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#!/usr/bin/env perl
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# (C) 2011 by Argonne National Laboratory.
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# See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
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# This script scavenges the MPICH source tree looking for "subconfigure.m4"
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# files. It then analyzes the dependencies between them and emits a
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# "subsys_include.m4" file that "m4_include"s them all in the correct order and
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# writes an autoconf macro that is suitable for expanding subsys macros in the
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# correct order.
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# Finding a "dnl MPICH_SUBCFG_BEFORE=BAR" statement inside of
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# FOO/subconfigure.m4 means that FOO depends on BAR and that FOO's macros should
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# be emitted *before* BAR's macros so that FOO can influence BAR's
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# configuration.
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# Finding a "dnl MPICH_SUBCFG_AFTER=QUUX" statement inside of
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# BAZ/subconfigure.m4 means that BAZ uses QUUX and that BAZ's macros be emitted
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# *after* QUUX's macros so that BAZ can utilize information exported by QUUX's
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# configuration macros.
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# We have both forms of macros because some subsystems know their consumers
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# explicitly and some packages only know what they consume explicitly, and some
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# packages are a blend. For example, ch3 depends on the mpid/common/sched code
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# in order to support NBC ops so a BEFORE statement is used in the
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# ch3/subconfigure.m4 in order to "enable_mpid_common_sched=yes". The nemesis
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# netmods all depend on the core nemesis configuration happening first, so they
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# use an AFTER statement in each of their subconfigure.m4 files.
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use strict;
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use warnings;
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use Getopt::Long;
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use Data::Dumper;
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# Default global settings and constants
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# unlikely to change, since this name is assumed in lots of other pieces of the
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# build system
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my $SUBCFG_NAME = "subconfigure.m4";
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my $OUTPUT_FILE = "subsys_include.m4";
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# if true, add a dependency (ancestor-->child) when $SUBCFG_NAME files are
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# encountered and they have an ancestor $SUBCFG_NAME file in an enclosing
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# directory
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# the existence of this file means we should stop recursing down
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# the enclosing directory tree
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my $stop_sentinel = ".no_subcfg_recursion";
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# which directories should be recursively searched for "subconfigure.m4" files
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my @root_dirs = qw( src );
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# coloring constants for the graph algorithms later on
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my ($WHITE, $GRAY, $BLACK) = (1, 2, 3);
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# Option processing: here's a great place to permit overriding the default
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# global settings from above if we ever need to in the future.
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my $do_bist = 0;
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"--help" => \&print_usage,
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"--bist" => \$do_bist,
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) or die "unable to process options, stopped";
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sub print_usage {
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print <
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This script builds '$OUTPUT_FILE' from '$SUBCFG_NAME' files.
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Usage: $0 [--help] [--bist]
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--bist - Run simple self tests on this script.
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--help - This message.
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exit 0;
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if ($do_bist) {
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# preorder traverse the root dirs looking for files named $SUBCFG_NAME
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# stack for recursion, contains dirs that must yet be visited
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my @dirstack = ( @root_dirs );
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# Parallel stack that keeps track of the nearest ancestor with a subconfigure.m4
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# file. All root dirs have no ancestors.
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my @anc_stack = map { '' } @root_dirs;
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# keys are the full path to the found file, value is the nearest ancestor (in
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# the directory hierarchy sense) subconfigure.m4 file, or '' if none exists.
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my %found_files = ();
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while (my $dir = pop @dirstack) {
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my $anc = pop @anc_stack;
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# check for a $SUBCFG_NAME before recursing in order to correctly propagate
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# ancestor information for subdirectories
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my $fp = "$dir/$SUBCFG_NAME";
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if (-e $fp) {
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# found a subconfigure.m4 file
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$found_files{$fp} = $anc;
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# override our parent's ancestor for all of our descendants
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$anc = $fp;
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if (-e "$dir/$stop_sentinel") {
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# the existence of this file means we should stop recursing down
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# this particular directory tree
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# now that we've visited the current vertex, push all of our child dirs onto
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# the stack to continue the traversal
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opendir DH, $dir
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or die "unable to open dir='$dir', stopped";
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my @contents = sort readdir DH;
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foreach my $f (@contents) {
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# avoid endless recursion
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next if $f eq "." || $f eq "..";
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if (-d "$dir/$f") {
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push @dirstack, "$dir/$f";
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push @anc_stack, $anc;
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closedir DH;
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# We now have a list of all $SUBCFG_NAME files in @found_files. Process each of
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# the files and build a DAG.
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# A DAG where the vertices are full path filenames for $SUBCFG_NAME files and the
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# edges are dependencies between the $SUBCFG_NAME files (A-->B indicates that
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# A should come before B in a topo sort). We concretely express this DAG as an
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# adjacency list stored in a hash. Keys of the hash are filenames, values are
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# refs to hashes whose keys are outbound edge filenames.
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# IOW:
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# ( a => {b=>1,c=>1}, b => {c=>1}, c => {} )
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# represents the following (crudely drawn) graph:
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# a-->b-->c
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# \------^
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my %dag = ();
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# Helper routine, adds a new edge to the given dag hash (passed by reference),
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# automatically creating src or dst vertices as necessary. A cute bit of calling
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# syntax is that the src and dst args can be separated by "=>" because it's just
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# a fancy comma in perl.
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sub add_edge {
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my $dag_ref = shift;
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my $src = shift;
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my $dst = shift;
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die "\$dag_ref is invalid, stopped" unless ref($dag_ref) eq "HASH";
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die "\$src is invalid, stopped" unless $src;
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die "\$dst is invalid, stopped" unless $dst;
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$dag_ref->{$src} = {} unless exists $dag_ref->{$src};
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$dag_ref->{$src}->{$dst} = 1;
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foreach my $k (keys %found_files) {
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# add the vertex to the graph with no edges to start
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$dag{$k} = {} unless exists $dag{$k};
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my $anc = $found_files{$k};
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if ($anc and $USE_IMPLICIT_EDGES) {
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# need to add the implicit edge from the ancestor to $k
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add_edge(\%dag, $anc => $k);
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# now process the file and add any explicit edges
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open FILE, '<', $k;
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while (my $line = <FILE>) {
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if ($line =~ m/^\s*dnl +MPICH_SUBCFG_([A-Z_]*)=(.*)\s*$/) {
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my $bef_aft = $1;
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my $arg = $2;
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# users can set GEN_SUBCFG_NO_ERROR=1 in the environment to prevent
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# this script from complaining about missing '/' chars
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if ($arg !~ m|/| and not $ENV{GEN_SUBCFG_NO_ERROR}) {
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print "ERROR: no '/' characters detected in '$arg', possible old-style structured comment still present\n";
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exit 1;
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# normalize the $arg to match our DAG
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$arg .= "/$SUBCFG_NAME";
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if ($bef_aft eq "BEFORE") {
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add_edge(\%dag, $k => $arg);
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elsif ($bef_aft eq "AFTER") {
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c5cf8c |
add_edge(\%dag, $arg => $k);
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c5cf8c |
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else {
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die "unrecognized structured comment ('MPICH_SUBCFG_${bef_aft}')\n".
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"at $k:$., possible typo? Stopped";
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close FILE;
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# We now have a DAG expressing the dependency information between the various
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# subconfigure.m4 files. Now we need to topologically sort it.
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# We use the topo sort algorithm given in "Introduction to Algorithms" (1st
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# ed.), page 486 with a small modification to detect cycles in the digraph. We
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# perform a DFS on the DAG, coloring vertices as we go. We could compute
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# discovery and finishing times, as well as predecessors, but we don't need that
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# information for topological sorting or cycle detection. As each vertex is
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# finished (colored BLACK) we prepend it to an array. The resulting array is
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# sorted in "ascending" topological order (a,b,c in our previous example).
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# the output array in which the sorted results will be stored
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my @tsorted = ();
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topo_sort(\%dag, \@tsorted);
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# Now just emit the $OUTPUT_FILE in the correct format.
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open OUTFD, '>', $OUTPUT_FILE;
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my $datestamp = scalar(localtime);
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print OUTFD <
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dnl generated by $0 at $datestamp
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dnl re-run ./maint/updatefiles instead
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foreach my $file (@tsorted) {
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print OUTFD "m4_include([$file])\n";
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print OUTFD <
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dnl a macro suitable for use as m4_map([some_unary_macro],[PAC_SUBCFG_MODULE_LIST])
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foreach my $file (@tsorted[0 .. $#tsorted-1]) {
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my $mod_name = $file;
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$mod_name =~ s+/$SUBCFG_NAME$++;
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$mod_name =~ tr+/+_+;
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print OUTFD "[$mod_name],\n";
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my $mod_name = $tsorted[-1];
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$mod_name =~ s+/$SUBCFG_NAME$++g;
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$mod_name =~ tr+/+_+;
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print OUTFD "[$mod_name]dnl <--- this dnl is important\n";
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print OUTFD "))\n\n";
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close OUTFD;
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# The DFS-Visit(u) algorithm specialized for topo sorting. Currently a
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# subroutine to permit recursive invocation, but could be converted to use an
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# explicit stack and the subroutine could be eliminated.
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# takes four arguments: a ref to the DAG hash, a ref to a colors hash, the
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# vertex $u, and an output array reference to be populated as vertices are
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# finished.
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sub dfs_visit {
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my $dag_ref = shift;
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my $colors_ref = shift;
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my $u = shift;
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my $out_arr_ref = shift;
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$colors_ref->{$u} = $GRAY;
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foreach my $v (keys %{$dag_ref->{$u}}) {
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# detect cycles in the graph at this point, see ("Classification of edges"
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# in CLR)
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if ((exists $colors_ref->{$v}) && $colors_ref->{$v} == $GRAY) {
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# We are already exploring the tree from $v, so this is a "back edge",
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# indicating a cycle is present in the digraph. This is erroneous in
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# our usage, since we cannot topologically sort a cyclic graph.
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die "A back edge was found in the digraph but a DAG is required.\n".
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c5cf8c |
"The back edge was from\n".
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" $u\n".
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" $v\n".
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elsif ((exists $colors_ref->{$v}) && $colors_ref->{$v} == $WHITE) {
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dfs_visit($dag_ref, $colors_ref, $v, $out_arr_ref);
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$colors_ref->{$u} = $BLACK;
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# append $u to the output
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unshift @$out_arr_ref, $u;
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# Takes two arguments, a ref to a DAG hash and a reference to an output array.
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# Returns in the output array a valid topological sort of the given DAG.
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sub topo_sort {
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my $dag_ref = shift;
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my $out_arr_ref = shift;
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# helper hash that is indexed by vertex name in order to avoid building a
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# complicated set of nested structures inside the main DAG
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my $colors_ref = {}; # values are one of $WHITE, $GRAY, or $BLACK
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# a simplified version of the DFS(G) algorithm
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foreach my $u (keys %$dag_ref) {
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$colors_ref->{$u} = $WHITE;
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foreach my $u (keys %$dag_ref) {
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if ($colors_ref->{$u} == $WHITE) {
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dfs_visit($dag_ref, $colors_ref, $u, $out_arr_ref);
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# self tests
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# run this subroutine to self-test portions of this script
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sub bist {
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print "all self-tests PASSED\n";
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exit 0;
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sub bist_topo_sort {
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my $dag;
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my $out_arr;
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my $expected;
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$dag = { a => {b=>1,c=>1}, b => {c=>1}, c => {} };
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c5cf8c |
$out_arr = [];
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
$expected = [ qw(a b c) ];
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
topo_sort($dag, $out_arr);
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
cmp_arrays($out_arr, $expected);
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
$dag = { a => {}, b => {}, c => {} };
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
$out_arr = [];
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
topo_sort($dag, $out_arr);
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
# this DAG has no single expected result, so just check lengths
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
unless (scalar @$out_arr eq scalar @$expected) {
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
die "\$out_arr and \$expected differ in length, stopped\n";
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
my $routine = (caller(0))[3];
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
print "$routine PASSED\n";
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
sub cmp_arrays {
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
my $out_arr = shift;
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
my $expected = shift;
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
#print "out_arr=".Dumper($out_arr)."\n";
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
#print "expected=".Dumper($expected)."\n";
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
unless (scalar @$out_arr eq scalar @$expected) {
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
die "\$out_arr and \$expected differ in length, stopped\n";
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$out_arr; ++$i) {
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
unless ($out_arr->[$i] eq $expected->[$i]) {
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
die "element $i of \$out_arr differs from the expected value (".
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
$out_arr->[$i]." ne ".$expected->[$i]."), stopped\n";
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |
Packit Service |
c5cf8c |