Blame src/mpi_t/pvar_get_info.c

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/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
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 *  (C) 2011 by Argonne National Laboratory.
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 *      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
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#include "mpiimpl.h"
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/* -- Begin Profiling Symbol Block for routine MPI_T_pvar_get_info */
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#if defined(HAVE_PRAGMA_WEAK)
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#pragma weak MPI_T_pvar_get_info = PMPI_T_pvar_get_info
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#elif defined(HAVE_PRAGMA_HP_SEC_DEF)
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#pragma _HP_SECONDARY_DEF PMPI_T_pvar_get_info  MPI_T_pvar_get_info
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#elif defined(HAVE_PRAGMA_CRI_DUP)
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#pragma _CRI duplicate MPI_T_pvar_get_info as PMPI_T_pvar_get_info
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#elif defined(HAVE_WEAK_ATTRIBUTE)
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int MPI_T_pvar_get_info(int pvar_index, char *name, int *name_len, int *verbosity, int *var_class,
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                        MPI_Datatype *datatype, MPI_T_enum *enumtype, char *desc, int *desc_len,
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                        int *binding, int *readonly, int *continuous, int *atomic) __attribute__((weak,alias("PMPI_T_pvar_get_info")));
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/* -- End Profiling Symbol Block */
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/* Define MPICH_MPI_FROM_PMPI if weak symbols are not supported to build
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   the MPI routines */
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#undef MPI_T_pvar_get_info
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#define MPI_T_pvar_get_info PMPI_T_pvar_get_info
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#endif /* MPICH_MPI_FROM_PMPI */
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#define FUNCNAME MPI_T_pvar_get_info
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#undef FCNAME
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MPI_T_pvar_get_info - Get the inforamtion about a performance variable
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Input/Output Parameters:
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+ name_len - length of the string and/or buffer for name (integer)
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- desc_len - length of the string and/or buffer for desc (integer)
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Input Parameters:
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. pvar_index - index of the performance variable to be queried between 0 and num_pvar-1 (integer)
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Output Parameters:
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+ name - buffer to return the string containing the name of the performance variable (string)
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. verbosity - verbosity level of this variable (integer)
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. var_class - class of performance variable (integer)
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. datatype - MPI type of the information stored in the performance variable (handle)
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. enumtype - optional descriptor for enumeration information (handle)
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. desc - buffer to return the string containing a description of the performance variable (string)
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. binding - type of MPI object to which this variable must be bound (integer)
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. readonly - flag indicating whether the variable can be written/reset (integer)
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. continuous - flag indicating whether the variable can be started and stopped or is continuously active (integer)
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- atomic - flag indicating whether the variable can be atomically read and reset (integer)
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.N ThreadSafe
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.N Errors
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int MPI_T_pvar_get_info(int pvar_index, char *name, int *name_len, int *verbosity,
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    int *var_class, MPI_Datatype *datatype, MPI_T_enum *enumtype, char *desc,
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    int *desc_len, int *binding, int *readonly, int *continuous, int *atomic)
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    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
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    const pvar_table_entry_t *entry;
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    const pvar_table_entry_t *info;
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    /* Validate parameters */
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            MPIR_ERRTEST_PVAR_INDEX(pvar_index, mpi_errno);
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            /* Do not do _TEST_ARGNULL for other arguments, since this is
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             * allowed or will be allowed by MPI_T standard.
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#   endif /* HAVE_ERROR_CHECKING */
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    /* ... body of routine ...  */
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    entry = (pvar_table_entry_t *) utarray_eltptr(pvar_table, pvar_index);
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    if (!entry->active) {
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        mpi_errno = MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_INDEX;
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        goto fn_fail;
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    info = (pvar_table_entry_t *) utarray_eltptr(pvar_table, pvar_index);
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    MPIR_T_strncpy(name, info->name, name_len);
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    MPIR_T_strncpy(desc, info->desc, desc_len);
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    if (verbosity != NULL)
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        *verbosity = info->verbosity;
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    if (var_class != NULL)
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        *var_class = info->varclass;
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    if (datatype != NULL)
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        *datatype = info->datatype;
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    if (enumtype != NULL)
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        *enumtype = info->enumtype;
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    if (binding != NULL)
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        *binding = info->bind;
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    if (readonly != NULL)
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        *readonly = info->flags & MPIR_T_PVAR_FLAG_READONLY;
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    if (continuous != NULL)
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        *continuous = info->flags & MPIR_T_PVAR_FLAG_CONTINUOUS;
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    if (atomic != NULL)
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        *atomic = info->flags & MPIR_T_PVAR_FLAG_ATOMIC;
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    /* ... end of body of routine ... */
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    return mpi_errno;
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        mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_create_code(
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            "**mpi_t_pvar_get_info", "**mpi_t_pvar_get_info %d %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p",
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            pvar_index, name, name_len, verbosity, var_class, datatype, enumtype, desc, desc_len,
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            binding, readonly, continuous, atomic);
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#   endif
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    mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_return_comm(NULL, FCNAME, mpi_errno);
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    goto fn_exit;
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    /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */
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