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/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
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 *  (C) 2006 by Argonne National Laboratory.
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 *      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
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/* This file contains the prototypes for routines that are used with
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   "external" modules such as ROMIO.  These allow the different packages to
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   hide their internal datatypes from one another */
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#include <stdarg.h>
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/* This routine, given an MPI_Errhandler (from a file), returns
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   a pointer to the user-supplied error function.  The last argument
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   is set to an integer indicating that the function is MPI_ERRORS_RETURN
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   (value == 1), MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (value == 0), a valid user-function
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   (value == 2), or a valid user-function that is a C++ routine (value == 3)
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   This routine is implemented in mpich/src/mpi/errhan/file_set_errhandler.c
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void MPIR_Get_file_error_routine(MPI_Errhandler, void (**)(MPI_File *, int *, ...), int *);
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/* Invoke the C++ error handler (this invokes a special C++ routine that
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 in turn calls the provided function.  That special routine also
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 resets the errorcode to MPI_SUCCESS to prevent the MPICH C++ error handling
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 code from throwing an exception when the user routine returns.
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int MPIR_File_call_cxx_errhandler(MPI_File *, int *, void (*)(MPI_File *, int *, ...));
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   These routines provide access to the MPI_Errhandler field within the
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   ROMIO MPI_File structure
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int MPIR_ROMIO_Get_file_errhand(MPI_File, MPI_Errhandler *);
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int MPIR_ROMIO_Set_file_errhand(MPI_File, MPI_Errhandler);
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/* FIXME: This routine is also defined in adio.h */
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int MPIO_Err_return_file(MPI_File, int);
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int MPIR_Err_create_code_valist(int, int, const char[], int, int,
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                                const char[], const char[], va_list);
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int MPIR_Err_is_fatal(int);
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void MPIR_Get_file_error_routine(MPI_Errhandler, void (**)(MPI_File *, int *, ...), int *);
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int MPIR_File_call_cxx_errhandler(MPI_File *, int *, void (*)(MPI_File *, int *, ...));
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typedef int (*MPIR_Err_get_class_string_func_t) (int error, char *str, int length);
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void MPIR_Err_get_string(int, char *, int, MPIR_Err_get_class_string_func_t);
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struct MPIR_Comm;
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int MPIR_Abort(MPI_Comm comm, int mpi_errno, int exit_code, const char *error_msg);
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int MPIR_Ext_assert_fail(const char *cond, const char *file_name, int line_num);
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#if (!defined(NDEBUG) && (@HAVE_ERROR_CHECKING@))
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#define MPIR_Ext_assert(a_)                                \
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    do {                                                   \
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        if (!(a_)) {                                       \
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            MPIR_Ext_assert_fail(#a_, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
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        }                                                  \
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    } while (0)
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#define MPIR_Ext_assert(a_) do {} while (0)
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extern int MPIR_Ext_dbg_romio_terse_enabled;
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extern int MPIR_Ext_dbg_romio_typical_enabled;
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extern int MPIR_Ext_dbg_romio_verbose_enabled;
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/* a copy of MPIU_Ensure_Aint_fits_in_pointer for external use, slightly
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 * modified to use ROMIO's version of the pointer-casting macro */
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#define MPIR_Ext_ensure_Aint_fits_in_pointer(aint) \
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  MPIR_Ext_assert((aint) == (MPI_Aint)(uintptr_t) ADIOI_AINT_CAST_TO_VOID_PTR(aint));
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/* to be called early by ROMIO's initialization process in order to setup init-time
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 * glue code that cannot be initialized statically */
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int MPIR_Ext_init(void);
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void MPIR_Ext_cs_enter(void);
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void MPIR_Ext_cs_exit(void);
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void MPIR_Ext_cs_yield(void);
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/* to facilitate error checking */
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int MPIR_Ext_datatype_iscommitted(MPI_Datatype datatype);
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/* make comm split based on access to a common file system easier */
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int MPIR_Get_node_id(MPI_Comm comm, int rank, int *id);
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