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Example MPI programs
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This directory contains some example MPI programs. They are described below.
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Examples of MPI programs in Fortran 77, Fortran 90, and C++ are found in the
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directories f77, f90, and cxx respectively.
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cpi - A simple program to compute pi
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Optional programs
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These programs are not built by default, but may be built and run
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hellow - A simple "hello world" program
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icpi - An interactive version of cpi
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parent and child - A simple example of using MPI_Comm_spawn
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pmandel* - Programs to solve the Mandelbrot set
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Running the pmandel* programs
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The programs pmandel* solve the Mandelbrot set. The input to the program
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are the coordinates, scale etc for plotting the output of the program and the
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number of iterations to solve the set. The output is an image file (default is
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pmandel.ppm) of the Portable Pixel Map format. Help on using the program can
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be obtained by running the executable with "-help" parameter.
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To run the pmandel* tests you can either run it in the interactive mode (-i option)
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or run it in a non-interactive mode. In the interactive mode the output of the
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program is saved as an image file (you can specify the name of the file using -out
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option of the program). In the non-interactive mode you need a visualizer for the
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output (A Visualizer is available in Windows. Compile the project pman_vis for the
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Non-interactive execution eg --
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mpiexec -n 2 pmandel -i
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(The program prompts for entering the coordinates, scales and no of iterations
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and output is saved in pmandel.ppm file)
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Interactive execution eg --
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mpiexec -n 2 pmandel
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(Now open the visualizer program, pman_vis.exe, created by compiling pmandel_vis
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project in windows. Click on File -> Connect and select "TCP Socket Connect".
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Leave the default settings and click connect. The visualizer program connects to
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pmandel program and displays the output)
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pmandel* programs differ in the MPI functionalities used. For example,
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pmandel_service.c uses MPI_Open_Port() to connect to the visualizer while pmandel.c
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uses the sockets directly for the connection.
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Others will be documented later.
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