Blame man/man3/MPI_Comm_get_name.3

Packit Service c5cf8c
.TH MPI_Comm_get_name 3 "11/12/2019" " " "MPI"
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MPI_Comm_get_name \-  Return the print name from the communicator 
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int MPI_Comm_get_name(MPI_Comm comm, char *comm_name, int *resultlen)
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.PD 0
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.B comm 
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- Communicator to get name of (handle)
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.PD 1
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.B comm_name 
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- On output, contains the name of the communicator.  It must
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be an array of size at least 
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.PD 1
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.PD 0
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.B resultlen 
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- Number of characters in name
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.PD 1
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Because MPI specifies that null objects (e.g., 
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) are invalid
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as input to MPI routines unless otherwise specified, using 
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as input to this routine is an error.
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This routine is thread and interrupt safe only if no MPI routine that
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updates or frees the same MPI object may be called concurrently
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with this routine.
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The MPI standard defined a thread-safe interface but this does not
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mean that all routines may be called without any thread locks.  For
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example, two threads must not attempt to change the contents of the
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.I MPI_Info
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object concurrently.  The user is responsible in this
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case for using some mechanism, such as thread locks, to ensure that
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only one thread at a time makes use of this routine.
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All MPI routines in Fortran (except for 
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) have
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an additional argument 
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.I ierr
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at the end of the argument list.  
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.I ierr
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is an integer and has the same meaning as the return value of the routine
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in C.  In Fortran, MPI routines are subroutines, and are invoked with the
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.I call
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All MPI objects (e.g., 
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.I MPI_Datatype
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.I MPI_Comm
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) are of type 
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in Fortran.
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All MPI routines (except 
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.I MPI_Wtime
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.I MPI_Wtick
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) return an error value;
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C routines as the value of the function and Fortran routines in the last
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argument.  Before the value is returned, the current MPI error handler is
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called.  By default, this error handler aborts the MPI job.  The error handler
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may be changed with 
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.I MPI_Comm_set_errhandler
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(for communicators),
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.I MPI_File_set_errhandler
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(for files), and 
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.I MPI_Win_set_errhandler
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RMA windows).  The MPI-1 routine 
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.I MPI_Errhandler_set
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may be used but
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its use is deprecated.  The predefined error handler
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may be used to cause error values to be returned.
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Note that MPI does 
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.B not
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guarentee that an MPI program can continue past
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an error; however, MPI implementations will attempt to continue whenever
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.PD 0
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- No error; MPI routine completed successfully.
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.PD 1
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.PD 0
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- Invalid communicator.  A common error is to use a null
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communicator in a call (not even allowed in 
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.I MPI_Comm_rank
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.PD 1