isend). - test added (need
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to test against the coverage tests)
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31. request_get_status; can be tested as if MPI_Test, but does not free
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the request (really a nondestructive MPI_Test) (also see 29.)
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32. For testall, testsome, waitall, and waitsome. Add tests that
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trigger the MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS, by using MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE for
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receives. -- done for all four.
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33. Add tests for lookup/publish/unpublish. use host:port values as
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port name. -- done
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c5cf8c |
34. Topology tests:
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cart-map - newrank undefined - done
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c5cf8c |
cart-shift - displ == 0 - done
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c5cf8c |
cart-sub - remove all dimensions - done
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c5cf8c |
dims-create - see code FIXME (-done-maybe)
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c5cf8c |
graph_map - newrank undefined - done
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topotest - undefined - done
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c5cf8c |
36. Add tests for info delete, dup, getvaluelen. Add enough tests to
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check insert at beginning, middle, end. -- all done
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37. Add tests for info set that replaces an existing value. -- done
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c5cf8c |
38. Add tests for all RMA (alloc mem, free mem, (get, put, accumulate)-
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with win_fence,
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win_create, win_free, win_get_group,
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win_get_name, win_set_name,
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c5cf8c |
40. Add tests for all of MPI-IO not already covered.
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Most of these were be covered by the John May test.
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These include the routines in the files (entire file if no notes on that
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open.c (a few lines, including if(!rank)ADIO_Set_shared_fp
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c5cf8c |
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c5cf8c |
read_at.c (at "convert count and offset to bytes")
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read_sh.c (for ADIO_ReadStrided)
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seek.c (for MPI_SEEK_SET)
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seek_sh.c (for MPI_SEEK_END)
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write_at.c (at "convert bufocount and offset to bytes")
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write_sh.c (ADIOI_WRITE_LOCK and UNLOCK; also ADIO_WriteStrided)